posted on May, 27 2010 @ 04:40 AM
For about a month long span, I was seeing 12:34 constantly on clocks. Now, I'd agree that there's obviously the possibility that my subconscious was
screwing around with me and my internal clock was just making me look at the right times, but the more this happened, the less I felt that it made any
Lots of people are quick to call themselves insomniacs, but I wouldn't classify myself as one. Instead, I've just got a very erratic sleep life.
Even if I try my hardest, I can't stay on the same schedule for more than a few days. I have a real high tolerance for sleep (once stayed up 58 hours
straight with ease and only fell asleep out of boredom) and I can easily just wake myself up if I'm starting to get tired. I don't drink caffeine
(hate coffee, hate energy drinks, hate soda) and I don't take any medicine or drugs. Even if I'm dead tired and in a comfortable position, it still
takes me roughly an hour or two to fall asleep, and when I wake up I'm almost always more tired than when I went to bed. I've got dark circles under
my eyes which seem to be permanent, yet I never suffer from fatigue or anything.
So, when it comes to an internal clock, I sort of have none. I'm a writer and I get lost in daydreams and deep thought and sometimes it feels like
I'm gone for 2 seconds but it was 2 hours, though other times it feels like I've been struggling with one thought for a day and it's been several
minutes. When it comes to being able to look at a clock at a certain time, it just seems out of the realm of likelihood.
But for about a month, once or sometimes both times a day, I'd notice when it was 12:34. Sometimes I even specifically would look at a clock, see
it's something like 12:30, look at it consistently until it was 12:33, then look away and watch a whole section of a TV show, and at the commercial
look up, see it's not 12:34, but then BAM, notice another clock that is a few minutes behind and is 12:34.
At first it meant nothing but coincidence. Then it started to freak me out.
Now, the opposite has happened. Out of the blue, it stopped, and now for the past week or so, even when trying my hardest to look at a clock when
it's 12:34, something happens to prevent me from it. I've seen 12:35, 12:33, 2:34, but not 12:34. No breath of fresh air, though. Instead, I feel a
bit...well, I guess the best way to word it would be "lost". If you're driving somewhere and you have a set of directions that point out landmarks,
each time you see one, it reassures you that you're on the right track. If you suddenly don't see any, the world opens up. Though this whole 12:34
thing doesn't necessarily equate to "signs that I'm on the right track", and it didn't give me that feeling of comfort at first, without it I'm
feeling the same sort of anxiety and discomfort.
As to what significance any numbers have, well, being a gray area kind of guy that doesn't put a lot of faith into religion but keeps an open mind as
he can't prove it wrong and equally doesn't put a whole lot of faith in unproven sciences but acknowledges that there's the potential...the only
thing I can definitively say is that the numbers add up to 10, because that's what my math teachers taught me lol. Anything else, I'm stumped, just
as much as I am about any other possible meanings behind seeing and then not seeing these numbers in such a way that seems a bit too odd to be
coincidence or random chance.