" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
--->This side has three grooves in it
" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
---> This side has smooth outer edges that appear polished where you can see the middle seems sanded, but I think it may be circuitry.
The Blog I've created that has more pictures -
Here's a play by play of exactly what has transpired.
I'm an American living in Brazil with my girlfriend of 5 years. About three months ago I was driving back with her from the town where she grew up in
Brazil. We were conversing, passing time, and she happened to tell me this story about how she and her sister used to expell metal pieces out of their
mouths when they were kids. I was nodding my head and acknowledging her, but inside my head my thoughts could frankly be described as, 'mmhmm, oky
doky', like 'yeah, sure, I'll just forget my girlfriend ever mentioned this crazy story'. She continued to say that her mother had the last piece
extracted analyzed in a lab and the results were that the object was not "from this world". I naturally probed with a few questions, but I wasn't
convinced so I honestly let the story in one ear and out the other.
Friday August 4th, 2005
My girlfriend decides to come home for lunch, a rare occasion. I made her a sandwhich, she ate, then had to rush back to the hospital (she's a
doctor). She went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and I remained on the couch with our dog. All of the sudden she came out holding her finger out
at me with a gold piece on it and said, "Remember when I told you me and my sister were getting these metal pieces out of our mouths? Well, here's
one" (very calmly and confidently). She came out and showed me this thing like this wasn't the first time she's shown someone else these objects
and she handed it to me and told me to keep it. She also had this aire about her like, "You believe me now?".
So I inspected it. I was really curious. I asked her if it had come off her necklace and she said, "C'mon Jess, no". Then I made her swear on my
grandmother's soul that she wasn't lying and she did. My grandparents who are diseased mean the world to me and she knows it. Then I started
thinking, was it in the bread, egg, salt, onion, tomato, cheese, ketchup, or lettuce that I made her? Was it in the grape juice she drank? How about
the toothpaste? So I went into the bathroom and pointed out the toothpaste tube we'd been using and asked her if this was the toothpaste she'd used
and she confirmed it was the one. So I squeazed the remains out on the bathroom counter and mushed it around with my finger to see if there were any
more chips, no chips.
Then she left, she had to get back. This is when my little nightmare started and I've been dealing this for almost four days straight. I got curious
having this thing in my possession and wanted to check online to see if anyone else has had this same strange phenomenon happening to them. I wasn't
having any luck. I started putting in on Yahoo, "coughing up metal", etc. I was clicking around with no luck until I happened upon this website,
reading this story.
Bill Bean writes that, "In July of 1997, I became mysteriously ill and couldn't swallow, because there was a pressure on my throat." I felt I was
choking, just drinking water. It was the most horrible experience of my life, and I wish it on no one. I saw eight different doctors and many tests
were done and nobody gave me an answers. I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital, three times in three weeks. I truly thought I was dying. I noticed
a pattern of red circular marks on my back that I felt was a reaction to the medication. My wife photographed them. I could not eat and my weight went
from a muscular 240 lbs. to 198 lbs. On December 16, 1997, I was in the bathroom with my wife, brushing my teeth when felt a bristle came off my
toothbrush causing me to cough. I reached in my mouth to get the object with my right index finger and found a gold - square - flat - chip. Our first
thoughts were that it had to come out of the toothbrush. Something told me to save it and I did. The next night, while brushing my teeth, I started
coughing again and expelled two more of these things in the sink. After expelling the first piece, I felt like some pressure had come off of my throat
and the next night a lot of pressure had come off. I began eating normally and felt much better. Last year, I sent one piece to Derrel Sims who had
the object analyzed. Bill says, "My piece matches a piece that was surgically removed from a person four years ago in Brazil. An isotopic test to
determine if the piece is alien is being accomplished." Thanks to Bill Bean
[email protected]. Editors Note: Derrel Sims and I feel this may be the
most significant implant case thus far.
[email protected]"
When I read that line, "On December 16, 1997, I was in the bathroom with my wife, brushing my teeth when felt a bristle came off my toothbrush
causing me to cough. I reached in my mouth to get the object with my right index finger and found a gold - square - flat - chip.", a surge of fear
shot right through me. I felt like I was in a movie suddenly or a bad dream. How could this all be some weird coincidence? It's possible sure, but I
have a hard time formulating a hypothesis. Is some company having a food processing flaw allowing 20 some odd chips to fall into vats over the years
and these three people in different countries happen to consume?
There are so many possibilities! Could it be the government somehow tracking people? Why the two sisters? Why the man, if he's telling the truth?
Could extraterrestrials be abducting and experimenting on us? My girlfriend, seems to think they are coming from her nasal passage, not travelling up
her esophagous and surfacing in the throat. Or perhaps if it is a food consumption flaw perhaps it's getting caught in the back of the throat in the
tonsuls or skin. In 2002 Sara extracted a chip, then moved with me shortly after to the US in 2003. Coincidently, she had a bad nasal infection and
smell emminating from her nose.
Another oddity related to this: both sisters have a benign cyst in the same location in the cerebellum in their brains. Sara two months ago was
feeling immense migraines and motor skill loss, so we went to Albert Einstein's Diagnostics here in Brazil to get a Cat Scan done. I saw her holding
up the large X-Ray looking sheets into the light and she said, "Weird, I have the same cyst as my sister and in the same spot".
Immediately after I read that similar story online, what did I rashly do in a panic? I called SETI. I got their secretary in California and she
couldn't help me, all she said was that she was sorry, but she didn't know where to guide me in this appologetic voice. Then she advised me that my
girlfriend should see a doctor. I told her, "the person who is expelling these
is a doctor". And she didn't have anything to say, but that
she didn't know how to help me.
That's when I started emailing as many UFO researchers as I could. Everyone seemed to refer me to A.J. Gaevard here in Brazil. So I contacted Mr.
Gaevard and he was very nice and helpful and directed me to someone here close to home. Mr. Gaevard lives very far away. Brazil is a big country
almost the size of the U.S. So we're waiting on contact from this referral.
What I do know is that when the mother of the two sisters had the piece in 2002 analyzed, from what I gather, they basically took it, said it was not
from this planet, and didn't give it back and the family didn't hear anything back. So the girls weren't extracting anymore chips and the issue
subsided and nobody talked about it, until now.
I had my girlfriend call her mother in front of me and ask what happened exactly to the last chip. So her mother called her contact and this is what
her mother explained to Sara, who explained to me: The first lab didn't know what it was or what it was made of, so they sent it to Mato Grosso in
Brazil to a lab where they said it was somehow composed of quartz. That's it. And it took until two days ago for the mother to find this out, three
years later in 2005.
With that said, before I start placing this chip into the hands of someone else, I want to conduct research myself and compile a full report so that I
can achieve the best understanding I possibly can before I hand this over to professionals. I'm sure everyone can understand this. I don't want to
take the chance of being left in the dark again as my partner's health is involved.
1. I want to see if anyone recognizes this as terrestrial or man-made
2. We're going to bring this chip to a lab ourselves for a compositional analysis. I want a complete readout in elemental percentages. I'll have
that analyzed and translated into laymen's terms.
3. I want to take microscopic photos of the chip
4. I want an X-Ray of it to see if there is any inner circuitry technology that can be studied
5. If anyone can think of anything else, please tell me.
When I am totally satisfied with my findings, I will post my results, and hand the piece over to a professional.