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Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
So, should we allow murder just b/c it is written in Christianity that it is wrong? and how is having the 10 Commandments posted in a public place distract anyone from practicing whatever religion they believe in? im not gettin on your case,mOjOm, just stating a point.
Dude, get your nose out of the bible and look beyond the cross. Muder is wrong in EVERY human society. The christians dont have a monopoly on this, nor do they at stealing.
If you go to Shinto Japan, youll find Murder has been wrong for ages. if you go to tribal Africa, even the smallest, most primitive Human societies have laws against taking life for the hell of it. Stealing, killing, lying, ect, all these things are UNIVERSALLY wrong in human societies. Every religion on the planet, save a handful, preaches these thinsg are wrong, and have done so for longer than even Christ Insanity ever was a concept.
Byrd has the best points on here. I used to go to pagan meetings in Californias central valley bible belt. Ive seen what Christians do to Wiccans. Bomb threats, death threats, against a pagan women who oppened up a pagan shop and meeting center in town. her car was trashed, tire slit, and broicks thrown through her windows by loving "christians".
The ten commandments are offensive to many people who dont follow christianity, because the first 4 basically are pure christian dogma (no idols, no gods before me, dont take my name in vain, sabbath, ect). So they are unconstitutional. The push one religious belief on a whole bunch of people. Killing, stealing ect are simplky laws, and as Byrd stated, go back to Hammaraubi and even further, to the very first human societies.
The ten commandments are simply the religious beliefs of one group. It doesnt interfere with peoples right to go to church and worship whoever the hell they wanna pray to. It simply removes that religion being shoved down peoples throats when they go to court. The courthouse is a govornment place. the govornment shall not establish a religion. Putting christianity at the courthouse basically tells the public the state of alabama establishes christianity as the state religion. Unless they plan on filling it with texts of other peoples religions, its unconstitutional. What the judge wants to believe in is his business, he can do it on his own time, with his own money on his own property.
Christian morality is only one moral set of rules. To claim a person is Immoral because they dont follow the christian BS line is stupid. Budists are moral, Hindus are moral, even athiests are moral, they chose what beliefs they want to be guided by.
Its IMMORAL to keep the commandments up, because it etsblishes one religion for the state.
Like other things, keep your religion at home and at church where it belomngs, dont use govornment money and landspace to promote your ideals on the rest of the population.
This country was not founded on christian morals, it was founded on roman and english common law, both being pagan in origin. Christian law includes superstition, burning people at the stake for witchcraft, heresy, or doing evil things like discovering the earth is round and not the center of the universe.
Christianity inflicted 1500 years of inhuman hell on Europe, and spread to other peoples by the sword, robbing them of thier own native cultures.
Originally posted by Thorfinn Skullsplitter
Maybe humans can finally start evolving once they get that silly religion idea out of their heads...
Originally posted by Thorfinn Skullsplitter
Maybe humans can finally start evolving once they get that silly religion idea out of their heads...
Originally posted by mishapscott
Hmmm. When you have to take the chip to save your life, will you?
Originally posted by madmanacrosswater
The 10 Commandments in our government buildings.
Somehow Christians seem to think that our founding fathers were just that. Thank God they are smarter than the folks who think this country is turning it's back on God by not letting the commandments stay.
I would like one Christian on this board to show me ANYWHERE the founding fathers stated their Christianity. Not there faith in God, but there Christianity.
There are far too many religions, spiritualists, etc that have a faith in God to have the gov't even attempt to limit or pick one. That is what the founding fathers were up to. That is why people fled Europe in droves. They were being asked and told to believe something.
I don't need my government or anyone else to tell me how to believe in God. God tells me that himself.
Originally posted by K_OS
Originally posted by Colonel
I wonder if you all would be so up in arms if it were some Muslim or Jewish commandments? In fact, I bet you'd be rioting for its removal, claiming separation of church and state.
That's why the 10 Commnadments was removed.
If it were Muslim, Jewish, etc. it would still be up. We live in a country that is scared to death about pissing off a minority.
Amen to that K_OS.It's about time someone had the guts to speak the truth.The fact is like it or not this country was built on Christian morals and beliefs.Look at your money if you don't believe me.When are you people gonna start bitching about that?Maybe it should be in Mohammad we trust,or Buddah.
Why does it bother you if they are there or not?Don't look at them if it does.There are lots of things in this world I don't like to see or hear.Guess what?I turn my head or don't listen to it.The liberal activist are stirring up a bee's hive here.I just hope they know what they are doing,because it will come back and sting them.
Originally posted by Byrd
Originally posted by mishapscott
Hmmm. When you have to take the chip to save your life, will you?
Let's reframe that idea: "When you have to take the cross to save your life, will you?"
A lot of people have been offered the choice, "Become Christian or die (everyone here with any American Indian heritage can tell you this... ditto any Blacks.)
Let's talk about chipping -- when in the South if you openly reject Christianity, you can be harmed or your property destroyed... when you can be disadvantaged at work or in other places because you "didn't take the cross."
It never occurs to Christians that this might indeed be the Mark of the Beast -- being forced to wear the cross so that you can do business, being forced to put the christian fish on your car and business cards so you get customers, being forced to close your business on Sunday and forced to keep it open on Saturday (even if you were Jewish.)
The cross comes a lot closer to the Mark of the Beast than any chip. Just ask any Jew, any Muslim, anyone of any other faith who's tried to do business in a very Christian community. Just ask any athiest or agnostic who's said "I'm uncomfortable with Christianity being shoved down my throat at every festival and every government meeting."
Non-Christians are forced to accept this to get along in society. Given the splitting of Christianity into thousands of quarreling churches and the hysteria over commandments and marks and "knowing when you're saved" -- there's a good case for making modern Christianity the REAL "mark of the Beast."
Originally posted by Daz3d-n-Confus3d
Byrd I normally respect your opinion,but you are out of line here.You are taking a very small percentage of extremists ,who true Christians have no respect for,and applying what they do and say as the majority.I live in the south also and have never seen anyone ever threatened or abused for not believing in God.In fact I know a lot of non-believers.And I don't see any of them real worried about my beliefs as a christian.