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Illegal Immigrants:What can we do?

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posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:30 AM
And I will keep posting it over and over and over again. Illegals have ZERO rights under the Constitution. They should be arrested and deported - PERIOD! Anyone entering the country illegally should be immediately arrested, fingerprinted, photographed and deported. If they are caught entering illegally a second time, they should be thrown in jail indefinitely. Any employer employing an illegal should be fined $500,000 per instance and the offending person who hired them should be thrown in jail - PERIOD!

This country was founded on LEGAL immigrants - not ILLEGAL invaders. This whole load of crap of doing jobs that Americans won't do is bullocks. They do the jobs that Americans won't do for $2 an hour, that's all! They artificially lower wages in industries that would otherwise serve Americans well. They are a drag on our welfare and social services system, our education systems and our judicial systems. The Mexican government should be billed for this expense - PERIOD!

There should be ZERO TOLERANCE toward illegals and the countries that abet them; Mexico! The groups organizing these protests are the likes of La Raza (The Race) which actively promotes the killing of "Gringos" (whites) and advocates the taking over America by Latinos, among other communist and/or socialist groups. The very fact that they are flying Mexican flags should tell you something.

I am burning mad over this!
I am an American citizen and I VOTE!!! The politicians calling for amnesty or lax enforcement protocols had better get their resumes updated, they are about to be unemployed! I can assure you that the MAJORITY of the citizens in this country feel this way and, being a democracy, the majority will see to it that they have their way! Count on it!!!

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 08:10 AM
first of all you only have one vote and you dont speak for everyone kozmo sorry bud maybe you should go back to the uk if you dont like it

as far as flag waving they were waving alot of different countries flags and you go to every sports arena and you see canadas flag and you have to stand for their national anthem and i dont see all the white europeans complaining about that you know why? cause theyre racists they only care about the white europeans and in boston they fly irelands flag and in little italy they fly itlians flag etc. but asking you [*intelligent*] people to have a fair judgement is like asking bird poop to stay off my windows

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[edit on 1-4-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:17 AM
I repeat....The Attorney General of the United States Alberto Gonzales is a member of La Raza. La Raza is a radical communist based group promoting an open border policy between the U.S. and Mexico. Comforting, isn't it?

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by YIAWETA
La Raza is a radical communist based group promoting an open border policy between the U.S. and Mexico. Comforting, isn't it?

You are misguided here.

La raza

The National Council of La Raza, the nation's largest Hispanic civil rights organization but not the only one.

They are a very influential group in Washington and with many lobbyist working for them.

They Are not a radical communist group

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by bogieman
as far as flag waving they were waving alot of different countries flags and you go to every sports arena and you see canadas flag and you have to stand for their national anthem and i dont see all the white europeans complaining about that you know why?

First of all Ive been to many sporting events and Ive never heard the canadian national anthem, ive seen the flag but every sporting event in the U.S. has been our national anthem, I would like some solid proof of your claim. And second we are not a racist nation, white europeans care about many people. I am a white european and I am not racist....I do care about this country, and I do want secure borders, because I'm tired of all my tax dollars going to people whop dont contribute anything to this society besides landscaping.


posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by YIAWETA
I repeat....The Attorney General of the United States Alberto Gonzales is a member of La Raza. La Raza is a radical communist based group promoting an open border policy between the U.S. and Mexico. Comforting, isn't it?

Do you have any info confirming this? Just curious, as I have not read of his ties to "La Raza" before.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:40 PM
There is some great research and very good analysis of the situation here, including a list of the key organizations and their corporate funders:

Follow the Money - Funding of the Radical 'Hispanic' Lobby Group

Basically, it looks like the corporate NWO is funding Hispanic organizations to a) "divide and conquer," and b) buy Hispanic support for NAFTA super-sized - CAFTA and the FTAA.


posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 07:40 PM
Everybody is speaking about the mexican problem and who will pick the fruit and vegetables if not the illegal from Mexico? Wait I think millions of people from the far east would love to do it and possibly for even less. BUT wait no they aren't allowed into the USA because they have exceeded their quotas, but if you live in Mexico all you need to do is get smuggled across the border, get a job milking cows, get your US drivers license, now you can cross the border legally any time you want to, smuggle your family across the border, have a baby in the US so that you now have a citizen in the family ( how can one achieve citizenship illegally?), put your children who speak no english in a US government funded school and you're almost legal. Name one country in the world where this is acceptable practice?

In order to get a green card in current times takes 3 to 4 years, but if you enter illegally from Central or South America or Mexico then it should be acceptable? In fact in Mexico the President gets peeved when the US object to this practice? Wait ofcourse the second highest income for the Mexican economy is from the money sent home by illegals in the US. So in effect Vincente Fox is a pimp selling his people into slave labor? Nice. And we thought Bush was a loser?

Regarding the person who spoke about latinos in the US military, it's rather like comparing apples with oranges, the US military accept only legal immigrants, there are NO illegals in the US military.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by Mynaeris]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:08 PM
Amen, kozmo, amen!

Zero tolerance for illegals!

As far as the question about who would do their jobs if illegals get deported--why, American citizens who NEED jobs, of course! And so what if you pay a little more for lettuce? Wouldn't you rather pay a little more for fruit than to pay that SAME money in taxes to support freeloaders?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 07:01 PM
its funny how much people complain about immigrants like they are the biggest threat to this countrys economy, immigrants arent the biggest threats we are. our country is 44 trillion dollars in debt. thats not immigrants doing it to us.

we have spent $270,000,000,000+ on our war with iraq.

we are spending billions on a war on drugs witch it failing miserably

people really need to get their prioritys striaght.

so you guys are pissed off that we have to pay taxes for things that go to immigrants right? but you have no problem with us putting billions into anti immigration programs...i really dont get it.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:07 PM
I agree with you oneness, this shows people are blinded by the media and that it basically has come down to discrimination rather that them being illegals.

This is just another distraction from the real problems of America.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:08 PM
Not to mention how people get their knickers in a twist when ever "amnesty" gets brought because it "rewards" illegal behavior yet no one seems to care whenever politicians rewrite business and environmental laws so that formerly illegal behavior is now legal. All in the name of being "business friendly".

People get all riled up at the thought of "illegals" taking their jobs yet just lay down and take it when their jobs get shipped overseas by Corporate America. Corporate America practically killed Blue Collar America and no one said two peeps.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by spector
we need to pass laws that hold employers of immigrents accountable for all medical bills , back taxes , etc.. of all employees found to be illegal

but most of all we need to inforce the laws we already have, if we had done that from the start we wouldnt be in the mess we are now...

Deja vue...1986 Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Reform and Control Act

I also like the first sentence in the quote.

Keep in mind, that a large pool of people willing to work for less wages helps keep an economy from heating up (inflation) but at the same time increases profits. I think this has been said, more or less, in several prior posts. Allowing illegal immigration is the opposite of outsourcing. The "big tent" of the Republican party has brought together big business who wanted to pay less, opposing other members who decry what is happening to the American worker.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
And I will keep posting it over and over and over again. Illegals have ZERO rights under the Constitution. They should be arrested and deported - PERIOD! Anyone entering the country illegally should be immediately arrested, fingerprinted, photographed and deported. If they are caught entering illegally a second time, they should be thrown in jail indefinitely. Any employer employing an illegal should be fined $500,000 per instance and the offending person who hired them should be thrown in jail - PERIOD!

please read my posts in this other thread it deals with this. d0 i dont want to repost it here

you are views on that are sad i could understand your views on the other stuff its all 20/20 but your views on la raza is so misguided.

and also people displaying flags of where they are from is nothing more then pride, people are completly twisting things in ways they were never intended. america lacks its own culture, its giant boiling pot of OTHER peoples cultures. if you really had a sence of something you were proud of you would understand that.

when gay people flash their gay rainbow flags are they saying we hate straights? no they are saying they are proud to be gays (no im not gay in anyway lol jsut making an example in a way that doesnt include race so people could see it clearly)

btw you do relaise there is other type of immigrants then mexicans right? i feel some type of resent toward mexicans

[edit on 4-4-2006 by oneness]

mod edit: shortened quote

[edit on 4-4-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 08:33 AM
Oneness: Can you give us the breakdown of illegal immigrants by nationality please? Or I could - "The INS estimated that there were 7 million illegal aliens residing in the United States in January 2000. According to INS, 69% of this unauthorized immigrant population was from Mexico." Since then this figure has intensified to the current estimated 11million with Mexico being the major point of entrance for illegals to enter into the country illegally.

Also please tell me of another country where they have 5% of the total population being illegal immigrants and they do nothing about the situation?

[edit on 4-4-2006 by Mynaeris]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 09:23 AM
Oneness and a few others have made an excellent point. You guys are fighting the wrong enemy.

We are all rats on the same sinking ship. Why are we focusing all our energy to throw each other off? Methinks we should unite and fight the real enemy. The enemy you dont see. The one that keeps you poor, and subservient to their will, rather than your own.

You know the real reason it costs 15 grand to have a baby in the hospital? Or why your taxes are so high? Or why you can't find a job that pays more than $8.50 an hour? Do you honestly think its Mexican anchor babies, and welfare leaches, and $5/hour migrant workers? You are following a carrot on a stick, and its leading you right into the grave.

The powers that be would rather see us fighting amongst each other rather than realizing that we are modern day slaves. There is no middle class. There is two classes in America. The Elite, and the rest of us. This is becomming more and more apparant every day, to those of us who care to pay attention.

We have corporate big-wigs and gov't officials that make billions in a year. Your gov't spends billions on a drug war that only seems to drain taxes and fill privatized prisons. We have a war on terror that is good for no one but Halliburton&Co. We arent irradicating enemies, we are gaining new ones every day. Alot were even allies about 5 years ago.

What does our gov't do for us aside from telling us what not to do? Aside from jailing or killing us? Aside from taking advantage of the planet, and all its resources, including its less fortunate human beings? All under the veil of a high quality of life. A higher standard of living. Is it really better? Does that nice car in your garage, a plasma tv with 500 channels, a $150 pair of Nikes, a new friggin tie...make you feel safe? Do you sleep soundly knowing the people in your homeland, or your neighbors homeland (not necessarily Mexico) are being exploited so you can be comfortable? Do you feel free?

Thats my rant for today. You can either open your eyes, and educate yourself, or you can just keep playing good slave. They are building camps for you folks. As soon as the economy tanks and the working class becomes the torch weilding mob class, you will all see. But hey, Jose took your job washing dishes at for your lives. I hear that if the Mexicans dont get you, the bird flu, the Iranians, The Syrians, Venezuelens, Castro, N Korea, Islam, Mad Cow, France, Marijuana, or a hurricane will.

Sleep tight

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
Oneness: Can you give us the breakdown of illegal immigrants by nationality please? Or I could - "The INS estimated that there were 7 million illegal aliens residing in the United States in January 2000. According to INS, 69% of this unauthorized immigrant population was from Mexico." Since then this figure has intensified to the current estimated 11million with Mexico being the major point of entrance for illegals to enter into the country illegally.

Also please tell me of another country where they have 5% of the total population being illegal immigrants and they do nothing about the situation?

[edit on 4-4-2006 by Mynaeris]

obviously mexico is going to have the most its connected to us. its alot easier then these other people that have to travel across the seas lol but to me it seems this is becoming a war against mexicans more then a war on illegal immigrants

and alot of those numbers could be flawed, it relys heavily on socio-demographic characteristics. meaning a new LEGAL citizen could easily be confused for an illegal. CPS never comes out and asks if they are legal or not, they are forced to use their "best judgement" and we know best judgemnt isnt an exact science and is more of a 50/50 guess lol. thats why illegals even partisipate in these thigns cause they know there is a chance they could fool them.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by boogyman
People get all riled up at the thought of "illegals" taking their jobs yet just lay down and take it when their jobs get shipped overseas by Corporate America. Corporate America practically killed Blue Collar America and no one said two peeps.

Man, you hit the mark boogeyman. I believe this immigration thing is somewhat of a problem, but a even bigger problem is how Corporate America keeps screwing us over, having our jobs shipped overseas, while they put this immigration thing out, blaming it for the lack of jobs, just to take our eyes of the real issue.

And oneness, I believe you when you say it's war against mexicans more then a war on illegal immigrants.

[edit on 4-4-2006 by douglas2k4]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:57 PM
I think somebody has La Raza confused with MeCHa.

On another note, I received the Stratfor Geopolitical Report via e-mail today, and it was on the immigration question. It ended with three salient points, which I'd like to share here.

with attribution to Strategic Forecasting, Inc.

For the United States, this makes the question of Mexican immigration within the borderland different from that of Mexican immigration to places well removed from it. In fact, it makes the issue of Mexican migration different from all other immigrations to the United States. The current congressional debate is about "immigration" as a whole, but that makes little sense. It needs to be about three different questions:

1. Immigration from other parts of the world to the United States

2. Immigration from Mexico to areas well removed from the southern border region

3. Immigration from Mexico to areas within the borderlands that were created by the U.S. conquests

Treating these three issues as if they were the same thing confuses matters. The issue is not immigration in general, nor even Mexican immigration. It is about the borderland and its future. The question of legal and illegal immigration and various solutions to the problems must be addressed in this context.

[edit on 5-4-2006 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 06:07 PM
Well...there are many things we could do...

1) Get our shotguns...

2) Get our slingshots

3) Get protection...(in case there any hot girls) lol

4) Find them and throw them in jail...

and the list could go on and on...i just dont feel like listing anymore.

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