posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 03:52 PM
It is good be back among people who understand the true nature of our society.
I am pleased that the wonderfully rotund Vallhall is still here as well. You are a model of femininity Mrs Valhall and I know that you will make a
good mod of the Domestic Bliss forum.
To those who question my motives or agenda I have to say that unfortunatly you are products of the new depraved society we live in. It is to save
posters like you that I am undertaking this selfless task to bring dicipline to the board.
Unfortunatly in the modern education system you have been 'trained' to believe that no responsibility and no duty is your right. Like grasshoopers
playing the summer away you do not realise that a winter is coming.
We need to get back to the solid values that your parents and their parents lived by. We need to regain the family, rebuild society and rearm our
military. Politicians speak of the new conservatism that is coming forth, I am not a new conservatist but an old conservatist and I hold strong to
the values that made us great in the past and can make us great again.
Even the Muslims have realised that they have to go back to their earlier social structures to survive, and look at them now, powerful, armed and
dangerous. Thats what we need to be, we need a taliban of the west, and I am giving it birth through this board.
Mornington I am not angry at your attitude, I am only saddened. You do not know what you are missing, true happiness comes from the hearth, from the
home. But we will reveal to you the joy of domestic bliss and serving your partner. You will find the piece of your heart that is missing and has been
filled with cycnicism and sarcasm. Such beauty scared by so much negativity. Such is the effect of the new society.
Walk out your door and tell me you are happy in a society ruled by crack, drugs and pornography,
Where children cannot play on the street,
Where neighbours are too afraid to talk to each other. Where fathers are afraid of hugging their daughters, where mothers feel too guilty to say at
home and look after their children.
This is the society that you are the children of, and which I intend to rebuid.