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Immigration laws to start civil war?

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posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 02:36 PM
I don't make anything about the flag, because to tell you the truth whenever we Puertorricans get together we wave our own flag all the time, not the American flag.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 02:38 PM

Taenia solium: life cycle.
Cysticercosis exists world-wide but is prevalent in
Mexico, Africa, South-Est Asia and South-America.

Cysticercosis: the onchospheres migrate to the tissues and develop to cysticerci. The cysticercus dies and becomes calcified. Calcified cysticerci in muscle. Localization in muscles depends on the geographical origin
(unfrequent in american patients).

If a family member carries a tapeworm, eggs can be transmitted to others through lack of hand washing. "In such cases, the eggs travel to the intestines, where they enter the bloodstream," Townes said. "The microscopic eggs travel throughout the body and lodge in muscle tissue, under the skin, in the eyes, and most frequently, in the brain."

In third world countries...... if they even had a septic sytem it could not handle toilet paper. They also have little running water is many areas and lack handwashing as a normal aspect of personal hygiene and sanitation. Additionally, Third World persons throw their used toilet paper into boxes beside the toilet because most septic systems cannot handle paper.
When they arrive in the U.S., it’s been found that immigrants throw their used TP beside the toilet or into trashcans rather than the toilet. Thus making the tape worm problem worse.

I'm not saying it wasn't around. I am saying that it is MUCH MORE prevelant than it was because of the illegals bringing it over.

I think it's ignorant to deny that these diseases are becoming more common.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I don't make anything about the flag, because to tell you the truth whenever we Puertorricans get together we wave our own flag all the time, not the American flag.
I know, that is what we normally do, but for this particular cause, they should get the American one.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I don't make anything about the flag, because to tell you the truth whenever we Puertorricans get together we wave our own flag all the time, not the American flag.

I understand Marg

But you probably weren't protesting to be accepted in America during those parties.

WE have our common ground sometimes..

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 02:47 PM
Lets see...errr...Europeans are vaccinated for whatever ails them as children.

Mexicans are vaccinated

Canadians are vaccinated

Cubans are vaccinated

How many people are here from East Butfuk Thailand? The deep Congo?

Who are these third world countries you are refering to, MauiStacey?

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
To be fair, I have seem some pics with American flags.
But how does waving the flag of the country you abandoned, further your cause?

I think the flag is to show support to those from their home country, and to show them that they are not alone.

And MauiStacey, If I had a child in school with an illegal immigrant I would teach that child to love and respect his fellow man, and not to fear him beacuse he is different. WWJD

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Stacey is correct about immunizations.
I'd also like to point out that she called no one "dirty"

I remember, as a teenager, I had to get a polio booster shot.

It wasn't because of Mexicans, however.
It was because of an Amish population, near my home.
They were not immunized, and a child came down with polio.
So all the local schools held emergency immunization clinics.

If you are worried about this kind of thing. You need to make sure
your population is immunized. You can't do that, with a wide open border.

There are ways in can be held in check. We used to to Colorado once or twice a year. When registration time came for school, if you had left the islands to go to the mainland or anywhere esle, my kids were tested for TB and other diseases because they are becoming more of a problem.

If they kids tested postive they were not let in school...that simple. They should start doing that nationide. Every year have each and every child tested before entering the next school year. No expemtions allowed.

Sorry, but it has come down to that.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by MauiStacey
If they kids tested postive they were not let in school...that simple. They should start doing that nationide. Every year have each and every child tested before entering the next school year. No expemtions allowed.

Sorry, but it has come down to that.

Interesting plan, but I fail to see where this is limited to the disease brought by immigration.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Lets see...errr...Europeans are vaccinated for whatever ails them as children.

Mexicans are vaccinated

Canadians are vaccinated

Cubans are vaccinated

C'mon DG, I just told you a story about a group of people that were not vaccinated, and they were AMERICAN!
I was just reminded of ANOTHER story, as a teenager.
This time, the school lost some of my health records..There was no proof of
something..Rubella, I think. I was not allowed to enter school, until I had a blood test, and verification of antibodies. Which I provided, but I also enjoyed my 2 days off..

Are illegals bringing their vaccination records with them? LOL
Are we giving them all blood tests?

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 02:58 PM
12 million illegals that have been here for quite awhile would have spread the cooties, the Berri 'Berri and the Bubonic plague many years ago if this was the case.

If i were you, i wouldnt worry about catching anything exotic. You're more likely catching something from your nice neighbor next door.

Wait, you are wrong. Most civilized countries require children be vaccinated. I have been in the countries i mentioned or had people live there. Dont assume for one moment that the United 'States is the only place that vaccinates!

Like i said, how many people come here from the Congo or Butfuk or some unpronounceable nation God knows where?

South Americans require vaccines for their children.
Now, the difference is these people are vaccinated according to where they live and what deceases they are prone to get.

[edit on 27-3-2006 by dgtempe]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420

Interesting plan, but I fail to see where this is limited to the disease brought by immigration.

Take a look at the history of smallpox.
or, take a look at the trail of the Black Death/Bubonic plague, from The far East, to Europe, via trading routes.
Thats the mechanism.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 03:04 PM

I am very familiar with the parasite types of tape worm. I apologized when I said that your are unfamiliar with the parasite.

How do I know what is all about because my family have farms and animals I have seen them inside the animals after they have been slaughter I know how they look like,

But unless you eat your meat raw from infested animals that is the way you will get it.

Geographic Distribution:
Both species are worldwide in distribution. Taenia solium is more prevalent in poorer communities where humans live in close contact with pigs and eat undercooked pork, and in very rare in Muslim countries.

Yes Puertorricans only will protest when the part of the Island that are pro independence will flag the Puertorrican flag without the American to prove their point.

Here we flag to show that we are Puertorricans.

Is a big difference.

Now I worked with migrant workers children from south American and I have to said that they do have their vaccinations when they come into the country.

Vaccinations are available in third world countries but many chose not to get them and they are most of the time free.

[edit on 27-3-2006 by marg6043]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 03:07 PM

The Amish are not from a third world country and is not a fair analogy.

Geez, i just hate it when all foreigners are likened to animals. The only ones who are germ free are Americans.

[edit on 27-3-2006 by dgtempe]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420

And MauiStacey, If I had a child in school with an illegal immigrant I would teach that child to love and respect his fellow man, and not to fear him beacuse he is different. WWJD

well........not to be an ahole...but I would hope Jesus would tell the parents to come to America LEGALLY and to stop sponging off the American welfare system and to tell the truth to the immigration department and to go through the proper channels to enter our Country.

Illegal immigration is ILLEGAL. A crime. WWJD?

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:11 PM
Vincente Fox can eat my shorts. Thank you, George Bush, for giving this fool the idea that he can push the US around. We are the laughing-stock of the planet and this is just the latest volley.

Since I'll be dead within the next 20 years and I'm the last of my line, y'all come on in and take over my country.

All the blatant stupidity finally got me. I've stopped caring.

PS: We should have cut Puerto Rico lose YEARS ago. They're a boil on our butt and a drain on our resources.

[edit on 3/27/2006 by Landis]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:11 PM
One more thing that really really angers and annoys me is some immigrants illegal or not that claim they have some god given right to be here yet they wont learn the language, for gods sake we speak ENGLISH, you have to learn it we don't have to learn yours. Next is the flag thing, if you want to live here then at least wave our flag and show some loyalty to the country that gave you human living conditions.

I don't make anything about the flag, because to tell you the truth whenever we Puertorricans get together we wave our own flag all the time, not the American flag.

But you live in the US? And you are American are you not? Do you have more loyalty or respect for Puerto Rico then you do for the US?

[edit on 27-3-2006 by WestPoint23]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:16 PM
This nation was not founded on immigrants, but COLONISTS. I think there's a difference.

America was not a sovereign nation until the Declaration of Independence was signed. Before that we were a British colony.

And we SHOULD have a limit as to how many immigrants we take in! Does it make sense to have more people than jobs? If you have a job surplus, fine, take in whoever is next in line! This is OUR country, WE set the rules, not Fox, not Mexican citizens (or whatever country they're from).

Kick out all the illegals, and who really cares what happens in Mexico? Hate to sound cold-hearted, but Mexico is the Mexicans' problem, NOT OURS!

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:19 PM
That leads us to our catch 22 with this problem: Jesus would tell us to take in a person in need and provide our hospitality to him/her and treat them as if they were a member of our family. The problem is that the illegals take advantage of this american kindness and find out very quickly that they can get quite the free ride here if they play their cards right. Jesus would not want someone to take advantage of another person's kindness and thats what is happening on a grand scale. I do not speak for The Lord though, only repeat what ive read in the Bible.

This is such a bad problem with 60% of the people desperately wanting the flood to stop and 40% of the people just wanting to make the whole immigration issue go away. What do we do as a country?? Im tired of my streets littered by trash and spanish signs everywhere. Im tired of my clogged roads and my hour long commute that used to be 40 minutes. Im tired of being afraid to honk my horn at a crazy driver for fear that they are a member of ms-13 that will run me off the road and shoot me. Im tired of paying the most expensive real estate taxes in the entire state of Virginia to pay for all of the illegals in my town. I also love the spanish culture and people and find their women utterly irresistible
There is just no easy solution. This issue has the ability to cause mass upheaval in our country and we are helpless to fix it for fear of making peter mad to appease paul...

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Escrotumus

Im tired of my streets littered by trash and spanish signs everywhere.

Bing, bing, bing, bing!

This is the United States. We speak E N G L I S H here. I resent the fact that I have to ask for my own stinking language when I make a phone call for customer service.

If y'all (foreigners) want to live here, learn to speak the gd (not gang-related) language.

Edit: For clarification.

[edit on 3/27/2006 by Landis]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:25 PM
You are right and they are making it our problem and destroying all of our tax funded program. The ones I encounter here are not grateful and act like we OWE it to them.

I think it needs to go back to how it was in 1965 when 170,000 immigrants were allowed in. Apporximately that many people also left that year so it was awash.

I am as angry as you that they refuse to learn our language and refuse to assimilate to our cluture and instead force theirs down our throats.

I wonder if peopl have any idea how much it costs to have things printed in both English and Spanish. If the dipsheets at top had any control, English would be the official language and whoever couldn't bother to learn how to read it would be crap out of luck.

We need to send them all back and send them birth control.

My great grand parents came over from Germany and LEARNED THE LANGUAGE and respected the American culture.

I'm offended by them trying to cram their culture down our throats and if it's so friggen wonderful, why don't they go back to where it came from.

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