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Ukraine Style war would mean UK forces would be done in 6 months

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posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 03:08 PM

The British army could be wiped out in as little as six months if forced to fight a war on the scale of the Ukraine conflict, a defence minister has warned.

Alistair Carns said a rate of casualties similar to that prompted by Russia's invasion of Ukraine would lead to the army being "expended" within six to 12 months.

He said it illustrated the need to "generate mass rapidly in the event of a crisis".

Official figures show the army had 109,245 personnel on 1 October, including 25,814 volunteer reservists.

Carns, a former Royal Marines colonel who is also a reservist, said Russia was suffering losses of around 1,500 soldiers, killed or wounded, a day.

given this is a war being fought with cold war weapons or proxy weapons that troops are not familiar with, it doesn't bode will if all options and modern weapons were deployed.

Pretty much no one will fight for the UK, the government has seen to that.

Bring on the new overlords

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: stu119

The thing is when was the last time Britain was invaded and defeated?

That would be the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.

Not that you are incorrect with the British forces being a former shadow of themselves.

They are a complete joke, when say compared to the likes of Poland, never mind a few other NATO members.

But that English channel is rather hard to ford and can be defended rather well.

Keeping in mind the UK still operates 11 submarines or thereabouts.

As to people not being willing to fight, i disagree, and i think that should the UK ever be invaded by a foreign force.

You would see the people rise up in droves to fight for their very survival and in defense of the land that we love.

The Nazis could not do it stu119, and the fact of the matter is Russian forces could not lace their racist evil manky boots.
edit on 4-12-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: stu119

You going to send Vlad out to the Wal Mart and grab some more people? Or do they not sell them there?

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 04:06 PM
According to MSM reports Ukraine is decimating Russian forces and winning the war. They'll soon be out of troops, so nothing to worry about.

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: stu119

It's not clear what kind of scenario is being envisioned here. Russia is not really capable of projecting power to England to invade, like they did in Ukraine. So that scenario is off the table. If the UK were to get involved in Ukraine, they would definitely try to establish air superiority quickly and avoid a human wave type of warfare. They could probably do that with their F-35s.

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: stu119
This is what happens when a tiny country elects succesive globalist governments who do not give a crap about the people they are supposd to serve.

People are so easily tricked into believing the lies that globalization is all about being "nice" and "fair" and will lead to a better future.

The opposite is true.
And now it may be too late.
I hope not,but things are not looking good for at least the next 5 years.

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 04:50 PM
Makes ya wonder if someone forgot that England is an island.
20 miles of water and the royal navy is all that kept Germany out of London.

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

You would see the people rise up in droves to fight for their very survival and in defense of the land that we love.

With what? You, the public, has been disarmed by your own government. As a mater of fact, you are already being invaded and your own government is facilitating it.

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
According to MSM reports Ukraine is decimating Russian forces and winning the war. They'll soon be out of troops, so nothing to worry about.

MSM lying, as usual.

It would seem reality is the polar opposite of that.

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: charlest2

Farmers are not disarmed charlest2.

Trench brooms/hunting rifles are available all over the blessed island, anywhere and everywhere outside of major metropolitan cities.

And you would be surprised what the likes of the old IRA had buried in Scotland.

Just because we dont have guns on our streets in the same numbers as the likes of America, dont mean we dont have guns legal and illegal.

Also prior to the Dunblane massacre and the Firearms Act of 1997 people could own and build handguns as long as you did not have a criminal record.

Do you really think they all miraculously got handed back in their totality?

As usual charlest2, you dont have the complete lay of the land.

Our people would not roll over and capitulate anymore more than your own.
edit on 4-12-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Go gitum, tiger.

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: stu119

The British army could be wiped out in as little as six months if forced to fight a war on the scale of the Ukraine conflict, a defence minister has warned.

Alistair Carns said a rate of casualties similar to that prompted by Russia's invasion of Ukraine would lead to the army being "expended" within six to 12 months.

He said it illustrated the need to "generate mass rapidly in the event of a crisis".

Official figures show the army had 109,245 personnel on 1 October, including 25,814 volunteer reservists.

Carns, a former Royal Marines colonel who is also a reservist, said Russia was suffering losses of around 1,500 soldiers, killed or wounded, a day.

given this is a war being fought with cold war weapons or proxy weapons that troops are not familiar with, it doesn't bode will if all options and modern weapons were deployed.

Pretty much no one will fight for the UK, the government has seen to that.

Bring on the new overlords

The UK has already been infiltrated by a large degree. Sadly! The war will be within your borders by those that hate you.

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: charlest2


Well, only if i had to, and only if the shores of my own nation were ever invaded.

After all, I'm getting to long in the tooth, and would much rather simply sit here spaffing sh@t with you lot than play call of duty for real.

Would you do any less yourself to save your family and way of life?

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

I think the battle of Britain and the RAF might have had something to do with that Bluntone22 along with the rest of our armed forces, whilst we stood alone.

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much been owed by so many to so few" Winston Churchill.

edit on 4-12-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: stu119

The people would rally to defend these islands if the UK was ever in direct threat of invasion.
We've done it before and if required we'll do it again.
We are a fighting nation and that blood still runs true despite what all the alarmists think and say.

Its true that every single government from Thatcher onwards has sought to reduce our Armed Forces.
But the UK's military is still one of the best trained in the entire world, which is one of the reasons everyone wants us on their side in any theatre of war.

Whilst I think there is a large amount of truth in what this guy said I also think there maybe an element of sensationalism in order to garner support for a build up of our military and for an increase in our defence spending.

And as has been pointed out, very few single nations lack the logistic ability to launch a full on invasion.....certainly not Russia. There is no reason to expect losses on the scale Russia is having in Ukraine, their forces are poorly trained, poorly equipped and poorly motivated.

As for being 'unarmed', we were back in 1939 but that mattered little.

The enemy within?
The tide is turning, slowly but surely....and they are still massively outnumbered.
edit on 4/12/24 by Freeborn because: grammar

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

I don't think you realize just how nonsensical and illogical your last comment was. My understanding is that your public is limited to single shot shotguns and small caliber rimfire rifles. 22 caliber and such. I don't think relying on 1 tenth of one percent of your population, farmers, armed with such would stand much chance of warding off an invasion.

Your government has no fear of the public there and will do whatever their globalist overseers tell them to do. That's what they are already doing now but you don't see it, or won't admit it. You need a 2nd amendment.
Instill a little fear in your politician's hearts and minds.
Give them pause to think twice about what they are doing to you.

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: charlest2

I don't think you realize just how nonsensical and illogical your last comment was.

I dont think you realize the obstacle that is the English Channel charlest2.

But near enough 1000 years of history does.

It's not about the government or politics if we were invaded, we would stand united Scottish, English, Irish, and Welsh.

We love to fight charlest2, its engrained in our blood from one end of the island to the other, which is why we tend to keep the guns out of the hands of the muppets.

"No Surrender" would be the cry of the day, there would be little pause.

Also, where is Russia getting this new fighting force and equipment to invade?

Does Putin have a fairy godmother we dont know about?

edit on 4-12-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Hells Bells, we aren't much better off over here.

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: charlest2

The British neither need nor want something like your Second Amendment. Just the same as 1939.

How good was your Second Amendment in 2020 when as so many of you insist Biden cheated his way to the Presidency?
What good did it do you?

Seems to me the overwhelming majority of Americans sat back, acquiesced and did whatever their 'globalist overseers' told them to do.

But as this isn't really the topic of the thread I'd suggest you start a thread on that subject and I'm sure myself and others would contribute.

posted on Dec, 4 2024 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

With todays advancements in technology, your beloved English Channel is no more than a minor obstacle to overcome now. You are clinging to your 16th century mentality there. Your channel can't/won't save you in these times.

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