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Project Serpo: Postings by "Anonymous" -- Breaking news?

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posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Hydden
Yeah, the guy who runs the site that appeared on C2C had an English accent - so it wouldn't surprise me that he is in England.

And when a caller said he had information about another incident here in the US (a totally unrelated story), he offered to sit down and have some coffee to discuss it, and Bill (the website owner) said that might be impossible since they're in different parts of the world, but that he was still interested in the story and to send him information through the comments page.

So...all the UK identifiers make sense to me.

The fact that he's english isn't the issue, nor was it in doubt.

Now, I live in the UK and work in Bristol, so I know the area well. His consistencies of the businesses he has freelanced himself to is accurate as all of them have offices in or around the Bristol area, so I have no issues there.

My issue is why all of a sudden has he moved to Scotland and has either started (or is working for) a Scottish Property Development company ?

Lets look at where the site is registered too.

A whois of SERPO.ORG provides the following:

Domain Name..........
Creation Date........ 2005-11-18
Registration Date.... 2005-11-18
Expiry Date.......... 2007-11-18
Tracking Number...... D108643382-LROR
Organisation Name.... 4: Property Partners
Organisation Address. Unit 24, Evans Easy Space
Organisation Address. Pitreavie Business Park, 15 Pitreavie Court
Organisation Address. Dunfermline
Organisation Address. KY11 8UU
Organisation Address. Fife
Organisation Address. GREAT BRITAIN (UK)

Ok this is fine, but Scotland is the other end of the country to Bristol.

A little more digging around provides you with said 4: Property Partners actual website

Now lets meet the people who run this company:

Wait, there's no Bill Ryan on the team.

Even stranger is that the company does not have offices in Dunfermline, they're based here: 91 Hanover Street , Edinburgh , EH2 1DJ.

So we have a website registered to a property company who has a website showing people in Authority (who are the only ones realistically able to register the site to that address) and not one of them is named Bill Ryan, so can we assume Bill Ryan isn't his real name ?

There may well be a normal explantion, but this just all adds to the mystery for me.

I will continue to dig around on our website author.

[edit on 10-12-2005 by timb3r]

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 10:36 AM
Found this on the C2C site...hope it helps.

Bill Ryan is the author of the website, He was trained in Mathematics with Physics and Psychology, followed by a brief stint in teaching. For the last 27 years he has been a management consultant, specializing in personal and team development, leadership training and executive coaching. He is not and never has been connected with or a member of the military, government, or any formal UFO groups. The information on is shared in the spirit that the best place to hide is out in the open.

Just a sidenote: I let a friend of mine use a subdomain redirector to a band web site that I own and this person has nothing to do with the band. Maybe he did some consulting with this company and has friends there that help him set up the initial site? Just an option......

[edit on 10-12-2005 by Hydden]

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 10:59 AM
Good point with the subdomain redirector, I never thought of that !

Still an odd set up, one might say fitting for the content for the site.

Curiouser and curiouser cried Alice !

[edit on 10-12-2005 by timb3r]

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 11:08 AM
Now even weirder.

The UK has a Government run registration group called Companies House.
( and you can search for registered companies to see if their accounts are up to date. This site is mainly used by credit referencing agencies but also used to find disqualified directors of companies, but it's a handy tool when tracking down business based within the United Kingdom.

A look at this provides the following:

Name & Registered Office:
KT22 8SE
Company No. 05029664

Nothing unsual here, as most companies in the UK have registered office near London.

But lets look at the classification of the business:

Company Type: Private Limited Company
Nature of Business (SIC(03)):
9112 - Professional organisations
9120 - Trade unions
9131 - Religious organisations

Religious Organisations ? How strange.

Still, as it's been suggested, there could be some sort of re-direction in place and all this is unrelated and just conicidence that its all so odd.

[edit on 10-12-2005 by timb3r]

[edit on 10-12-2005 by timb3r]

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by timb3r
Still, as it's been suggested, there could be some sort of re-direction in place and all this is unrelated and just conicidence that its all so odd.

Yeah, but it's still fun to research!! hehe.

Nice catch on the religious organization info. May be reaching....but still interesting to see it there.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 02:42 PM
I wonder if this has already been said, if not what did the ebes look like. My first conclusion was that they were grays but know i am thinking of them being totally different

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by ATSGUY
I wonder if this has already been said, if not what did the ebes look like. My first conclusion was that they were grays but know i am thinking of them being totally different

The answer to this is on the Question/Answer page of the website.

Q: What do the Ebens actually look like? What is their physiology?
A: Not clarified. This data has not yet been released, although Anonymous describes the Ebens' digestion and the food they eat.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by ATSGUY
I wonder if this has already been said, if not what did the ebes look like. My first conclusion was that they were grays but know i am thinking of them being totally different


In fact, the problem is that we don't know how much physically-similar extraterrestrial races do exist. There are probably different kind of what we call "grays". Clifford Stone, in his testimony, is talking of at least three differents types of the grays.

But i think the ebens are not part of this category. Some statements of Anonymous confirm this :

We did have visitors from nine other star systems. The Grays, which some people characterize as being like the Ebens, were not. They came from a planet near Alpha Centauri A

The visitors were classified by a code. The code, which was classified in itself, was, "Extraterrestrial Entities" (ETE). ETE-2 were the Ebens, the Grays were ETE-3, and so on.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by ATSGUY
I wonder if this has already been said, if not what did the ebes look like. My first conclusion was that they were grays but know i am thinking of them being totally different

I believe they are supposed to look like the typical grey. This is supposedly a picture of EBE2 from Colin’s website.

The Serpo website has the story of an interview with EBE2 that Richard Doty said he was involved in. But on C2C he said he only saw a film of the interview, which is confusing.

Here is a sketch of Jrod who was also supposed to be part of the exchange program.

You can read about Jrod in this article written by Linda Howe.

They both look similar and look like your typical grey, but who knows. If the pictures of Ebens are posted, and they don’t look the same as these, then I guess these pictures are wrong, or of a different species. This would be an obvious contradiction. If they look the same and these are not pictures of greys, then we would be asking, then what do the greys look like?

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 09:07 PM
First off, just want to say that I'm a long time reader, first time writer.

I visit ATS a few times a week just to catch up on whats going on in the forums. I mainly just look at the space, technology and ufo related stuff. I don't at all consider myself a conspiracy theorist.

Now that's out of the way, onto the post. I've read all of the information posted by Anon. and read pretty much all the posts here in this thread. Just want to say that you guys have done a great job collecting and organizing your data!

When I first read the Serpo stuff I really wanted to believe it, actually I guess I kinda did believe it even though there was a voice in the back of my mind saying something along the lines of "yeah right!". But now that more data is being exposed its looking more and more like a hoax as the days pass.

The first thing that really gave it away for me wasn't some of the inconsistencies of the information but more on how it is being released. The gradual release of data, with each instance building more and more toward the next just screams internet hoax to me. I can totally see where people are seeing similarities to this story and the John Titor story. Both are just detailed enough to be thought possible, and both have creative methods to cover up all the loose ends. I'll admit to being caught up in it, and was genuinly exicted when I read about the pictures that are going to be released. But the more I think about it, the more I see that its most likely going to be the posting of a few over exposed, grainy 40 year old polaroids that really isn't going to advance the story/facts very much.

No matter what this story turns out to be, It was at the very least a good read. I just hope that for all the research that you guys have done here, the authors intentions turns out to be more than just monetary.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 09:15 PM

No matter what this story turns out to be, It was at the very least a good read. I just hope that for all the research that you guys have done here, the authors intentions turns out to be more than just monetary.

Well, Anon has set expectations quite high...

Once the public sees these photographs, even our skeptics, die-hard debunkers and those who claim that this is all a "non-event disclosure," will scratch their heads in total amazement!
You'll love them!

If those pictures aren't impressive, there won't be much $$$ being dished out for the movie right or book deals. I'm stumped as to why they would have made such a grand claim, if their plan was to string people along. Now it's "put up or shut up" time for these guys.

We'll see what they have to offer. At this point, it's all just a guessing game until they post the photos.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 10:20 PM
After reading the posts that have gone up in the last two days... I feel like I have to make these points:

1) Something can be a 'hoax' and yet contain elements of the truth. If the government wanted to reveal knowledge of ETs it would probably let bits and pieces of the story out through 'hoaxes' and 'frauds'. The ultimate goal is to get us used to not only the idea of ETs... but also their appearance. Thus the story on might be fake... but the pictures might be real. After all... a big part of disclosure would be to get the populace comfortable with even looking at ETs.

2)The notion that the laws of physics might be different in another star system does not automatically discredit this story. Already we have observed star systems that have planetary groupings that are radically different from those seen in the solar system. We also have sent probes to the outer edge of the solar system that ended up moving in ways that were not anticipated by newtonian phyics (the 'pioneer anomaly').

3)Many of the 'inconsistencies' that people have pointed out are really not inconsistencies. Like I said earlier, Anon has not (as of yet) attempted to give a minute by minute description of the mission to Serpo. He has only given a general overview. If he adds more detail about this mission later on it does not automatically mean that he was lying before. For instance... if a guy at a party asks you what you did yesterday you might describe how you went out for dinner and a show. Later on another person might ask you what you ate yesterday... to which you might reply by saying that you had steak for dinner. Even later on a third person might comment that they enjoy popcorn... at which time you might state that you popcorn the night before. Now... if we were to use the standards the debunkers around here use... you were lying to either person number 2 or 3... when, in reality, you might have had steak at dinner and a bag of popcorn at the movie theater.

Many of Anon's 'inconsistencies' have been like that: Things that seem inconsistent only to someone who isn't acknowledging that Anon isn't giving us an absolutely thorough description from the start.

4. The influence of someone's 'point of view' has to be acknowledged. Anon may not be a scientist. For all we know he is a 'she' and some general's secretary. Thus... it has to be acknowledged that anything they say might be based on truth yet be distorted by point of view, lack of (technical) education, or errors in the original mission summary.

5.'60s and '70s technology: Many people have debunked the Anon stuff by proving it to be erroneous using modern knowledge. We have to remember that -- within the context of this story -- that the team was not composed of scientists from 2005. It was composed of military people from 1964 who were given scientific instruction (or 'cross training' to suppliment the scientific training they already had). Anon is -- if the story is true -- reading from a 27 year old document. Therefore... anything he says will be based on 1978 science.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Centrist
If those pictures aren't impressive, there won't be much $$$ being dished out for the movie right or book deals. I'm stumped as to why they would have made such a grand claim, if their plan was to string people along. Now it's "put up or shut up" time for these guys.

That's a good thing. If it is false, we'll be able to stop waisting our time. And if it is not, well, who knows... Remember, he put himself on the spot. Imho, this shows that the poster has at least some balls.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 10:46 PM

[BR: We don't yet know when to expect these photographs. It may be several weeks yet – possibly even in the New Year. We ask all readers to be patient, as we are ourselves.]

They have the pictures, but it may take weeks or longer to scan/send them and post them?

Or will it take that long to create them?

In my opinion this one blows the whole story away.

If you have them, why tease people with it?.. Just post them.

How long does it take to scan and send a picture these days?


posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by UM_Gazz

They have the pictures, but it may take weeks or longer to scan/send them and post them?

Or will it take that long to create them?

In my opinion this one blows the whole story away.

If you have them, why tease people with it?.. Just post them.

How long does it take to scan and send a picture these days?


As someone pointed out above, Anon said he would try to get hard copies of the pictures. This is another example of people not reading Anon's actual statements and drawing conclusions from bits and pieces.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 11:00 PM

One group member has a fool-proof way of sending them. I'm not sure of the exact method, but I'll let you know just prior to his sending them. Either they'll be sent to you (or Bill directly) in encrypted form or a special military courier will bring them to you from a special unit within the DIA. We'll let you know.

Why encrypted? .. why a military courier?

If you are going public with these photos encryption or a special miltary courier is stupidly redundant imo... a waste of time.

Just scan the damned photos now and send them.. Or shut up and admit the hoax, before it is too late!


posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
1) Something can be a 'hoax' and yet contain elements of the truth. If the government wanted to reveal knowledge of ETs it would probably let bits and pieces of the story out through 'hoaxes' and 'frauds'. The ultimate goal is to get us used to not only the idea of ETs... but also their appearance. Thus the story on might be fake... but the pictures might be real. After all... a big part of disclosure would be to get the populace comfortable with even looking at ETs.

This is what some believe has been going on for some time now. If you look into "Cosmic Journey" this is the tactic that has been used for some time now including the movie Close Encounters. Some information has been given out, but without solid proof. So either Anon's posts are more of the same, or the real disclosure of what happened. I am willing to bet it is more of the same. I think we might get more info, but it won't be concrete and there won't be any response from the government. You will either believe it or not. I still get the feeling that it could be an all out hoax to sell more books, given that there are links to a couple of books, and makes me wonder if the same people aren't behind the anonymous posts. On the other hand, several well known events started out with anonymous claims. Maybe Anon is the next Bob Lazar, who started out as an anonymous person.

And I agree with the rest of what you said, this person is disseminating information but may be making minor mistakes in the beginning and making corrections or going into more detail as time goes on. Time will tell.

Originally posted by CloudlessKnight
That's a good thing. If it is false, we'll be able to stop waisting our time. And if it is not, well, who knows... Remember, he put himself on the spot. Imho, this shows that the poster has at least some balls.

Yep, if you play poker, this is the same as calling your own bluff.

Originally posted by UM_Gazz
If you have them, why tease people with it?.. Just post them.

It could be this person has seen the photos, but does not have them in their possession.

Originally posted by UM_Gazz
Why encrypted? .. why a military courier?

Good point, and I wondered that myself. I first thought they would only want to show the people on the e-mail list, but the post did say they would post the photos on the Serpo website, which is public domain. I guess we will find out soon enough.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams

As someone pointed out above, Anon said he would try to get hard copies of the pictures. This is another example of people not reading Anon's actual statements and drawing conclusions from bits and pieces.

Ok, they are "working on obtaining them" .. my bad.. yet they must have seen these photos already to know this:

[They're not from a Hollywood movie set.]

— one photograph shows the entire Team standing next to an Eben home, with several Ebens standing in the background;
— another photograph shows the Team's new home in the north;
— another photograph shows an Eben village in the north;
— another photograph shows a group of Ebens playing their "soccer" game.

You'll love them!

Not from a Hollywood movie set?

The more time it takes for them to produce these photographs the more credibility this whole story loses.

We live in a high tech era here high speed communications etc.. There is no reason for it to take weeks or longer to produce these photos.. Unless you need time to create them while holding your audience captive.

Of course these are just my thoughts.

I could be wrong here.

[edit on 10-12-2005 by UM_Gazz]

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 11:13 PM
I've been looking back at the information available about the domain name "", it may be useless but I'll post it none the less

As we've seen, doing a WHOIS search reveals that the domain name is registered to "4: Property Partners". (website: The company, as mentioned before is located in the UK.

Searching that website appears to return no one who seems to be involved with the story which has also be mentioned before.

Now as mentioned before someone could have just been using a domain redirector which seems logical. Someone wants to get a website up in a hurry so they have a friend (in this case from the 4 Property company) set them up with some webspace on their hosting account and then point a domain name to that directory. Seems logical enough? So we have to look just a little bit deeper.

Doing a Trace Rout on the domain name "" you will eventually see a hop onto the servers. In my case (since I'm in the U.S.) it hits the and then hops onto servers. It will eventually end up on a server. This is the company that is hosting the website

It should be noted that just seems to be a data company offering hosting and other data services, they appear to have offices in both the U.S and UK.

So far the idea of someone just setting up a domain redirector works, but in that last hop of the trace rout is where that seems to be thrown out.

The very last hop on the trace rout of ends on []

now compare that to a trace rout of the 4 Property's domain name and the last hop ends on []

It looks to me like the two websites, while hosted by the same company in the exact same location are on two different servers (thor and titan). Now although I do work in the IT field I don't consider myself an IT or Network expert at all I'm just using the things I know. And since the IP's are only off by one number its also possible that both sites ARE hosted on the same server, BUT they are not hosted on the same hosting account which would be the case if they were just using a redirectory or having a friend set them up a quicky website/domain.

So in the end, it does seem that someone from the 4 Property company has atleast some involvment in this as they took the time to set up a new hosting account/domain name with the webhost their company is located on as well. I said, probably means nothing, but I felt like since I've spent so much time reading this story I'd atleast try to contribute what I could to this thread.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 11:19 PM

If you are going public with these photos encryption or a special miltary courier is stupidly redundant imo... a waste of time.

The only that I can think of this is to ensure that when they reach the supposed independent investigator, that there's no question whatsoever as to the authenticity of their source. If the MJ-12 documents had been handed to Jaime Shandera by government officials, how do you think the veracity of those documents would have been received by the public?

Just scan the damned photos now and send them.. Or shut up and admit the hoax, before it is too late!

Hoax or not, never admit defeat!

If it wasn't for the fact that I can't think of any reason why someone would push a hoax like this and then make such grand and specific promises of evidence, I would have much less faith in this story. But, it's happened before. Until we get the pictures, it's all just "interesting". If this is true, then there probably are some reasonable delays involved in ensuring the authenticity of the photos and avoiding any possible question about the chain of custody of the photos.

Rhetorically, which photo is more credible? The one that is delivered as a standard attachment to an email? Or a hard copy delivered by a military courier?

I still have issues with the courier thing, though. Why not scan, send, then deliver the originals by courier when convenient? Who knows.

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