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Is there a growing anti american sentiment on the board?

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posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 12:23 AM
"It is NOT a sign of rebellion to fly Old Glory upside down. It means SOS" ==dr strangecraft

Perhaps, perhaps not. What does it mean if another country flew it this way ? More direct, if
this board is owned by an individual from another country, similiar situation ?

I cannot buy the SOS explanation for a decorative icon.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 11:26 AM
To answer the first post in this thread: quite the contrary, we are deeply sympathetic to that majority of americans who oppose the current administrations war policies!



posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 04:44 PM
My ANTI America Sentiment.

My neighbors on welfare that have multiple cars with 22" rims and a thumping systems that belch blue smoke because they are so mal tuned.

People dealing crack in the street in front of my house and threatening me and my family when I ask them to do it in front of their own house.

Watching people in my family become extremely rich pouring concrete over nature or pumping up oil

Walking into walmart after a 500 yard trek over (once again) newly repoured asphalt without a tree in sight only to travel past rows and rows of junk and packaging to find a 1/2 gallon of organic milk in the far back corner. Then realizing that this is just one of 1000's of stores just the same in every town.

Texans evacuating in their SUV's crying about the gas shortage.

New Orleans pumping all of their sewage back into the river so they can drain their sub sealevel floodplain.

All of the new construction houses that are formaldehyde oriented strand board wrapped in plastic and vinyl and with asphalt roofs that need completely replaced every 10 years.

Watching people sit in lines with their engine running at fast food places and every other drive up window in america

Every partially hydrogenated fat drain on the rest of us with medical conditions due to overindulgence in processed junk food.

What about being able to buy legislation at the federal level through effective lobbying.

Or the fact that every reasonable energy source such as bio-methane or bio-desiel being suppressed by big energy.

What about the image bs... everyone in the country, rich and poor, image image image. bling bling. gold teeth, designer cigarettes, clorox white, consume consume consume.

The audacity of our government to pursue an active weather modification policy

Individually wrapped, one time use, disposable, prepackaged, tamper proof, garbage.

Police corruption, looting, rodney king, etc.

War mongering, war profitteering, blatant disrespect for future generations... our atomic bomb usage and testing, DU, nuclear power

genetically modified fast food considered normal

Everyone in this country seems to be addicted to something. Sugar, TV, Drugs, Drinking, Fast food, Cigarettes, Video Games...

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 05:34 PM
Benevolent tryant - you write that you agree with Netchicken then the rest of your post is in almost total disagreement with what Netchicken posted--make up your mind.

I don't totally agree with you Netchicken. Yes, most of the so-called anti-American postings are really anti-Bush Administration postings, but there are still some who actively bash the country. I chalk most of the bashing up to the fact that most people on the site are relatively young, full of passion, and tend to see everything as mostly black or white instead of in shades of grey. The older posters tend to be very thoughtful and much more considerate of others, but the youngsters are fun to fence with and if you can break through their brash exterior, there is a real opportunity to provide a little education now and then. And, I might add, receive a little education now & then.

[edit on 28-9-2005 by Astronomer68]

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by Open_Minded Skeptic
OK, I'll take a shot at defining "Anti-American":

"Anti-American" is promoting or supporting policies that:

- suppress free expression.

- suppress expression of disagreement with the implementors of the government.

- label such dissentors as 'traitors', 'un-patriotic' or 'Anti-American'

- suppress peaceful demonstration

- incite violence

- weaken the prohibition against a government favored religion

- confiscate legally owned firearms from private citizens

- hold people in indefinite detention without a public trial or charges

- make it impossible to verify who actually wins an election

I couldn't agree more & by these standards Bush & his bunch are some of the most anti-American Americans there are...

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by Jaryn

Originally posted by nightwing
But what about indirect attacks, or the subtle ones. They always start with "We support the
troops BUT we are against the war." Or my personal favorite, "I love my country BUT..."

I will not argue that there is not anti-american sentiment on this board; however, stating that I am anti-american does tick me off!

I served 20 years in the military for my country, I was in Kuwait for Desert Storm and am damn proud of it and of my country. With that said, I do support the troops but am against the 'war'.

I will gladly tell anyone that really is anti-american to get the hell out if they dislike it so much! But, to question the government and to speak out about what you feel is wrong in the US is just about the most pro-american, patriotic thing you can possibly do. If you can't grasp that concept, perhaps you should move to some other country (China?) where disagreeing with the authorities is truly 'discouraged' and you can have any free thinkers 'removed'. This seems to match your way of thinking much better than the American way does.

Edited for grammar.

[edit on 27-9-2005 by Jaryn]

AMEN! I couldn't agree with you more... I am a 51 year old grandmother that stood proudly in front of the flag with my hand to my heart for many years believing America to be the "land of the free & the home of the brave" but unfortunately I don't believe we are free any longer & I find nothing brave about killing others with weapons so superior that they might as well be using bows & arrows against us.
This is an unfair war & even IF these people were our enemies it is un-American to be such bullies.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 06:23 AM
What an interesting discussion.

I sense there is a strong anti-America feeling emerging not just here but across the world. Some is as a result of America's activities in global events and in attacking those we can not meet their might in return.

Some of the anti-America feeling is a result of personal disappointment. We look to the strong of the world, both countries and people to do the 'right thing' and when they (countries and people) respond in a manner that disappoints usually the our first response is to become critical and to stop supporting. America has been viewed for many years as the defender and saviour of the less fortunate. Now America attacks the little guy and stands by and watches other little guys suffer - not surprising that many then turn on America.

Intelligent people know that many Americans are also not happy with what is happening in their country. Likewise there are many people who are not happy with what is happening in my country. Our world is changing and the values of our world along with it.

Originally posted by Jaryn
I will gladly tell anyone that really is anti-american to get the hell out if they dislike it so much! But, to question the government and to speak out about what you feel is wrong in the US is just about the most pro-american, patriotic thing you can possibly do.

Right on and the moment we can no longer do this, we have lost. Millions have died for the freedom we still enjoy albeit being eroded.

[edit on 29/9/2005 by Lady of the Lake]

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 07:10 AM
I agree with netchicken - i can't handle Americans myself. Think its great that so many people getting hacked off with them, too. But there's no point sensoring this kind of attitude. And to be fair, my dislike for them is generalised and face-to-face, well, things could very well be different. Funny thing is that the Americans I've met don't seem impressd with America themselves...Haha.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Lady of the Lake
What an interesting discussion.

I sense there is a strong anti-America feeling emerging not just here but across the world. Some is as a result of America's activities in global events and in attacking those we can not meet their might in return.

Some of the anti-America feeling is a result of personal disappointment. We look to the strong of the world, both countries and people to do the 'right thing' and when they (countries and people) respond in a manner that disappoints usually the our first response is to become critical and to stop supporting. America has been viewed for many years as the defender and saviour of the less fortunate. Now America attacks the little guy and stands by and watches other little guys suffer - not surprising that many then turn on America.

Intelligent people know that many Americans are also not happy with what is happening in their country. Likewise there are many people who are not happy with what is happening in my country. Our world is changing and the values of our world along with it.

Originally posted by Jaryn
I will gladly tell anyone that really is anti-american to get the hell out if they dislike it so much! But, to question the government and to speak out about what you feel is wrong in the US is just about the most pro-american, patriotic thing you can possibly do.

Right on and the moment we can no longer do this, we have lost. Millions have died for the freedom we still enjoy albeit being eroded.

[edit on 29/9/2005 by Lady of the Lake]
It saddens me to think of what we have become............

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 09:07 AM
Sri Oracle, I think you left out the big drug comapnies which lobby congress to make us sick so they can make us better. Not to mention the outlawing of industrial hemp which would help alleviate 70% of the problems we face today including food, fuel, clothing, and shelter.

yeah, we the United States have now outlawed the very paper our on which our founding constitution is written. For our own good? Not hardly, for he good of a few big named comanies who preach capitalism but for some reason cannot seem to grasp the concept of a little healthy competition.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 11:20 AM
I think George W. Bush is mainly to blame. He represents to many people "the hated American".

Arrogant, self-absorbed, Big Business oriented, insincere, bullyish, uneducated (nukular anyone?), and close-minded.

I can't even watch him on TV anymore. His smirk is everpresent, even when he discusses lives lost in Louisiana. Always.

I'd say he is more responsible for anti-Americanism around the world than anyone else. He is your public persona, the most powerful man in America.

And yet, only 40% of your own country supports him, according to polls, and this is somehow "democracy at work in the greatest democracy in the world"?

The next president you have needs to be a friendly people-person with a winning smile and who seems guileless.

Like George Clooney or something. Or Heidi Klum.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
My ANTI America Sentiment.

My neighbors on welfare that have multiple cars with 22" rims and a thumping systems that belch blue smoke because they are so mal tuned.


Everyone in this country seems to be addicted to something. Sugar, TV, Drugs, Drinking, Fast food, Cigarettes, Video Games...

for what it's worth, here's a happy badge of awareness vote for you, Sri...

You have voted Sri Oracle for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
My ANTI America Sentiment....


I guess if you hate so many aspects of US culture you should MOVE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY.

Try living in Africa with a tribe or something. It will make us BOTH happy. You won't ever see another SUV or hot teen pop-star on TV again. I'll be just that much more happy that one more self loathing American has left.

Can I pack your bags?

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by American Mad Man

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
My ANTI America Sentiment....


I guess if you hate so many aspects of US culture you should MOVE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY.

Try living in Africa with a tribe or something. It will make us BOTH happy. You won't ever see another SUV or hot teen pop-star on TV again. I'll be just that much more happy that one more self loathing American has left.

Can I pack your bags?

maybe if you would listen to the concerns of your fellow americans, instead of spewing hate rhetoric, no one would have to move. the country doesn't belong to the republican party, madman. it belongs to the people of america, 'self loathing'(LOL at this hate rhetoric) ones not outstanding.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 08:54 PM
Many Americans are good folks... some less so... I watch Americans - most entertaining, especially when they don't get their way or are required to play nice... seems like America might cave in on itself when the Chinese and S Koreans "pull" your financing - too bad - 'glad to be Canadian.

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 11:42 AM
When a bird flies from mexico to america he knows no difference.

What we are referring to as "american culture" is beyond the boundaries of this nation. When you go to france and order a Big Mac you're experiencing something that some have "growing anti-american sentiment" towards.

Originally posted by American Mad Man
I guess if you hate so many aspects of US culture you should MOVE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY.

Kind of reminds me of the bumper sticker... "If you're gonna live here, speak english" No... I think I might just try to influence those aspects of 'american' culture which are so obviously degenerate from right here in heart of things before I move along. The Greater Vehicle, I believe it is called.

Try living in Africa with a tribe or something. It will make us BOTH happy.

Actually it is in my plans to plant 160 acres at the edge of the sahara with vegetation before I die.... probably will be shacking up w/ a tribe or two in the process. Glad to bring a smile to your face.

You won't ever see another SUV or hot teen pop-star on TV again.

you probably won't ever see another SUV given a decade or two either... we've reached peak oil... before long good folks are going to start stoning SUV drivers for wasting global resources. With regard to the pop star... I can do without the make up and drama... Don't even own a TV, or know who the latest teenie stars are. I've got my cute 5'2" dred head, and I love her.

I'll be just that much more happy that one more self loathing American has left.

Can I pack your bags?

Sorry... to early to depart. I still have a few denigrating, nationistic, trigger-happy madmen to shepard down to the middle path before I leave.

*a candle is lit in the distance*

Sri Oracle

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
I'll be just that much more happy that one more self loathing American has left. Can I pack your bags?

Why not just ignore him. Don't give him a voice rather than playing the same game. He will self destruct in the end. I bet there are more people in America who are proud of what they are than the few who are turning on their own and their own country.

Once everyone stops becoming enmeshed in the drama and start to wake up to what we are doing to ourselves in creating the world that most of us do not want then the manipulation, control and hate will diminish. It will have nothing to feed on.

Just look at what is happening here. Americans turning on Americans rather than standing side by side in fighting the injustice. Have you ever asked yourself is this part of the plan to create an internal divide? What I do know is that we are collectively creating the environment of hate, distrust and self loathing. Hell guys keep this up and you are doing exactly what the powerbrokers want. You are creating instability and this presents them with the 'excuse' they need to take more of your power back.

Stop playing the game and then people like the anti this and that brigade will not survive. Is this possible? I think so and yes, it will be really hard but it starts with you and I.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Jaryn

Originally posted by nightwing
But what about indirect attacks, or the subtle ones. They always start with "We support the
troops BUT we are against the war." Or my personal favorite, "I love my country BUT..."

I will not argue that there is not anti-american sentiment on this board; however, stating that I am anti-american does tick me off!

I served 20 years in the military for my country, I was in Kuwait for Desert Storm and am damn proud of it and of my country. With that said, I do support the troops but am against the 'war'.

I will gladly tell anyone that really is anti-american to get the hell out if they dislike it so much! But, to question the government and to speak out about what you feel is wrong in the US is just about the most pro-american, patriotic thing you can possibly do. If you can't grasp that concept, perhaps you should move to some other country (China?) where disagreeing with the authorities is truly 'discouraged' and you can have any free thinkers 'removed'. This seems to match your way of thinking much better than the American way does.

Edited for grammar.

[edit on 27-9-2005 by Jaryn]

Oh hear hear, Jaryn. You took the words out of my mouth.

I am critical, not because I hate America, but because I love it. We should be the good guys, do the RIGHT things for the RIGHT reasons. Hold to our ideals, to the ideals of what America should stand for, and I have very high expectations.

As an American, it is my DUTY to do my part, to ensure that America remains all that it can and should be. Even if all that is to keep myself informed, to think for myself, to learn and listen and vote appropriately.

I thinks it's short-sighted to assume that anyone who dislikes or disagrees with the actions of America and it's Administration, is simply anti-American, or unamerican.

[edit on 1-10-2005 by Jadette]

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 01:03 PM
Censorship is wrong - plane and simple.

I hope (I doubt it, but I do hope) that the Anti-American sentiment present
is used to show how "Americans" are percived not only by those living outside the US, but by Americans themselves. This allows the political areana to correct their short commings.

If we didn't care about the US of A we wouldn't critisize it. Anyone completely buying "The Party Line", and propoganda is nuts or stupid.

It is my opinion that a great deal is intended to bring to light those things that need to be corrected - It is our duty to correct not only ourselves, but our world.

I Love my country - but Fear my Government.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 05:07 PM
Well, I sure hope that non-Americans realize that what our government does is not 100% backed by we the American people. I think if we're guilty of anything it's apathy.

I for one did not vote for Bush. I voted for a candidate who would use the Constitution to restrain the government, and who would not go around picking fights with other nations.

I am totally against the war in Iraq. There's no good reason for it. And I do NOT approve of any preemptive action against North Korea, Iran, Syria, Eurasia, Eastasia....

I'm an isolationist. I say America should just keep to itself, and I say it as a true patriot.

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