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What religion do you follow?

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posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 08:41 PM
Im a devout Catholic.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 09:47 PM
Well I was a catholic..... until I reached the age of reason. Now I follow no religion. I follow my common sense as to what I believe in my heart to be right and wrong.

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 07:26 AM
Well, you are the typical Christian. Nowhere did I state that I hated Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ was the son of God as we all are. He just opened his heart all the way to the father and tried to pass that on.

Preaching FEAR again my friend? God is LOVE-not FEAR.

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 07:35 AM
I am catholic but actually I dont give a S*** because I dont believe in god. I dont believe in the devil either. Actually I believe that aliens made us, which could be more true than god. This is not supposed to be an offense post!

[Edited on 5-8-2003 by StalkingPanther]

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 09:49 AM
Raised a Catholic but don't follow any religion in particular as they are all 95% man made and flawed with 5% a glimmer of a deeper truth.

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 11:26 AM
Though I uphold the teachings of Taoism and Buddhism, I am "officially" a Jediist. If you want more information on Jediism, visit the main page. If that doesn't work for you, feel free to ask me - kindly, of course - and I will help you in any way that I can.

Jediism - The Jedi Religion

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 11:48 AM
I don't follow any specific religion. I believe that all of the religions are in some way right and in other ways wrong. I think that all of the religions of the world are actually seeing/praying to/worshiping the same God but from different perspectives.

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 04:25 AM

Jedi of Light
I never knew that thier was an actual religion.
Sounds interesting. Now, is thier a church you you mass at or is it more you can pray anywhere?

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 10:52 AM
Well, I'm Wiccan. I've been a member of the Wiccan faith since about 1969 and have recently been involved in helping one of the pagan Reconstructionist movements with some documentation.

(as an anthropologist... not as a member of the reconstructionist faith.)

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 11:04 AM
The totem of man is my religion.

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 11:56 AM
I am Christian.
A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, (Mormon)

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep

Jedi of Light
I never knew that thier was an actual religion.
Sounds interesting. Now, is thier a church you you mass at or is it more you can pray anywhere?

The Force is everywhere, so there is no need for us to go to a specific place to "pray". And technically, we don't pray - we meditate, but the basic idea is the same. And we do so whenever we choose to, really. Currently, our "Temple Jedi" is the main forum, since we are an international religion, but there aren't a lot of us -we mainly populate the U.K. and U.S. There are, however, other "Jedi religions" who are attempting to fund a physical Jedi Temple for the Jedi to live and train in, but that has been discussed for years, and nothing has come about. Any other questions?

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 01:22 PM
I was raised a christian, now I'm an atheist and I like a lot of the Discordian's philosophy.

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 01:27 PM
I'm Agnostic, I was a semi-christian uptill seven years ago then I decided it wasn't right for me and now I follow my own common sense.
However, Buddism is really the only religion I'd consider, now as most of the teachings make sense to me, although I believe that I will remain Agnostic till I can see some real proof of the existence of any God.

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 03:39 PM
If I had to choose one, I would go with Christianity, as I do believe in the story of Christ, and I believe in God, Hell, Heaven, etc.

But I don't believe that the Bible is the "whole truth"........I don't think the vicars and preachers are telling us the right message, so I don't really belong to any religion. As far as I can see, the only thing that matters is that you acknowledge and believe in God, one way or another.

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 03:56 PM
Chebob, I agree.
Every religion is just another path towards God.
Every religion offers a different life style, But all offer a way to reach God.
Their are good and bad paths, its up to us to determine which way we choose.

Im happy that this thread has not gotten off topic of the original question, which is a problem with alot of threads.
I tried to make my question very straightforward. And i thank you all for being on que with the main question.

Lobo, Jedism is very interesting and its even more inviting to here that its not clouded with star wars treky geeks ( i dunno if treky is the good term to use) but it more of the less men and women who have precipated its concept into real life values. I think its a wonderfull way of living, Though im Sikh, following other religions is accepted by our guru's ( well i think so :@@

Jedism, and most other "ism's" offer a very realistic way of living and seem more viable then other religions. And most that do follow these way uphold these values to thier absolute.
Im gonna have to go to that link of yours again, I'll admit i never got time to examine it all.
Sounds interesting.

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 05:35 PM
I attend a pentacostal church. I was raised a christian and have come to the place where I need proof. If there is a God or a Devil I need to here from them myself. Until I do, I will remain highly skeptical of all writings that have passed from the pen of man.

posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Toltec
Of all the systems of belief I have been exposed to the first is the one that has made the greatest impression upon me (hence the name I use at this site).

great observation..I was wondering the same thing.
My parents raised me to make my own discoveries and decisions about religion, and I have been studying Buddhism recently. I find it to feel right and find it to make the most sense to me.

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 10:13 PM
I believe that I should work for my country, my family, and my people, not a man made relgion that twists the belief of a greater being into profit. I do believe in God, but not the ways any of the world's holy books say he exists(Einstien also held similar beliefs).

We are so naive in thinking we can explain something so powerful, especially with our feeble human minds!

Na Zdrowie!


posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 10:26 PM
I went to Anglican schools but I do not practice any religion. My wife is Japanese and therefore Budhist and Shinto. I go with her to temples and shrines to participate in rituals but I know little about them.

I feel religion is a set of rules, like a constitution, to govern the way we interact with each other. However, these different 'constitutions' have been hijacked by individuals to suit their own purpose and so we get the religious wars. The basic tenets of most religions are similar so I try to live in such a way without ascribing to any one organised religion.

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