posted on May, 1 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by DontTreadOnMe
I'm not sure where to approach this as it's a vague sort of topic, but it's a central topic for all sorts of numerical implications so I'll stick
to the title.. the significance of numbers.
Iconography is an interesting subject. The idea is taking language, symbols, numbers and boiling them down to the most basic idea or ideas it
represents. You see this most clearly in some asian languages as they have enough written history to trace modern day words to pictographs used by
ancient civilization.
Egypt is the first place that springs to mind for pictographs and the incorporation of sacred geometry and numbers into almost every practical
application in day to day life, but the idea is far more widespread than that, covers most of ancient mesopotamia and some civilizations had a much
more advanced knowledge of math than they did.. the Sumerians and the Babylonians to name two.
If words are the language of the right brain, I would say numbers are that of the left. Clear, rigid lines and factors.. but the bridge between the
two is what I would say gives them significance. Three being a magic number? Why? Mother, Father and Child? Three sides to a triangle, one of the
strongest architectural shapes.. three days in the equinox.. many reasons. Does this make it a magic number? That depends greatly upon whether you
think three is all that important. You could argue that the belief gives it power or argue that only applying the number to your left brain robs it of
access to the full power of your mind.
Let's assume for the purposes of this board that numbers do have a significance and that numerical systems of magic are valid. A layman may see a
number recurring often in their life and see it as a sign or a portent. Should it lead to something substantial they'll view that number as
important. A practitioner of numerology would start breaking down the significance of the number right away and possibly find the root cause of the
recurrance in their lives. The number could or could not be significant but the key factor is that both became aware of the number. There's
scientific theory that's on the cutting edge right now that suggest simply being aware of something causes a subtle shift on a quantum level that
alters things in realtime... it's hard to walk into a tree if you have your eyes open.. I'm a bit tongue in cheek on that, but the analogy still
applies to signs and portents.
I suppose the most concise opinion I could give is that there are many ways to break down numbers.. it's another form of divination I suppose.. many
other purposes, but the practical effect of it is to create links.. sometimes links that purely exist in your subconscious and not in reality.. but
links have power. Ideas have power. Do numbers themselves have power? Ask that of a cat. It'll probably ask you where its dinner is.