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Total de-dollarization in Russia

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posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

The day is wearing on.....

No threats of nuking the UK. Yet......

Maybe waiting for the next Russian wonder weapon.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake

Which is allegedly the "Total de-dollarization in Russia".

Enquiring minds would like to know.

They are suggesting Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will overtake the G7 and become the world power in trade. Being to all of those countries India has about the best chance to have great growth. Brazil is still a long way from being some powerhouse though they have the size to do it, but 95% of the population still lives in squaller. Russia cut its own throat from much of the world for a very long time to come, China has the biggest problems in the world economically and are in a downward spiral. South Africa isn't going anywhere soon as they reverted back to a tribal warlord scenario.

So, I just do not see it in the next 50 years...
edit on x30Mon, 02 Sep 2024 13:47:04 -05002024245America/ChicagoMon, 02 Sep 2024 13:47:04 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: RussianTroll

Learning Chinese is the fate of the West. Only after Arabic. In London and Manchester, the main police are already Sharia patrols. As Vladimir Lenin said, "You are on the right path, comrades!"))))))

The Brits are too civilized to deal with such extreme easily, America is not that civilized.

And what will brave, civilised Britons do if they are being jailed en masse for legitimately protesting that migrants are killing their children by the very police who are paid by their taxes?

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

One of the links is to this guy:

"Joe "BigMac" McDonald is a British veteran who's been serving on the front lines in Ukraine since early 2022. He's also been a part of the TC200 team for almost as long! Currently stationed in the Kherson Oblast, BigMac is a drone pilot and sapper (bombmaker) in the UAV Company "Limbo", 196th Battalion, 124th Marine Brigade, 30th Marine Corps.

We’ve had the privilege of working with BigMac on several projects (outside of TopCargo200) since the first year of the war. We've seen his genuine love for the Ukrainian people, and his willingness to put his own life on the line to defend theirs.

What many people don't realize is that even as part of a marine unit, much of the equipment and supplies these volunteers use are self-funded. Ear/eye protection, scopes, cabling, tools, and even drones have to be bought with their own money."

He's not NATO.

because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2024 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll


There are other threads about this.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: RussianTroll

Learning Chinese is the fate of the West. Only after Arabic. In London and Manchester, the main police are already Sharia patrols. As Vladimir Lenin said, "You are on the right path, comrades!"))))))

The Brits are too civilized to deal with such extreme easily, America is not that civilized.

And what will brave, civilised Britons do if they are being jailed en masse for legitimately protesting that migrants are killing their children by the very police who are paid by their taxes?

Got that list of senior NATO officers yet?

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll

And what will brave, civilised Britons do if they are being jailed en masse for legitimately protesting that migrants are killing their children by the very police who are paid by their taxes?

Brits are damn good fighters unlike much of the rest of Europe, so we will see. The pendulum swings too far one way and it will come back around. We saw it with the Trans movement. All good until we are told we also need to believe in their delusions, and it is OK for men to be in women's sports. That pendulum is swinging fast back to a state of rationality. Once the Brits have had enough then they will vote in people that will clean it up, Canada too.

I am hoping Russia will also swing back to a state of rationality, but it most likely will not happen until Putin is dead.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

"legitimately protesting"?

In Russia that will get you gulaged for 15 years.

Protesting in Russia, even peacefully, is criminalized.

Would you like a large mirror?

Anything to add about Russia's economy?

Like GDP per capita?

Or have you given up on the topic of your thread? Again.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

So I am on the side of the normal brave British. The whole trouble is that not only the British government headed by the king is against them now, but also the entire globalist world government. The brave British have only one chance - to unite with Russia and the Russians in their fight for survival. Russia is ready.

Russia will accept all those who disagree with the Western agenda
edit on 2-9-2024 by RussianTroll because: Add

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

"I am hoping Russia will also swing back to a state of rationality, but it most likely will not happen until Putin is dead.".

Me too. But my fear is that the next despot may be even worse.

I still think that in the long term, Russia's economy will be tanked.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

I mean I could give you an actual history lesson instead of whatever Russian propoganda garbage they feed you over there but hey, if you think western civilization is bad. Then that's on you.

I personally don't want to live in a world that mirrors pre world war one conditions.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: nugget1

What do you mean?

The global world order was built after ww2 and ww1 to avoid the "everyone for themselves" mentality.

Russia and China can barely get along, do you want them being the world leaders?

Russia military spending is so corrupt they can't even maintain good training and decent weapons and equipment, all the money they print goes into their elites pockets.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: strongfp

The myths about "Russian propaganda" and "white, fluffy and truthful" Western media are in reality extremely funny.))))

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: strongfp

The myths about "Russian propaganda" and "white, fluffy and truthful" Western media are in reality extremely funny.))))

Have you maged to find any names of NATO officers killed in Ukraine yet?

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

"The whole trouble is that not only the British government headed by the king is against them now...."

Sigh. As a student of history 😂 you would know that our Government is not headed by our King because we have a Constitutional Monarchy, ever since our Civil War.

Anyway, as you have nothing more to say about the Russian economy and are back to your British bashing, good day to you.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: strongfp

The myths about "Russian propaganda" and "white, fluffy and truthful" Western media are in reality extremely funny.))))

Have you maged to find any names of NATO officers killed in Ukraine yet?

Have you already learned to read the comments you reply to?))))

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: strongfp

The myths about "Russian propaganda" and "white, fluffy and truthful" Western media are in reality extremely funny.))))

Have you maged to find any names of NATO officers killed in Ukraine yet?

Have you already learned to read the comments you reply to?))))

Still no list then

Maybe you could consider why you can't find actual evidence do back up the propagand you regurgitate.

Go on apply some critical thinking, see what happens.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Just like actual Nazis are still running amuck in ukraine?

Zombie germans!

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: strongfp

Your military colleagues from NATO have already tried to teach the Russians a lesson at Kursk. Just like in 1943, they remained in Kursk land))))

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

Just read all the links in my comments. Denying the obvious is extremely stupid.

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