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Female is Not a Feeling

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posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: BrucellaOrchitis

You admit that perverted/violent men pretend to be trans in order to gain access to highly vulnerable women. Do you believe that only convicted sex offenders are aware of this trojan horse?
Your definition of vulnerable means nothing--you don't get to decide who is vulnerable or not, and plenty of people from abusive homes don't end up incarcerated but are vulnerable nonetheless.
Yes, women are by nature susceptible to violence, hence the shocking percentage of women who have suffered sexual violence, including 1 in 3 in a public place (compare that to 1 in 9 men)
I can't believe I have to source this stuff. It's commonly known by everyone not feigning ignorance.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
You admit that perverted/violent men pretend to be trans in order to gain access to highly vulnerable women.

I didn't "admit" to anything, I was referring to your source in the OP that you wrote. That's what it was about, didn't you read it?

originally posted by: zosimov
Do you believe that only convicted sex offenders are aware of this trojan horse?

I don't know. Do you have another source for that or just your vague suspicions?

originally posted by: zosimov
Your definition of vulnerable means nothing--you don't get to decide who is vulnerable or not, and plenty of people from abusive homes don't end up incarcerated but are vulnerable nonetheless.

I didn't define vulnerability. That is how highly vulnerable people are defined within the UK prison system - Again, remember the source in your OP? What I have been talking about this whole time?

originally posted by: zosimov
Yes, women are by nature susceptible to violence...

How are women "by nature susceptible to violence"? It sounds very much like you are saying women are by nature victims. Is that what you are saying?

originally posted by: zosimov
hence the shocking percentage of women who have suffered sexual violence, including 1 in 3 in a public place (compare that to 1 in 9 men)
I can't believe I have to source this stuff. It's commonly known by everyone not feigning ignorance.

I have no idea why you did or what relevance that has to the source you used in the OP which is about sex offenders in the UK prison systems????

I certainly think that as societies we should be addressing why men are violent towards women and developing strategies to address that but I don't think women by their nature are victims or vulnerable just as I don't think men by their nature are perverts or violent. Sex-based spaces does nothing to address violence against women. If anything gender-neutral bathrooms and the such prevent violence against women and children in those spaces because a man is far less likely to commit a crime against a weaker, more vulnerable person if there is a risk of a man disturbing them.

If you want to address violence against women, sexual or otherwise, teach your sons, and daughters, about respect and consent and make sure that they know that only pathetic little bullies hit people weaker than themselves.

edit on 9-9-2024 by BrucellaOrchitis because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 05:32 PM
I'm not sure quibbling about my choice of words or whether I trimmed "that suggests" out of a quote or other such trivial matters is productive.

As far as women being victims, I'll use myself as an example: I'm included in that 1 in 3 group of women who have been sexually assaulted in public, and for me it's happened multiple times when I've been groped by strange men (or near strangers, I knew one of the creeps) in public (at 2 concerts, at a pool hall, by a doctor in a doctor's office, at a friend's party). But I'm no victim by any means, in fact I'm a fairly outspoken and strong woman who punched one of my attackers in the jaw even though he was about a foot taller and caused a big scene with most of the others (I was too young to question medical authority when the doctor assaulted me and gave me a breast exam as a young teen).

There was a time when I would have been embarrassed to say that publicly but not anymore!

At least we can agree on something--I agree with you on your last paragraph. Teach your sons and daughters to respect autonomy and the individual rights of others.
edit on 9-9-2024 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Girls are girls.

Boys are boys.


posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 02:35 AM
Its funny how some topics are rarely talked about in a serious manner, they get over simplified, and all differing opinions are ridiculed.
Almost as if simpletons are purposely standing in their own way to learn anything, and then they wonder why they're treated like idiots outside their little simpletons echo chamber...

Such resistance to productive debate is 99% religious indoctrination, and 1% pure simpletons stupidity...

posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 02:42 AM

originally posted by: zosimov
I'm not sure quibbling about my choice of words or whether I trimmed "that suggests" out of a quote or other such trivial matters is productive.

That depends on what you consider productive.

"That suggests", in it's correct usage denotes or implies a theory and evidence to support that theory thereby directing the discerning reader to check that evidence.

I did check that evidence, and it does not support the writer's theory and I can only conclude that he either misunderstood the data or intentionally misrepresented it. Either way, he subsequently butchered the stats to conform to his "theory" so it doesn't really matter which it was as the end result was the same.

By omitting the "That suggests" you on the other hand imply that the information is not a theory but a fact which it is not.

originally posted by: zosimov
As far as women being victims, I'll use myself as an example: I'm included in that 1 in 3 group of women who have been sexually assaulted in public, and for me it's happened multiple times when I've been groped by strange men (or near strangers, I knew one of the creeps) in public (at 2 concerts, at a pool hall, by a doctor in a doctor's office, at a friend's party). But I'm no victim by any means, in fact I'm a fairly outspoken and strong woman who punched one of my attackers in the jaw even though he was about a foot taller and caused a big scene with most of the others (I was too young to question medical authority when the doctor assaulted me and gave me a breast exam as a young teen).

There was a time when I would have been embarrassed to say that publicly but not anymore!

Sadly it is all too true that unprocessed trauma can manifest itself as bullying. Those who are repeatedly victimised by others can themselves become victimisers as a means of coping with their own abuse and indeed will sometimes join forces with those that would otherwise abuse them, identifying weaker targets for their attentions instead.

Those that identify as transgender are four times as likely to be victims of violence, sexual assault and aggrevated crimes against their residence than cisgender individuals and yet they are as likely to report those crimes as cisgender.

Their enemy is exactly the same enemy as mine.

originally posted by: zosimov
At least we can agree on something--I agree with you on your last paragraph. Teach your sons and daughters to respect autonomy and the individual rights of others.

Don't forget the bit about bullies being pathetic.

It's important to set the example of standing up, not just for yourself, but for each other.
edit on 10-9-2024 by BrucellaOrchitis because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: BrucellaOrchitis

originally posted by: zosimov
I'm not sure quibbling about my choice of words or whether I trimmed "that suggests" out of a quote or other such trivial matters is productive.

I did check that evidence, and it does not support the writer's theory and I can only conclude that he either misunderstood the data or intentionally misrepresented it. Either way, he subsequently butchered the stats to conform to his "theory" so it doesn't really matter which it was as the end result was the same.

By omitting the "That suggests" you on the other hand imply that the information is not a theory but a fact which it is not.

Wrong. I wrote "according to census and prison data," then I presented the conclusion. "According to" is another phrase used to connect evidence to theory.
You never did say what, specifically, you disagree with from the author's conclusion, rather made vague remarks about the author's sources which were government provided data.

I suggest anyone reading this check into the source him/herself.

Sadly it is all too true that unprocessed trauma can manifest itself as bullying. Those who are repeatedly victimised by others can themselves become victimisers as a means of coping with their own abuse and indeed will sometimes join forces with those that would otherwise abuse them, identifying weaker targets for their attentions instead.

Those that identify as transgender are four times as likely to be victims of violence, sexual assault and aggrevated crimes against their residence than cisgender individuals and yet they are as likely to report those crimes as cisgender.

Their enemy is exactly the same enemy as mine.

originally posted by: zosimov
At least we can agree on something--I agree with you on your last paragraph. Teach your sons and daughters to respect autonomy and the individual rights of others.

Don't forget the bit about bullies being pathetic.

It's important to set the example of standing up, not just for yourself, but for each other.

Lol, what a disgusting response. I suspected you'd be the type to twist a person's vulnerability into something which would suit your agenda but I had forgotten how low you people can go!
The "tolerant left" strikes again. You say cute things about standing up for each other while trying to tear others down.
You don't care the slightest about violence against other people, as evidenced by your reply. Unless it helps bolster your case.
I'm done with you. Pathetic.

edit on 10-9-2024 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Tolkien

Keep ignoring sociology, but don't cry if society considers your opinion obsolete

I will keep ignoring UNSCIENTIFIC BULLSHYTE !!

I will stick to SCIENCE and BIOLOGY.

But go ahead, follow your fact free , drivel aplenty, sex fiend religion

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: Hecate666

You didn't miss anything by not watching that vid, and I'll even commend you for your good taste ! Lol !

I agree, and don't mind if folks are just whatever the way they want to be, without the need to flaunt it, or force anything, or show-off too often.

Then again : the peacock can't help from being a show-off.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: argentus

Agreed that good folks is good folks.

I've also met a few folks, whom felt that their natural gender was different from something they felt inside.

I suppose how they are able to express that, was different for each one.

One memorable was from a men's support group we had going for a while.
This smart, huge man came to a few meetings, just talking about regular stuff.
Around about the fifth time : he told us that he so hated how everyone always referred to him as the big strong guy.
He just wanted to feel small, delicate, and vulnerable.

I was surprised, but because of the context of the group : just gave my complete support.

Another time : a guy from high-school, who had already publicly announced that they now had a female persona, came by my place for a certain thing.

We had a great chat about the old times, our high-school, some of the local characters and such.
They were the same person.
But they now said that identifying as a female was incredibly liberating, and freeing.

And no : no offers were made ... Lol !!

So I agree with you, to not put them all in the same basket.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: zosimov

I admire your strength, and completely support you.

Sorry if my first post was just goofing around.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: KnowItAllKnowNothin

You've been a good friend and support on here for years now, Nothin

I can't forgive the Rick Roll, though. I hope you understand.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: zosimov

It's all good Zos.

The person did say they liked to be surprised, so they did get a laugh at least.

Perhaps we should just stick with the rock flavoured rolls ?

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 10:21 AM
Wow pot meet kettle. Did you just take a topic like religion and over simplify it? Then rediculed the religious for having a different opinion then you based off your own pre disposition and indoctrination by reducing anyone different then you to a simpleton

Dude your self awareness score is like way in the negatives.

You are the resistance to progressive debate, based off your own bias.

Again pot me kettle ….lol wow
a reply to: Terpene

edit on 15-9-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 10:25 AM
You’re all over the place. So men are violent and that has to be addressed in your opinion.but also men are violent and that’s gunna save you in a unisex bathroom.

Your logic is a joke.boooooo

a reply to: BrucellaOrchitis

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