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Trump just announced that Zelenskyy has requested to meet with him tomorrow at Trump Tower

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posted on Sep, 27 2024 @ 01:08 AM
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

They’re going to trade blooper clips from when they were on TV as actors.

I just hope Zelenskyy leaves the music video at home.

posted on Sep, 27 2024 @ 01:10 AM

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: putnam6
So we approve another huge aid package to Ukraine and according to Trump Zelenskyy wants to meet with him at Trump Tower.

All I have to say is be careful there Teflon Don, no doubt if this occurs the Left will squeal like little pigs.

Has anybody else heard this, and what does our UK and European contingent think

BREAKING: Trump just announced that Zelenskyy has requested to meet with him tomorrow at Trump Tower, and he has accepted the meeting to talk about negotiating the END of the war between Ukraine and Russia

Even Zelenskyy knows Trump's return is imminent. Other world leaders are also scrambling to set up meetings with Trump.

The aid package wasn't "huge". It was 7.9 $Billion. That's about 0.03% of our GDP. Approximately the same amount we spend on potato chips per year.

I guess you never learned basic accounting, but being in a relationship with a head accountant for 10 years it's not about what you gross it's about what you keep.

How Revenue Relates to the Deficit, Debt, and GDP
The government's annual income doesn't cover its spending, which was projected to create a $1.8 trillion budget deficit in 2025. Deficits add to the national debt.2

Many argue that Congress should only spend what it earns, but that depends on where the economy is in the business cycle. For example, some argue Congress should use deficit spending to expand economic growth in a recession and stimulus spending to create jobs. Once the recession is over, the government should then switch from expansionary to contractionary fiscal policy because it's the best time to raise taxes and reduce the deficit and national debt. It also keeps the economy from overheating and forming dangerous bubbles.

The government's 2025 tax revenue projection is roughly 18.7% of gross domestic product (GDP), which is a measurement of a nation's economic output.1


It's not about just the money Boomer it's about the return on the investment, what are the positives to the American taxpayer.

America with this new package has spent 185 billion on Ukraine alone in 3 years, as well as its normal expenditure on NATO
On what exactly?

Are you telling me that some of those funds couldn't have gone elsewhere that could have impacted the average American in a much more direct and useful way?

All the while, we are getting approximately the same ending, which it seems we are heading for.

posted on Sep, 27 2024 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: vance2
And right here, I disagree with Trump. Ukraine has a right to keep all of its borders intact. If he feels that way, maybe he can live by example, giving me "just a little bit" of his properties in Florida 🙄a reply to: WeMustCare

Ukraine should of thought about that before allowing US/NATO puppet to take over the country. Ukraine has known for decades that Russia will not stand for US/NATO missile systems to continue to move closer to Russia border. All Ukraine had to do is make a pack with Russia to not join NATO or allow NATO weapon systems to be placed in Ukraine. Look at all the lives lost over US/NATO aggression towards Russia.

The US government would do the same thing Russia doing, if Mexico or Canada allowed Russia, China, Iran to place hostile missile system close to our border.

posted on Sep, 27 2024 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: putnam6

The world would benefit from leaders who prioritize peace and diplomacy over conflict.

But where are these leaders? 🤔

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