posted on May, 4 2006 @ 02:53 AM
First of all a huricane stands for a tropical storm , they only form over water!
1. severe storm: a severe tropical storm with torrential rain and extremely strong winds. Hurricanes originate in areas of low pressure in equatorial
regions of the Atlantic or Caribbean, and then strengthen, traveling northwest, north, or northeast.
2. high wind: a wind of above 119 km (74 mi) per hour, classified as force 12 or above on the Beaufort scale
3. fast and forceful person or thing: somebody or something resembling a violent storm in force, speed, or effect
[Mid-16th century. Via Spanish < Taino hurakán "god of the storm"]
All your looking at is a very well formed Low Pressure with a fair amount of water vaper.
*PS Storms do not form from cold air from the uppertropisphere or anything like that. They form when cold and warm air meet. This is the only way
to form clouds hence the begining of storms.