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Illegal Immigrants:What can we do?

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posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
But in my observations I see that when you turn the TV on you don't see any outrage American citizen out there making a stand against what they believe is wrong and using their free speech.
Yes many has lost their will to make a stance.

Man you must not watch the news or listen to the radio...because i hear and see people everyday taking a stand. White people included, there have been plenty of protests, I dont see where you came up with the conclusion that theres no enraged!!

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by caseythegeek21

Man you must not watch the news or listen to the radio...

first of all I am a woman and Spanish, second Hearing and listening is not the same as physically standing in a crowd protesting.

That is what the migrant population is doing.

Given me a link of a protest of American citizens protesting in masses like the ones in California.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 08:55 PM
I am for, and will not give up my opinion, that all illegals should be deported from this country. In the last few days, I've learned what a task this will be. Do not get me wrong, I still believe it should be done. But if I'm going to lose out on this...(which seems likely, because our govt. has NO BALLS) then this is the position i'm willing to comprimise on....

If we grant amnesty..(no matter what the politicians say, it is eventually amnesty) to the illegals already in this country. Then they have got to have the balls to do the following by setting an end date...

After this date, the following should apply.........

1) Close off the borders. Anyone trying to enter "Illlegally" should be shot on site for invading a soverign country.

2) Increade the number of Legal Immigrants to the USA.

3) All LEGAL immigrants should be required to learn english..(Believe it or not, that is the language of this country) and know and UNDERSTAND our laws. IF they are unwilling...Deport them immediately

4) Any business that hires "Illegal Immigrant" should be fined out of existance, and the owners of the company be jailed for no less than 10 years to life. And the business shut down.

5) Any "AMERICAN" helping ILLEGALS come to this country,, are to be executed for treason!!!

6) All countries who promote "Illegal Immmigration" to the USA...(Mexico and Latin America) are to be cut off from any aid that the US gives them.

7) If Mexico...the greatest propieter of illlegal immagration, continues it's ways. The US should invade, take over, annex them and take their oil!!!

Yes you heard me right, take their oil....until some other way of fueling an economy is found...then oil is a matter of national security!!! Until we teach these 1/2 asses countries to take care of their own people..(whom they are going to send here any way) Why not own them and their natural resources. If they want to be left alone...It is SIMPLE...stop your people from coming here ILLEGALLY!!! If you are unwilling to do this, then we will step in and own your natural resources!!!

Yes people THINK!! If the USA took over Mexico, and took their oil resources...(Especially the new oil fields found) Then maybe they would be willing to stop their covert invasion of this country....

I have no problem with LEGAL immigration. Legal immagrants are what built this country,, but it is the ILLEAGLES,, supported by their own Govts. who are going to ruin it!!!!

Come here Legally...I will support you and do what is nessecary to help you adjust. Come here ILLEGALLY...I will shot you on the way in!!!!!

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 12:40 AM
Honestly, I don't even understand what the protests are about. They are DEMANDING that the illegal aliens be allowed to stay in the U.S., yet they are flying Mexican flags during the protests. I mean... come on. If you are fighting to stay in the U.S., at least fly the American flag for God's sake.

It's also pretty hillarious how they use arguments like "I'm an immigrant, not a criminal" or "immigrants made this country." Its hillarious how they left out the word "illegal." Congress isn't about to vote on any issues relating immigration or anything affecting immigrants. Immigrants have nothing to do with the protests, they aren't going to be affected. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are the ones whose fate are to be decided. Funny how they could even bunch the two together. Illegal immigrants and IMMIGRANTS are TWO TOTALLY different things, I can't even BEGIN to fathom at how people use the immigrant argument for illegal immigrants.

Here's what we CAN do guys. Write to your newspapers in the editorial section. There are great arguments here on ATS, open it up to the general public. Start writing those letters!

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 05:01 AM
CSRules, your ideas are so outrageously stupid, I couldn't stop laughing!

First off, our economy would take a major dip if we were to get rid of illegal immigration completely, just think about what YOU ARE SAYING....

They do the jobs that most Americans find disgusting, but they have to be done by somebody. MOST of them are not afraid of hard, tiring work.

And your idea of shooting them when they try to that gave me the biggest laugh!

It were legals & illegals (from all continents) that made this country what is today, remember that.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 05:41 AM
caseythegeek if you dont like my post dont read it this is america and i have the right to express my opinions even if someone like you doesnt like it

cs shooting humans for trying to earn an honest living is illegal it is called murder and just because your typing on the internet you could still be arrested in real life for threatening the lives of others so if i were you id watch your back

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by CSRules

1) Close off the borders. Anyone trying to enter "Illlegally" should be shot on site for invading a soverign country.

I don't hope you really mean this!!!

Also, I am pretty sure that American law does not allow law enforcement to shoot people who are not an eminent danger to them or to others.

This being said, the notion is not possible, even if you really were suggesting that the U.S. shoot illegal immigrants.

Please! everybody:

Discuss the topic without calling for murder of other humans!

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by bogieman
caseythegeek if you dont like my post dont read it this is america and i have the right to express my opinions even if someone like you doesnt like it

Look man Im all for LEGAL immigrants coming through, how many times do i have to say this. And you need to brush up on your history, this country wasnt built on illegal immigrants, most of the immigrants that came through were brought here before it was illegal to come through without papers. Like the irish in new york, they came and went back out to serve in the civil war. You really need to watch the history channel once in a while, cause this country definitly wasnt built on illegal immigrants. And just to put some perspective on things, what do you think china would do if thousands of americans started flooding their country illegally, kill us , throw us in jail?? Why is our government such girls?

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Given me a link of a protest of American citizens protesting in masses like the ones in California.

Google Results

heres your link all you had to do was google it...and anyway most of the so called hispanic masses you say were protesting were holding up mexican flags...umm if they wanted to be americans you would think that they would hold american flags...not the smartest i said pay more attention.

Mod edit to shorten length.

[edit on 31-3-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 07:44 AM
Whoever thinks ILLEGAL immigrants help our society needs their head examined!

Hospitals going bankrupt and shutting down doesn't help anyone.

Increased crime rate doesn't help anyone.

Tuberculosis and other diseases returning to America via illegals doesn't help anyone.

Kick out illegals and give their jobs to American citizens who are on welfare! I think there's something wrong with a citizen being on welfare and an illegal alien working at a job here!

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 07:53 AM
Thank you for posting on my thread Amythest, i was hoping i would get someone to see the difference between legal and illegal, You spoke very well thank you for posting

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 01:03 PM
What I don't understand is how half the GOP can say let them stay while the other half says kick the bums out.

Surely they can't be this ignorant!

I say throw the bums out...and no, I'm not a Republican.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 01:06 PM
What a small world we live in, today i read in the scotsman newspaper, a think tank working for the uk gov said out country is loosing 1.5 billion thru uncollected taxes from illegal immigrants. They then go on to say it would cost 4.5 billion to enforce their capture and deportation. The think tank think it would be best served if the illegals took the mark ( 3year temp id card) to be reviewed after the 3 years, with the prevision that they must learn English as a language.

I have a hard time believing this is purely coincidence with the USA/Mexico position, maybe i have been reading to many wacky ats threads.

I can't quite place a finger yet to what is going on, perhaps nothing.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 02:20 PM
The hordes of people in the streets over the last two weeks is a very well orchestrated effort by radical hispanic groups such as La Raza and Mecha. Funny how the 500,000 + marching in New York during the RNC got 1/10th the coverage.These groups are well supported by American corporate interests and I'm sure the C.I.A. as well. These groups have a very clear agenda to take over or in their minds take back what was supposedly once theirs. One of the members of LaRaza [the race in spanish] is Alberto Gonzalez. Some of the contributors to LaRaza include:The Ford Foundation , Carlyle, Halliburton, Kerr Mcgee and Texaco. These marchers were instructed to obey laws, dress in white or soft colors, bring the children along , show at least one American flag for every four hispanic flags and to pick up your own trash [they had to be told that one?].
Just another divisive effort once again to drive the American public a little further toward demanding someone please step in and assume control. It's what they have been working toward since the U.N. was conceived.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 03:22 PM
mexicans legal or illegal or whatever arent going anywhere so just accept them and move on with your miserable lives i mean look at all the illegal canadians and illegal irish aliens and the illegal italiens etc weve always had unwanted trash in america look at columbus and ellis island and look at the trailer parks

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 05:25 PM
In Los Angeles County, the 29,000-person town of Maywood has fashioned itself as a sanctuary for immigrants. The city is 96 percent Hispanic, and 70 percent of its residents are not citizens, said Mayor Pro Tem Felipe Aguirre.

Officials recently disbanded a traffic control unit because it was perceived as a threat to illegal immigrants without driver's licenses, Police Chief Bruce Leflar said.

And three years ago, he said, the city ended its traffic checkpoints for driver's licenses, registration, insurance and drunken driving because they were catching a large number of illegal immigrants.

God that is despicable... The 96% Hispanic town has stopped the traffic control unit from checking drivers without licenses, insurance, etc. because they were catching too many illegal immigrants. What have this great nation come to?

(mod edit: url fix)

[edit on 31-3-2006 by Riwka]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 08:23 PM
I think Americans have forgot that these illegals are people too. They are coming here for a reason. To escape to a civilized government. Most of them come here to work and send money back to relatives in Mexico. God knows Mexico doesn't need any money. I think the illegals that are here should be given an incentive to show themselves where as they can stay. At least then we can keep track of a lot of them. Right now it is bad because we have outlaws running around in our country and the ones that can't get jobs resort to a criminal lifestyle. There is no real easy solution. Something needs to be done though

Rounding up illegals and shipping them out is insane and would cost us too much money and our economy would suffer for the lose of jobs. People in this country lack human compassion. We try and free the people of Iraq and promote democracy throughout the world and yet we are willing to kick poor Mexican families to the curb.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by hiattCIA
I think Americans have forgot that these illegals are people too. They are coming here for a reason. To escape to a civilized government.

Why can't they clean up their own country instead of dragging ours down?

Most of them come here to work and send money back to relatives in Mexico.

That's part of the problem. The money isn't going into the American economy.

I think the illegals that are here should be given an incentive to show themselves where as they can stay.

They need to go HOME. What's the definition of "illegal" again?

Rounding up illegals and shipping them out is insane and would cost us too much money and our economy would suffer for the lose of jobs.

No, we would GAIN jobs because the illegals wouldn't be hogging them up. Have people on welfare do those jobs!

People in this country lack human compassion. We try and free the people of Iraq and promote democracy throughout the world and yet we are willing to kick poor Mexican families to the curb.

Democracy is a bad idea, and so's attempting to "spread" it. We're supposed to be a REPUBLIC.

If you want to come to this country, do so LEGALLY. I have no problem with LEGAL immigration.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 11:37 PM

Rounding up illegals and shipping them out is insane and would cost us too much money and our economy would suffer for the lose of jobs.

No, we would GAIN jobs because the illegals wouldn't be hogging them up. Have people on welfare do those jobs!

--I agree with most what you stated except for the your statement above, most of them perform jobs that most americans don't want to do.

As for having people on welfare do them....well that would probably NEVER happen.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by hiattCIA
Rounding up illegals and shipping them out is insane and would cost us too much money and our economy would suffer for the lose of jobs. People in this country lack human compassion. We try and free the people of Iraq and promote democracy throughout the world and yet we are willing to kick poor Mexican families to the curb.

This is a bunch of pointless raving, first of all yes it would cost alot to ship them all back. But its costing us much more every year in tax dollars to supply these criminals with welfare, low cost health insurance, financial aid for housing and the like. And the peole of iraq and illegal immigrants have nothing in common, they are not flooding our borders, and dude there is a war over there, so comparing a bunch of hispanics and iraqis is completely daft.

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