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New election ad from The Lincoln Project

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posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: FullHeathen
a reply to: montybd

Pathetic that people think this is the future.

It's now.
Bound to worse in the futere.
Helping a minor travel for an abortion? Some states have made it a crime.

Dumb example.

It clearly states "A minor without parental permission"

Who the F would be transporting a minor child to get an abortion if it wasn't the parents?

The adult who knocked her up without the parents knowledge of him banging her?

Clearly against the law all the way around.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: FullHeathen

It would have been nice if there was a link to the background research for this ad.

The research could have quoted which portions of Project 2025 were being dramatized.

Project 2025, page 488

Data Collection.
The CDC’s abortion surveillance and maternity mortality reporting systems are woefully inadequate. CDC abortion data are reported by states on a voluntary basis, and California, Maryland, and New Hampshire do not submit abortion data at all. Accurate and reliable statistical data about abortion, abortion survivors, and abortion-related maternal deaths are essential to timely, reliable public health and policy analysis.

Because liberal states have now become sanctuaries for abortion tourism, HHS should use every available tool, including the cutting of funds, to ensure that every state reports exactly how many abortions take place within its borders, at what gestational age of the child, for what reason, the mother’s state of residence, and by what method. It should also ensure that statistics are separated by category: spontaneous miscarriage; treatments that incidentally result in the death of a child (such as chemotherapy); stillbirths; and induced abortion.

I'm wondering if it is worth my time and energy researching all this.
Where would I publish the results?

I got this! For posterity!

J. D. Vance (R-OH), Donald Trump’s pick for vice presidential nominee, pressured federal regulators last June to kill a privacy rule that prevents police from accessing the medical records of people seeking reproductive services, according to documents reviewed by the Lever. The rule was designed to prevent state and local police in antiabortion states from using private records to hunt down and prosecute people who cross state lines in search of abortion services.

J.D. Vance Wants Police To Track People Who Have Abortions

There's a reason Trump picked JD Vance.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

You are just so sad...

I feel sad for you.

You probably didn't read past page one on it, but your owners taught you to post something on page 488.

Going right now to drink a shot of an 18 year old scotch so I won't feel so sad for you.

Thank you for motivating me with your posts!

edit on 100000008America/Chicago8pmWed, 28 Aug 2024 22:03:16 -050003 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Here's the other abortion zealot......

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 10:07 PM

originally posted by: FullHeathen
a reply to: Mahogani

It would have been nice if there was a link to the background research for this ad.

The research could have quoted which portions of Project 2025 were being dramatized.

1) A states right to restrict travel for abortion.
2) A State's right to cross the line to make an arrest in the "abortion state"

It seems that with or without Project 2025, some states may be doing stuff like this, like monitoring menstrual cycles, tapping into GPS destinations, forbidding interstate travel for abortion.

I'm wondering if it is worth my time and energy researching all this.
Where would I publish the results?

Perhaps if I send the results to Trump and add:

"It isn't enough to distance yourself from Project 2025.
Post a list of all the Heritage Foundation vetted "future members of a Trump administration."

Black list them from ever serving in your administration. And publish the list for transparency's sake.

There is so much to unpack here, but I'll just start with.

States' budgets can barely afford to offer its citizens the basics, much less monitor menstrual cycles and Movemts via GPS thats beyond belief even for ATS. Considering our standards recently for being factual, which of the states agencies would perform such a task, since the technology is fairly new it would have to be expensive AF. As well as it would have to be done clandestinely as again such an intrusion of personal freedom would irk the majority of most states' populations even in the bible belt.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: putnam6

States' budgets can barely afford to offer its citizens the basics, much less monitor menstrual cycles and Movemts via GPS thats beyond belief even for ATS.

They just need to make it legal. Build it, and the rest will fall in place, with special interest grants.

The Ensuring Accurate and Complete Abortion Data Reporting Act of 20239 would amend title XIX of the Social Security Act and Public Health Service Act to improve the CDC’s abortion reporting mechanisms by requiring states, as a condition of federal Medicaid payments for family planning services, to report streamlined variables in a timely manner.
page 489
edit on 0220242024k24America/Chicago2024-08-28T22:24:02-05:0010pm2024-08-28T22:24:02-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 10:33 PM


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These rules apply to all threads and if you want to engage in personal attacks there are other sites on the Internet where you can do that. Our goal is for ATS to be above that. For members here to post like mature adults.
YOU are responsible for your own posts

And, as always...
Do not reply to this post.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

golf clap
1. an instance of deliberately restrained clapping by an audience, of a type considered appropriate during a golf tournament but expressing a lack of approval or appreciation in other contexts

Clap back:

Although Medicaid programs are required to cover family planning services, some states have attempted to exclude certain contraceptive methods from their state Medicaid programs. In 2020, Texas received permission from the Trump Administration to exclude emergency contraceptives from its Medicaid-funded family planning program, after requesting to exclude coverage in 2017. This waiver will remain in effect until December 2024. Similarly, in 2021 the Missouri senate voted on a bill that would have barred coverage of emergency contraceptives from the state’s Medicaid program. This measure failed, and it is unclear whether Missouri had the authority to enforce this restriction without receiving authorization from the federal government. And in 2023, Iowa stopped paying for Plan B for survivors of sexual assault through its Crime Victim Compensation Program. Although these measures affect coverage of emergency contraceptives – not their legality – they still constitute attempts to restrict access to certain contraceptive methods. Additionally, in 2021, the Idaho legislature enacted a law that bars “abortion-related activities” in school-based clinics, which prohibits health clinics at public schools, including higher education institutions, from dispensing emergency contraceptives, except in cases of rape.
The Right to Contraception: State and Federal Actions, Misinformation, and the Courts

So very nice for people with the money, but more important to know a cashier who won't say, "I won't sell that to you. It's my freedom of religion to refuse. Supreme Court is on my side."

edit on 28-8-2024 by FullHeathen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 10:48 PM
My husband downloaded the entire 900 page Hetitage Foundation Project 2025 "Leaders MaGuide" for his records and I have only skimmed it but holy # that ad is terrifying....and I'm Prolife menopausal woman. Yikes!

Scary times the Handmidens tale was a scary read and the miniseries was too intense for me.

I love children but can't bear any healthy ones the poor child would be cursed with a 90% change of defomity of schizophrenia because of our genetics and I couldn't BEAr to subject an innocent life to that suffering I've endured.

I live in Arkansas and we've been celebiate for 12 years and probably the rest of our lives because of our respective mental health conditions but they're pushing for eugenics here in arkansas and eletive hysterectomies and sterilization procedures or folks with severe mental health issues like mine.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 11:13 PM
Is there a need to monitor menstrual cycles?

We can usually tell...

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: putnam6

States' budgets can barely afford to offer its citizens the basics, much less monitor menstrual cycles and Movemts via GPS thats beyond belief even for ATS.

They just need to make it legal. Build it, and the rest will fall in place, with special interest grants.

The Ensuring Accurate and Complete Abortion Data Reporting Act of 20239 would amend title XIX of the Social Security Act and Public Health Service Act to improve the CDC’s abortion reporting mechanisms by requiring states, as a condition of federal Medicaid payments for family planning services, to report streamlined variables in a timely manner.
page 489

Come on Sookie where's the link and the source... am I mistaken this bill has not passed the Senate or the House

Remember Scholastic America's "Im just a Bill" and about being stuck in committee, guess where this bill has been stuck into since January 2023 in the Committee on Finance

As per my repeated assertions, there is no way in hell, that anything remotely conservative concerning abortion will be passed as long as the House and the Senate are so equally divided.

Especially with the Republicans having come conservative, some moderate, and some RINO. No way no how will a President like Trump get Congressional support I'm tired of the left pretending that he will.

edit on p000000318pm086 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

If Geroge Conway is the most famous then those dudes are in trouble.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp

originally posted by: RazorV66
The OP posted an hour and half ago and hasn't been back since.

I would like to think they are embarrassed for posting trash but we all know better.

Our resident propagandist thinks himself above scrutiny.

Our resident propagandist thinks himself above reproach.

Our resident propagandist proves his station by his actions...

I have slightly different opinion.

I'm thinking that the OP posted his thoughts, went and did things for a bit, came back to read the negative replies, got his dopamine hit for the night and is currently in a fetal position in the shower crysterbating.

But we don't have a mudpit anymore.

So I can't just post that.



Crysterbating! 😂😂😂

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp

originally posted by: RazorV66
The OP posted an hour and half ago and hasn't been back since.

I would like to think they are embarrassed for posting trash but we all know better.

Our resident propagandist thinks himself above scrutiny.

Our resident propagandist thinks himself above reproach.

Our resident propagandist proves his station by his actions...

I have slightly different opinion.

I'm thinking that the OP posted his thoughts, went and did things for a bit, came back to read the negative replies, got his dopamine hit for the night and is currently in a fetal position in the shower crysterbating.

But we don't have a mudpit anymore.

So I can't just post that.



Crysterbating! 😂😂😂

Now thats funny and I don't care who you are

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Come on Sookie where's the link and the source... am I mistaken this bill has not passed the Senate or the House

Same source, Project 2025, page 489.

No, it's not a Bill, yet. This is their 2025 proposal to "make it legal", like I suggested.

This is a "long game" that's been in works for decades. This is their plan, and it's out in the open. JD Vance has been campaigning on it for some time. This isn't a right wing whim or pipe dream. If Trump is elected, his administration will assert Project 2025 themes as their mandate. Republicans will fall in line or get "RINO'd".

edit on 4720242024k44America/Chicago2024-08-28T23:44:47-05:0011pm2024-08-28T23:44:47-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 11:58 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Mahogani
The Lincoln Project is a group of Republicans who are Never Trumpers. They see him as dangerous, and they have dedicated their time, and a lot of their personal funds, to advertise and fight against him. They do videos, newspaper ads, and also advertise on buses and mobile boards in cities he does rallies in, for example.

Geroge Conway, the ex husband of Kellyanne Conway, is the most famous and visible member of the group.

Here is their newest ad that focuses on the dangers of PROJECT 2025:


Direct to the point.

To quote your own party...

Vote early and vote often!

I hope and pray that you get exactly what you are voting for.

Hey now, Lumenari; we all go down with the ship if they get their way!

Fake conservatives creating a movement on as much false information as they can dream up....

I don't know why these pop-up orgs keep appearing unless it's just to rip off people who think sending money to them will accomplish anything more than enriching the two or three ttop level creaters.
You'd thing fter BLM they'de smarten up, but it doesn't seem to be happening.

What if conservatives started a 'We Hate Kamala' movement? Bet it would be shut down in a week with 20 year jail sentences for all.

I see backup has arrived; magogini should feel safe enough to come out again.
edit on 1/1/1908 by nugget1 because: eta

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: putnam6

Come on Sookie where's the link and the source... am I mistaken this bill has not passed the Senate or the House

Same source, Project 2025, page 489.

No, it's not a Bill, yet. This is their 2025 proposal to "make it legal", like I suggested.

This is a "long game" that's been in works for decades. This is their plan, and it's out in the open. JD Vance has been campaigning on it for some time. This isn't a right wing whim or pipe dream. If Trump is elected, his administration will assert Project 2025 themes as their mandate. Republicans will fall in line or get "RINO'd".

Yeah so now we have gone from facts to bipartisanship legislation forecasting.

No career politician is going to hook thier wagon to Trump only to be dumped at mid-term because they tried to push an abortion-related bill stuck in committee for 2 years.

DC doesn't work that way, again it's why Trump had very little bipartisan success in his first term and it will likely be repeated if he gets a 2nd.

Read the article... hell he couldn't get less controversial bills passed

for perspective, less than 3% of proposed bills get voted on, and bills stuck in committee for over 2 years are even less like to be put forward for a vote


What happens to a bill that has not become law at the end of a Congress?
If a bill from any congress does not become law during the congress in which it is introduced, it is considered “dead.” For a “dead” bill to be enacted in a new Congress, it would have to be reintroduced with a new number and begin anew its journey through the legislative process.

Ergo the bill that you are suggesting may support menstruation monitoring and GPS following of citizens, an aspect that is still to be determined, will have to be reintroduced in January of the new Congressional term and start the whole process over. True or False

FWIW it's better when the country is divided we don't have one side or the other controlling everything, Trump reigns in Congress and the Senate and they do the same to Trump.

edit on p000000318am086 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 01:43 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: putnam6

Come on Sookie where's the link and the source... am I mistaken this bill has not passed the Senate or the House

Same source, Project 2025, page 489.

No, it's not a Bill, yet. This is their 2025 proposal to "make it legal", like I suggested.

This is a "long game" that's been in works for decades. This is their plan, and it's out in the open. JD Vance has been campaigning on it for some time. This isn't a right wing whim or pipe dream. If Trump is elected, his administration will assert Project 2025 themes as their mandate. Republicans will fall in line or get "RINO'd".

The boogeyman going to get you be very afraid 😱 So… if Trump becomes prez and none of this happens are you going to come here and tell everyone you were wrong?

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: putnam6

Come on Sookie where's the link and the source... am I mistaken this bill has not passed the Senate or the House

Same source, Project 2025, page 489.

No, it's not a Bill, yet. This is their 2025 proposal to "make it legal", like I suggested.

This is a "long game" that's been in works for decades. This is their plan, and it's out in the open. JD Vance has been campaigning on it for some time. This isn't a right wing whim or pipe dream. If Trump is elected, his administration will assert Project 2025 themes as their mandate. Republicans will fall in line or get "RINO'd".

The boogeyman going to get you be very afraid 😱 So… if Trump becomes prez and none of this happens are you going to come here and tell everyone you were wrong?

Sure, she always apologizes when she is wrong.

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 05:17 AM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
My husband downloaded the entire 900 page Hetitage Foundation Project 2025 "Leaders MaGuide" for his records and I have only skimmed it but holy # that ad is terrifying....and I'm Prolife menopausal woman. Yikes!

Scary times the Handmidens tale was a scary read and the miniseries was too intense for me.

I love children but can't bear any healthy ones the poor child would be cursed with a 90% change of defomity of schizophrenia because of our genetics and I couldn't BEAr to subject an innocent life to that suffering I've endured.

I live in Arkansas and we've been celebiate for 12 years and probably the rest of our lives because of our respective mental health conditions but they're pushing for eugenics here in arkansas and eletive hysterectomies and sterilization procedures or folks with severe mental health issues like mine.

Well if they will pay for it and you want to have sex again whats the problem?

And the Supreme court would strike down that Law as a violation of the COTUS that the LP is trying to scare people with.

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