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What religion do you follow?

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posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 10:46 PM
I was just curious to know what religion the members here followed.

I myself was born into a Sikh family.

I hope this does not become a religion bashing topic, so please hold you anti ( religion ) statements to yourself.

Anyone curious into knowing what Sikhism is, ask and I'll post a link at a later time.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 10:47 PM
I am christian.

Nice to meet you.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 10:51 PM
I am agnostic/atheist nihilist antichristian.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 10:54 PM

I am agnostic/atheist nihilist antichristian.

Can you elaborate on whatever you just said?
that sounds like some sort of presciption drug.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 10:57 PM
i'm dualist, athiest, anti-christian

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
I was just curious to know what religion the members here followed.

I myself was born into a Sikh family.

I hope this does not become a religion bashing topic, so please hold you anti ( religion ) statements to yourself.

Anyone curious into knowing what Sikhism is, ask and I'll post a link at a later time.

I would like to know more about Sikhism. I can't even pronounce the word.


posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 11:13 PM
Agnostic - Someone who thinks any assertions made by humans concerning the existence of God have absolutely no value, thus one who thinks he can't pronounce validly about the existence or unexistence of God. A doubter.

Atheist - Someone who denies the existence of God.

Agnostic/Atheist - Me, someone who thinks any assertions made by humans concerning the existence of God in the "Creator" sense have absolutely no value, while believing on the unexistence of deities of any kind.

Nihilist - Someone who believes there is no universal truth apart from the laws of the universe, thus, someone who thinks moral, ethic and value patterns are despisable.

Antichristian - need to explain?

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 11:28 PM
Are some good sites,
You can do a search on google and see what you come up with aswell.
Thanks Antichrist
I was just bugging you a bit too.
Some people claim to follow religions they cant ever spell. Obviously i was very wrong about you. I hope your way guides you well.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 11:31 PM
How can a person not know who God is, not believe in that god,love themselves above all others, believe in more than one god and still find time to discredit another's belief??

[Edited on 4-8-2003 by Tyriffic]

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 11:32 PM
its not a religion, more like having no religion as I don't consider neither atheism nor agnosticism to be religions.

Nihilism is just a way to perceive the universe and the existential questions inherent to the human being.

Not religions per se.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Antichrist
its not a religion, more like having no religion as I don't consider neither atheism nor agnosticism to be religions.

Nihilism is just a way to perceive the universe and the existential questions inherent to the human being.

Not religions per se.

Reaonable discussion is good.

On the face of it Athiesm and Agnosticism are not religions.

I think Atheism is to some a religion.

I just wonder with humbleness, how some can label themselves under so many different ideas and really know what they believe in.
I guess that is my question, what do you put stock in?

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 11:44 PM
I agree atheism can be a religion to some.

Since mostly my beliefs are on the unexistence of God, truth, etc... they are really easy not to forget

I am quite sleepy, 5:41 AM here.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 12:28 PM
Wow that Sikhism religion was way ahead of its time when it was created. It believed in the full equality of women which amazed me.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 04:50 PM
I am of no religion per se. All religions have many good things in them and most point to a creator.

I am a spiritualist. I believe we all have God's spirit within us(in fact I KNOW).

We are each a small part of God. We live in God's kingdom thus this is a small part of heaven.

Hell-that is what each one of us puts ourselves through when not listening to what God is telling us. He talks to each and every one of us all the time. Ever do something that you deep in your heart know is not right, but do it anyway? Ever say why aren't we all stopping these terrible things that we see?

God gave us the power and the means to do whatever we want. It is up to the individual to seek this.

Why am I not a Christian? That is what I was brought up under. Mainly because I don't believe there is a hell in the literal sense. Why would God send a portion of himself to eternal damnation?

Most religions preach fear. God is NOT fear. God is love.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 05:05 PM
I have started my own religion, it's called Selfism and its all about finding out about one's self.

Anyone can join but they must free themselves of rules, boundaries and regulations in regard to their spiritual enlightenment.

We have no scriptures, they are not needed.

We only follow the script of life's experience to make our judgements.

Peace and love to all.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 05:17 PM

One of the reasons I'm certain I'm on the right path?
I've heard God correct me.
Another reason?
All the prophesies concerning Christ's first appearance were dead-on. Most of His second appearance prophesies have come about as well.
How many people have already labelled themselves as "antiChristian"? That in and of itself is IAW Christ's words that if the hate Him, how much more so will they hate me?
madmanacrosswater, in due time we'll see how much of God is in each and every one of us. Not worth arguing to deaf ears.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 05:31 PM

Wow that Sikhism religion was way ahead of its time when it was created. It believed in the full equality of women which amazed me.

Also, caste systems were demolished, the found Guru's urged that we were all the same in gods eyes, no matter what creed, race, gender.
Its a pity though, that even though our religion is a great religion, thier are the bad apples that disgrace the very name, ( Air India Bombers)

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 05:48 PM
These threads are usually minefields but, OK.
I "follow" many religions. I have no firm belief in any single one of them though. I was brought up Christian (Episcopalian) but left the church 20 years ago or so.
Currently I would side more with Wicca or Druidism mainly beacuse I still see no proof of a real "GOD" per-say.
I took one of those on-line religion surveys a couple years ago and it came up with some Universalist utilitarian something or other to describe my beliefs.


I, now, firmly believe in the abolition of all "organized" religion. Religions have caused more death and destruction throughout history than even greed has.
You can believe and worhip what you like in private. I have nothing against any belief or people. I DO have a problem with the way "GOD" has been used as a tool to control populations throughout history.
The moment that religious leaders begin talking about "infadels" or "non-believers" I call it Inciting violence.

OK, putting on my Asbestos suit


posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 08:10 PM
Allthough there is much debate, on whether Buddhism is a religion, or not. I myself am a Buddhist, of the Thera-vada school of thought.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 08:37 PM
Of all the systems of belief I have been exposed to the first is the one that has made the greatest impression upon me (hence the name I use at this site).

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