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US Army Rebukes Trump Campaign

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posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: PorkChop96

Thank you for that reply. Is that photo a photo of the woman who was killed? If so, and even not I see that that hand gesture is not only one used by drunks so thank you for that.

And sure those flowers were there and likely placed by the family so I agree my notice that there were no flowers on the adjacent site was made to make a point. 'That point is that Trump is getting all this chatter about how much he cares so i wanted to point out that he didn't care enough to place flowers himself. With all his money he could have decorated the entire cemetery. You believe he cares, I don't.

That i see him as a salesman first and foremost. You may like salesmen but my experience as a salesman taught me how unscrupulous they are and hence why i am no longer one.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

The 18 minute mark for those who don’t wish to view the whole event.

Former U.S. President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump lays wreath at the Arlington National Cemetery to honour lives of American service members and their families.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: NorthOS

If we are to believe this account of the day

this is the story

Some family members of those killed have blamed the attack on the Biden administration’s handling of the withdrawal, and have aligned with the Trump campaign — including by appearing at the Republican national convention in July. And when planning an Arlington cemetery event to mark the attack’s third anniversary, they invited Trump.

Note the mention that these family members appeared at the Republican Convention? The family then planned the memorial event and Trump was invited and it is also claimed that Harris was as well. So here, it is understandable why Harris might have declined the invitation due to the clear political bias of the family.

Your video is the video of that ceremony, a ceremony organized and planned by a family of 'Trump supporters.

US defense officials were concerned that the event could become inappropriately or even illegally political. So, officials laid down some restrictions. One was that Trump wasn’t supposed to bring his campaign staff. Another was that, after an initial ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier that was open to the press, Trump’s visits to individual veterans’ graves, in a section of the cemetery reserved primarily for veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, would be private.

The rest we know. Trump and his campaign staff violated those restrictions, when another official to them to stop, she was pushed out of the way by a male on of that staff and verbally abused.

Trumpian ropaganda from top to bottom.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 04:49 PM
A former Obama staffer threw a temper tantrum over it.

Despite no one having any concerns when Obama and Biden did the same.

While completely ignoring the fact that the families invited Trump to attend.

Also ignoring the fact that Arlington invited Biden and Harris 3 separate times since late July to attend.

Completely manufactured outrage click-bait BS.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

That pretty much sums up the thread.

Just to add that “Trump hates the military members but Gold Star Families are in on the plot”

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 10:31 PM
This thread has gone on a long time with some saying one thing and others saying something else.
But what would we hear if we went straight to the horse mouth, Trump himself.

Last night an NBC reporter asked Trump

“On that hallowed grounds, should [you] have put out the images?” a reporter asked Trump in the NBC News interview.

Trump,being always the innocent victim replied

Trump: “I don't know what the rules and regulations are. I don't know who did it. And it could have been them. It could have been the parents. It could have been somebody.”

Them referring to the Biden administration but then he does what he has done so often , alludes to it being anyone else.
Remember when he turned on his followers for the '''lock her up'' chant? He said oh no not me, I didn't say that, it was them.

So here we hear him once again suggesting that rather than him taking responsibility for the pho-pah, he went and placed the family that invited him within range of the crosshairs. Brave Trump. Thoughtful Trump. Patriotic Trump.

''It could have been some body''. Anybody except him of course.

Reporter: “It was your campaign's TikTok, though, that put out the video.”
Trump: “I really don't know anything about it. All I do is, I stood there and I said, if you'd like to have a picture, we can have a picture.”

Here is Trump with old schtik ''I don't know nuttin'' . All he did was stand there, innocent as could be trying to blame anybody, somebody, maybe the parents of the slain soldier.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 10:41 AM
Having a PR team take pictures and video of anyone laying wreaths at graves is a weird way of 'showing respect'. It's a shameful artificially manufactured political stunt regardless of whoever is doing it.

Trump siding with the Taliban and excluding the Afghan government in his peace and withdrawal deal plays a key role in why the withdrawal was so bad and how easy it was for the Taliban to take over as the Trump admin gave them the green light to attack Afghan army and government without any reprecussions in the peace deal.

Obviously Biden also bares a lot of responsibility for not scrapping the deal and failing to come up with a proper withdrawal plan but stunts like this and playing grief olympics on tombstones is scraping the bottom of the barrel IMHO.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: bastion

The ceremony for the anniversary memorial for the fallen back in Aug 20 was organized by families of those fallen soldiers. I can find no mention of who exactly headed this group of families but it is reasonable to assume that at least one of them was this woman, Christy Shamblin.
Now, in line with my earlier comments and as I continue to follow this story I see that Shamblin made at least one public interview.

If you remember , she was a speaker at the Republican National Convention and obviously a strong Trump supporter . In her interview she insists that the event was not political

There was not a press presence there,” Shamblin continued. “We privately took pictures among ourselves and it was, you know, a more celebratory feeling for that day. Because we want to celebrate our loved ones, and it’s very hard to find ways to do that at, you know, at a cemetery, but they were very respectful.”

This is a nice story she tells but strange. She says she wants to celebrate their loved ones but that is hard to do. We celebrate our loved ones around a nice dinner at home or among friends. 'Sometimes we go to a park or a restraunt or church for our commerations.

She continued

The mother-in-law said that Trump “allowed us to remember our heroes” and added, “Donald Trump knew all of our children’s names, and he spoke to us in a way that made us feel understood.”

Allowed by him to remember?

But finally, Trump denied knowing any thing about the publication of the event. At one point he said it might have been the families that did it or ''somebody. Turns out, it was released to an X account by campaign aid Dan Scavino.

So here, we can believe as they want us to believe, that Trump and the families are innocent of publicizing this event and that the sole responsibility lays on the shoulders of this one aide. A fall guy .

A fall guy who acted of his own volition to post this video. No prompting from anyone else on the campaign. No prompting from Trump himself, no prompting from Scavino who needs Trump's help to remember and celebrate her daughters death.
Just a dumb fall guy who no one bothered to inform that no pictures were to be taken and used in a political manner.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

It's an obvious orchestrated PR stunt, used to work in PR myself for a while and these events go through a lot of beauracracy and planning to get the intended message across and snuff out any bad press - the claim of a lone bad actor/fall guy is obvious nonsense as it would have involved a team of 20+ and everything is signed off before the news releases go out.

Trump may have been unaware but his campaign staff certainly weren't and wouldn't be doing their job properly if they hadn't passed it all to Trump prior to the event and post event prior to publication.

Is there any mention if the other families of the deceased were allowed a say in politicians, video, PR crews being in attendance? I can't find anything that says they agreed to the events, it seems to be one family intruding into others grief but I don't have social media so can't tell for sure.

When I go to visit the grave of a mate who died in Afghanistan the last thing I want is people taking pictures and it's never occured to me to take selfies and post them on social media to show how 'caring' I am - that behaviour is incredibly disrespectful this side of the pond.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 07:26 AM
Woke Military are not real Military.

Not in my professional experience as an Active Duty Army Combat Veteran, who served two enlistments in the Cavalry until medically retired.

Todays people serving are forced to adopt training that focuses on gender equality yet they can't define a female.

Todays people serving are forced to adopt training that focuses on perceived ethnicity as a virtue, instead of MERIT!

Todays people serving are forced to adopt training that doesn't prepare them for success, let alone surviving a combat environment.

No, today the military is a F'n joke, and remain as such, until the political appointees made by woke embracing leftist dems are purged and replaced with Meritocracy.

I'm not afraid of Martial Law under todays woke joke military, I'm afraid for the people of the country that embraced such.

Land of the Free, because of the Brave...

Won't be free much longer, when the brave are pursecuted.

Remember, a Republic, if you can keep it.
Constitutional Republic that is, and it must be defended.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: ADVISOR
Woke Military are not real Military.

We should go back to -- "Prison or Military".

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: ADVISOR

Remember, a Republic, if you can keep it.
Constitutional Republic that is, and it must be defended.

Vaclav Klaus -- His presidency was marked by many controversies over his strong opinions on issues ranging from global warming denial to Euroscepticism, and a wide-ranging amnesty declared in his last months of office, triggering his indictment by the Czech Senate on charges of high treason.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: bastion

You put together well thinking that seems likely to me. And no, I have not been able to find any mention of the ''other families'' other than ''the families''. It does seem to me that this one family was the driving force in the entire celebration and that the political aspect was primary to the entire event. The mother did speak at the Republican Convention so there is ample reason to seriously consider that motivation.

The possibility that Trump was out of the loop on the entire thing is also likely. His statement that he was just there by invitation and just taking pictures is also easily believed, as I personally do not believe him capable of orchestrating anything like this. I think he is in tow just as Biden was in tow to a larger body, in this case the campaign staff.

As for the ''fall guy'', there would likely not have been one except for the jostle or push or whatever it was that caused the incident report to be made. That called attention to the whole stunt before it might have otherwise. Had that not occurred it could have been a week or more or more before anyone noticed it enough to point it out. As it was though, it caught a slow news week from the beginning of the week and attention was high on this.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
A former Obama staffer threw a temper tantrum over it.

Despite no one having any concerns when Obama and Biden did the same.

While completely ignoring the fact that the families invited Trump to attend.

Also ignoring the fact that Arlington invited Biden and Harris 3 separate times since late July to attend.

Completely manufactured outrage click-bait BS.

Democrats are EVIL. Starting a thread on this later today, with evidence included.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 12:37 PM
The families that matter, support former/next President Trump, and are angry at Kamala "Zero"** Harris.

"Harris Attempt To Attack Trump’s Arlington Visit Backfires Horribly, When Gold Star Families Respond"


**Zero Accomplishments for Americans, Zero Integrity, Zero Personality, Zero Likeability, Zero Charisma, Zero Ideas, Zero Creativity, Zero Empathy, be continued.

Biden-Harris = Worst Administration EVER. ☠

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

"Harris Attempt To Attack Trump’s Arlington Visit Backfires Horribly, When Gold Star Families Respond"

Facts matter.

Rules were intentionally broken to create a campaign photo op.

If Biden or Harris did this -- you'd be attacking them.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTophat

Considering that the entire current administration is one giant mental health crisis, I don't see this as being a defining issue.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Annee

Biden and Harris were invited by the families as well.

Only Trump responded.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: Annee

Facts matter.

Facts never mattered to you before.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 01:23 PM
Did I miss where they've done this the previous years and Trump went, or was it only this election year?

I did read Master Sergeant Andrew Marckesano's family was unhappy his grave was included in the photos in the campaign social media blitz.

Has the Trump campaign released the video they said they would a week ago? Did I miss it?

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