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Bohemian Grove, The Owl: Not Satanic!

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posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 06:24 PM
I lost all of the respect that i had for Alex Jones after seeing this video. i started to question him after the video and found jones to tell a few truths mixed in with lies.

If world leaders were at the event do you honestly think he could have gotten in? Try getting close to a world leader sometime when they do not want you to. Plus he did not prove anything with the video. He did not show anyone of importance that was supposedly there. He did not show a heavy security presence even though he had an undercover camera. the only thing that he proved was that a bunch of people showed up for an outdoor play. I wonder how much money he made of the video?

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
What you have said about the club being a social campout seems to be a little one sided... I am sure that is what it appears to the majority of partakers (you included)...

Don't get me wrong, I understand what you are trying to say, but this is what bothers me about conspiracy theory. Whenever there is a group of people who are members of the organization being theorized about, whether it be Freemasons or Bohemian Club, whenever the members come out and say there's nothing like that going on, I've never seen anything of the sort, etc etc... there's ALWAYS someone there to say that the bad stuff going on is hidden from the majority of the membership!

That is SUCH a lame way to save face, and is a bad assumption. If there ARE things hidden from the general membership of a group, then don't criticize the organization in general! Criticize the supposed "organization within the organization". Just seems like a typical troll tactic is all I'm saying...

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 11:25 AM
Ok sebatwerk
I grant that bohemian grove seems like a cool place to be, especially if you are a former boyscout or outdoorsman who enjoys all the good things about nature...
(alcohol is natural isn't it?)...
and it is an opportunity to gather in somewhat anonimity for public figures... the ritual preserves privacy and serves a purpose there...

I actually have been a participant in a very similiar camp in Kansas called camp Gaia... that seems to follow the rites and tradition very closely... (it is composed of hippies, yuppies, wiccans, wannabees and other various open mined people)
but there is a dark side... I will not go into the dark side, becuase it has been taken care of since then, but it shows that no organization can ensure that nothing illegal will go on when you get so many people together in the freedom of nature and add lots of alcohol/and or drugs...
as the saying goes... there is a bad apple in every bushel...

I do see your point of not holding the practices and abuses of a few, against the whole.
I clarify my contention as being concerned about the close ties and meetings
performed by the politicians and business men that circumvent proper process and disclosure AND DO SO BY VIOLATING THE LAW OF BG... (a well placed law at that)

Bohemian Grove tries to discourage business/politics done on "sacred ground", but when you get certain elite types together it is inevitable.

I also understand that many of the problematic "sexual deviancies" occur in the nearby town, which imports escorts for those weeks (both genders). I will also accept that this would happen with any "convention" type situation, and men will be men...
when the cats away... he gets some "strange"... (not personally, but I know the type)
this also in not unique to BG...
just not particularly ethical when it involves Politicians who are usually kept honest by the public that they are exposed to.

A politicans sexual deviances ARE unfortunatly OUR business. The reason for this is also the cause of it...
due to the scandal possibility, blackmail is very possible... and NO ONE should have a string tied to our politicians (yeah, many laugh there, because it is too late) France (booooo) has a very open sexual policy... there leaders just say... "yeah, this is my wife, and this is my mistress"... if it was a bit less retentive here, then blackmail wouldn't be an issue

BG is not the problem any more than any other closed door political meeting, but it is those meetings that hurt the American ideal and the idea of true democratic representation.
So it is those meetings as a whole, that I disagree with...

[edit on 2-6-2005 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
but there is a dark side... I will not go into the dark side, becuase it has been taken care of since then, but it shows that no organization can ensure that nothing illegal will go on when you get so many people together in the freedom of nature and add lots of alcohol/and or drugs...
as the saying goes... there is a bad apple in every bushel...

I do see your point of not holding the practices and abuses of a few, against the whole.
I clarify my contention as being concerned about the close ties and meetings
performed by the politicians and business men that circumvent proper process and disclosure AND DO SO BY VIOLATING THE LAW OF BG... (a well placed law at that)

I agree with you. Unfortunately there is no way of knowing who is breaking the rules of the Grove and who is not. But I don't think we can simply say "no privacy for public officers!" There has to be a more proactive, fair solution to the situation. Holding no events of the sort is a solution akin to cutting off the arm of someone who has a cut on their finger. It's unnecessary, unfortunate, and in the end it will not stop those things from occurring.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 01:34 PM
If there is nothing to hide why isnt the general population invited in to check it out? The global elite dont need a camp where they can go and relax. They have yahts, private country clubs, summer homes, etc to relax in. This is a dirty little sexual, ritualistic, evil secret they are ashamed of otherwise you and I could join in and party with them or at least have a look. Use Ocams razor on this. If there is nothing to hide, why is it such a secret orginazation/club/fellowship. It stinks!!

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
If there is nothing to hide why isnt the general population invited in to check it out? The global elite dont need a camp where they can go and relax. They have yahts, private country clubs, summer homes, etc to relax in. This is a dirty little sexual, ritualistic, evil secret they are ashamed of otherwise you and I could join in and party with them or at least have a look. Use Ocams razor on this. If there is nothing to hide, why is it such a secret orginazation/club/fellowship. It stinks!!

You are simply repeating the same bad assumptions made by dozens of posters before you, who have all had to admit that they do not know what is going on there and who need to understand that we live in a free country where we can all do whatever the hell we please. You're tellling me that politicians and public figures do not deserve to have the same rights as the rest of us, only because you are scared of what COULD happen and not what actually IS happening?

And let me ask you this: if we DID take rights away from politicians, do you think anyone would actually WANT to run for office?

[edit on 2-6-2005 by sebatwerk]

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:03 PM
I was worried about the same thing originally
Read my link on the reporter who snuck in and mixed and mingled in all the activities.
it is not the exclusive resort we are lead to believe by Alex Jones...
There is a waiting list over 30yrs long, BUT if you are talented and apply to be part of the entertainment, then they might jump you up there...

to the best of my research... it appears that this is a chance for all the snobby elites to pretend that they are cool, by hanging around with a bunch of true bohemians, gays, and philosophers...

I am sure that all kinds of "less than good" games are cooked up over the campfire... but then... that happens in boyscouts also... so not a NWO plot or otherwise...

they enjoy the fact that they can be politically INcorrect for a short time, before going back to the real world of "care"...

the only reputable documented evils are:
1. insider trading..
2. unethical business deals between government and business
3. unethical media agreements between editors and politicians
4. drinking to excess... (big whup)
5. telling racist and bigited jokes about women and hispanics... (black jokes were outlawed when blacks were admitted to the club)
6. pandering and prostitution (but only off grounds where it is safer)

apparently if there were women on the grounds, they would have drunk horny men chasing them the whole time, so they would be truly in danger...

now I don't want to speculate about the number of young boy artists or actors that get dragged off to one of the gay camps... but hitting on younger men, by older gays seems to be fairly common... and not unusual.
BG is openly acknowledged to have a "bi" sexual appeal... in that it appeals to both gays and "straights"... and doesn't judge the actions of either...

Obviously these are adults, and can do whatever they want sexually...
like I said...I just don't want to see a scandal of how a white house intern has garnered favors or inside access to information, due to a horny congressmans lack of discretion in choosing his sex partners...

that isn't what we vote for...

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
it is not the exclusive resort we are lead to believe by Alex Jones...
There is a waiting list over 30yrs long, BUT if you are talented and apply to be part of the entertainment, then they might jump you up there...

Yes, you are correct. I have heard that in several places, including one guy who posted here and claimed he was one such artist. Anyways, your post pretty much described my sentiments exactly. It's not that politicians dont deserve privacy, it's not that we should take rights away, it is simply that organizations like BG and the people who attend NEED to be mindful of what they do, lest they bring about their own demise as well as the demise of the organization.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Born
I recently (just yesterday in fact) viewed Alex Jones admittedly excellent "Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove". The DVD was my first Alex Jones documentary and I must say that I was very pleased with Alex Jones work and the amount of research he puts into his documentaries. I commend him for that. "Dark Secrets" follows Alex Jones as he infiltrates the Bohemian Grovew where many important political figures go to supposedly "party". Others say that dimportant political figures gather there to hold a satanic mock human sacrifice in front of a huge owl statue. Indeed those people seem to be right at first when Alex actually shows us that very ritual taking place in Bohemian Grove in "Dark Secrets". But is it really a satanic ritual that is taking place or is it something else? I for one think it is the latter.

There seems to be nothing sinister afoot as Alex Jones begins to infiltrate Bohemian Grove. In fact we see footage in which many Bohemian Club members are drinking and chatting with each other. Sounds real sinister right? Alex does have a few run-ins with security and secret service members but there is a completely logical reason for this which I will reveal later. It is at night that the really weird stuff begins as we see the long awaited mock human sacrifice that the documentary has been telling us about the whole time. This mock human sacrifice is known as "The Cremation of Care".

Now you may be asking yourself right now why important governors and even former presidents would take part in a mock human sacrifice. But everything is not as it seems. This is not a satanic ritual. You see Bohemian Grove is where these important political figures go to get a break. Its there vacation of sorts if you will. Why at Bohemian Grove you ask? Well that is very simple: Bohemian Grove is a very beautiful place. Even Alex Jones admits this. But what does that have to do with the ritual you ask? Well the whole ritual is done in honor of natures. The ritual is honoring nature. During the ritual the paritcipants use the words "she" a number of times. Who are they talking about you ask? Nature is the answer. They are talking about nature. They are not talking about Satan. They are talking about nature. How do I get nature out of "she"? MOTHER NATURE! See there is nothing satanic about it it is a ritual honoring nature. But there is another reason for the ritual as well. You see these important political figures that go to Bohemian Grove are very powerful. And you know what Spider-Man always says right? With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. I;m not saying that these people actually care about their responsibilities but they do have to worry about a lot of thngs just like we do. They probably have more to worry and care about than us. They go to Bohemian Grove to get away from there worries and cares. That is why the ritual is called "The Cremation of Care" because they are getting rid of all their cares and worries. It is a release of sorts that gets rid of all their stress. But what about the dummy being sacrificed? Very simple anser to that. The dummy represents all their cares and worries and when they burn it it is like they are burning aweay all their cares and worries. See it is all very simple. I am not saying that there is not an Illuminati. I am not saying there is not a global conspiracy. I am not even saying that are world leaders are really satanists hell bent on bringing the antichrist to power. I am merely saying that the ritual at Bohemian Grove is not a stanic ritual. Do are world leaders have to be doing this ritual? Hell no!

Don't you believe in democracy? Its not good when world leaders get together and make decisions for US in what they think is OUR best interest.

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 08:23 AM
Lol! Lets see if u use US money from the federal reserve you will see the Bohemian owl on it. The Bohemian owl is a sacrafice, that was started by the Jesuit society in Bohemia Germany in the Black Forrest. The Germans Kicked them out in the late 1800's, and they populated in Russian. Later they overthrew the Russian Government at the turn of that century.

Furthermore, Owl is often times the medicine of sorcerers and witches. If Owl is your medicine, you will be drawn to magical practices and perhaps explore the dark arts. YOU SHOULD RESIST ANY TEMPTATION TO PRACTICE BLACK MAGIC OR ANY ART THAT TAKES ENERGY AWAY FROM ANOTHER PERSON OR BEING. If you have Owl medicine, these night birds will have a tendency to collect around you, even in the daytime, because they recognize a kinship with you..."

posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by cryptorsa1001
I lost all of the respect that i had for Alex Jones after seeing this video. i started to question him after the video and found jones to tell a few truths mixed in with lies.

If world leaders were at the event do you honestly think he could have gotten in?
I hate it when debunkers use this argument. It puts conspiracy researchers in a catch-22 situation; either you don't have enough evidence, in which case they say that so many people couldn't keep a secret, or you have evidence, in which case they argue that if there was a real conspiracy the proof would have been hidden more expertly.

posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 01:30 PM
Richard M. Nixon, a former member of the Bohemian Grove, was secretly recorded saying this about the organization:

"The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time, is the most faggy god....ed thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco."

Nixon's quote, and a more realistic article on the history and organization of Bohemian Grove, can be read at the online encyclopedia here:

[edit on 9-8-2005 by Masonic Light]


posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by URa11FUX
Don't you believe in democracy? Its not good when world leaders get together and make decisions for US in what they think is OUR best interest.

I believe in democracy, but I do not think it is necessarily a bad thing for world leaders to get together. By having an understanding of each other it reduces the potential of a crisis between the countries the represent caused by misunderstanding.

Plumbers, electricians and other folks in the same line of work often get together to discuss things relative to their employment. This is because individuals in the same line of work have an interest and understanding of the same issues that impact them all. It seems natural to me that world leaders would get together with other world leaders to discuss issues common to their line of work.

My greater concern is with the nameless corporate and monetary power brokers as these are the people pulling the puppet strings of the visible political players.


posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 04:28 PM
So wait one minute, I'm sitting here reading such utter CRAP as "hey, nothing goes on there, it's um.. well it's a place where they go to relax!!"


posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Selective_ID
So wait one minute, I'm sitting here reading such utter CRAP as "hey, nothing goes on there, it's um.. well it's a place where they go to relax!!"


Umm, do you have ANYTHING to back up your statement with? Or did you purposely decide to waste space on the server without contributing a damn thing?

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 06:22 AM
any one have a photo of that bohemian club gambol's? I know it's from the old website but that site is not longer up. can some one repost it here??

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 01:48 PM
LOL I't's funny how conspiracy's come out of Conspiracy's that Is the half truth becomes corrupt something they have In common with religion I guess.

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by billybob

Originally posted by sebatwerk
Fair enough, I AM assuming that you know no more or less than anyone else on this forum. I concluded this based on your previous posts. Am I wrong?

no. you're right. every human brain is identical.

THANK YOU, billybob.

But I stopped reading the thread after I started laughing.

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 04:54 AM
wow, you about 18 months late on that reply there.

But in all seriousness if the Bohemian Grove is satanic it is only evident in the actions of the people there. ie. making lucrative business deals, picking politicians, forming agendas. These are satanic in the figurative sense, that is does not help the common good.

[edit on 29-9-2006 by rotarychris7]

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 04:39 PM
If I spent the majority of my time lying to the American people and stockholders and making contaminated decisions that affect the American people and people everywhere, I'd need a place to hide as well.

However, I'm not sure that I'd hang out beneath an idol whether it be an owl idol or an American Idol. Satanic or Paganistic or Venusian, it's elitist and seperatist and quite frankly at the least deceitful. I would not be any happier if politicians were going to any other sort of descriminatory function anywhere, like at a biased country club for instance. It's called accountability and that's supposed to be a social contract between the elected and the people.

Who says that these Jokers are ENTITLED to anything above and beyond that which even the least of those that they represent are ENTITLED to?

It's ridiculous and unnecessary and problematic. They need a vacation? OK well let these self-obsessed incompetents wait in lines like everyone else and be surveiled like everyone else and ordered around like everyone else. They may or may not be worshipping a Stone Big Bird but for heaven's sake, we don't have to worship them. If these goons are kept from answering questions about their activites because of the oath or if they are embarrassed then they should QUIT GOING there and go to Disneyworld or the Wisconsin Dells or the Grand Canyon and get over it.

If anything, it's a Cult of Delusional Entitlement and Self-Adoration. And if a guarded governor's mansion or a 100 room estate isn't good enough to relax in, then they ought to go live in a regular town with regular people and sit in a corner until they think about what it is that they think they are doing and then go do something else.

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