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Small Gold Flat Chips Extracted From Throat - Need Help

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posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 02:26 AM
Really interesting... this Bill Bean character and the similarities between the cases. He do believe that he also found some "chips" in his mouth, but looking at his web-site I think he may have watched one to many episodes of the X-files - even if he does have good intentions. My guess is that unlike you – he probably enjoyed the publicity…

He doesn't say if he still has one of the chips or anything? Was the final result that it was from his toothbrush and it was left at that?

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:09 AM
Yeah, according to him Derrel Sims still has his piece and hasn't given it back yet. He told me to contact Derrel and ask about the "composition" of the chip. I emailed him back asking for pictures and he hasn't answered back yet.

He said he hid two pieces with a friend, so I hope I can get him to just at least post pictures.

[edit on 25-8-2005 by Need Help]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:14 AM
Need Help: Did he mention anywhere on what the physical dimensions of his chips are? It would make for an interesting comparison with your own.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by William One Sac
Need Help: Did he mention anywhere on what the physical dimensions of his chips are? It would make for an interesting comparison with your own.

Nope, the only email I've gotten from him I posted on the page before this one. I'm trying to get him to send me some pics so I can compare the two. All I have is his word that they look very alike. But I shouldn't have sent him pictures of our chip just yet because if he's lying he could create something on photoshop or something. I guess I can keep trying Derrel Sims. I'm going to do this today.

I'd like Derrel Sims to take a pic of it and show me. I don't think that's asking to much.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:37 AM
...if anyone wants to help. Try searching for Derrel Sims's implant collection and see if you can find anything similar. That's what I'm going to do now


posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:43 AM
There is certainly no shortage of 'evidence' supporting the theory that aliens are implanting we humans with devices to observe and direct our affairs.

Such 'evidence', anectdotal except in rare cases, needs to be scrutinized with a grain of gold encapsulated salt.

I am in no way referring to Need help/Jessica's on-going investigation and identification of the gold chip featured in this thread.

As for Bill Bean Jr., I cannot but remain somewhat skeptical despite the similarities to Jessica's partner's experience. Bill has quite a bit more baggage IMO than Jessica & Co.

I realize it is important to keep an open mind. So in the spirit of possibilities, I suggest you secure your tin-foil hat, adjust the threshold level on your BS meter, bring in the dog and lock the door in preparation for reading the following thread.


I'm now off to dissect one of the many toothbrushes I can't seem to throw away.

P.S. Hope you are feeling better, Jessica. Hope 'the bubble-girl' is having a good day, too. *hugs*

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:44 AM
" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

This one looks similar

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Zadeh Redux
There is certainly no shortage of 'evidence' supporting the theory that aliens are implanting we humans with devices to observe and direct our affairs.

Such 'evidence', anectdotal except in rare cases, needs to be scrutinized with a grain of gold encapsulated salt.

I am in no way referring to Need help/Jessica's on-going investigation and identification of the gold chip featured in this thread.

As for Bill Bean Jr., I cannot but remain somewhat skeptical despite the similarities to Jessica's partner's experience. Bill has quite a bit more baggage IMO than Jessica & Co.

I realize it is important to keep an open mind. So in the spirit of possibilities, I suggest you secure your tin-foil hat, adjust the threshold level on your BS meter, bring in the dog and lock the door in preparation for reading the following thread.


I'm now off to dissect one of the many toothbrushes I can't seem to throw away. LOL

P.S. Hope you are feeling better, Jessica. Hope 'the bubble-girl' is having a good day, too. *hugs*

ehehehehee you're awesome. I love reading your posts. I don't have any tinfoil, but the dog's already in. Both Bubble Girl and I are gripped with the flu. I think she's gonna come home early because she's feeling bad too. Thanks for asking.

So, I had a dream last night that the chips were actually these governmental 'gene chips'. But in my dream we had more than one and they were shaped differently and had numbers on them and I researched and found the matching numbers in these obscure governmental catalogs and found out it was the government and I remember feeling such relief that I found out what it was and then I woke up disappointed that it was a dream. But in my dream these chips monitored hormones and emotion and thought control.

Wacko dream. Speaking of wackos, yeah Mr. Bean's website is a little kooky. But you know I have to remind myself to not be so judgemental. What if he's telling the truth? What if he has this unique energy about him that nature is just attracted to? Ghosts, birds ehehe, E.T's?

You never know! I honestly never believed or gave thought to UFO stories before this happened. I wouldn't have believed it without seeing it for myself. But now that I have something weird happening with someone I know, i NEED people to believe me to help. So it's humbled me in that respect.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:09 AM
Whoa Zadeh Redux

I'm reading this and hearing that 80's lazer beam sound they used in movies, that "doo doooo".

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:13 AM
"For example, Desperate Housewives is not just for entertainment - it is a powerful programming tool."


[edit on 25-8-2005 by Need Help]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:31 AM
From : Jessica
Sent : Thursday, August 25, 2005 3:28 PM
To : [email protected]
CC : [email protected], [email protected]
Subject : FW: RE: FW: Gold Flat Chips Extracted - Need Help

| | | Inbox


Attachment : P8070023.JPG (0.14 MB), P8070024.JPG (0.14 MB), P8120041.JPG (0.14 MB), P8130045.JPG (0.15 MB)

Hello Mr. Sims,

We are having a similar situation happening here and are in contact and working with A. J. Gevaerd. Would it be possible for you to show us pictures of of Bill Bean's implant? I would like to compare both of the chips.

Thanks for your time,


To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: FW: Gold Flat Chips Extracted - Need Help
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 04:53:21 +0000

Hello Jessica :

Those "Chips" look very similar to the things I spit up on Dec 16 & 17 , of 1997.

Derrel Sims still has one of them in his possession , so maybe you could contact him and ask him about the composition of the "Chip".

What I can tell you for certain is that whatever those things in me were , they made me gravely ill and I felt like I was going to die. I had lost over 40 pounds in 6 weeks and I was seen by 8 different doctors.

I began to feel better after I expelled the first one and then I felt totally better the next morning after I expelled 2 more.

I hope and pray to GOD that it never happens to me again.

I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

I would like to know more about whats going on there.

Take Care.

Bill Bean.

From: "Jessica "
To: [email protected]
Subject: FW: Gold Flat Chips Extracted - Need Help
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 03:59:25 +0000

From: "Jessica "
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
Subject: Gold Flat Chips Extracted - Need Help
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 03:34:50 +0000


I would really like to talk with anyone that knows anything about these. It's happening here. Here's pictures of it. We're working with A.J. Gevaerd here in Brazil and I would appreciate your reply and comments.

Thank you,





posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 05:24 PM
I just put in "Bill Bean Implant" on Yahoo and ran across this. Read to where it says that they ripped it apart and there's 'integrated circuitry'..exactly what I think this chip has that we have here.

Items for 2000-05-29 - DERREL SIMS analyzes chip coughed up by Bill BEAN:
2000-05-29 - DERREL SIMS analyzes chip coughed up by Bill BEAN


DERREL SIMS analyzes chip coughed up by Bill BEAN....

Renown investigator and authority on alien implants, DERREL SIMS is currently telling the UFO world about recent results from a BIO-CHIP he analyzed. It was sent to him by BILL BEAN of Baltimore, MD. BEAN reports that he coughed up three such pieces on two successive nights on December 16&17-1997. BEAN reports - I became very ill [mysteriously ill] in July of 1997. I felt like there was a pressure on my throat, like trying to swallow a ball, it was horrible and an experience that I wish on no one. I couldn't eat anymore and even drinking a glass of water was a task. In less than six weeks, I went from a muscular 242 lbs to a frail and week 198 lbs. I truly thought that I was dying. I saw eight different doctors and all had a different opinion and no diagnosis. My wife and I were both very worried and I was awaiting my death. Then on December 16-1997, God performed a miracle, I began to cough while brushing my teeth and I reached in my mouth with my right index finger to remove[what I thought to be] a bristle from the toothbrush and on the end of my finger was a 1/16 of an inch and slightly rectangular- gold-flat - chip looking thing. Something told me to save it and I did. I also noticed some pressure had come off of my throat.

The same thing happened again the next night, only this time I spit two pieces into the sink. I quickly picked them up and saved them as well. I felt so much better after this happened, I began to eat again and I'm delighted to say that I have had no problems since. I would like to thank and praise almighty GOD for getting those things out of me. I sent one of the chips to famed researcher, DERREL SIMS and to my amazement he told me that this is called a bio-chip and it matches a chip that was surgically removed from a person in brazil four years ago. Scientist's are baffled, how could this unknown object be in a person in brazil and now in the USA the chip is still being tested and final results should be available soon.

Thanks to DR. BOB and ZOH HIERONIMUS for funding these final rounds of isotopic test. This will determine if the chip is made on earth or elsewhere. Thanks also to

DERREL SIMS and his team for their efforts in this matter...


A possible implant found in Bill Bean was recently analyzed by Derrel Simms and his colleagues. The chip after being opened appears to display integrated circuitry.

In their opinion, the chip is a device for thought manipulation and serves as a monitoring device that would let the Government know when UFOs and ETs were in proximity of the implanted individual. If you would like to see a photo of the implant, go to www.alienhunter.

Thanks to Bill Bean. Editor's Note: Bill Bean regularly takes amazing videos of UFOs in the Baltimore, Maryland area.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 05:29 PM
[edit on 25-8-2005 by Need Help]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 05:47 PM
" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

Bill Bean's Chip

" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
Our Chip

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 06:12 PM
It seems to me that your chip is different than Bill Dean's chip.

Similar yes , but different as far as I can tell.

But if there was a "Bio-chip" found in Brazil , I would like to see how that one compares to the one you have Need Help.

Edit: Did you send a picture of your chip to Darrel Sims?

Are you going to be meeting with the Dr. in your town today?

[edit on 25-8-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
It seems to me that your chip is different than Bill Dean's chip.

Similar yes , but different as far as I can tell.

But if there was a "Bio-chip" found in Brazil , I would like to see how that one compares to the one you have Need Help.

Edit: Did you send a picture of your chip to Darrel Sims?

Are you going to be meeting with the Dr. in your town today?

[edit on 25-8-2005 by lost_shaman]

Yes, I did send pictures to Derrel Sims. I read on one of these websites that I ran across today that if you want to see the picture of Bill Bean's chip you should go to I figured that one flat chip implant was Bean's.

No the meeting isn't tonight; it's next monday at 7:30pm.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
It seems to me that your chip is different than Bill Dean's chip.

Similar yes , but different as far as I can tell.

But if there was a "Bio-chip" found in Brazil , I would like to see how that one compares to the one you have Need Help.

Edit: Did you send a picture of your chip to Darrel Sims?

Are you going to be meeting with the Dr. in your town today?

[edit on 25-8-2005 by lost_shaman]

I wanted to make another point. I have viewed Derrel Sim's implant pictures recently on his website and all the "implants" seem to all look different. And who's to say that if this is in fact some sort of implant that we have it could be possible that their technology has changed; hence why the chips look different.

I said similar because they are both flat and somewhat gold colored chips. Also the outer edges are sord of rounded.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:09 PM
This topic reminds me of the damndest thing from when I was a kid. It was Columbus, Texas. Small town, and a odd string of events occured.

Me and many other childern were all sent to the doctor at night, always because we had 'put a bean in our nose'. Now, I was 5 or so at the time, so this is fully possible. But the thing is, my parents took me at about 4:00AM, and I didnt see my regular doctor. No, this is a guy I hadnt seen before and havent after.

I still remember the look he had. He was big, lanky. Kind of old, and the room was kind of dimly lit. I can remember going in and sitting in a big, almost dentist office chair and getting up with him saying 'all done'. I had a nose bleed for a few days after that, and my parents said they never did that.

This would be a nice, isolated incident if 30 or so other people hadnt looked at me and said "you too?" when I brought it up in highschool. Is this just paranoia, or legitimate conspiracy? It is possible that your girlfriend suffered from the same kind of 'doctors oppointment'

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by Carpenter
I still remember the look he had. He was big, lanky. Kind of old, and the room was kind of dimly lit. I can remember going in and sitting in a big, almost dentist office chair and getting up with him saying 'all done'. I had a nose bleed for a few days after that, and my parents said they never did that.

This would be a nice, isolated incident if 30 or so other people hadnt looked at me and said "you too?" when I brought it up in highschool. Is this just paranoia, or legitimate conspiracy? It is possible that your girlfriend suffered from the same kind of 'doctors oppointment'

I have a vivid memory of spending the night at a hospital with my brother who is 3 years older than me, i would of been about 4 at the time. I can only remember being there, waking up in the bed next to my brothers bed in what appeared to be the middle of the night, as the room was dark except for where we lay. The room seemed big but empty aswell. My brother was out like a light, i remember getting out of bed and talking a few steps before 3 people who i've remembered as the doctor and 2 nurses, told me to get back into bed because we weren't allowed to walk around. They were nice about it and i asked when can we go home and was told we'll be able to go home in the morning and to just go back to sleep like my brother was. As far as i can remember, he was asleep the whole time and so was i apart from when i tried to go for a walk around the room. I don't remember going there or leaving, just waking up in the middle of the night and being there and being told we'll be home in the morning. I know this wasn't a dream, it's a vivid memory but i can't picture any aspect of the 'doctor and nurses' at all other than they were there, they were nice and that we'd be home in the morning. Since my brother was seemingly comfortable in bed and sleeping, i had no reason to freak out and just assumed they knew what was going on and that my parents would be there in the morning when we woke up.

Asking my mother about this she said, a bit puzzled, that neither myself nor my brother have ever spent a night in hospital.

I haven't asked my brother if he has any memories of it, kind of spooked me a bit when she had no idea about it and i left it at that.

Maybe i should get the stud finder out??

(i'd actually be cool with that if there was an implant. Seems like if they take the trouble to take you and implant you then your worth something to them, that's gotta be good in some way. Better being an assest than an obstacle)

[edit on 26-8-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Carpenter
This topic reminds me of the damndest thing from when I was a kid. It was Columbus, Texas. Small town, and a odd string of events occured.

Me and many other childern were all sent to the doctor at night, always because we had 'put a bean in our nose'. Now, I was 5 or so at the time, so this is fully possible. But the thing is, my parents took me at about 4:00AM, and I didnt see my regular doctor. No, this is a guy I hadnt seen before and havent after.

I still remember the look he had. He was big, lanky. Kind of old, and the room was kind of dimly lit. I can remember going in and sitting in a big, almost dentist office chair and getting up with him saying 'all done'. I had a nose bleed for a few days after that, and my parents said they never did that.

This would be a nice, isolated incident if 30 or so other people hadnt looked at me and said "you too?" when I brought it up in highschool. Is this just paranoia, or legitimate conspiracy? It is possible that your girlfriend suffered from the same kind of 'doctors oppointment'

It's so hard to say really. There's so little info to go on. All we know is she and her sister are extracting these. They've gone to doctors like every other kid, but this same kind of "doctor appt", I don't think so.

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