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Immigration laws to start civil war?

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posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Regenmacher

I'm not for more la migra laws either, enforce what already exists. They can quit cutting the social funding that forces states to take a hardliner approach and is pissing off the Hispanics too.

You know now that you mention la migra, I wonder what happen with all the raids that they used to do to take illegals and deport them.

I wonder what happen with all that it kind of die down in the last decade or so.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 06:05 PM
I see the biggest changes are caused when greed and usery became the priority, Marg.

This land is not an infinite fountain of prosperity

Joe family farmer is all but gone and it's now corporate farms who have powerful lobbies in DC that promote slave labor. We have become used to porous borders and cheap produce, while ignoring rising border crime, larger gang activity, meanwhile cutting social programs that used to do damage control.

Profits above people? If we really cared about the immigrants we would hold businesses accountable. We would not reward illegal behavoir. We would not cheapen legal immigrants' status and wages. We would not ignore the horrors of a lax border policy, while only seeing the benefits of cheap uneducated labor force. We would not promote increasing the size of the poor labor class while cutting their education and health care. We would not be driving the nation into record debt ,spend like there's no tomorrow and pretend things will get better.

What we didn't plan on is these new migrants backed by the mafiaso's narcodollars are getting fed up with all the bureacratic hypocrisy and know how to work the system. Now they are a powerful drug fueled force after years of the USA turning a blind eye about immigration and the growing narcotics empire. That force wants the southwest as Aztlan, not gringo land.

We may need migrant farmers, but we don't need drug smuggling, theft, gangs, drugs and human trafficking. We have become a nation of self serving cheap irresponsible nimbys who want our cake and to eat it too. Well you get what you pay for.

So welcome to the new revolution, be careful what you wish for it might come back to bite off your asses.

I already speak español and eat mex food daily, so how about the rest of you?

[edit on 28-3-2006 by Regenmacher]

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 06:25 PM
No much to said when is a reason why interest groups wants US borders open and cheap labor available.

I open a threat on amnesty but I guess is not attractive enough because it targets the real issue, politics.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
well this could actually happen, have you seen those protests? "whites get off our continent" "go back to europe" and calling texas and california "aztlan" their ancestral homeland. Things could very quickly reach a boiling point. Also it was estimated were those counties along the border another state, they would rank the lowest in education and healthcare services. (all of which can be obtained free by illegal immigrants)

[edit on 26-3-2006 by XphilesPhan]

Don't need a ged or diploma to go into the military of any academics to go into college if your a foreigner(sp). Many immigrants get years of tax breaks, and alot of help. But with your average white guy and black guy in the country has to bite his or her gums to at least move a centimeter in 20 years time. There won't be any civil wars, small riots yes. There has to be some change and when something is definately going to benefit someone it's not so bad on everyone else

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 08:38 PM

High school students carry flags after walking out of morning classes, in Dallas, Monday, March 27, 2006, as part of an organized protest of the immigration reform bill being considered by Congress.

A Dallas police officer helps maintain control as thousands of students chant and wave flags in front of City Hall in Dallas, Tuesday, March 28, 2006. Thousands of students walked out of class Tuesday and converged on City Hall to protest immigrant legislation in Congress, and one girl had her hand severed in the first major injury in two days of protests in Texas.

A female student with unknown injuries is helped by Dallas Fire-Rescue officials as she is taken away by ambulance from a demonstration in front of City Hall in Dallas, Tuesday, March 28, 2006. Thousands of students walked out of class Tuesday and converged on City Hall to protest immigrant legislation in Congress.

Police Make Arrests On 2nd Day Of Walkouts

FORT WORTH, Texas -- Students rushed Dallas City Hall Tuesday in the second day of marches for the rights of illegal immigrants, leaving at least three injured; students also gathered at Kiest Park in Oak Cliff and Fort Worth City Hall.

School officials estimated that on Monday, 4,000 students -- most from Skyline, North Dallas, Townview and Molina high schools -- participated in the walkouts and demonstrations.

"We are going to be having, hopefully it will be the largest civil rights demonstration in the history of Dallas, Texas -- 100,000-plus," said LULAC representative Domingo Garcia.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Dallas Students Invade City Hall as Immigration Protests Continue

Viva la begins

[edit on 28-3-2006 by Regenmacher]

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 08:42 PM
I find ironic that we have been listening, reading and debating on the muslin riots around European countries.

And even had debated about what will happen if they do that here.

I never though that it will be the Latino community of illegal immigrants the ones to start something in the US.

I have not problem with peaceful demonstrations but I will be a very upset Latino woman if violence and riots start.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I have not problem with peaceful demonstrations but I will be a very upset Latino woman if violence and riots start.

Won't take much to spark that. Bear in mind latinos have put up with generations of abuse, prejudice and usery, so it's a lit bomb waiting to explode.

Mara Salvaturcha, Bloods and Mexikanemi will probably be in on the action if it keeps escalating.

"Today we march, tomorrow we vote" -fearful US Latinos flex political muscle

"It's fear, anger and frustration motivating this," he said of the 32.4-million-strong US Latino community who make up more than 12 percent of the US population.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

French students fed up too!

A million French protest against youth job law

[edit on 28-3-2006 by Regenmacher]

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 10:47 PM

I believe is a problem with the open borders, but this is not limited to our south border but also the north, we have incredible problems with the smuggling of Chinese and slavery, people have not idea how bad the Chinese immigration is about healthcare, welfare and school systems are just being over run by these pesky Chinese! I can't stand it when I drive by Home Depot on saturday morning and see all of those illegal Chinese people standing by the curb waiting for tax free pay!
Guess what, Chinese people aren't crossing the U.S. Canadian border illegally by the millions, Mexicans are. When was the last time you saw a Chinese immigrant caught trying to sneak into America in the dashboard of a car?

You know why we don't have problems with our northern borders? Because Canada isn't a toilet like Mexico. Mexico is a cell pool of crime, corruption, drug trafficking, sex slavery, and the government is more crooked than the mafia. I don't hate Mexican people personally, although I do agree that they do come to an American city, turn it into little Tijuana and make it uninhabitable for anyone other than Mexicans. Look at Southern California, the San Fernando Valley used to be a beautiful, clean, thriving middle class area 20 years ago, now it looks like 3rd world Nicaragua. Full of hispanic gangs, crime, the homes are packed 15 deep and are all run down now, and other than the higher end neighborhoods it isn't even safe to drive through.

If you come here legally because you want to contribute, because you are willing to work hard to provide a better life for your family, I don't think anyone could argue with that, including myself. I think that is admirable. But when you illegally enter the country, abuse the public systems, defraud our tax payers and then expect to be treated with dignity & equality, it ain't gonna happen. I think that all of the border jumping illegals are a disgrace and cast shame upon the good people who go through the process, learn the language and work hard to become a citizen the right way.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 10:54 PM
The chinese pay around 40,000 for entrance (illegal) into this country. That is pretty expensive. A coyote will prob charge 5,000 - 15,000 to come in.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719
If you come here legally because you want to contribute, because you are willing to work hard to provide a better life for your family, I don't think anyone could argue with that, including myself. I think that is admirable. But when you illegally enter the country, abuse the public systems, defraud our tax payers and then expect to be treated with dignity & equality, it ain't gonna happen. I think that all of the border jumping illegals are a disgrace and cast shame upon the good people who go through the process, learn the language and work hard to become a citizen the right way.

Well Said.

It's pretty ridiculous about what these protesters are marching for. Honestly, what gives these illegal immigrants the RIGHT to DEMAND to stay int his country when they cross the border ILLEGALLY while hundreds of thousands of people around the globe sit and wait for years... EVEN DECADES for a chance to come here and start a new life.

For Christ's sake this is not about thwarting immigration. How do people even put up signs saying "i'm an immigrant, not a criminal" when we aren't even on the issue of immigrants, but rather ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. For God's sake there is a HUGE difference between the two. If you are an illegal immigrant, you are a criminal. Pretty ridiculous when people try to bundle the two together in an argument against border control.

It's not just illegal immigrants you guys have a problem with it's immigrants in general. You may not want to admit it but when you get down to it thats the root issue. You don't like foreigners and you want to control the flow of foreigners so that only those you deem suitably nonforeign gain access. Call a spade a spade.

ARE YOU KIDDIN ME BUDDY? I'm probably one of the most anti ILLEGAL immigrants in my area and guess what, my parents were LEGAL immigrants here to this country. HAH root issue? I'm an Asian-American, what issues of roots do I have in this country? It is trully despicabler how people can even THROW out the race card in this debate.

[edit on 28-3-2006 by k4rupt]

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 01:20 AM
America must be brought down to 2nd world status.

They are talking about dissolving the borders of Mexico and Canada.

This is all part of a larger plan to make North America, one country.

The Illegal Immigrants are just useful tools for this purpose.

There are many other parts to bringing this about.

Revolution? Don't count on it.

This is much larger than the United States.

This isn't about Americans. This is about Global Business.

Americans sat around for the last 60 years and allowed their wealth to be stolen.

There is no recourse now.

Corporations control the money. Money controls the Government.

Anything Congress does is just window dressing for the Americans while the plans are being pushed through.

Watch. Listen. Learn.

America is dead.

And yes, I'm an American. 5th Generation.

Sit back and watch the New World Order be formed.

[edit on 3/29/2006 by Arm Of Geddon]

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by JamesinOz
From what I understand there's also quite a lot of tension between African-American communities and Latino communities in some areas due to socio-economic differences and the resentment this creates. Maybe this could also be a source of future civil unrest?

I do think that if there is any civil unrest it will be because of this. The L.A. riots will be nothing if this explodes. There are way too many illegal immigrants, i understand their situation, but many of them want to come to the states thinking they can change the laws and that the States laws should change to their needs, when it should be the contrary; they should adapt to the laws already in place in the U.S.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 05:11 AM
What I don't understand is that many illegal immigrants wave the flags of their original countries as if they want the U.S. to adapt those flags....

They left their countries, it is fine and dandy that they embrace their culture, but they come here for the American dream, they should be showing/waving the American flag. At least that would give the impression they are trying to adapt to the country, not trying to make the country adapt to them.

[edit on 29-3-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon

This is all part of a larger plan to make North America, one country.

Never thought of it that way. And I'd bet that all of this bickering is merely a distraction from the big picture.

Freakin' Illuminati!! they're at it again!

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 04:43 PM
The answer is to plug the hole. Good fences make good neighbors. It's not just cliche.

We don't need to round everyone up at once but there's no excuse not to send them back. Money? The money I save in lawn care doesn't add up to what I waste on our public school system every year of which these illiegal ALIENS are part of the problem.

They can have their own opinion but they can't have their own facts- they have NO RIGHT to be here.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 04:47 PM
A couple 3 days ago I was watching Fox news and they had mentioned a 10 Billion major oil find in the Mexican gulf. Tried looking it up on the net today and it was pulled...Another article did say they found oil and announced it in January...But all are saying it isn't positive yet...When did those fences start going up?? But the President passed the law. And all the tempory workers well be coming in as well. Now wouldn't it be something if the people of Mexico did find oil. The country starts building better cities so the elite can come down to party..And oh yey those Mexican people that came to America are working in the fields for little money..The President went down to talk to the President of Mexico today, wonder if he'll mention the oil thing???????????Now those fences ,,after all these years have started going up for maybe keeping the Mexican people from coming back in...anyone want to bet a 10 spot on what Mexico looks like in 5 years...There's a fine line between cops and crooks. and what ever side they step into mantains their life styles. Some people on these boards say follow the monies if you want to find the truth..I myself have been listening more closely to things and have been finding out there always seems to be a reason for our government to being so accommodating...

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 04:47 PM
The only reason there will be civil war is beacuse of they way the Immigrants have been treated, barracaded off in there ghettos.Left to stew and watch the white man walk with a stick up his arse. You don´t see this happening in the Uk

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon

This is all part of a larger plan to make North America, one country.

Funny the three leaders are going to get together in Cancun, to discuss the norther alliance and immigration.

I wonder what else is in the agenda.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon

This is all part of a larger plan to make North America, one country.

Funny the three leaders are going to get together in Cancun, to discuss the norther alliance and immigration.

I wonder what else is in the agenda.


Deja vu all over again.

US Brokers Continental Corporate Takeover

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 05:01 PM

The merger has been in quiet development for some time, without due democratic process.

Yes sofi deja vu all over again, and guess what the protest about immigration and the whole fuss about illegals and congress [Working on it] is all to get people blind as what is the Real agenda and at the end the illegal problem will stay just the same or worst.

Now Who really rules our nation?

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