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The Timeline For the Endtimes

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posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 02:32 AM
I don't think that anyone really understands Revelation properly, it is too symbolic.

If I remember correctly, at one point a part of symbolism is explained, I think it was the beast and heads being kingdoms (correct me if I am wrong).

Now, why would the mark of the beast be a MARK on foreheads and hands?
This can also mean that the "mark" is something that is on our minds (head) and that affects our works (hands). It is money. We are obsessed with it, we do everything for it, it is the award for our work, and without it we starve, die of hunger. I think Helen said this too. Money is the mark and we ARE living in these endtimes (assuming the prophecy is correct).

We are all fooled by "antichrist" because we do not understand the prophecy. We look for "miracles" of antichrist, stuff like flying, turning water to wine or something like that, but at the same time we are worshiping all the "miracles" produced by modern civilisation, that too connected with money, the mark of the beast.

Antichrist is the oposite of Christ. Christ was a generous man, giving to the poor, not desiring money and power; he was altruistic, we are all selfish and self-centered ( by "we" I mean the civilisation generaly, of course there are individuals who do not fall into this category), he loved his neighbours, we don't even know who they are.
We praise men who kill, destroy, we worship the system that leads us all away from the message of Christ.
That system is the antichrist. The beast are all the goverments leading the system. Many of them are false prophets, saying that God is on their side, that they are religious, that Jesus supports what they do. They fooled us. They marked us with money.

That is how I see the whole Revelation thing.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 02:56 AM
The author of the Apocalypse refers to himself as John (Rev. 1:1, 4 and 9, and 22:8).
In the opinion of all the Holy Fathers of the Church, he was the Apostle John, the beloved disciple of Christ, who had received the distinctive name "Theologian" because of the extent of his studies regarding the Word of God.

His authorship of the Apocalypse is substantiated in factual basis in the Apocalypse itself, as well as by many internal and external signs.
To the inspired pen of John the Theologian belongs one of the Gospels and also three Epistles to the churches.

The author of the Apocalypse states that he was on the island of Patmos "for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" (Rev. 1:9). It is known from Church history that of all the Apostles, only St. John the Theologian was subjected to incarceration on this island.

read more on ........the understanding of the end of times.....
What the Church of the last days will be like...
What they symbolize and the letters...
The seven signs, the Church,
and the kingdom of the beast

(Chs. 12-14)

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 12:44 AM
very much agree helen

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 02:40 AM
I don't know what THE timeline for endtimes is, but in the Gospel of Luke (chapter 21), it talks about what signs we'll see when the end is coming. Nations and kingdoms will fight each other, there will be famines, earthquakes, plagues, betrayal by family members, Jerusalem will be circled by armies, there will be signs in the solar system, and this is the most interesting to me-people will be in agony and bewildered by the ocean and its waves. Whenever the end is, I can already see these things happening... The direct advice about when these things happen is to stand tall and wait for your liberation... I believe that what the Bible has in the way of prophecies, will come true. I also believe it's hard to understand all the symbolism in Biblical prophecies until they come true. When it all happens I'm sure we'll be surprised about some things, not having had a clue.. I'm not saying it's meaningless to speculate about possibilities, just that that's all it is- we speculate. We have some guidelines which some of us hold as absolute truth, and the rest is speculation. No one even knows the hour of Jesus' return exept the Fater (God). So not even Jesus knows everything. We can't possibly know it all either.

I hope that isn't too rambling.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 10:50 AM
Here is another explanation of the Apocalypse..Revelation.......

The "last things" are presented somewhat differently by St. John in the Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament.
St. John writes differently because he received the truth differently. He is not just writing a book based on certain sources.
He writes what he has seen in visions or received through special inspiration. "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day and I heard behind me a loud voice When I saw him I fell at his feet I looked,
and lo,
in heaven an open door!
and lo a throne stood in heaven" (Rev. 1:10-17; 4:1-3).
Every vision stands for itself and has its own message.
Through all of these images Christ speaks about the mysteries of God's will for the Church and the world (Rev. 1:1; 2:2-7; 5:1-5).

Exiled for the sake of the word of God to the island of Patmos, St. John, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, had visions in symbolic scenes which indicate, interpret and clarify things which are happening, or which are going to happen in the life of the Church (Rev. 1:1-11).


posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by DigitalGrl

Just think for a second.....Lets say you arent a Christian but then all of the sudden this guy comes up ends the war in the middle east then gives people a 666 mark and asks to have the temple rebuilt for him , wouldnt you go WOAH MAYBE THIS STUFF IS TRUE i am not doing JACK for this guy!!

In the Bible, Jesus tells us He is the light of the world. Then He says later christians are the light of the world. I believe there are enough verses in the Bible that say real christians will be removed before the tribulation. (I have posted them on other threads).

Anyway sometime at night when it's late and dark outside and you are in your house and you are in a room with the lights still on, before you shut them off, think for a minute how you can see everything. Look around at the room and it feels comfortable and you not scared.

Now make sure you have no other lights from other rooms on or anything else that will give off light. Then flip the switch to off. Darkness immediately invades the room. You can't see anything, it's kinda creepy, you wouldn't be able to see anyone if they were in the room with you.

Now take this difference between light and darkness and translate it over to the spiritual aspect. When the believers in Jesus Christ are removed from the earth, it is going to be like when the light switch was flipped to off. "Darkness"(evil) will be able to invade. The Holy Spirit will have taken us to heaven and spiritual darkness and evil will be able to move about in an almost unhindered manner. The Holy Spirit, in christians, who was restraining evil, will have been removed. Evil will bring about things that I really don't think we can know the full extent of.

Deception will be very rampant. If your being deceived(fooled) you don't know you are, and so wrong will probably seem right. Plus it's very apparent from many of the people that we have contact with everywhere that they think the world would be better off without religion(especially christianity). So when christians are gone the "atmosphere" that many desire will be here and they will embrace it.

[edit on 22-4-2005 by dbrandt]

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 11:52 PM
I totally agree with what the bible says about it. Im not questioning it. I was just saying that i think its amazing people will be that oblivious and not realise what is going on.

As for Christians being taken up before hand. I have studied the Bible intensly and no where in the original Hebrew and Greek does it say the word rapture. Not that im saying to cant happen. I just find other versus that suggest it wont.

But thats why there is a post millenialist
pre '' "
A " "
view on this. To me i dont care whether i gotta be here or be taken up before hand. If there is something GOd needs me to do ill do it regardless of how much i have to go through to accomplish it.

Kind Regards,
Digital GRl

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by DigitalGrl
I totally agree with what the bible says about it. Im not questioning it. I was just saying that i think its amazing people will be that oblivious and not realise what is going on.

As for Christians being taken up before hand. I have studied the Bible intensly and no where in the original Hebrew and Greek does it say the word rapture. Not that im saying to cant happen. I just find other versus that suggest it wont.

But thats why there is a post millenialist
pre '' "
A " "
view on this. To me i dont care whether i gotta be here or be taken up before hand. If there is something GOd needs me to do ill do it regardless of how much i have to go through to accomplish it.

Kind Regards,
Digital GRl

Well said Digi........
God knows each and everyone of us....
Whatever happens to us will be the result of our own free will.
take care Digi....

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by DigitalGrl
I totally agree with what the bible says about it. Im not questioning it. I was just saying that i think its amazing people will be that oblivious and not realise what is going on.

As for Christians being taken up before hand. I have studied the Bible intensly and no where in the original Hebrew and Greek does it say the word rapture. Not that im saying to cant happen. I just find other versus that suggest it wont.

But thats why there is a post millenialist
pre '' "
A " "
view on this. To me i dont care whether i gotta be here or be taken up before hand. If there is something GOd needs me to do ill do it regardless of how much i have to go through to accomplish it.

Kind Regards,
Digital GRl

I honestly want to be here during the end of times, until the final judgement. I want to meet the Anti-Christ, and when I do meet him, I would like to ask him, "Why are you such a dumbass?" Seriously, who thinks they can honestly take down God? Had he actually defeated Gods army and came after God, and some how won in a crazy kind of combat God would be like wait a minute, I just uncreated you, lol. But I do think it would be kinda cool to see the Anti-Christ, kinda like meeting a historical figure. However, I think i need to get back on topic. The term rapture, i believe, is a term we gave to events that are to happen in order to sum them up without a summary. Do you get what I am saying? It may not be mentioned in the bible, but it is a term created by us to define the events. Regardless, imagine how much influence Satan has right now, assuming everything is true in the bible. Every sin on earth, he is technically responisble for, although you choose to do it. He tempts you to do suhc things. Satan's power isn't weak. Imagine if all of a suddenly they "found" historical documentation that "proved" Jesus was just a man, and at best a profit. Than imagine if the Churchs started to fade away at a rapid pace, and this idea was accepted by humanity. Than, imagine this happening in your lifetime. Then, you have kids, and they have kids. This kids NEVER know too much about Jesus. It is very much so concievable. Even with it being in our generation. Also, Imagine a man claiming to be God, causing lightening to come from the sky, and other very miraculous things to happen. Many would be led astray, especially the people of Asia, and Africa. I would think that many from Europe too would be convinced. However, the America's (north and south) would be the hardest place to convice.

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 01:28 PM

Yeah i kinda want to be here too. For all of the same reasons you listed Ryan.

As far as the rapture thing, i agree with you when you say that it is a term used to interpret the events. Much so like the word trinity. Trinity is not used in the bible either. But it is a term we use based on the facts given to sum up a better understanding of what we know.

i do believe however that the rapture idea is a misinterpretation of the 144,000 verse in revelation as well as a few others. But that is just my opinon. and people who do or dont believe in the rapture doesnt make them any less christian or anything. What will happen will happen. I just believe that christians need to be here during the tribulation to spread the truth to those that dont believe. As i said, i will endure any suffering in order to do what God wants me to do.

Onto other things,That comment about "Why are you such a dumbass" cracked me up. Because seriously....Satan is soo stupid. Although...if he is stupid what does that make us.....we do fall for his tricks quite often.

Ok here is something i heard the other day from someone and seeing as i havent had time yet to verify this im gonna ask you guys...
i have read the bible sooo many times that things get kinda jumbled up sometimes in my memory ya know what i mean?

Ok my friend was saying that one of the "tricks" the anti-christ is gonna do in order to convice people that he is God is that he is going to be be assassinated and rise himself from the dead

I was under the impression that Satan didnt have that kind of power. I honestly cannot remember reading anything in the Bible that suggests this. But like i said it gets all jumbled sometimes. And if so where did you get it from so i can read it for myself.

Have any of you heard this??

Kind Regards,
Digital Grl

[edit on 10/01/2004 by DigitalGrl]

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 01:52 PM
I have a simple question to put out there for everybody here who is rambling on about how stupid the anti-christ and his followers would have to be.... WHAT IF (dont get on my case here im posing a what if) the bible and biblical prophesy was actually inspired by Lucifer? Now a billion catholics and a billion more christians are running around spouting about the end times, and therein EMBRACING the word of Satan himself. If i was lucifer it seems like a pretty good plan. Help create these massive "religious" institutions to mislead the people away from the word of god thats WRITTEN ON THEIR HEARTS. Just a thought.


posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Aero
I have a simple question to put out there for everybody here who is rambling on about how stupid the anti-christ and his followers would have to be.... WHAT IF (dont get on my case here im posing a what if) the bible and biblical prophesy was actually inspired by Lucifer? Now a billion catholics and a billion more christians are running around spouting about the end times, and therein EMBRACING the word of Satan himself. If i was lucifer it seems like a pretty good plan. Help create these massive "religious" institutions to mislead the people away from the word of god thats WRITTEN ON THEIR HEARTS. Just a thought.

Yea, What if ? I've often considered, what if it isn't inspired by God at all? It would be a diabolical plan.

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 10:31 PM
yes, the anti-christ is supposed to hae a head injury that kills him, and then i believe the devil inhibits his body and he rises again. I believe that this is supposed to happen at the 3 1/2 year point

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by Ryanp5555
yes, the anti-christ is supposed to hae a head injury that kills him, and then i believe the devil inhibits his body and he rises again. I believe that this is supposed to happen at the 3 1/2 year point
Would you mind quoting the specific verses which mention the anti-Christ, and in this context, as well as the possession of his body?

[edit on 4/25/05 by SomewhereinBetween]

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 12:07 AM
Man i feel so dumb. I dont remember reading that ANYWHERE lol!

can you tell me where you read it from so i can take a look at it.

Thanks ryan!

Kind Regards,
Digital GRl

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 12:07 AM
To anyone wondering about how the world will be deceived by the antichrist, check out the Christ Clone Trilogy. It shows one believable possibility.

Christians, read the caution by the author at the beginning of the book series or you'll think you've got some New Age book series on your hands!

Christ Clone Trilogy

[edit on 4/26/2005 by OpenMinded]

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 12:43 AM
Thanks for your post on that book. That is the most Hillarious thing i have ever heard.

He said it is biblically feasable

What about the whole History Channel documentary disproving the shroud as divine? They showed how someone could do it.

Hmmmm....i think this guy is on crack

Just my opinon.

But thanks for posting it. not meaning this to bash you at all.
However, it is kind of interesting....the concept of a clone being the anti-christ. Dont think its right, but not a theory i have heard.

Thanks for your post

Kind Regards,
Digital Grl

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 01:01 AM
666 is the sum of all the numbers on a typical roulette wheel.

Go to this encyclopedia link to see all the ways 666 is used. There are some pretty strange coincidences

also here is the history of the antichrist throught the encyclopedia. Some wierd stuff i didnt know.

Here are some REALLY interesting facts about the number of the beast

Kind Regards
Digital Grl

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by SomewhereinBetween
Would you mind quoting the specific verses which mention the anti-Christ, and in this context, as well as the possession of his body?

Also to the original poster...where did you get that "timeline" from? And where did you get all those events that are going to happen from? I can't seem to find any references to them or any timelines anywhere in Rev.

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 04:13 PM
sure i will find you the quotes from the bible that you are asking me to find; it may take some time, im not sure they are in revelation but i believe they are, and i am lazy

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