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Freemasonry=Road paved with good intentions going to hell! :)

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posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by phiniks
I think it's God's choice what to conceal and what not. That's not the task of the Freemasons, as far as I know...

Oh, so nothing you your life is secret? NOTHING? I find that extremely difficult to believe.

[snip snip snip snip]
And Appak, (or should I say Kappa? or uat or ip or isp... ya know)

Actually no, I don't know. For your information, A.P.P.A.K. is the initial letters of my darling wife, my two grown sons, my grown daughter and my 9 year old dog. Mystery solved.

what you are trying to do is make the picture of freemasonry more pretty than it is. I still believe it's satanic at the top, and all the friendlyness and openness at the bottom is just to lure in poor souls...

You have every right to believe what you like. In fact, follow the crowd...countless others do.

I'm watching you, Appak.

That sounds like a threat. What are you some sort of stalker? Because if you are, I'm not scared at all. If you saw me you'd know why.

Yeah, being a christian I have put severe judgements on people, and yes I have been judged severely by God concerning those same matters in my own life... some hypocrisy in that, maybe to some people, but how else can the body of Christ grow and develop if we don't judge each others mistakes, to improve that persons ability to serve God?

Look phiniks, or shoudl I say skinihp?
You live in your own world and believe what you'd like, however, I'll say the same as I said to Tx...this is a conspiracy site and you're flaunting your supposed christianity instead.

That is NOT the focus of this thread or this site. If you'd like to discuss christianity find a good theology site and send me a U2U, I'll be glad to participate. In fact I can participate you right under the table (I've had years of training)

Pax! (and not xap!)

[edit on 15-3-2006 by Appak]

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 03:58 PM
no Pax, it's not a threat... look at the friggin smily mang!

and for my christianity.. well that's part of my reality. perhaps you have different views, most likely so, considering our different views on freemasonry. I can imagine I touch some sensitive spots with my opinions, but that's exactely what this forum is for right? sharing opinions, discussing matters about what is true or not. This also includes the way opinions are shaped by different beliefs.

I'm here to discuss the world, share my views and read others views and learn from each other. And God is a part of my world.. and how I view (my) christianity is what shapes my view, and is what is shaped by views of others sometimes.

I would like to discuss about the way things are supposed to be kept secret, because I think we have a slight misunderstanding over the subject matter, wich is why this conversation is taking this turn, i guess.

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 08:14 PM
Well then, the Boy Scouts of America must be a religon then becasue a belife in God is a req. to be a Boy Scout. Most troops end their meetings with a this ..."And may the Great Scoutmaster of all great Scouts be with us until we meet agian." Is the Great Scoutmaster the same being as the God of Abraham? For me its is. For a Hindu Scout, probably not. The National Honor Society for the BSA is the Order of the Arrow. I myself play the part of a pricipal for the ceremonies of the Order. God is mentioned several time in one of the ceremonies and in that same on there is time set aside for silent prayer. Each of these moments are left up to the Scout on how to communicate with his God. Also, I think that the Masons on this site will find this interesting....

[edit on 15-3-2006 by svcadet32]

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 08:48 PM
Great article. Thanks dude.

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 08:59 PM
No problem. I always like to spread knowledge of the Wimachtendienk. I have been reading up on Freemasonry since I was about 12 when I found out that my great-uncle is a member. When I became a Arrowmen I just started to put 2 & 2 together on my own. I cant say the things that are said in that article about Freemasonry are true, but everything about the Order of the Arrow is true as far as I know.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by phiniks
no Pax, it's not a threat... look at the friggin smily mang!

Not entirely sure what a "smily mang" is but Pax is not my sign-on, remember? It's Appak. Pax is Latin. It means "Peace" Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum-The Peace of the Lord be always with you. (ever heard that?)

and for my christianity.. well that's part of my reality. perhaps you have different views, most likely so,

Different views on your reality, yes, most likely so my son.

considering our different views on freemasonry.

Can't help it. I was a Shrine Hospital kid many years ago. No evil there (not even at what you perceive to be "the top") I wouldn't be able to walk, let alone help celebrate the daily Eucharist had it not been for them.

I can imagine I touch some sensitive spots with my opinions, but that's exactely what this forum is for right? sharing opinions, discussing matters about what is true or not.

Actually no. This is a forum for conspiracy discussion. Nothing more. (Read the FAQ)

This also includes the way opinions are shaped by different beliefs.
I'm here to discuss the world, share my views and read others views and learn from each other.

but the forum exists to discuss conspiracy, nothing else.

And God is a part of my world..

Mine as well.

and how I view (my) christianity is what shapes my view, and is what is shaped by views of others sometimes.

"your" christianity? So there is more than "one" christianity? That's a step in the right direction!

I would like to discuss about the way things are supposed to be kept secret, because I think we have a slight misunderstanding over the subject matter, wich is why this conversation is taking this turn, i guess.

What things are supposed to be kept secret? Do YOU have any secrets? Do you tell everyone, everything you do and think? (Likely not)

Pax (i.e. "Peace")

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by TxSecret
...I am a Christian always striving for the truth and I have always felt that Christianity is not compatible with Freemasonry.

[edit on 27-1-2006 by TxSecret]

Christianity isnt even compatible with itself.

No ones going to hell (unless they make it up for themselves.) Of course, what do I know, I cant speak from personal experience about heaven & hell...the only fact we have is that your body will typically end up going underground one day. Everything else is hearsay.

Gods peace


posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 03:28 AM
Denuone Latine loquebar?
Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur.
And to any and all the posters who get all excited and are set on condemning the Lodge ... sedate vos.

Most of the above was compliments of 'Latin for all occasions', in case anyone mistakenly assumed I am 'mens sana', I assure you I am 'non compos mentis'.
Pax vobis.

[edit on 03 22 2005 by BlackGuardXIII]

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