I have a tendency as a mnemonic device to remember strings of digits (phone numbers, addresses, serial numbers, etc.) by adding all of their
constituent digits, and reducing them in such a way until only one digit is produced, which is actually a technique more typical of Pythagorean
Numerology to get a single digit for an esoteric "reading", but I found is also a great cue for me to remember otherwise long numbers with no inherent
mystical meaning or import, for use in future reference.
That said, I have long been noticing, regardless of and apart from the long sequences I need to remember in my daily life, which I tend to discard
from my mind once I no longer need to know a phone number, for instance, that as I go about my days, if I add-up the numbers I see (addresses, or
numbers on ads and posters, things that just catch my eye), they all reduce to the same number, even though I was not seeking them out, or only added
the digits after the fact.
So, I do not so much keep seeing 37 or 23 or anything as other users here have, but I keep seeing numbers that reduce to 1. Such as maybe a house will
catch my eye as I'm walking, and it's civic address will be 4060 (4+0+6+0=10=1+0=1), or the bus passing by moments later might be the #10 line
(1+0=1), then I might look at my watch or phone and the time will be a similar reduction (reduction being my term for this addition of the digits to
get a single number). It is always 1. Of course, if I go seeking it, random numbers with no meaning to me will appear, but if, by synchronicity or
serendipity, my eye is led to some number around me, it seems most always to reduce to 1.
Apart from that, my weird clock numerological encounter is with 11:22 whenever I happen to glance at once (by chance, of course--deliberately looking
rarely shows me 11:22). Regarding Pythagorean Numerology, and in an odd overlap, Gematria, I "am" a "One"--in my full name, nickname, birth-date, and
other factors, which seems peculiar, especially in two different numerological systems (though I have a Hebrew set of names). Maybe this is the 1
edit on 9-4-2014 by Aquilifer because: Grammatical fix; Personal numerology details.