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Bigfoot filmed in Manitoba

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posted on May, 7 2005 @ 10:06 PM
They have no idea of this farce coming up there i take it from reading this interview with Bobby Clarke.... or do they?

Even the conservation minister gave his .02

Bigfoot bonanza

could it be that ACA sent up this group to pull the wool over everyones eyes while a real expedition is busy with a serious investigation?

nah i doubt it.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 10:42 AM
A hastily planned expedition to search and find BF, by a somewhat Tabloid/sensationalistic news agency gives me serious doubts as to the future welfare of BF itself.

If the BFRO is questioning ACFs methods, it makes one wonder what the real end result of discovering BF would mean. Can you imagine the amount of money that could be made from displaying a captured BF - real exploitation at it's finest. It's kinda like what happened in fantasy to King Kong, but then... truth is stranger than fiction!

I've actually come across some information, albeit from a questionable source, that claims BF can disappear into thin air! Something to do with interdimensional travel? I'll go into more details in a separate post soon.

3 Cheers to all those, especially Scar and AndrewTB for providing the Video Clips and screenshots and general updates concerning the Norway House BF Sighting. And to all the discussion concerning this event is stimulating to say the least!

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 11:55 PM
Ok... I have heard it said so far that bigfoot is a shape shifter now I am hearing he can just vanish. I think firstly it would be nice if anyone could prove he exists before theories on how he/she manages to avoid detection are entertained.
I actually tend to believe this guys story (about the filming in Manitoba) he seems very sincere.... the video on the other hand isnt gonna convince anyone unless you want to be convinced. The best bigfoot clip I have seen audio or visual is here...
(the one from march of this year-- its really creepy when the dog starts barking).
As for would bigfoot be exploited if he was caught? Of course he would what isnt expolited for the sake of $$$$$$$?

[edit on 9-5-2005 by GArnold]

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by GArnold
As for would bigfoot be exploited if he was caught? Of course he would what isnt expolited for the sake of $$$$$$$?

I know what you mean... it's just a shame that with such crappy video footage of a supposed BF and you turnaround and start seeing $$ signs, instead of sticking to the point of really wanting to know what you saw in the first place, but that's our materialistic society for you?!?!?!

From the ACA show, the video is a real joke beyond being a dissapointment, but that's what you get when you watch sensationalist TV.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 12:35 PM
hey ran across an intersting article and audio link of an interview with bobby clarke... apparently it seems that he wasn't aware of any financial dealings at the time... interesting , bc my news was that one week before the news hit that he was selling he told told his cousin-here in winnipeg- that he had no intention of selling, and said what he said in the ACA interview "it may be good for the people. i want it to help my community". I totally belive that his family were the ones that enforced the deal....

anyway- here is the link

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 12:43 PM
Hey from Aboriginal cultural knowledge- that's what Sah-bey or Sasqutch does.... he is a spiritual character that shows himself to those he chooses for whatever reasons... it can move between this plane and the less visible ones bc of his nature in this regard. this is why Bobby was rattled so badly and why he didnt want to sell, he saw this as a spirtual experience....

anyway that's my understanding of it...

.. and why the approach Current Affair took with it was such an affront...

[edit on 11-5-2005 by doomagus]

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 08:52 PM
interesting news doomagus

ive wondered about the spiritual beliefs myself

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 10:30 PM
I was very disappointed in the clearly lacking footage. I can not get anything out of it as far as visual confirmation as to what the man saw.

As for shapeshifting bigfoots (I guess thats the proper way to say it) its a crock. Dimensionally travelling, shapeshifting bigfoots are just an imaginary theory, with zero evidence to support it.

posted on May, 13 2005 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Enrikez
I was very disappointed in the clearly lacking footage. I can not get anything out of it as far as visual confirmation as to what the man saw.

As for shapeshifting bigfoots (I guess thats the proper way to say it) its a crock. Dimensionally travelling, shapeshifting bigfoots are just an imaginary theory, with zero evidence to support it.

isnt an "imaginary theory", literally a "hypothosis"....? and either way to those who see the sasquatch in a spiritual light - the scientific method and its "proof"isnt even applicable...

posted on May, 13 2005 @ 03:22 PM
For those of you who havent seen my vid I will more likley have a new server up soon. The old one got shut down cause the bandwith it was getting was crazy (75GB) over night. So my so called unlimited bandwith host decided to pull the plug. BASTARDS!

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 10:56 AM

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by scar
Bigfoot buffs find 'evidence'

here we go again

yeah i heard about that on the radio today. i think this whole thing was a clever ploy for a current affair to bring in repeated viewers. they suck them in with the video, and then bring them back with the "new evidence" etc.

they could do this for along time and just keep making stuff up.

oh well.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 06:09 PM
We should still keep on top of this. All cause the video sucks doesnt mean we should brush this aside. I still don't believe it but im giving a current affair the benefit of the doubt just for now.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 05:41 PM
This is a transcript of ACA`s Bigfoot Expedition press conference. Team members, Dr. Franklin R. Ruehl, Cherie Currie, and Brett Hudson present some intriguing evidence found in Norway House, Manitoba.

BRETT HUDSON: Are we ready? You guys rolling?

QUESTION: Can we get everybody's name?

BRETT HUDSON: You shall. I'm Brett Hudson. I'm a field producer for A
Current Affair.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Dr. Franklin Dr. Franklin R. Ruehl, Ph.D.,
anomalist and host of the show Mysteries From Beyond The Other Dominion.

CHERIE CURRIE: And I'm Cherie Currie. I'm a chainsaw wood carver and a
mom. Ha ha ha!

BRETT HUDSON: So here's basically how it started. I got a call from A
Current Affair to go up to a Bigfoot sighting up in Northern Manitoba. I
screamed and kicked and saying are you out of your mind? But I went up
anyway and in going up there and securing the tape for A Current Affair, an
exclusive tape for A Current Affair, I started to do my own little research
with some of the people in the community up there and I found it to be very
interesting that I went up a nonbeliever and I am back believing that
whatever this is-- you can call it Bigfoot, you can call it Sasquatch--
what we have found on our expedition is quite amazing. So we went back up
with Dr.Ruehl and Cherie Currie, got two Cree Indian guides, Brian and
Elvis, and we went back into the forest about three hours. Hiked back in
where the Bigfoot tape that Bobby Clark shot. well, the area where the
Bigfoot was, which was across the Nelson River. We went back up there,
went back into the forest and found a number of interesting things that I'm
going to pass over to the Doctor, and he will fill you in on.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Yeah, when I said, when I first got the call
at 9:00 am in the morning I told the producer, "No way." I said, "I'll
think about it over breakfast." But he convinced me that this could lead
to fame and fortune and a chance to actually find the creature, so I
relented because I'm an inveterate wimp, unlike my two companions here.
Now, on one broadcast I said it looked barren on the map, but I was really
impressed as we took the shuttle craft from Winnipeg up to Norway House.
To the left, to the right, to the north, to the east, to the south. To
every. in every direction. Nothing but forest land. There was enough room
there for a hundred Bigfoot creatures to be hidden. No doubt about it.
That really impressed me. Then as we got into the brush, we realized how
difficult it would be to track one of these creatures. Every step of the
way. Bramble bushes with thorns. Mud holes. Branches of all sizes. You
could have tripped ten different times going just a couple of feet. So
it's very dangerous, very difficult to pursue a creature if he indeed does
exist there. Now I came up as a believer.

My belief has been strengthened by what we found in just such a short time.
To begin with, here are the photos, stills taken from Bobby Clark's video.
It appears to be some sort of a creature; not a bear, not a man. And some
skeptics say, well it's too blurry to distinguish what that creature could
possibly be. Well, I point out, when you have a video that's too sharp,
they, the skeptics say it's fabricated. This seems to be a legitimate film
footage of a creature that could be Bigfoot. The man who took it, Bobby
Clark, hesitated to come forth with this for several days. He was so
shocked by what he had seen. But I believe he's sincere. I've met him. I
don't believe he's fabricating anything. This is some sort of creature,
most likely evidence of Bigfoot in existence up there. We were truly in
Bigfoot country.

Now, we found one field that we think is a feasting field, where you could
have even a family of Bigfoots. It had dozens of bones and literally
thousands of feathers such as this, what appears to be an eagle's wing with
the bone attached. A femur of a deer. And the same up here. We also found
the skull of a deer. So the idea is that this could be an area where
Bigfoot or his family feast. And importantly, you see that the bone has
the feathers on from the eagle. Normally bears and other predators don't
pluck birds before they eat them. This would indicate we're dealing with
some sort of primate. A more intelligent creature, i.e. a possible Bigfoot

BRETT HUDSON: Bone marrow.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Oh, that's right. And here we have a bone
that was apparently from a deer. The marrow's sucked out. So possibly
this creature enjoys feasting on bone marrow of other creatures. And the
question of course arises, what does Bigfoot eat? Well, he was found here
along the shore. At this time, the fish-- this is early spring-- all
congregate near the shore. So he may be a fish eater. Also while we were
in the field one night, we heard a thousand frogs croaking. In fact I did
not believe they were frogs. They sounded, it sounded like an auto
factory. It was so loud. Then suddenly, silence. An eerie silence, as
though some predator, perhaps, had suddenly appeared in the area. Perhaps
Bigfoot enjoys eating amphibians and the frogs realize that. They later
resumed their noise. But it was an eerie moment for us.

Now, we also have a comparison shot. This was a still taken from the Bobby
Clark video encircled the Bigfoot creature. Here, encircled are, are our
hero here, Brett Hudson, and Cherie Curry. Brett stands about 5'10". This
entity is about three and a half to four feet taller. In other words,
Bigfoot could be 9-1/2, 10 feet tall. We're talking about a humungous
creature. And I believe-- I can't say this for certain-- this is the first
time anyone has every showed a comparison shot like this of the creature
and then human beings in the very same spot. So this isn't absolute proof
he exists, but further evidence that Bigfoot may indeed exist on this

And we also had provided by us, to us, a hair samples. now into five
segments, by one of the locals.

Now I must say, that up there the Cree people treated us magnificently.
Beginning with Chief Ron Evans. Their kindness really helped our expedition
succeed. In addition, I was impressed because I had several of the locals
bring along, up evidence. And it was done in a very professional manner.
Using digital cameras for footprints. This man carefully preserved a hair
sample he had found. We had another team that videotaped their trip to the
island that is just off of the shoreline where he was, uh, videotaped. They
videotaped their excursion and showed themselves measuring the footprints.
Then they brought us back the footprints. They actually cut them out and
put them in boxes. Everyone dedicated to finding the truth about this
creature up there. Everyone did it in a very professional manner for, for
uh, an amateurs. I was going to say, professionals couldn't have done any
better. Now this hair sample is very fragile. It's in about five
segments. We're going to have it analyzed. But may I point out that I did
receive a call from a local who had a hair sample that he had analyzed at
the RCMP forensic lab by one of the deputies who into, into this.
Unfortunately, we had to leave before he could give me the report but the
report said it was indeterminate. Doesn't prove it's a Bigfoot, but it's
of no known creature. So that again indicates we're dealing with an
unknown being, i.e. Bigfoot who may have existed there for centuries. Now
any questions?


DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Make a statement about Bigfoot. He may be
an example of divergent evolution. Perhaps this creature originated, say
in the Himalayas where we have legends of the Yeti. Crossed the land
barrier and in various sectors of the Northwest evolved in different ways.
We could have some Bigfoot creatures who are vegetarians and others who are
carnivores and others omnivores. Even in the same area their eating habits
may differ. Also we have such creatures around the word. We have for
example the Mokele Mbembe in Africa, and of course we have El Sisimeti down
in Guatamala. The Yowie down in Australia. The Skunk Ape in Florida and a
host of others. Each may have originated independently in their own
particular ecological niche, and that would account for differences.
They're not all as tall as the Bigfoot here. In fact, the Yowie, for
example, is shorter than a man. Stockier. Moves like an ape. On the
other hand, some are taller. And I'd want to point out it could be an
example of one creature that migrated around the world or several different
creatures that each independently evolved in a particular ecological niche.
And I would want to say this: is it my opinion that if we sent a crew up
there with tranquilizer guns, especially in this area where Bigfoot has
been sighted recently, I think we could catch him. But you'd need a team
perhaps of ten men. I personally would like to see Bigfoot caught alive,
studied for perhaps six months, and then returned to the wild. My two
companions here are totally opposed to that. Brett Hudson, why are you
opposed to that?

BRETT HUDSON: I'm opposed to it for a number of reasons, for the Cree
Indians, the Cree Nation, it's very spiritual to them, whatever this entity
is. And they believe it's good luck. They believe that this came to them
and it's going to bring good luck to their community. I don't think it's
necessary to capture anything. I don't mind shooting it from a distance or
finding evidence that it does exist, but let it live where it lives. It
means something to the Cree Nation and I think it's important that we
preserve that as well. That's why I disagree with the doctor here, but
that's what makes the world go around, isn't it? Disagreement?

CHERIE CURRIE: Actually, I mean, I do for a little bit, from you Brett,
because I would really. I didn't believe in this creature really. I didn't
think it existed. But I am truly a believer now. And I would love to be
able to find this creature and study it, but then no, I definitely believe
this creature needs to be in the wild. It's a very intelligent creature
obviously and I think that I kind of like the mystery of it all, too.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: What she just said is quite true. If we do
indeed capture a Bigfoot. either find a carcass or bring them back alive,
that will end the mystique of Bigfoot. The mystery's over. It's just like
if we actually had definitive evidence of who Jack the Ripper was, then all
the intriguing theories that have been advanced will no longer be of
interest. So that's, that's one problem with bringing him back alive. May
I say this: that one question, one problem is that no matter how many
videotapes you have of him, the skeptics will always say they're fabricated
or some other creature. So I personally believe we have to bring him back,
study him; find out, for example, if he has specially thick fur on his legs
to accommodate him as he goes through that rough brush. What his eating
habits are, etc. I also wanted to say this: a question that skeptics often
point out; why haven't we found a Bigfoot carcass? We know that these
animals die if they exist. Well I point out that there's what's called a
natural chain of predation. There's a body lying in the brush. Larger
predators will go after it. Then you have some of the predatory birds that
will finish it up and then at the last level you'll have predatory
microorganisms so that virtually nothing is left. I point out if you walk
down the street you don't see the dead bodies of birds or squirrels
although we know they're out there and that they do die. And so I think
this is one reason we haven't found a carcass. And that's something
skeptics say, how come we haven't found a carcass?

CHERIE CURRIE: Maybe they bury their own.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: And that's another point. Excellent, Cherie
Currie. If they're intelligent creatures, perhaps they drag off any dead
relatives, perhaps bury them or hide them in some way so, so outsiders will
not find them.

QUESTION: Doctor, what were your plans if you came across any of the
creatures either laying or on the loose?

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Well, I'll tell you. We didn't have a
tranquilizer gun, but we had Cherie Currie, who had her chainsaw just in
case we needed to be defended.

BRETT HUDSON: We had two guides. We had two guides with us, we brought two
Cree Indian guides and they were both packing.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Well the first, no, first time the guide was
not packing ay weapon, but this is interesting: he was so frightened that
we really were about to encounter Bigfoot that the next day he and his guy,
his friend Elvis, brought along shotguns. I did not like that. I don't
want this creature killed. I want him brought back alive. But for study.
And I want to say something else; that uh, we joked about Cherie Currie and
we kidded around a lot, but she is one gutsy gal. She's willing to take
any chance. Nothing phased her. I was very happy to have her on and she
is a true woodswoman. She knows the woods. I'm a wimp. She's actually
more qualified than yours truly. And then we have Brett Hudson here, who
the word fear is not in this man's vocabulary. He was also willing to take
any chance. So these comrades were just tremendous.

BRETT HUDSON: When we were back in the area, about three hours in, it's
called Ross Island, the island where it was filmed. When we found this
first footprint, wherever it is, uh, that we measured. actually Cherie
found it. This very first footprint. And I'm measuring it there. The
guide was sitting over there and he. this is a guy who grew up in this
area. He trapped with his father and his grandfather. And this, he knows
this area like the back of his hand and he looked at us and said, "I, I'm
uncomfortable. I'm scared." This, and so, you know, if my guide's
scared, what does that leave me and Cherie? I mean, there was something
about it that was kind of eerie, because that footprint, although it didn't
photograph that well was about two and a half inches down. If you know the
terrain there. there, this marsh area, so there's a lot of. there's a lot
of moss growing up over the marsh that you walk on. If you know that
area, to make that deep of. I mean, I jumped up and down to try to make an
impression and it would just float up because of the moss. So whoever made
that footprint is a very, very heavy animal. Very heavy. That unnerved
our own guides.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Yeah. We're talking about perhaps 800
pounds. I mean we can't be sure but something in the nature of 500, 800
pounds. A very heavy creature.

BRETT HUDSON: Look, I know people are going to watch this and think those
three people up here are nuts. I'm not nuts. I went up there thinking, oh
my god, I finally hit the ultimate story. I'm chasing Bigfoot? Please,
give me a break. You can call it what you want, but there's a very large
animal out there that somebody put on tape, that we had the opportunity to
track and found some I think credible evidence that there is a particular
creature up there that is allowing himself or herself to be seen.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: And again, I was so impressed that right
away, right off the bat, we're finding footprints. Fresh footprints. So
uh, it really looks like there's something there. And I got a number of
calls from the locals, including one call from a man who knows a woman down
in an area that's intermediate between Winnipeg and uh, Norway House, who
had seen a Bigfoot in her yard. Actually she had awakened him, and he sort
of scurried off. And she, unfortunately we just couldn't go down there to
interview her. We might get to interview later. But seems that possibly
Bigfoot has recently come out of hibernation, and that's why we're getting
these reports of sightings. And I certainly think that if you were to send
a team, a well equipped team in the next few weeks, you could catch him.

CHERIE CURRIE: One other thing that we did find too is that there were
numerous fresh trees about this big around that had been snapped as if
right. the area which Bigfoot had on the video had gone into the forest. I
mean they were literally just snapped like twigs, just in this one area
near the feeding area. And since I work in wood, this was not done by the
wind. This was done by force.

BRETT HUDSON: And also there, you know you can tell there are a lot of
beaver up there and you can tell the ones that the beaver because they have
teeth marks in it. There were three or four that were just snapped at the
base and Cherie's right, they were about that big. We have video of it.
And it was all leaving from where the Bigfoot was seen up to where this
area was where there are all these feathers and carcasses.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: And our guide Brian said that this was not
any human who felled that tree. No grizzly bear. So that leaves possibly

QUESTION: Cherie Currie, has this expedition inspired you to immortalize
Bigfoot in wood?

CHERIE CURRIE: I'm definitely going to do that. That's the first thing I'm
going to carve when I open my store, which will be very soon. Yes.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: And she did. with her chainsaw, she left my
calling card. "Doctor Ruehl was here," and I'll be eternally appreciative
for that. Thank you very much.

CHERIE CURRIE: You're welcome.

QUESTION: Dr. Ruehl, can I have your autograph?

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Of course, but that'll be a dollar.

BRETT HUDSON: Uh oh, it's starting. And before we leave, Dr. Ruehl, has to
give his signature.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Are there no more questions regarding

BRETT HUDSON: Sign this.

QUESTION: Are there plans to go back?

BRETT HUDSON: I would love to go back. I would love to go back again and
go back into that area. Because there's so much ground to cover. Dr.
Ruehl's right. When you fly up there, everywhere you look there's forest.
Until you hit Norway House, which is an incredible community built by these
Cree Indians and the chief and it's an amazing place to stay but as soon as
you leave this little area, it's nothing, nothing but forest. I would love
to go back with more people. Not that we didn't have good equipment, but
even more sophisticated equipment.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Including tranquilizer guns.

CHERIE CURRIE: I would love to go and, and stay. I mean, stay at least a
couple of three days in that area through the night, and uh.

BRETT HUDSON: Well you go ahead, I'll call you from the hotel.

CHERIE CURRIE: That's okay.

BRETT HUDSON: 'Cause, you know, I would love to go back with more
sophisticated equipment.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Including a tranquilizer gun.

BRETT HUDSON: I'm not going to let you capture it, Dr. Ruehl. I will free
the Bigfoot. You're not going to do it. And go back and do one more, one
more really more extensive search. Because we just, I think we just were
right on the surface where we were. I don't know if there are any plans,
uh, to send us back, but I would love to do it. I'd love to go back and
give it one more shot.

QUESTION: How about further shows for some of the other creatures that are
out there? Would you guys be interested in perhaps say to Australia.

BRETT HUDSON: Well you know, absolutely. As a matter of fact while we
were up in Norway House there was a sighting in Northern California. Um,
not that I want to spend my life chasing Bigfoot, but there is something
about it that's very intriguing now that I have become a believer and saw
what I actually saw with my own two eyes. And talk to some of the elders of
the Cree Nation who actually, you know there are stories that are passed on
and they're all very similar about this particular animal that when it
comes around it's either good luck or bad luck, and they, the spiritual
aspect for them is pretty amazing. But I, I still think there's a shot.
Somebody's going to get it. somebody's going to get a credible video of it
and, and Dr. Franklin R. Ruehl, Ph.D.'s right. If it's too much in focus
and too good people are going to discount the video and say it's a hoax.
Someone's gonna capture it. There are too many people, we carry too many
cameras with us. Someone's going to get a shot of this, and it'll change
everybody's outlook on probably even this press conference. Because
they're probably looking at the three of us and think we're nuts. Well,
we're not.

QUESTION: Dr. Ruehl, what are your qualifications for this kind of stuff?

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Well I have, of course a Ph.D. in physics,
but I've been studying various anomalies for many years. Writing about
them in my column and covering them on my TV show. And uh, I don't think
anyone is an expert beyond that because no one's caught one. And the first
person to catch one will be number one on the expert's list.

BRETT HUDSON: And that was also one of the things that came to me from uh,
a gentlemen who runs one of the sites. His name is Matthew Moneymaker.
He's, you know, said you're not an expert. And my question was, what's an
expert? We all we know is what data you can read on the internet. No
one's captured one. We've had no hair samples except for this that might
be, might be and might not be. So I think as far as being an expert, is
kind of-- well it's kind of bogus. How are you an expert on an animal that
no one has ever captured, no one's ever studied, we've never done an
autopsy. We really don't know its eating habits. We are guessing. It's a
theory. We found these bones, we found them plucked. There were teeth
marks in them. The bone marrow was sucked out, which I've never seen any
animal **** bone marrow out. They'll break the bone and try to get it if
they can. This is a very intelligent creature. We don't know anything
about it. So I guess I'm now an expert. I saw it. I don't know anything
about it other than what I saw. So until we get more information and until
we actually find one, and hopefully not capture it, we we're all kind of
guessing. But what we saw was pretty credible.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Can I just give you a few facts about
Bigfoot? The first westerner or white man to see a Bigfoot was in 1811. A
miner up in Jasper, Alberta. The first written account of a Bigfoot
creature was by none other than Teddy Roosevelt in 1893 in his book The
Wilderness Hunter. Now this is before he was president. He was a well
known outdoorsman. And he interviewed a camper. His part had been killed
by a Bigfoot while they were camping, and he described basically what we
know today about Bigfoot. Humungous footprints, a, a fetid stench. An
eerie howl. A furry creature that stood 7 to 10 feet tall, and one that
would move briskly through the brush. Now he did not use the term Bigfoot
even though he described the footprints as being humungous. That term did
not come about until 1958 with a pseudocryptozoologist (Ray Wallace?) and
uh, has been thus in our vocabulary since that time. We have a couple of
accounts of Bigfoot creatures possibly being hostile. One from the uh
Northwestern Territories. The (Nahani?) Valley Man has reputedly killed a
number of miners over the years. And then of course we have this case
from, from uh, Teddy Roosevelt. We also have some cases from the Yeti.
The first white man to claim he saw a Yeti was in 1832. A British
diplomat. He said it attacked one of his men. And the first book there
was in 1889 describing the Yeti by another British diplomat. That's
basically the history and of course we have to, up to date, we have what we
think is the definitive video.

QUESTION: Did you hear any of the howling?

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: No. Unfortunately not. And we didn't smell
any fetid odors. I should add, add this; I joked. I don't know if this was
shown on TV about securing a dropping. A **** sample. And this is
serious, because it is one way anthropologists and paleontologists,
anthropologists with recently dropping, recent dropping, and
paleontologists with copulates, that is fossilized dropping, to learn about
the creature. And we had two different people who were going to, the guys
that went to the island then when they went back they couldn't find the
dropping. Then I have somebody else that contacted me and I'm waiting for,
to hear from him. He did find a, a humungous dropping. He said it had no
odor in contrast to the creatures normal fetidity, and he had wrapped it in
plastic and hopefully we will get that and send it to a lab for analysis
too. But that's a serious way to try to pinpoint the characteristics of
this creature.

QUESTION: Do you think this creature knew that you were looking for it?

CHERIE CURRIE: It's kind of funny, when on the video, he almost seems like
he senses, uh, that he's being videotaped and he turns and, and runs. And
I don't know.

BRETT HUDSON: That's a really good question because that's one of the
things, you know, they obviously have a great sense of smell. Because
they're very elusive. And, and, uh, I didn't get the feeling that it was
watching us. I never felt like we were being watched. But I did have the
feeling that wherever was in that vicinity was no longer there when we were
walking in. That's where I-- this footprint, it's hard to describe. You
kind of. how you get there, i it's an island that goes pretty, pretty far
out. And to get there, you gotta cross the ferry and then walk down this
walk, the line where they have the power lines and then cut into the
forest. Once you hit the forest, it's pretty dense. I mean, we had a hard
time walking through.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: It's terrible.

BRETT HUDSON: With the guides, because it's not like a path. There's no
path back there. You just kind of walk as you go. This footprint looked
rather fresh when we found it. The other ones we found had been there a
while you could tell because they start to rise up. But this one looked
pretty fresh and when the guide sent us, well which way is he going, he
said that way, which was out. I'm trying to give you the idea that it
wasn't in the vicinity anymore because it was heading out towards the
forest, deeper into the forest area. I hope it wasn't watching, that's all
I have to say. Because, you know, there was something about it that was
kind of scary. There was a definite adrenaline rush.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: Well again, our one guide, the first night he
sensed it was there. He wanted to be armed with a shotgun the next day.
And may I point out how treacherous this area is. On one excursion I did
not go on, everyone fell except Cherie. Including the guides. So that
indicates how treacherous this region is. I'm gonna say, skeptics say for
instance they might say this looks too much like a man. Or not enough like
a man. We don't know what a Bigfoot or an ape/human hybrid would look
like. He might actually walk very much like a human being and just be
covered with fur. Or he may be bent over and walk more ape like. We have,
again, around the world many different descriptions. As I said the Yaweh
down in Australia is actually smaller than a typical man, bent over very
husky. So nothing can be ruled out. No possibility can be ruled out. He
may actually walk, upright like I do. Or he may be hunched over like an
ape. Or he may have different creatures and, walking in different ways.

BRETT HUDSON: There's also something that's interesting on the video,
although it's very difficult to see. I've gone through it for hours, frame
by frame. Dr. Ruehl and I were sitting in the edit bay and there's a
particular frame where this animal has its arm swung back. If you draw a
line from where it's arm is, it's hand goes well below it's knee. Those
are very long arms. And when it's, and the video, it's out of focus so
it's really hard to see, and standing sideways, and when it turns towards
Bobby Clark. because it looked. even Bobby Clark, who is a sweet guy, if he
told a lie his tongue would snap off. When he told me what happened, that
when it turned and looked at him and then turned and walked away, the girth
of this animal is, is incredible. You can kind of see it in that one shot.
Its upper body is, is massive. And then when it turned and walked away. I
grew up in Oregon. I've seen bears on their hind legs. Bears don't walk
like us. Bears kind of waddle when they walk. And they don't stay up on
their hind legs as long as this animal did. So I ruled out a bear as soon
as I saw it walk away. And if you know the area, and know the people that
live in this area, there's no way they could have set this up. There is no
costume shops. There's nothing you can go-- there's no Western Costume.
You can't go get any-- and if you know Bobby Clark, he's an honorable,
honest man. And I believe this to be real, which is. I can't believe I'm
saying it but I do.

DR. FRANKLIN R. RUEHL, PH.D.: And as far as sincerity, all of the people I
interviewed definitely seemed to be absolutely sincere. By the way just a
bit of trivia. Rob Roy, the famous Scotsman actually had extremely long
arms. So long that he didn't have to bend over to tuck in his boots. Had
arms something like Bigfoot described here.

QUESTION: What was Bobby Clark. was he shooting something else that day or
was he up there looking for Bigfoot?

BRETT HUDSON: No. I'll tell you exactly what happened. He, this ferry,
it's a car ferry that takes you across the Nelson River. Uh, and what
happened was he was on the night, the night shift a couple of nights
earlier and he kept hearing this sound on the other side of, of the Nelson
River. He kept hearing this strange sound. So he brought his camera so he
could record the audio that he was hearing these very strange sounds back
in this place called Ross Island when he would take the ferry across. But
when he got, he actually brought his friend along with him when he got
there, and they waited, and they were there all night until six in the
morning. There were no sounds. So he went home, went to bed, left the
camera in his car. Did a day turnaround then he was on he morning shift.
So his camera was in the car trying to capture an audio of whatever this
sound was. There's an outhouse. He took one car over and back. He went to
the outhouse and when he was walking out of the outhouse he said he felt
like something was watching, or somebody was watching him. And he looked
back towards the road and all the way down where you park your cars, which
is just a dirt gravel road that leads to this ferry. He said, and he kept
having, he said I had this very strange feeling, he said and for some
reason, he said I don't know why I turned around and looked across the
river. He said and I saw this extremely large animal standing in, in,
about. it's about three feet of water. Even in the picture where they
compared me to the, to the animal. I'm in about three feet of water. The
water's about up to just below my knee. He ran to his car and got his
camera and shot. The reason it's so out of focus, it was on autofocus and
the little branches in front are in perfect focus, and he couldn't get
through to focus on whatever this creature was. It was a fluke that he
left his camera in his car. That's how he got it.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 12:48 AM
thanks again scar for the transcript

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:40 PM
you are most welcome sir.

This thread has been one hell of a ride i must say!

Too bad it turned out the way it did.
I think everyone was hoping that this would be the one, as far as conclusive evidence was concerned. I am sure there will be more to come.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Dulcimer
thanks again scar for the transcript

Yes, thanks Scar, Andrew, Dulcimer, etc. as this thread has been extremely interesting. It's a little disappointing though, as I too had hoped that this was finally going to prove the existence of Bigfoot. I will definitely be following this story because it seems like there is still a lot to uncover here. Let’s just hope that this doesn’t just die off if this “crack” squad of hunters doesn’t turn up any other evidence. Also, I would love to see the BFRO get a little more involved and send in their own team to research this incident and scour the area.

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 05:26 AM
Thanks for the compliments but all I did was host a video
. Give credit to the real researchers (Scar and Ducilmer). I just post what ive hear elsewhere. I havent gotten into deep reserach on bigfoot.



posted on May, 20 2005 @ 04:29 PM
you 3 got my votes for this month.

by the way i can host a small video file under 10 mb.. its not much but if its needed i have it.

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 06:45 PM
IM working on getting my own personal server set up here at home. As soon as its up ill be glad to host for people too.

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