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Is there a growing anti american sentiment on the board?

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posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 06:13 PM
If not a handwringing ninny, no need to be offended.

If, however you are a handwringing ninny, you probably took this open discussion of member concerns to mean you get to posse up and try to "TAKE BACK ATS FOR THE U-S-A" with derailing posts like this...

Originally posted by NeedlePointxPert
Its still rather disposing to see threads like this still on ATS, what seven more disappointing is to see they are started by a Super Moderator

Or this...

Originally posted by MsVapors
It’s misleading threads like this started by moderators that have really convinced me that this board is a DNC / Green Party / Leftist propaganda site.

Or this...

Originally posted by FreeSpeechAdvocate
It’s amazing to me this thread was even allowed to be opened. Nothing about “Deny Ignorance” was supported in it. Indeed, “Spread Ignorance” seems to be notion supported here.

It's amazing to me those of these inclinations continue to subject themselves to the opinions of others, much less a place that encourages same while fostering unique perspectives.

I had to see it with my own eyes I suppose as it's all too easy to dismiss the constant complaints from both sides that "government apologists" or "conspiracy theorists" are derailing one's theory or apology.

Please debate the issues to your hearts content. But the issue of any topic is never this website, it's moderation or an individual poster's motives.

We now return you to your needlepoint. Just stop the handwringing already. This is not BurgerKing and you won't be having it your way.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by RANT
This is not BurgerKing and you won't be having it your way.

I'm likeing it!


posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 12:53 AM
Your DAR??


I do agree that we should fix the problems here in the USof A before interfearing with the rest of the world, and the way they do things.

Like it or not, some of the existing societies have been around a few thousand years longer than Good Ole Democracy. Or the Plutonomy for which it stands...

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by RANT But the issue of any topic is never this website, it's moderation or an individual poster's motives.

individuals make this site what it is though, so are their points not valid?

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 11:02 PM
I am not from the United States and i do not have any thing against the free loving people of the United States the problem is with them control nuts and it's really world wide first U.S.A than the rest of the world.
I dont think any one coming here has anything with anyone has him or her coming from another nation.
We are all here to debate and lots of us have commun intrest or else we would not be here.

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