*agrees with nephyx*....i'm ready for the next coil to begin again. This one is Trashed..we tried, but...we are not enough.
Ya, i live in NePa and it got..something. i'm not sure what it was but no one, no matter how old they are, has never seen anything like it before.
First we got the rain, a sort of thunderstorm, which is unremarkable, then it got quiet, and warmer. About 5 am next morning we got hammered..by
something. It was still pretty dark so no green skies could be seen, but it sounded like a Flock of banshee's was beating on Everybodys houses.
Accompanied by a wickedly out of tune brass band. Music to die for...
Listening to that din, Everybody thought we might, so...we all hid under the covers and ignored the hell out of it...and lo and behold! ...it
eventually Did go away! That old trick..really works...hrm....
Whatever that was....No one here has ever seen the likes of it before. We got some Ooollld timers still living around here and they are wandering
around yet, aimlessly, muttering to anyone who cares to listen: 'that just warnt Natural'
imho..it is just beginning...
This page alone keeps me up at night...
i'm a raging life long Activist, but..this is taking the wind outta my sails...
i begin to understand the sudden bushpush to grab all they can as fast as they can...but..not their reasoning behind it. Is it..he who dies with the
most toys wins? or what..? Maybe, they expect to take it with em. Ha! *snorts*
It all started one weird day i suffered the mistake of receiving an email that was a conversation between two..arguing seismologists..and what they
were arguing about was 'should they be allowed to issue a Global Quake warning' ...Soon. As in This Summer soon...if not sooner.'
Apparently the Gov's of the world feel it is unessessary to say anything, but this one guy felt that the frequency of the quakes, and their
locations, over such a period of time as he had been observing was....not cool.
And he intends to issue one with or without their permission. The other guy was all over him like ugly on a monkey. 2 Fools..fighting in a burning
Anywayz, cast a gaze upon this thing for a few days/weeks, if it doesn't freak ya out...& see what conclusion Y'all come to?
Watching this thing unfold..i'm not all that worried about a truck sized spacerock.