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Illegal Immigrants:What can we do?

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posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:14 PM
I was listening to the news on the radio all morning today, and the subject that was most talked about was the immigration reform.My whole theory is that our government is afraid of being called "racist" because we want to make illegal immigration a felony and charge the people who help them with a felony as well.
Now im not against immigration, I think if someone wants to come to tis country, the right way, and make a name for his/her self then more power to him/her. But its the people who come over and suck up our welfare, and other various government assisted aid, that is a problem. The common belief is that Mexico is a poor country, when in fact it is not, it is generally a wealthy country, yes it does have its bad parts but so do we.
Alot of the Illegals coming from mexico, come to make easy money to send home and ride on the back of our aid system. I dont understand it. Why is the government turning a blind eye to BLATENT law breaking. There was a girl on the radio today who wrote an editorial that was selected by her tacher to go into the school newspaper, it was about the Immigration laws and her opinions on it. She had to deal with people calling her racist, threats, getting beaten up, is this what our government is afraid of, or is it something else.
I think the borders need to be heavily gaurded, what say you?

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:19 PM
Razor wire, and lots of it. Guard towers with heavily-armed guards.

I also say that if you have property on the border and illegals use it to sneak in, you have every right to bust a cap in their behinds!

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:34 PM
I think people who want to immigrate to our country and start afresh and start a new life free of the problems of their own country, I give them the
up, as long as it's done right as you say Casey.

I think the problem lies with the human trafficers who make money out of other peoples misery and don't care how they're affecting the people they illegally immigrate and the country they're affecting.


[edit on 27-3-2006 by JRod1984]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:36 PM
I think your right maybe if we caught more of the trafficers then we might cut down the illegal immigration? I just think the government wants to be known as this benevolent entity that cares for everyone...but with our national deficit, I dont want to pay for these guys...what about you?

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:38 PM
Maybe that Mexican pride can kick in and they can start doing something about their OWN country and stop dragging ours down!

We're being invaded--end of story. Want to declare war on a country? Forget Iran--Mexico is more of a threat!

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:45 PM
Or you can just start enforcing the existing laws, which they don't. No need for any new laws, just for the appropriate agencies to actually do their jobs. This will not get any better until the employers are punished as well.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:45 PM
While I don't wanna sound hard-hearted or unkind, but I think our country should be able to say "ok, it's gotten far enough now, we give you an inch and you take a mile". If they wanna be this country that wants to look good, then they're doing it for the wrong reasons. They need to get their priorities right.


posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:49 PM
Ugh, I get so sick of the "racist" thing.

They are bankrupting America. God forbid, don't say or do anything because all the soft hearted politically correct imbeciles will call you names or be offended.

I think there are a few solutions.

First one - send them all back. All the illegal ones..inlcuding the families with "anchor babies" Also, send birth control and food programs. Put a 10 year mortorium on ANY immigration until a solid immigration program is in place.

Second. If an illegal alien wants to stay. Make him or her join the armed forces and serve in Iraq to show their allegence. After 4 years they gain legal entry. But just them and thier IMMEDIATE family. Not all 50 members. In the meantime, bring our troops home and guard OUR OWN borders.

Illegal immigration is out of control and in 20 years we will be like China with 200-600 million people and broke. Every tax payer funded program will be dead broke and we will become just another 3rd world country.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 05:00 PM
I am in complete agreement with current views on immigration. Yes it is almost definitely out of control. More so in the UK than America.. the UK gives NHS (National Health Service) for free.. proveded by tax payers. Because we all pay tax it is dishearting how many 'do-gooders' allow people who aren't from our country to have access to superior healthcare when many of our own public suffer or have extended health waits. In my own personal opinion, i think healthcare should be provided to those who work or are unable to.. but have to be valid UK residents. I am strictly against racism.. but when a country prvdies such a service surely people who pay into it should reap the rewards not 'hangers-on'. I think this free service is exploited to it's limit where such services can't serve the people who ahve funded it their entire lives in respect to someone who has jumped the bandwagon and is supported by EU policies and 'human rights'.. this policy needs to be looked at severely. I am not stating that these people do not deserve hu8man rights but sometimes it seems that 'paying customers' get second rights.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by MauiStacey
Ugh, I get so sick of the "racist" thing.

They are bankrupting America. God forbid, don't say or do anything because all the soft hearted politically correct imbeciles will call you names or be offended.

I think there are a few solutions.

First one - send them all back. All the illegal ones..inlcuding the families with "anchor babies" Also, send birth control and food programs. Put a 10 year mortorium on ANY immigration until a solid immigration program is in place.

Second. If an illegal alien wants to stay. Make him or her join the armed forces and serve in Iraq to show their allegence. After 4 years they gain legal entry. But just them and thier IMMEDIATE family. Not all 50 members. In the meantime, bring our troops home and guard OUR OWN borders.

Illegal immigration is out of control and in 20 years we will be like China with 200-600 million people and broke. Every tax payer funded program will be dead broke and we will become just another 3rd world country.

Now that would solve many things at once, send them all back to where they originate, that would just leave the Native American Indians.

9 trillion in debt is quite a hole to climb out, at the moment your taxes must go into paying of that debt, how can your tax fund anything if it's paying back a debt that grows more and more?

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 05:15 PM
Make em legal, give em SS#'s and have em start paying off our retirement...
make the employers responsible for making sure that EVERY employee has tax deductions, and SS deductions...

then I dont care what they do...

because at that point you see, there is no real advantage to hiring a Mexican for $6.50 hr, or Hiring an American for $6.50 an hr...

illegal hiring is what makes it so cheap...
hire legally, and competition for jobs goes back to "the best man/woman for the job" .

and we need more people... and we need more wage earners, and we need more people paying into SS

nuf said.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 05:15 PM
it's send ILLEGAL immigrants back. Not the ones who came in LEGALLY and did things how they were supposed to and built solid businesses instead of living off the back of American welfare programs.

We'd be a lot less in debt if the illegals would stop sucking every tax payer based program dry and bankrupting health care systems.

Yup, send the ILLEGALS back or make them join the armed forces. That's what I say.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 05:39 PM

They are bankrupting America. God forbid, don't say or do anything because all the soft hearted politically correct imbeciles will call you names or be offended.

Please...back up your claims people. Your whole argument sounds biased and worthless without these critical pieces of information. Sorry to say this but you all sound like an angry mob of rednecks.

You claim that immigration is backrupting America? How so? If anything, I think it is good to have a strong desire for people to come live in this country. Look at countries like Russia who have negative population growth. Our country is a country of was founded by immigrants and as such is based on entrepreneurial spirit.

People who argue that immigrants take away jobs from American citizens are obviously right. More people= less jobs. This is not however a reason to bash the immigrants because they are not the only contributing factor. Todays unemployment is more structural than frictional (due to globalization). Immigration is far from the main reason everyone is losing their jobs. What other than competition will help this nation get ahead? Geting a major in Business Administration and geting paid a solid 60k a year might not do the trick anymore. If this country wants to move ahead into the globalization era and end its reliance on immigration then the administration needs to step up the school reform and math and science funding. Without immigrants this country would be nothing and the infrastructure you see today would drop dead on the floor.

Take a look at the unemployment rate trend:

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 05:59 PM
California and other border states rely on these illegal immigrants to keep the economy going, they work their butts off for crap pay so don't say it is easy money. Bush wants to make it a felony so he can throw all of them in forced labor camps run by KBR. You say you want tall fences and towers but who will you get to build it? Maybe force the Mexicans ot do it and then throw them all out? Who will you get to pick all the fruit and veggis? There are jobs in this country that Americans don't want to do. Most of the people on welfare aren't illegal aliens, they are American citizens. I'm all for throwing the criminals out but the hard working decent immigrants should be left alone.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 06:27 PM
Maybe what they could do is this:

offer them a $10,000 one time payment to leave. Record their names and tell them they can never come back..

but then again they would all storm the borders like a horde of elephants...

so that won't work..

How about treating them badly so that they don't want to stay? That probably won't work either as they are desperate for money and that is all that matters to them.

Hmm have to think about this one.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by MauiStacey
Ugh, I get so sick of the "racist" thing.

They are bankrupting America. God forbid, don't say or do anything because all the soft hearted politically correct imbeciles will call you names or be offended.

Oh yeah, the PC bleeding hearts. Gotta love 'em. I too am sick of that race card. It wouldn't matter if we shared a border with Australia instead of Mexico!

I think there are a few solutions.

First one - send them all back. All the illegal ones..inlcuding the families with "anchor babies" Also, send birth control and food programs. Put a 10 year mortorium on ANY immigration until a solid immigration program is in place.

I think that's a great idea. Then after that, go back to quotas like we had before 1965.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Liquidus

Please...back up your claims people. Your whole argument sounds biased and worthless without these critical pieces of information. Sorry to say this but you all sound like an angry mob of rednecks.

You claim that immigration is backrupting America? How so? If anything, I think it is good to have a strong desire for people to come live in this country. Look at countries like Russia who have negative population growth. Our country is a country of was founded by immigrants and as such is based on entrepreneurial spirit.

Part of the reason for Russia's negative population growth is their high abortion rate.

If I were you, I'd look at Frosty Wooldridge's columns at He gives LOTS of data about how illegals are sucking us dry. He lives around Denver, and they have a huge illegal alien problem there.

Look at how many hospitals have closed down in California--illegals get free care, then the hospitals go bankrupt. Illegals are responsible for causing the crime rate to go sky-high in certain areas, such as Los Angeles!

Ask anyone on ATS who lives in these areas. I think they'd know best!

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 07:43 PM
Yup, I have been in Denver for the past 9 months and it's a HUGE problem. Even car insurance is absurd because there are so many uninsured drivers. Guess who the culprits are. Yup you guessed it Illegals. Try getting health insurance when you are a woman of child bearing age. It sky rocketed! Why? because hospitals have to make up the costs somewhere, so they look to hard working Americans. Ever look into having surgery but aren't insured? if you are of certain income brackets you get to pay up to 38% more. Why? to make up for the losses they incur to illegals.

I don't have time now, but I will give backup data on them bankrupting tax payer based programs.

I'm sick of paying out the nose. They aren't even appreciative. They think we OWE it to live the American dream.

Who'd want to move to Russia? I can see why they have a population problem, yeeeesh. All the single women post ads to be mail order brides and come here. The land of the free. The land of oppotunity.

[edit on 27-3-2006 by MauiStacey]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 08:26 PM
We won't be getting any laws with teeth in them passed anytime soon, because it's an election year.

from Liquidis
You claim that immigration is backrupting America?

Illegal. That's the key word. Ilegal immigration.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 08:39 PM
Its sad but you have to be on egg shells or the "racist" thing will get thrown around. I personally am all for legal immigration and guest worker programs but have real issues with Illegal immigration. Their is no regulation with that and convicted rapist, murders, drug dealers can all take advantaged of it and come on in.

But if we ever want to stop illegal immigration we have to control the borders first otherwise it is never going to happen. They only realistic way I see that being accomplished is if we put troops on the border. That would end it pretty much overnight. I would much rather have our troops protecting our borders here then the borders of Iraq or South Korea.

Of course Mexico would scream bloody murder if we did that but look at Mexicos own southern border. Guess what they have had their military stationed there for years. So they would be huge hypocrites because they dont want uncontroled illegal immigration from south and central america themselves.

[edit on 27-3-2006 by ShadowXIX]

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