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Total de-dollarization in Russia

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posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

'In London and Manchester, the main police are already Sharia patrols. "


I went to London recently.

That simply is not even close to being true.

Why the constant stream of disinformation?

I see Putin is in Mongolia, trying to get his gas pipeline to China done seeing as no one else wants his gas.

Best learn Chinese yourself.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Have you ever been to London RT?

I'm going to with that's a no.

As to your Sharia Police patrols nonsense, back your lies with facts, please.

And let's see how that works out. LoL

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Imhere
NATO tried stealing Ukraine’s resources, after supporting the destabilization in the Balkans.

Trying to expand further and supporting more destabilization in Ukraine.

Putin drew the line in the sand.

Kicking out Hunter Biden and others crummy hands out of the cookie jar.

When NATO invaded Ukraine and claimed ownership over large parts of it?

I wonder, every day there are reports, including from the Kursk region, about the destruction of NATO servicemen, including generals, in various bunkers and headquarters on the territory of "Ukraine". The government of "Ukraine", its expired dictator-president, all its troops are entirely dependent on the decisions of NATO countries. Western countries are the masters of "Ukraine", without them nothing happens in this country. If this is not an occupation, then what is?

Can we have details about these NATO generals?

Shouldn't be too hard to verify the deaths of high ranking officers.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

By the way, the British media reported that there were only 15 free places in the colonies and pretrial detention centers across Britain. The deficit was created by more than a thousand arrested brave native Britons who dared to speak out against the uncontrolled migrants who were gradually replacing the native Britons. It turns out that power in Britain no longer belongs to the British themselves. They are now outcasts in their own country and are subject to repression. By the way, this tragedy has already been repeatedly discussed in threads on our forum.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll

Learning Chinese is the fate of the West. Only after Arabic. In London and Manchester, the main police are already Sharia patrols. As Vladimir Lenin said, "You are on the right path, comrades!"))))))

The Brits are too civilized to deal with such extreme easily, America is not that civilized.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll

By the way, the British media reported that there were only 15 free places in the colonies and pretrial detention centers across Britain. The deficit was created by more than a thousand arrested brave native Britons who dared to speak out against the uncontrolled migrants who were gradually replacing the native Britons. It turns out that power in Britain no longer belongs to the British themselves. They are now outcasts in their own country and are subject to repression. By the way, this tragedy has already been repeatedly discussed in threads on our forum.

I agree somewhat with you, Europe has F'ed up as has Canada on many levels. America does F'ed up now and then, but we correct much quicker.
edit on x30Mon, 02 Sep 2024 13:20:08 -05002024245America/ChicagoMon, 02 Sep 2024 13:20:08 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

'By the way, this tragedy has already been repeatedly discussed in threads on our forum."

Yes it has.

In other threads.

Nothing to do with this one.

Having been caught out with porkies in this one, are you trying to derail your own thread?

Any comment on your failure to address the GDP per capita point that I and others have raised.

I know that, rather childishly, you won't reply to me, but perhaps you might reply on this point to others?

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

Russian's GDP is growing, faster or as fast as the USA's. A low GDP isn't necessarily a sign of financial hardship. A declining GDP can be though. But having a high GDP isn't necessarily a sign of financial security either due to several circumstances and (mis)management, see Guyana.

I don't blame other countries for trying to become independent of the American dollar. We have fake money with a never ending supply of really good inks and proper paper. We're dependent on other countries imports to sustain our quality of life. We owe our life's blood to China, Japan and many other countries to the tune of over $7 TRILLION dollars.

The US government owes money to governments, central banks, companies, and individual investors around the world. As reported by the US Department of the Treasury, the US owes a total of $7.4 trillion in Treasury securities to foreign countries. Foreign countries buy US Treasury securities since they are considered as one of the most secure assets. Among other countries, Japan and China have continued to be the top owners of US debt during the last two decades. Since the dollar is a strong currency that is accepted globally, holding a substantial amount of US debt can be beneficial. Furthermore, these securities also give a higher rate of return relative to other government bonds.

During the pandemic, the US foreign-owned debt declined as both official and private sector foreign investors contributed $417 billion of net sales in the U.S. Treasury securities in March 2020. Since the pandemic created a demand for more liquid capital assets, private investors ended up selling longer-term US Treasury notes and bonds. The crisis also made Saudi Arabia, China, and Brazil sell their shares of US Treasurys for short-term capital.

Currently, the USA is in debt over $35 trillion dollars. So why we are the carte blanc silver platter for illegal immigrants to become financially secure in our country, why we are funding other countries wars or why we are funding other countries's all beyond me.

Our country is on the brink of crashing. Many other countries are distancing themselves from our tailspin dive into financial disaster and it would be irresponsible of them not to. Who wants to go down with the ship?

Russia's GDP growth is been driven by rapidly increasing its military (I won't dignify it as defence) spending and short term interventions by the government.

Tanks rather than tractors.

Bombs rather than cars.

Putins failure of a war is taking goods out of the hands of ordinary russians and smashing them on the front in Ukraine.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Look at you with that big silly wooden spoon trying to stir division.

Do they pay you extra for that or simply by the hour?

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

You know, I was a priori sure that the "free" Western press covers this issue too. So, if you are not aware, either you are being deceived, or you are not being given all the information, or you are being fed only wild propaganda. Get a sip of truth.

- US Armed Forces General Anthony Potts, who was appointed after the start of the CBO, crashed in Maryland while piloting a light aircraft. True, the wreckage was found in an open field. There are no witnesses, as well as no ideas about the causes of the plane crash.

- French Army General Jean-Louis Georgelin, former Chief of the General Staff of the French Armed Forces, died while making a solo crossing of the Faustin Pass in the Pyrenees. Here, too, there are no witnesses or investigation.

- French Armed Forces servicemen - officer Nicolas Latour and sergeant Baptiste Gosho from the 19th engineering regiment died as a result of... an accident in Iraq. There, according to President Macron, the military defended the "ideals of France." There is no investigation, the causes of the accident are not named.

- Since the beginning of the year, 17 (!) servicemen have died at the American Tinker Air Force Base. The nature of the deaths is not disclosed. Only one of the obituaries for pilot Tyler Jude Law says that the death occurred when the woman was on duty. There are different rumors. Including about a mysterious wave of suicides.

- Finally, three American soldiers died after an Osprey helicopter crashed off the coast of Australia. However, there are also victims - five people. So we may be talking about an unsuccessful flight. Although ... there are different cases.

In the end, we can say one thing: "Kalibr" and "Iskander" still do not care how many stars you have on your shoulder straps. And "polite people" do their job quietly, without interruptions for loud headlines. In the end, the sensations will expose themselves.

Several useful people have brought to our attention the fact that this war was in fact started by NATO. In the interests of fair and balanced reporting, we have compiled this list of senior NATO officers killed in the invasion of Ukraine since February 24, 2022:

Several NATO generals were in the Ukrainian Armed Forces bunker near Lviv, which was destroyed by a strike from Kinzhal hypersonic missiles in March, said Nikolai Sorokin, director of the Institute for the Study of National Crises and political scientist. He disclosed the data in an interview on the YouTube channel "Den TV".

Information about the destruction of the bunker was previously disseminated by a number of media outlets. Details of the destruction of this facility were not known. Sorokin indicated that the command and communications center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was located there.

According to him, as a result of the strike, about 300 officers from NATO countries were destroyed. Among them, as the political scientist noted, there were many colonels and senior officers from Great Britain, the USA and Poland. Perhaps, generals of the armed forces of these countries were also there, he added.

Sorokin specified that the destroyed bunker was located in the old Soviet command post of the Transcarpathian Military District. It was equipped at a depth of 120 meters, the expert concluded, without specifying where he had such information.

The death of dozens of foreign officers was reported earlier by the Greek portal Pronews. The publication called the incident "a catastrophe for NATO forces in Ukraine," since, according to the portal, the bunker allegedly housed the command and planning center for NATO operations in the country, Rossiyskaya Gazeta noted.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

You know, I was a priori sure that the "free" Western press covers this issue too. So, if you are not aware, either you are being deceived, or you are not being given all the information, or you are being fed only wild propaganda. Get a sip of truth.

- US Armed Forces General Anthony Potts, who was appointed after the start of the CBO, crashed in Maryland while piloting a light aircraft. True, the wreckage was found in an open field. There are no witnesses, as well as no ideas about the causes of the plane crash.

- French Army General Jean-Louis Georgelin, former Chief of the General Staff of the French Armed Forces, died while making a solo crossing of the Faustin Pass in the Pyrenees. Here, too, there are no witnesses or investigation.

- French Armed Forces servicemen - officer Nicolas Latour and sergeant Baptiste Gosho from the 19th engineering regiment died as a result of... an accident in Iraq. There, according to President Macron, the military defended the "ideals of France." There is no investigation, the causes of the accident are not named.

- Since the beginning of the year, 17 (!) servicemen have died at the American Tinker Air Force Base. The nature of the deaths is not disclosed. Only one of the obituaries for pilot Tyler Jude Law says that the death occurred when the woman was on duty. There are different rumors. Including about a mysterious wave of suicides.

- Finally, three American soldiers died after an Osprey helicopter crashed off the coast of Australia. However, there are also victims - five people. So we may be talking about an unsuccessful flight. Although ... there are different cases.

In the end, we can say one thing: "Kalibr" and "Iskander" still do not care how many stars you have on your shoulder straps. And "polite people" do their job quietly, without interruptions for loud headlines. In the end, the sensations will expose themselves.

Several useful people have brought to our attention the fact that this war was in fact started by NATO. In the interests of fair and balanced reporting, we have compiled this list of senior NATO officers killed in the invasion of Ukraine since February 24, 2022:

Several NATO generals were in the Ukrainian Armed Forces bunker near Lviv, which was destroyed by a strike from Kinzhal hypersonic missiles in March, said Nikolai Sorokin, director of the Institute for the Study of National Crises and political scientist. He disclosed the data in an interview on the YouTube channel "Den TV".

Information about the destruction of the bunker was previously disseminated by a number of media outlets. Details of the destruction of this facility were not known. Sorokin indicated that the command and communications center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was located there.

According to him, as a result of the strike, about 300 officers from NATO countries were destroyed. Among them, as the political scientist noted, there were many colonels and senior officers from Great Britain, the USA and Poland. Perhaps, generals of the armed forces of these countries were also there, he added.

Sorokin specified that the destroyed bunker was located in the old Soviet command post of the Transcarpathian Military District. It was equipped at a depth of 120 meters, the expert concluded, without specifying where he had such information.

The death of dozens of foreign officers was reported earlier by the Greek portal Pronews. The publication called the incident "a catastrophe for NATO forces in Ukraine," since, according to the portal, the bunker allegedly housed the command and planning center for NATO operations in the country, Rossiyskaya Gazeta noted.

So either not in Ukraine or you don't actually have any names.

Strange that.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

And what does any of that silly unproven propaganda-laced diatribe.

Have to do with the premise of your thread?

Which is allegedly the "Total de-dollarization in Russia".

Enquiring minds would like to know.
edit on 2-9-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

Soon to become a Third World Country.

Except for the fortunate city dwellers.

A recipe for Revolution?

Putin is weeding out the young males as he has been taking his cannon folder from the poorest areas, so in the end there will be no men to create internal change.
edit on x30Mon, 02 Sep 2024 13:31:15 -05002024245America/ChicagoMon, 02 Sep 2024 13:31:15 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

It's strange, I gave the names, but you didn't see them. Is this a sign of a zombie?)))))

Once again, a Western source.
List of NATO Officers Killed Invading Ukraine
edit on 2-9-2024 by RussianTroll because: Add

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

It's strange, I gave the names, but you didn't see them. Is this a sign of a zombie?)))))

You gave a couple of names not killed in Ukraine.

Is this the sign of your incompetence or just lying?

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

"According to him, as a result of the strike, about 300 officers from NATO countries were destroyed. Among them, as the political scientist noted, there were many colonels and senior officers from Great Britain, the USA and Poland. Perhaps, generals of the armed forces of these countries were also there, he added."

Comedy gold.

This has been debunked many times on here ages ago.

Quite what those deaths that are not on "Ukrainian territory" have to do with anything I don't know.

It's obvious that you can't talk about the Russian economy having been called out on it so I will leave you to derailing your own thread, yet again


posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: RussianTroll

"According to him, as a result of the strike, about 300 officers from NATO countries were destroyed. Among them, as the political scientist noted, there were many colonels and senior officers from Great Britain, the USA and Poland. Perhaps, generals of the armed forces of these countries were also there, he added."

Comedy gold.

This has been debunked many times on here ages ago.

Quite what those deaths that are not on "Ukrainian territory" have to do with anything I don't know.

It's obvious that you can't talk about the Russian economy having been called out on it so I will leave you to derailing your own thread, yet again


One of the links he provided is actually a list of Russian officers killed.

He isn't even really trying.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

The day is wearing on.....

No threats of nuking the UK. Yet......

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

It's strange, I gave the names, but you didn't see them. Is this a sign of a zombie?)))))

Once again, a Western source.
List of NATO Officers Killed Invading Ukraine

Bless. You missed the joke.

Actually try looking at your links rather than just copying the first link you find that you think actually supports your claims.

It's a list of Russian dead.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: nugget1

It won't be a good world... it will go from cooperation, strong political ties, peaceful diplomacy to corrupt I scratch your back you scratch mine.

How is that different than what we have now?

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