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Salvatore Pais confirms science in MH370 videos are real during live stream

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posted on Dec, 5 2024 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: b0kal0ka
a reply to: UpIsNowDown2

It's totally fair to be skeptical when you first see the videos because they are absolutely insane.

The videos are junk CGI soundly debunked. The stock footage has been found and identified for the backgrounds.

The background is unrealistically static.

Real sky

Vs you hoax video.

The contrails for the jet jump around independently of the jet.

b0kal0ka, how do you not get you are pushing videos proven to be a hoax beyond a reasonable doubt.

posted on Dec, 5 2024 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: BeyondKnowledge3
a reply to: chr0naut

That sounds like a cable routing design flaw to me. Also indicates the need for a portable radio with its own power in the cockpit for backup.

Then again Starlink will solve many of these communications issues shortly. Once they start putting a copy of the black boxes on the cloud in real-time.

I have ofter wondered why they haven't made a solid state drive within each black box that has a copy of the data on both black boxes on each of them. That way they have two backups of the data and only need to find one black box to get it all.

I think there is enough redundancy in aircraft systems already. Every extra bit is extra to carry. And no system is absolutely sure to work without error or failure, ever.

Sometimes you just have to accept best-effort and move forward. Not all mysteries are going to be solved.

posted on Dec, 5 2024 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: b0kal0ka

I really don't mean to argue, but I'd just like to point out a few thngs...

1. Freescale Conductor is just a spinoff of Motorola, a division which was losing money. They weren't leading the universe in anything, and they were ultimately purchased by NXP, a Dutch company in 2015. There's no World conspiracy here. As for (20) engineers all getting on the same plane...well, we do it all the time, even on corporate aircraft. Way more than (20) so your allegations this is against "every" corporate policy are sorely mistaken.

2. "Secretly loaded" is a bit of a stretch. MH370 was loaded with 2.2 tons of LiOn batteries late before departure. Yes. But those baterries are NOT inherently a problem aboard aircraft...UNLESS they catch on fire. THEN they are a problem. LiOn batteries are not flammable in and of themselves unless they are improperly charged or discharged. C'mon, man, do your homework!

3. No, there's not many airports which can take a triple 7 aircraft, but KLIA (the airport they departed from) sure as hell can, and what did they do? They turned the opposite way, AWAY from KLIA. I know, because I built KLIA! So, if your argument is MH370 had no place to land, well, you would be sorely mistaken.

4. China (among others) may well have been monitoring the flight. Many countries monitor civilian flights for a variety of reasons, so what's your point? If they had proof, then believe me, the Chinese government would have been GLAD to plop that down and make the Malaysians look bad!

5. You can make no assumption like this. Personally, I believe you are right, but not based on how you derived this assumption. MH370 never made it all the way to Nicobar...before they turned left (south) over the Indian Ocean. Had they made the Nicobar chain, they would have been discovered by the Indian Navy, but they weren't. Why? Because they turned south well before this point.

As for operation Cope Tiger, this is just an amateur exercise to illustrate cooperation between lesser governments and the US. There is no significant advanced military hardware present for these exercises. Why? Because the Chinese watch these games closely. Cope Tiger is mainly an exercise in ego for the countries of Thailand, Singappre and to a lesser extent Malaysia.

So, your proof means zero. Sorry. You need to do some more research into real world events and the justifications behind them. You're just throwing out random pieces of info so sound informed when you are not informed. Again, I'm sorry if I offend you, but you are not presenting convincing facts

Have a great day, and enjoy that fantasy world you have cooked up for what happened to MH370, but just know (as you do in your heart) that none of what you're talking about is actually real...because it isn't.

Again, have a really nice day, but I'm done debating this silly point.

posted on Dec, 5 2024 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

You continue to just provide incoherent arguments that are just your own opinions. I'll rebut each one of your responses with actual sources - again.

1) Freescale had a breakthrough in room temperature, super conductive, microchips (just Ctrl+F "freescale" in the link below) and they served RF power needs of the U.S. aerospace and defense (A&D) sector. You are being disingenuous if you think this company wasn't important.

Superconducting Technology Assessment -NSA, 2005
Freescale Semiconductor focuses on multicore for avionics

2) If it wasn't a secret cargo, why was it never included on the flight's manifest? (link in my last reply)
And if you think LiOn batteries are not flammable, I suggest you look up how UPS Flight 6 went down. Read the quote below:

The report indicated that the fire was caused by the autoignition of the contents of a cargo pallet that contained more than 81,000 lithium batteries and other combustible materials.

UPS Airlines Flight 6

3) For someone that has built an airport in Malaysia, you seem to not be very aware of the airports in Malaysia. In case you didn't know, Penang International Airport is located on that small island on the northwest coast of Malaysia. It just so happens to be right above the flightpath and it can fit a Boeing 777 - who would've thought! As to why the pilot didn't land in Penang, I'm not sure, but it definitely seemed like he went that way to get to safety.

4) I was simply giving my answer to UpIsNowDown2 question. He asked if this plane was being monitored. Glad you agree.

5) Based on the direction the plane was going before it lost radar contact, it's COMPLETELY reasonable (obviously so) to assume the plane would continue in that direction assuming it kept on flying.

And the fact you claim Cope Tiger is just an amateur exercise shows how full of # you are being with me. Below is a video recorded from 2014 of the Aircraft at the Cope Tiger exercise. You must live in an entirely different reality if you think F-35s are for amateurs.

So, your proof means zero. Sorry. You need to do some more research into real world events and the justifications behind them. You're just throwing out random pieces of info so sound informed when you are not informed. Again, I'm sorry if I offend you, but you are not presenting convincing facts.

Have a great day and enjoy your fantasy world

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 04:56 AM

originally posted by: b0kal0ka
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

You continue to just provide incoherent arguments that are just your own opinions. I'll rebut each one of your responses with actual sources - again.

Flyingclaydisk is providing very specific arguments based on logic.

While b0kal0ka, you are pushing hoax videos. And have no credibility.

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: b0kal0ka

a reply to: b0kal0ka

1. Yes, Freescale was in the semiconductor business at the time...selling semiconductors. But the point was, (20) Freescale engineers and scientists weren't going to end the world one way or the other.

2. Okay, I'll give you one. I used bad terminology, and even though I'm confident you knew exactly what I meant, I'll concede your point. I shouldn't have used the word "flammable". What I should have said was lithium batteries are not necessarily a fire hazard if they are stored properly. AND...if those batteries had caught fire, the aircraft would have gone down within minutes. It wouldn't have flown for several more hours into the central Indian Ocean.

3. Of course they could have landed at Penang. They could have landed at Subang too and several other places, not the least of which is Hat Yai, Thailand. That wasn't the point. The point was, they clearly didn't want to land...anywhere. They wanted to crash into the sea, and crash into the sea is exactly what they did. If you were a pilot and you had a bunch of UFO's chasing and taunting you, wouldn't you want to land? Or would you rather fly out over the ocean where you'd never be found? Hmmm..

4. Fair enough.

5. Except for the fact that InmarSAT has them out over the Indian Ocean for hours after that point. But hey, whatever.

Regarding Cope-Tiger (which is predominantly a USAF, RTAF, RSAF joint exercise), there has never been an F-35 at these exercises, only old F-15's, F-16's and some ancient F-5's, as well as some other support aircraft like KC's. The US does bring at least one AWACS though (probably to serve as a traffic cop). Even the video you posted clearly shows this. Please do point out the F-35's! I guess you don't know your aircraft very well. On a side note, I was kind of surprised to see the RTAF has some JAS-39 Gripens though. I wasn't aware they had any Saabs in their inventory.

You welcome to believe whatever you want, and you are welcome to ignore my proof(s) to you (repeatedly). By all means, don't let facts get in your way.

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Keep piling on me, I'm enjoying it. Like my signature says, the truth doesn't mind being questioned. You and Lazy88 just make lazy arguments - most of which don't have sources.

But, how can you guys completely disregard all the facts I've presented in these threads? I don't understand. You keep accusing me of wanting the videos to be real but you guys want them to be fake just as much. I'll keep replying to these posts until the end of time because this is actually what happened to the plane and the TRUTH will always be on the side of the videos.

1) Believe what you want. I never said they were going to end the world. I just laid out the facts that 20 employees from a military contractor involved in superconductive semiconductors just so happened to all be flying to China. Must be a coincidence.

2) Again, I've presented you with the facts that 500 lbs of LiOn batteries were secretly stored in the cargo and were not noted on the flight's manifest. I don't know when they caught fire but there's plenty of reason to believe they are the reason for the smoke we see in the videos. There was also a B777 fire suppression bottle that washed up in the Maldives 3/25/2014. Must be a coincidence.

The Deadly Cargo Inside MH370: How Exploding Batteries Could Explain the Mystery -DailyBeast
Batteries offer best explanation for MH370 crash: investigator -News AU
Flight MH370 and the lithium battery theory -Air Cargo Next
MH370 carrying 221kg of lithium-ion batteries -Straits Times
Possible Fire Suppression Bottle Of An Aircraft Lands On Maldives Beach

3) The point of this was trying to understand the pilot's logic in the flight path - clearly that went right over your head. And why would a suicidal pilot not just crash in the Gulf of Thailand instead of going for a joy ride back across Malaysia risking getting intercepted. Keep disparaging the innocent pilot all you want but he was a hero for trying to get that doomed plane to safety.

4) Good.

5) Wow you finally got me huh. I named a fighter jet by the wrong name, wow. While F-35's were not used in 2014, they have been involved in Cope Tiger exercises since. Regardless, my point seemed to go over your head once again. We just so happened to have some of our most advanced equipment out in this area (including the AWAC you mentioned and the MQ-1C Gray Eagle we see in the video
) at the time a rouge commercial airplane had been off its flight path for hours. Must be a coincidence.

You know, for a conspiracy website, you guys sure don't like to coincidences. Keep going by what our government tells you, it'll get you far in life.

edit on 6-12-2024 by b0kal0ka because: spelling

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: b0kal0ka

The videos are beyond doubt a hoax.

You are just like a flat earther. Spamming the threat with meaningless hyperbole to distract from the basic truth your videos are a hoax. Then use blatant false arguments. Followed by the classic hypocritical stance you think everything should be question but you.

Again. The videos are beyond a doubt a CGI hoax. With all evidence MH370 crashed into the water, with parts being found over the years. They are just simple facts that you can’t work your hyperbole around so you have to attack the messengers. It’s just sad on you part b0kal0ka.

edit on 6-12-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-12-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 08:03 AM
Just like flat earth. Don’t let proven facts get in the way of selling a kooky conspiracy theory that takes faith to believe.

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 09:02 AM
Salvatore Pais has paired with parapsychologist Harold E. Puthoff in the past.
Might be same links to the nuclear non proliferation front at CERN?
But thats probably off topic as we are talking about a missing plane here..

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: Skinnerbot

Glad you brought up Hal Puthoff. I think he and Sal Pais are key to the tech we're seeing displayed in the videos - along with many others (Eric Davis, Kit Green, etc.). Military research is extremely compartmentalized so we need to piece a lot of things together. Just check out Michael Shellenberger's testimony to Congress or some of the 2010 research papers in the DIA's Reading Room. If you CTRL+F Puthoff and Pais in some of the docs below from the DIA, you'll see their names referenced.

Testimony by Michael Shellenberger to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee

The Role of Superconductors in Gravity Research -Defense Intelligence Reference Document

The Space-Communication Implications of Quantum Entanglement and Nonlocality -DIRD

Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy -DIRD

Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions -DIRD

And here's Hal Puthoff talking about zero point energy (likely energy source of the orbs in the videos) and how scientists in this field get discredited any time the topic is brought up.

edit on 6-12-2024 by b0kal0ka because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: b0kal0ka

Still nothing to do with the videos of the opening post are certified hoaxes. You’re trying to change the subject again.
edit on 6-12-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Lazy88

b0kal0ka has gone all flat Earth like you said above. They are trolling or so invested in their belief in something that they cannot accept the truth.

No longer worth trying to argue with someone like that.

One day they might figure out when the world is against one of your beliefs, you might need to consider your belief is the problem.

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: BeyondKnowledge3

I wish I would learn not to feed the trolls. Especially when they push fantasy over proven facts. No use in debating them. They just end up changing the subject with long irrelevant posts.

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: BeyondKnowledge3

I'm still waiting to see what facts either of you have presented. Everything I've seen from you and Lazy88 have been your opinions.

Where are the actual source files of the hoax videos? What was the reference to copy from (there were no videos anything like this before 2014)? How did they just HAPPEN to hoax videos of a plane that has never been found? How did they have Knowledge of military classified systems unknown to the public? How to accurately light 3D volumetric clouds (‘zap’ accurately illuminates clouds in the foreground and background)?

I've been happily taking on every single point you guys have presented. And you guys have been unable to answer for ANY of my questions or evidence.

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: b0kal0ka
a reply to: BeyondKnowledge3

I'm still waiting to see what facts either of you have presented. Everything I've seen from you and Lazy88 have been your opinions.

Sources have repeatedly been give.

originally posted by: UpIsNowDown2
a reply to: b0kal0ka

to determine what people wish to belive, its good to have 2 sides to the discussion

so here is a take on why those videos may be fake

From the thread. People found stock footage used in the MH370 videos. It’s slam dunk debunking.

originally posted by: Lazy88
a reply to: ArMaP

The color video is claimed to be from satellite because it’s highly unlikely with no evidence there was anything in the area to film it. If it was civilian or in most cases military it would have a transponder. Unless stealth, it wound be on radar. A ballon over the ocean that happen to be in the flight path of 370? With video ability to film the jet? Why would a military assets film 370? And not through the heads up display? Civilians aircraft would have a transponder broadcasting. And most likely would film through a window.

Any record of aircraft in the area would be included in the flight 370 investigation.

But it’s worse than that. From the way pixels stack, the crappy resolution, the use of static backgrounds, and stock footage. The videos are a hoax.

Anyway. The “explosion” for this video is also found to be from stock footage.

originally posted by: Lazy88

As pointed out by Mick West. There is a composition error in the hoaxed thermal video. The contrails uncharacteristically / unrealistically jump around.

originally posted by: b0kal0ka
a reply to: Lazy88

- regarding the smoke - a B777 Fire suppression bottle washed up in the Maldives March 25th, 2014. you think it's perfectly fine for a commercial plane to be loaded up with 500 pounts of lithium ion batteries?

Which has what with you claiming the fake contrails are actually fake smoke? 🤨

More on the static cloud background being from stock.

MH370 Teleportation Video Fakery: Clouds Stock Footage Found!!

edit on 6-12-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: b0kal0ka

Any more false arguments b0kal0ka

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: Lazy88

Yeah, start addressing all my other replies and then I'll get back to you. You just keep providing the same few screenshot debunks. Until you come to me with the entire source file, I'll keep pushing these videos up.

By the way, thanks for helping drive visibility on my threads. Your engagement is drawing more people to them.

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: Lazy88

This video is probably meant to be taken as an abstract representation.

The black wave which we are more familiar with for depicting wave energy propagation is being created from the spherical dynamic resonance surrounding the (Bohr model) plane.

Some people have trouble visualizing atomic structures that have mass and gravitational interaction as a resonant wave pattern. Superconducting Boson pairs respond to Terahertz laser and can be tuned to different states.

But we have a pilot and missing people aboard MH370 so that is kind of non sequitur unless it was some kind of cold war style CIA suicide quarantine mission.

posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: b0kal0ka
a reply to: Lazy88

Yeah, start addressing all my other replies and then I'll get back to you.

The videos are CGI generated hoaxes. That’s proven beyond a doubt.

The fact you had to blatantly state sources have not been cited when they had been shows you have no interest in honest debate. So irritating when people that push hoax videos as evidence think everting should be question until they are questioned. So hypocritical.

originally posted by: b0kal0ka
You just keep providing the same few screenshot debunks.

Because they prove beyond a doubt your videos are poorly CGI rendered hoaxes.

originally posted by: b0kal0ka
Until you come to me with the entire source file, I'll keep pushing these videos up.

You come up with the source file to prove they are real. You just got burnt by your own post. Huh

This was posted in this thread. The history of the videos.

originally posted by: Lazy88

MH370 went missing on March 8, 2014. Ten weeks after that, an anonymous YouTuber, RegicideAnon, posted a video that purported to be a stereo satellite image of a plane. The video (since deleted but still available on shows some clouds over a blue ocean background. A plane, banking steeply, flies into view from the top left.

About fifteen seconds later, a white orb-like object flies in and begins to loop around the plane. It’s joined a few seconds later by two more. The three orbs orbit the plane as it levels out; then there’s a sudden flash of light, and the plane and orbs vanish without a trace.

It was a simple-looking fake, something any artist could knock out in a few days with common tools such as Blender and After-Effects. Most people recognized this and paid it very little attention. It had little impact but gained a steady trickle of views.

Three weeks later, a second video was released. This showed what looked like the same scene, but now from the perspective of a military drone filming with a thermal camera. Again, the plane flies into view, the orbs follow it, and then it vanishes in a flash. Again, most people assumed—quite correctly—that it was fake, and no one really paid it any attention.

That should have been the end of it. But fast-forward to 2023. People on the Reddit forum r/UFOs suddenly rediscovered the videos. Reddit user Voelkero posted links to the video and commented, “My hope is that some of you will be able to conclusively prove that it is faked.”

This video below walks through how the stock footage for the clouds was found.

MH370 Teleportation Video Fakery: Clouds Stock Footage Found!!

Tells where the stock footage was found. The actual “source file” for the cloud background.

originally posted by: b0kal0ka
By the way, thanks for helping drive visibility on my threads. Your engagement is drawing more people to them.

Because people like to make fun of stupid things like flat earth. And that is about how believable your debunked videos are.
edit on 6-12-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

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