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The Timeline For the Endtimes

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posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 11:33 PM
First Off the 3rd Temple WILL NOT Be Built Before the Tribulation...This IS The Timeline

1. Russia and Her Allies Attack Israel - This Is the Key To The Rapture RIGHT HERE! Either Right Before or Just After They attempt to attack Israel, The Rapture Will Occur and Gods Chosen People Will Be Taken Up! God Will Shield Israel and Whipe out of of Her Enemies...Most Will think It Was a Nucular Bomb!

2. People Who are Left on Earth Will Frantically Wonder What Happened to their Loved ones....As this is Happening the Antichrist Will Appera out of Nowhere and End the Everlasting war BEtween Israel and the arabs With a 7 Year Peace Treaty, Thus Begining the Tribulation Period

3. During the First 3 1/2 Years Of his Reign he Will act Nice to everyone like hes Your Best Friend, Decieveing those Who Claim He is the Real Saviour...During this Time HE Will ask The Jews To Construct his Temple in which he Will Reign

4. After the Temple Is Built The Antichrist Will Get Reports that 144,000 Jews With the Mark Of God (The Mark Makes Them Not Suffer the Tribulation Trials) Are on Earth Preaching to those Who Still Do Not Believe that They Have a Second Chance to Still Make it into Heaven...When This Happens (at the Halfway Point of the Tribulation Period) The Antichrist Breaks His Peace Deal With the Arabs and Israel and Demands those Who Believe he is the True Christ To Pledge Allegence to Him to Wear the Mark Of a Man (666) On Thier Hand Or Forehead...Those Who Accept the Mark Will Be able to Buy or sell anything But Their Soul Will Belong To The Devil For all Eternity...Those Who Do Not accept The Mark Will Be Either Hunted and Killed Or Starve to Death (Unless You Can Find Or Stock Up On Food)

5. During the Last 3 1/2 Years the Antichrist Will actually Be Shot and Killed but Will Arise again Just Like the Real Christ Did 3 Days Later....Weird But True! This Will Make the World Truly See He Is Christ and Most Will Pledge allegence to Him

6. At The Closing Of the Tribulation The Great White Throne Of Judgement Appears Before all Survivors Who Lasted it....And Those Who Survived Will Be accountable for thier actions and Sins

7. Those Who Hide Out During the Tribulation Without the Antichrist Finding them Will Rebuld this World after the Tribulation is Over for 1000 Years...During this Time the World Will Repopulate again.....After the 1000 Years is Over ARMAGEDDON Will Happen as God Lets Satan Out and Gives him 1 More Chance to Change his Ways...He Dont of Course and God Puts Him in the Botomless Pit And Locks Him away Forever!

8. The New World Has Been Created With The Still Intact Israel and Jerusalem as the Capital Wil Christ as The "President" Of the World

The End!

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 11:51 PM
IMO the rapture happens after the tribulation. But again, that is my opinion.

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 12:07 AM
I'm a christian. And obviously believe what is stated in the bible. Although revelation is one of the harder books to understand for people.

anyways, I have always wondered...

Since "pretty much" everyone (christian and non-christian) know about the 666 mark of the beast and the rebuilding of the temple account in the book of revelation, why would they fall for it.

Just think for a second.....Lets say you arent a Christian but then all of the sudden this guy comes up ends the war in the middle east then gives people a 666 mark and asks to have the temple rebuilt for him , wouldnt you go WOAH MAYBE THIS STUFF IS TRUE i am not doing JACK for this guy!!

Cause look at all of us...we are all talking about it...and i know if some guy tries to give me a mark im not taking it just because i know the outcome. so why wouldnt everyone else make the same logical assumption ya know?

Now i do believe these things will play out as the bible just wondering why some people after knowing all that the bible and even other religons for that matter say concerning the anti-christ and armageddon, will still be mislead while they are seeing prophesy unfold right in front of their eyes? its sad really. I just would like to hear your thoughts on this.


Kind regards,
Digital Grl

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 12:22 AM
Maybe the 666 mark is not really a number but something else. RF tag with a patent no. of 666.

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 12:33 AM
Maybe we shouldn't speculate and listen to the words of mother mary and the beatles, "let it be...let it be....speaking words of wisdom...let it be"

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 01:17 AM
People will be fooled because they are not paying attention to what the early fathers said!

His Kigdom shall have no end...........The Nicene Creed!

There is not going to be a 1000 year reign!
WE are LIVING in it NOW!

The lOVE OF MONEY AND FOOD will be our greatest disadvantage.....without these we wont be able to live in a society controlled by the Antichrist and his followers.....

That is why Jesus Christ pray and to fast......without these we got no chance .....
this is not my own thinking of the end of times....but the words of many holy people that keep saying the same words over and over again......only if people would realy listen.....
Glory be to God and His Saints....

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 01:37 AM
Hey helen,

I enjoy reading your posts. Sometimes i agree sometimes disagree, but i enjoy reading them nontheless
If you dont mind me asking, what denomination in Christianity are you?

Kind Regards,

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 01:38 AM
Digital Girl,

Now, more than ever, there are reasons to question the reality of Jesus, atleast for those who have no reason to believe or are questioning. Now, imagine a man coming forward for all of television. This man not only speaks of peace, and has this great charisma, but he is preforming miracles, LIVE. For anyone to see. Now, focus back on our current world right now. Wouldn't you say that we are in need of a "savior" right about now? The morality in the world is steadily decreasing, and people are becoming more and more hardened to the idea of love. Now, someone will come and preach these things and people will be like, lets follow him, he is our savior. These same people will have been misled by others with agendas, and will not realize until that final hour, when all knees shall bow and declare Jesus is Lord, that they had their messiah, their savior 2000 years ago, and he chose to die for them instead of have them die for himself. Television is a very very powerful mechanism, especially in an age where everyone is starting to question things from the past or know absolutely nothing about the end of days as prophecised.

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 01:39 AM
I am betting that Helen is a Catholic. Am I right?

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 01:45 AM
Hey ryanp5555!

Yeah i understand and agree with what you are saying. But the acts are so obvious to me. If someone comes on TV claiming all those things and asigns a mark and what not Christians and non-christians to me logically should think "Hey i remember somebody telling me this would happen somewhere!" you know what i mean? i am in no way in disagreement with what the bible just thinking out loud i guess. To me....When this happens it should be so obvious but i suppose if you dont have the holy spirit working within you..then regardless of prior knowledge you could still fall prey to the workings of this anti-christ.

Do you get what im saying though....It just baffles me that when this happens it wont be sooo obvious to everyone what is going on. But then again, It may happen in a slow progression that even Christians may be weary in the begining.

Like i said just thinking out loud.

Kind Regards,
Digital GRl

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 01:46 AM
I was thinking by the saint comment that she may be but im not sure
thats why i asked

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 01:56 AM
i suggest you take a sampling out of your block. Go from person to person asking them if they can name you even 3 signs of the end of times, without bringing up the mark of the beast. I bet most of them have no clue. The problem is most people, now, refuse to read the bible and think they are in good standings with God because the "claim" to believe in him. I am not saying you must read the bible, but I am saying that claiming to believe in his word is different from doing it, as I know you understand. But, I too have this same problem. I wonder if now is the end of times, and there are all these movies and books on it, are people really gonna be so ignorant as to not see it. And when i think of that, it makes me wonder if the end of times isn't some time in the distant future, where religion is basically gone, maybe not even distant, like 100 years from now. But, if it is now, i guess we will have to take the old wait and see approach. Keep in mind though, China has 1.3 billion people who are not going to be educated in terms of the bible. India has 1 billion people, who can choose to educate themselves on it, but probably has the majority who are ignorant to the signs of the end of times for us Christians. Just as I am ignorant to their signs of the end. Overall, Christians make up 2 billion of the 6 billion people on the earth, and most of them live in the Western societies of America and Europe. I dont know about Europe, but I do know that a lot of citizens in the U.S. are ignorant to the end of times as prophecised (how the hell do you spell this word.) by their own religion. This is just my take on it. Perhaps it will be in the distant future, I should say, God-willing.

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 02:08 AM
Yeah that makes sense. Thanks for bringing some light to my question
I agree with you about the old wait and see approach. Like it says, we wont know the day or the hour. And most people really dont know the signs very well. And if it is in a gradual progression..for instance our speculation whether we are in the end of times currently or if it is off in the distance future sort of answers my question in and of it self
lol. We are fairly knowledgable in what the bible prophesises (i have no clue how to spell that either lol) and yet we still dont know. This is a very interesting subject though. The deeper i go into this..the more intrriguing it gets.

Kind Regards, Digital Grl

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 02:54 AM
Jesus lead people by inspiration and paranormal, and when world politics is lacking that type of leadership we begin to think about end times and the prophecies. (IMO)

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by DigitalGrl
Yeah that makes sense. Thanks for bringing some light to my question
I agree with you about the old wait and see approach. Like it says, we wont know the day or the hour. And most people really dont know the signs very well. And if it is in a gradual progression..for instance our speculation whether we are in the end of times currently or if it is off in the distance future sort of answers my question in and of it self
lol. We are fairly knowledgable in what the bible prophesises (i have no clue how to spell that either lol) and yet we still dont know. This is a very interesting subject though. The deeper i go into this..the more intrriguing it gets.

Kind Regards, Digital Grl

off topic, did u change your font?

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 12:14 AM
Just thought i would reply to your question about how to change the font. I sent you a U2u about it. but if the text style showed up instead of the command let me know and ill try to figure out a way to send it to you

Kind regards,

Digital Grl

[edit on 10/01/2004 by DigitalGrl]

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by DigitalGrl
Hey helen,

I enjoy reading your posts. Sometimes i agree sometimes disagree, but i enjoy reading them nontheless
If you dont mind me asking, what denomination in Christianity are you?

Kind Regards,

I thought I posted here ........ ?
Anyway ,Im Greek Orthodox...
The Great Schism of the East and West.....1054.....about Papal Supremecy,The Filoque, and many other differences.....
Eastern Orthodox.............West....Roman Catholic....

Easrtern Orthodox have only 7 ecumenical Councils.....and when the Eighth one is called for (this is in Prophecy )....
Quote//Later an eighth (ecumenical)council shall meet,in order to appraise the disorder and to impart well-being to the good, evilto the wicked ......The farmer seperates wheat from chaff.The wheat is from man, and the chaff for animals.We maintain that the good will be seperated from the evil doers,-the right- beleiving from the heretics, and for a short time people will see peace resored(this is also spoken of in Byzantine Prophecies)

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 12:56 AM
Hey helen,

I am taking a philosophy of religion class in college and my professor is Eastern orthodox so i have been learning alot about their practices. im lutheran and my professor was a lutheran pastor for 25 years and then became eastern orthodox, And there are alot of similiarities between lutherans and eastern orthodox. I find them to be a very well respected denomination only a few things i disagree with..mostly the praying to the saint stuff. But imhop (which i know i will probably get slammed for this) remember its just an opinon, i find eastern orthodox to be on a much less corrupt and cleanier path than catholisism. Which from what i understand, eastern orthodox broke off from the catholic church do to disagreements concerning popes and the catholic churches secret practices.

But idont want this thread to get off subject so maybe after this post we should reply by u2u.

Kind Regards,
Digital Grl

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by DigitalGrl
Hey helen,

I am taking a philosophy of religion class in college and my professor is Eastern orthodox so i have been learning alot about their practices. im lutheran and my professor was a lutheran pastor for 25 years and then became eastern orthodox, And there are alot of similiarities between lutherans and eastern orthodox. I find them to be a very well respected denomination only a few things i disagree with..mostly the praying to the saint stuff. But imhop (which i know i will probably get slammed for this) remember its just an opinon, i find eastern orthodox to be on a much less corrupt and cleanier path than catholisism. Which from what i understand, eastern orthodox broke off from the catholic church do to disagreements concerning popes and the catholic churches secret practices.

But idont want this thread to get off subject so maybe after this post we should reply by u2u.

Kind Regards,
Digital Grl

Everone is entitled to an opinion......

We do have free will....which is a good thing we do.......or else we would be robots and malfunction at the thought of taking in too much information....
I u2u 'ed you Digi....
take care..

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 02:01 AM
i totally agree.

I u2u'd you back

Digital Grl

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