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The medico-drug cartel was summed up by J.W Hodge, M.D., of Niagara Falls, N.Y., in these words: 'The medical monopoly or medical trust, euphemistically called the American Medical Association, is not merely the meanest monopoly ever organized, but the most arrogant, dangerous and despotic organization which ever managed a free people in this or any other age. Any and all methods of healing the sick by means of safe, simple and natural remedies are sure to be assailed and denounced by the arrogant leaders of the AMA doctors' trust as fakes, frauds and humbugs Every practioner of the healing art who does not ally himself with the medical trust is denounced as a 'dangerous quack' and impostor by the predatory trust doctors. Every sanitarian who attempts to restore the sick to a state of health by natural means without resort to the knife or poisonous drugs, disease imparting serums, deadly toxins or vaccines, is at once pounced upon by these medical tyrants and fanatics, bitterly denounced, vilified and persecuted to the fullest extent.'
(see The Drug Story for more revelations about the AMA, the House of Rockefeller and the pharmaceutical industry)
By the way, the AMA was found guilty of conspiracy against chiropractors in 1987 by a federal judge and fined a couple of million dollars. Here in America, a relentless campaign of misinformation, fraud, deception, and suppression of alternative therapies and healers has been in place for the better part of this century in order to keep highly effective alternative therapies from reaching any significant plateau of public awareness. Control is exerted through "news items" and propaganda from pro-establishment organizations like The American Medical Association, The American Cancer Society, The Diabetes Foundation, etc.; local medical boards; and government agencies like the FDA, The National Institute of Health (NIH), and The National Cancer Institute (NCI), The National Academy of Science, etc. with the full cooperation of main-stream media of course .
There is, in truth, a concerted, organized agenda -concocted, planned, and contrived by the international pharmaceutical companies and organized medicine to suppress any and every alternative, non-drug therapy that WORKS. Why?
Because they want people to keep on coming back for more treatments and more drugs.
A cured patient is a lost source of income. A sick patient who is marginally "improved" is a manageable patient.
Managing patients means routine office visits and renewing of drug prescriptions. Therefore, a manageable patient is a continuing source of income; a cash cow if you will. Multiply that by a few hundred million people and you get an idea why this deceit is being put upon you. The profits from the so called "health-care" industry are staggering!
Originally posted by mrwupy
Your doctor does not see you as a human being, they see you as a trip to Mexico
Your doctor does not see you as a human being, they see you as a trip to Mexico
I'm just trying to get the point across that when you guys generalize about an entire career, of which there are hundred of thousands of members, it makes you come across as uneducated and silly.
I'm talking about your profession as a whole and most of the people in it. Obviously there are some in it that are just fine and actually decent human beings. But that is not how most are.....and you know that!
You haven't even joined the game yet. You are the one that is quite naive!
I'm very sorry you don't understand the process of medical training, and I'm also very sorry you don't realise there is a world outside of your own country.
In Europe, MOST doctors work in public health. We get paid very little for the amount of time and education we commit to.
how can I be naive about the medical profession when I am working in and around a hospital nearly everyday?
Originally posted by bsl4doc
Again, I'm terribly sorry that you feel the need to make brash, sweeping judgements about a profession that is not limited just to your nation.
It's humorous that you are trying to prove something to me and others by saying that doctors in Italy get paid very little for their time and education. This statement alone proves that it is all about money to you...otherwise, why bring it up? Seems you have a bit of a resentment there. Maybe talk to a shrink about that.....
Please take note of the thread title:
"The AMA - Meanest Monopoloy Ever Organized!"
The AMA is the American Medical association. This topic has nothing to do with any other country.
Please stay on topic.
Mr. Wupy, when they began attacking ALL doctors, not just specific ones or even just American doctors, that opened the debate to the discussion of the medical profession in general, not just the AMA
Originally posted by bsl4doc
Landis, can you explain to me how we in public health are "b'tards"? We devote our career to helping people the private docs won't or would charge to much to help. We are doctors, just like the rest of the private docs, but according to you and excitable, we are ALL bad?
I'm sorry, Wupy, I can't tell if you were trying to say they were right by marginalizing all doctors' work, or if I was right by discussing other medical systems in your above post.
It appears that tremendous education hasn't served you too well. It's quite obvious the mod was on your side on this one. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to see that!