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Small Gold Flat Chips Extracted From Throat - Need Help

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posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 01:17 AM
Interesting about the doctor story. IF this were an alien abduction scenario, then the "doctor visit" is the cover story memory implant. Good cover. The only thing that appears odd in retrospect is the time of the visit and the fact that the parents have no recollection of it.

Sort of reminds me of the Blue Hand thread. Bizarre, so many people have that experience.

The mysterious doctor visit may need more looking into, maybe more people have had that sort of weird experience, but who could remember?

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 01:48 AM
Another thing ... It would be interesting to know if there's some sort of connection between your GF and Bill Bean. You know... Did they live in the same neighbourhood at some stage, did they see the same doctor at one time, etc. You know. This could narrow it down to whether the chip has the same source, should it be terrestrial, or not.

Now I'm wondering (hypothetically speaking - I know you don't like the idea of your GF being abducted - just sensitively speculating
) ... what would the choice by aliens/the government be for a subject? Why exactly your GF (and her family - again, I might have missed this, but where is her Dad in all of this?) and why Bill Bean?

I know it would be nearly impossible to do a complete history check on your GF and compare it to that of Bill Bean... But it would be really interesting to find a connection...

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Gemwolf

Now I'm wondering (hypothetically speaking - I know you don't like the idea of your GF being abducted - just sensitively speculating
) ... what would the choice by aliens/the government be for a subject? Why exactly your GF (and her family - again, I might have missed this, but where is her Dad in all of this?) and why Bill Bean?

I've thought about the whole 'Why?' aspect in regards to why some people are taken and others aren't and it does seem random but there could be a very logical answer that we just don't see.

Often we hear about craft that moves slowly and silently across areas and when you think about why a craft would move in that way, it could very well be due to a kind of 'scanning' process.

What if abductees are chosen via a scan of an area? The craft moves over an area, sometimes it's seen, sometimes it isn't but as it moves it's 'scanning' (how ever that would be done) all life forms below it. What makes them seemingly pick random people could very well be because of an element within that person which makes them a valid candidate.

That could also be for many many reasons. They might be looking for a rare disease or a certain blood type, hair colour, etc etc, thousands of things which differentiate each person. A broad sampling would be the most logical way to test. Chipping them in some way would be most likely so they can keep track of them, collect data of their every movement as some chip removal reports state a growth of extra nerve endings around the implant as if the implant was directly connected to a persons nervous system.

Of course if theres more than one element at work here and performing abductions then their intentions could be different.

There seems to be a group that make an effort to show their abductees the problems the Earth could face, could this be an explantion as to why some people are vehemently anti-war, anti-violence while others either don't care or are pro-war inside out? Does a certain abduction/experience at an early age ingrain this belief that war/violence will result in our demise and anyone that has never had that experience, coinscieously or not, just won't understand why people are against fighting and killing for a cause? If there are more than one group manipulating us, it would make sense to 'divide' us so we eventually destroy ourselves rather then having them do it? That's a tatic which has been used throught human history, it had to be learnt somewhere.

There's just so many reasons why. I think some people have trouble understanding that if 1 life form can visit us, then it's logical to assume more than 1 can be and they don't really have to be working together or towards the same goal which could be why sightings, experiences are often different.

Then of course, there's always the governments doing their thing also, most likely they would be compeating in someway or working with some of them.

[edit on 26-8-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 01:10 PM
What a mess this situation is....

Okay, I've got one person who is a UFOlogist advising me to research the chip myself because objects like this "have a way of disappearing" and thinks I should not release possession of it. This same person advised me to see Gevaerd in the beginning but has since changed their mind. They also have advised me that if I am going to indeed give it to Gevaerd that I should get some sort of receipt from him.

And then I have Derrel Sims cautioning me about trusting Gevaerd (?) and wants the chip for himself and won't provide me with pictures or links to pictures of Bean's chip. And in this same email Sims says that Bean's chip was nothing more than a piece of metal that fell out of a toothbrush.

Buuuut..if you go HERE ------> , you can clearly see the publicity frenzy that Sims paraded around with Bean over this so-called "BIO-CHIP".

So if I have it down correctly, it is chip that fell out of a toothbrush that Sims felt like calling a "BIO-CHIP" which reportedly has integrated circuitry and matches other chips from other cases that were found in other human mouths. I guess toothbrush companies are really adding some serious Bling-Bling to their product huh? I'm impressed, how about you?

We ARE giving this to Gevaerd and his contact on Monday and I WILL be happy when this is all over and out of our hands and house. And if she does expell another one you can bet that I will remain absolutely shut about it and will do all research and post my results myself because I frankly don't trust any of these "professionals".

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Gemwolf
Another thing ... It would be interesting to know if there's some sort of connection between your GF and Bill Bean. You know... Did they live in the same neighbourhood at some stage, did they see the same doctor at one time, etc. You know. This could narrow it down to whether the chip has the same source, should it be terrestrial, or not.

Now I'm wondering (hypothetically speaking - I know you don't like the idea of your GF being abducted - just sensitively speculating
) ... what would the choice by aliens/the government be for a subject? Why exactly your GF (and her family - again, I might have missed this, but where is her Dad in all of this?) and why Bill Bean?

I know it would be nearly impossible to do a complete history check on your GF and compare it to that of Bill Bean... But it would be really interesting to find a connection...

Thank you for being considerate in your post. I appreciate that. Their dad is a very respectable familyman that has always been there. I frankly don't feel comfortable talking about them. The family collectively is more concentrated on being religious and staying "down to earth". This subject I believe is too weird and stressful for them hence why they were throwing them away before. And I can totally understand that.

There is no connection between Bill Bean and my friend.

Apparently it's not just Bill Bean either, there have been other cases of these chips coming out of people's mouths: REPORTEDLY.

Check here.

WHY are they coming out of human mouths; you got me...? I have no idea. I don't think I will be able to get a clearer picture on this until she coughs up the next one if she ever does. Then I will be able to see if in fact there is integrated circuitry in them and what they are composed of. And make my conclusions from there.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 04:42 PM
So, I live in Sweden, right. I'd just read your thread and had just heard about a certain Brazilian UFOlogist that's supposed to be an something of an expert. I go out, to McDonalds with my friends actually, and we stop by a magasine store, I pick up the only UFO magazine Sweden provides and immediately I notice a big article about this same Brazlilan doctor, Dr. Gevaerd, going out to do some field research. I didnt' really have the time to read the entire article, but he was closely linked to the UFOlogist society of the world and clearly wery respected.

If I can pick up a magazine from across the globe (literally) and read about a person that says he's to be trusted in these matters.

I honestly think you should go with Dr. Gevaerd and that you should'nt worry about the chip disappearing. I honestly think you'll get the most results from taking this approach as he's, as I've stated before, probably the man with the most experience in the world with this.

Anyways, hope to hear about mondays events.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 06:41 AM
A.J. Gevaerd isn't a doctor. He taught chemistry and then started his career in UFOlogy. I'm not concerned if he has a degree or not; you don't have to be a doctor to have a good head on your shoulders and nothing beats experience. He's been very nice and assistive from the beginning. So has his friend who will be assisting in the analyzation. And that's all I know. Not like other "professionals" who apparently like to bash other's reputations to get the goods themselves so they can make money off of it. We'll see how it all pans out.

If this does happen to you (this is advice that was given to me which I can't do because I just didn't know):

1. "Consult with an attorney, in order to determine how it will be handled and investigated. Most of all, you want to retain control of the object, as well as of any information that is derived from it. That should include all copyrights for all articles written about the object.

2. Also, if you allow someone else to study the object, or to determine how that process will take place, you want a guarantee ahead of time that the work will actually be done. Letters of guarantee, which stipulate what will be done, by whom, and according to what time line are very easy to prepare, and they simply lay out clearly who is going to do what, when it will occur, and at whose expense. Failure to adhere to the terms of such a letter should be spelled out, and they should be Draconian enough that everyone will have a strong incentive to keep the project moving along nicely."

We just don't have the money to fork out to have our lawyer bang this out before Monday night. So we are simply going to interview, give the chip, and pray that we are told the truth.

[edit on 27-8-2005 by Need Help]

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 08:16 AM
Sounds fine. Just make sure to express your concerns about the chip disappearing, as you've heard several 'trustworthy' sources saying so.

Gonna celebrate my birthday now, wish me luck, as I wish you luck.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Drexon
Sounds fine. Just make sure to express your concerns about the chip disappearing, as you've heard several 'trustworthy' sources saying so.

Gonna celebrate my birthday now, wish me luck, as I wish you luck.

Happy Birthday! Have a good time.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 02:35 PM
It seems to me, this device is designed to be kept in a moist environment. That is why it may be tarnishing/destructing in the air. I suggest you keep it in a glass of water..
It also looks damaged to me, the ridges look slightly messed up. Anyone else notice this?

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 02:51 PM
There may be integrated circuitry imbedded within the chip so putting it in water is a no-no at this point even though it did come out of a body. We're keeping it in inside an ESD/electrostatic discharge bag. And it's going in for analysis tomorrow.

I'll post either tomorrow night to tell you all how it went or Tuesday morning.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 07:23 PM
Hmm, maybe I am sane.. I always figured that the doctor memory was due to the fact that I did have a few doctor visits that I dont remember so well.

But the hospital thing? Its similair in many respects. Doctors that dont have any features that are memorable, parents not accounting for the time, and the fact that it happened at night. But at the same time, theres a chance that I was under the influence of a seditive, and this this just seems odd now because I dont recall using any. Same could be said of the others who bellive thhis has happened.

The chip you found, I would recomend putting it in the fridge or keeping it in a tubba-ware thing. Theres the possibility that it will degrade in any kind of extreme condition or climate, so try for dry and cool.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 08:04 PM
Has anyone mentioned that this is a standard curandero/curandera sleight of hand? There are a number of people around the world who "produce gold" from thin air or their hair and so forth. If you videotape them, you can see them doing the sleight of hand (you do have to know what to look for.)

Here's a page on a Brownsville church that has a number of members who have this "happen" to them.

Notice that in the story of Heferlin mentions that it starts when Heferlin brings back a woman from Brazil who had miraculous healings (so they say) and "pours out" gold and oil and frankencense from her hands.

Another example... again from Brazil (also exposed as a hoax):


Here's book sfrom a magic shop on making gold appear (these are bare hand, close up tricks):

Another book:

And yes, thank you, I also studied some stage magic and have several friends who are professional magicians.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 08:15 PM
This is clearly not a majic trick that has happened here.

Just an odd object found in a womans throat. So we want to know what it is.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
Has anyone mentioned that this is a standard curandero/curandera sleight of hand? There are a number of people around the world who "produce gold" from thin air or their hair and so forth. If you videotape them, you can see them doing the sleight of hand (you do have to know what to look for.)

Here's a page on a Brownsville church that has a number of members who have this "happen" to them.

Notice that in the story of Heferlin mentions that it starts when Heferlin brings back a woman from Brazil who had miraculous healings (so they say) and "pours out" gold and oil and frankencense from her hands.

Another example... again from Brazil (also exposed as a hoax):


Here's book sfrom a magic shop on making gold appear (these are bare hand, close up tricks):

Another book:

And yes, thank you, I also studied some stage magic and have several friends who are professional magicians.

I'm sorry, no majic tricks here.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Carpenter
Hmm, maybe I am sane.. I always figured that the doctor memory was due to the fact that I did have a few doctor visits that I dont remember so well.

But the hospital thing? Its similair in many respects. Doctors that dont have any features that are memorable, parents not accounting for the time, and the fact that it happened at night. But at the same time, theres a chance that I was under the influence of a seditive, and this this just seems odd now because I dont recall using any. Same could be said of the others who bellive thhis has happened.

The chip you found, I would recomend putting it in the fridge or keeping it in a tubba-ware thing. Theres the possibility that it will degrade in any kind of extreme condition or climate, so try for dry and cool.

Thanks for all the advice guys and girls. I really appreciate it. We're putting it in Dr. Luciano's hands tomorrow.

I'm nervous. this is so weird I've never obviously dealt with anything like this before.

After tomorrow it will be out of our hands and totally in Gevaerd's and Luciano's. So let's hope we're kept in the picture and good stuff comes from it.

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 09:24 AM
To lighten the situation, can we have pictures later?
Sort of a momentous occasion here at ATS, something to remember, you know?

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 11:50 AM
subscribing to see what the results of the analysis are

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Drexon
To lighten the situation, can we have pictures later?
Sort of a momentous occasion here at ATS, something to remember, you know?

Pictures of what?

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 01:03 PM
Thanks for posting and hope you can find the help you need.

After reading through all pages, there were a few things that stuck out in my mind. What I think was particulary observant was the following:

1. Expells a gold - flat - chip
2. Not just one but quite a few
3. Both people had a sample sent to labs (now again for a second time)
4. They were both brushing their teeth when it happened
5. Both had/have health complications

Hal had a lot of great analysis too, props for that.

Throughout the whole thread I was wondering if anyone had the same hypothesis as I did, especially in reference to points 4 & 5. Do you think that 4 occurred because of a chemical reaction between the sodium phosphates and other reactive compounds in the toothpaste? That would give me reason to cough it up.

Point 5 - Do you think this is caused by an allergic reaction to the metal?

Also, was the corrosion immediately apparent? If so, that could have been the reason for the expulsion. If it's only starting to corrode in the air, then we know it's an oxidizing metal. Maybe Hal can help me out here speculating on that.

My summary is that it is not extraterrestrial for 2 reasons:
1.) It has a lot of similar structure, color, probably metal compounds found here on earth in either metalwork or electronics.
2.) As mentioned by a previous poster, it must have been poorly done for a superior race that has experience with implantation.

My conclusions so far are one of two:
1.) Metal that most people swallow frequently but are not allergic to, but some people are. Gets lodged or buried from pointed edges in esophagus until deteriorated or expelled.
2.) Tagging device. Locator, monitor, transmitter of some sort. For what purpose I do not know.

I enjoyed reading about what Sims had to say, that he thanked God that it was out. The lesson I got from this is "alien or not, God wins" which is comforting I think.

I think only you know what it is or is not, having it there and experienced what you have, just tossing out questions and possibilities to help.

My prayers are with you both and please do not worry. "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matthew 6:27)

Pray, train, study,
God bless.

[edit on 29-8-2005 by saint4God]

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