posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 01:32 PM
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I have read about star seeds, indigos and the rest, and they do not quite fit my personality trait. I live in London South East. I believe that I am
an ALPHYLIS. Aphylis are humanoids who have light blonde hair to white hairs, and they are vegetarians.
Alphylis believe that the various human races on this planet were originally different alien species from various planets outside of this solar
system. I heard that they were rounded up thousands of years ago and dumped here on planet earth by higher extraterrestrial intelligence who saw them
as blood thirsty savages, and that some of the alien races now known as the human race had and still have a natural tendency to cause others an
imaginable pains and misery without felling any sense of guilt.(rapist. paedophile, pimps ,prostitution, self destruction, human trafficking and
The few that were dumped here actually arrived in their original alien bodies ,followed by billions that were dumped here as disembodied spirits. The
many disembodied alien spirits quickly found physical people and quickly entered into them, and from there they used the bodies that they took
control of to reincarnate into the physical reality by the millions by mating and forgetting their true identities with each reincarnation to the
point where they created a superstitious belief that they were created by a god.
After reincarnating by the millions they started migrating ,and during those migrations, there were conflict ,rapes and slavery between the various
alien groups which created a breed now known as the human race.
Among the alien races that were dumped here, there were a more friendly type that is concerned with technological progress, safety , security
,spirituality and exploration of space. They are called Alphylis. They had light blonde hair to white hairs, but their bodies could not survive the
climate and so their physical bodies died out. They were dumped here in small numbers because they managed to put up a good fight back in their own
planet when they were rounded up by and invading forces. Those alien groups have attached themselves to many people with different skin colours all
over the world, but they are being treated as daemons whenever they enter a body and crate a skin mutation, so they are wondering from place to
place, unable to find a place they can use to regroup due to human migration and persecutions.( the film “Village of the damned” best express the
struggle of this alien groups who exist as mists or spirits) this alien groups exist as pure consciousness or pure energy.
The white haired human looking aliens that were reported by abductees are related to this wondering alien groups who exist as spirits. The blonde or
white haired human-looking aliens are not interested in humanity . They are interested in the aliens who looks similar to themselves that are lost on
this planet. They abduct humans not for genetic experiment, but to salvage and free those aliens from within the human bodies, rehabilitate them from
the traumatic experience they have experience here on planet earth and then reintroduce them into their society where they can exist free from
persecution. So, if the human- looking aliens disables a nuclear weapon, it is not because they love humans ,it is because some of their close
relatives were dumped here and they do not want a war mongering artificial race of aliens known as the humans to interfere with their plans to
spiritually free their people trapped within the various humanoid bodies on this planet. They are not the only alien groups that were dumped here,
there are other alien who fought against one another and they were also dumped here because other alien being would not accept them dumped in their
back yard or door step.
The reason no peace loving aliens would have life energies such that which is similar to human dumped on their planet is because life energies are
more dangerous that radiations. for instance ,if hundreds of apes were killed, they will become disembodied spirits and they will attach themselves
to the first person or persons to cross their path. That person or persons will develop attraction toward the apes without knowing why. So if in the
wild apes actually use to have sex with their young( the bonobos) , that same urges will manifest themselves from within the person or persons that
the apes have attached themselves to, and that person will find himself or herself performing sexual act on other species without fully understanding
why if they are not spiritually strong or have no faith in higher level of spirituality.
I heard that they gray aliens who were reported to abduct humans by the thousand were native to this solar system before what is now known as the
human race were dumped here on this planet.
This alien groups were monitoring the humanoid species on this planet for thousand of years until recently when humanity started treating them like
aliens ,caused them to crash, interrogated and fired on their crafts.
The gray are not evil or hostile towards any friendly species. They learned that humanity is not growing spiritually with its technology ,so they got
help from their allies to round up what is known as humanity on this planet and dump them far away in some other solar system were they can murder,
torture, rape to their hearts content without interfering in the lives of the more friendly aliens who constantly visit this planet to see the various
life forms. The gray were not originally happy to find that what is now known as humanity were dumped here on their door step ,but even then they
gave it a chance to see what it will develop into, and unfortunately it is incapable developing into anything peaceful ,and so it is being
spiritually rounded up and dumped somewhere far away from civilisation.
The evil that we see in this world is due to spiritual mix up. Originally every spiritual being belonged to a group much like a race, and they have
their own biological bodies which act as a uniform ,and you can easily judge the nature of that spirit by just looking at the different colouring on
its physical container(the body), for example if colour A= aggressive, Colour B = timid,
Colour C=friendly, colour D=creative, colour E= envious, colour F= deceitful, and if you were to come across a species with hair colours A, eye
colours C and skin colours F, you will be able to interpret the nature of that species as “ aggressive when disturbed but otherwise friendly.
However they can be deceitful if they discover that you are also deceitful.”
So, before the interbreeding between the various humanoids now known as the human race took place, it was possible to judge an entire species by the
colour of their skin. In other words judge a book by its cover, but since the interbreeding ,it is now not very reliable, because you can find someone
who looks human but will be thinking and acting like an ape, talk to what looks like a man and find out later that it was actually a woman trapped in
a mans body , and is about to undergo a sex change surgery, a brunette man trapped in a body of a white man, a man trapped in a body of a woman, born
in the wrong body and race.
Animals use colour to judge if another creature is dangerous, friendly, poisonous. And so on.
Colour is a universal language that a lot of life forms understand.
The majority of humanoid aliens that were dumped here are not very spiritual at all. They can be dumped in an island and they will not have the
natural instinct to question where they come from, where they are going and if there are others like them elsewhere. Instead they will be fighting
each other over land, natural resource and some religion they have created. Some are sexually very perverse and they will perform the most disgusting
act on another species.
(I am trying to figure out what blue eye colour and purple skin colour means)
( we must seek out our fallen comrades, regroup and find a way to get out of this prison)
(we must form a community where we can all meet up and discuss who we are and how we ended up on this planet)