posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 06:44 AM
When i read the title i thought the woman had actually gone out to war against Israel for a min...........
Sounds to me like shes being used as a mouthpiece and figurehead for every anti war supporter in the USA. Its sad really now instead of having what
she has to say, she is listening to what others are saying to her and parroting their words. It won't be long until this womans credibility is
destroyed by the machine. Was it her idea to bring taxes into it? Or someone around her? Was it her who knew what it meant to cry empeachment, or did
someone tell her?
I mean just look at the emotion and anger the article incited in the author here. He is so totally hating the woman now and all she wants is peace.
Well done to the people putting words into her mouth and bringing Israel and everything into her persoanl war and well doen to the machine for causing
so much anger and ridicule to the woman through the press.
Now it starts the division of the people, brother against brother pro war anti war and when America is completely divided history will be written.
[edit on 15-8-2005 by Mayet]