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Bigfoot filmed in Manitoba

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posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 03:45 PM
none of the links on here worked for me so i looked it up on youtube. uh sorry but i an't cal that bigfoot evidence it's way too shaky

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by kklover
none of the links on here worked for me so i looked it up on youtube. uh sorry but i an't cal that bigfoot evidence it's way too shaky

I STILL have the original vid if you want it.

[edit on 3/11/2008 by AndrewTB]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by answer_1s_0ut_th3r3

Thanks for your posts answer_1s_0ut_th3r3. Hope the cold isn't getting to you up there.

Your posts confirm to me what I've heard the Hopi, or was it other Amerindians?, have said about sasquatch/bigfoot. From the little I've read, they say its a spirit and sign of big changes. Bad changes.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 07:57 AM
Just a heads up guys... Take note of the date of posts/threads when you reply - it may make the difference in getting a response or being able to view media.

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