posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 12:35 PM
Interpretation? Thats a bad word to the diehard Christian fundementalist. No such thing as interpretation. The Bible is the literal word of
God, as many so believe and feel. It was "inspired" and guided by the Holy Spirit....some will say.
Its amazing how many times the Bible has been altered, changed, re-written, books left out, but yet its the 'literal and inspired' word of God.
I read once where the Ten Commandments might have actually been called the Ten Committments or something like that. I believe that God 'inspires'
men but I also believe that man can accept that inspiration or deny it and write or change wording as he so deems necessary to suit his or her beliefs
and religion.
Interpretation is and will always be argued with one side being wrong and the other side being right....but who has the final say in determining which
side is interpreting correctly?
The Ten Commandments of comittments or moral laws were made to provide man with a sense of goodness, with virtue, with moral guidelines.....Jesus said
or implied that these 'laws', or so they are labeled, could be simply encased in one phrase or wording:
"Do unto others as you would simply have them do unto you."
Perhaps, that too, has been interpreted in many a multiple ways...
I mean, in the Protestant faith or religion alone you have over 250+ different denominations....why? Interpretations?
And who is ultimately correct in their beliefs, doctrines and interpretations?
[Edited on 29-8-2003 by Seekerof]