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UK is dystopian

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posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Justoneman

Sounds like Venezuela or Cuba. 3rd World Marxists running UK and working on running all the western nations.

Sorry mate, as pointed out quite excellently and clearly by Ohanka on page 1 of this thread, the last thing they are is 'Marxists' or Socialists.

That post sums it up perfectly and it should be mandatory reading for anyone who really wants to know and understand what is going on in the world at present.

Ok Corporate anything is Fascism and that is Communism as its basis. We really need to come to an understanding of what these things really are. The method of the Corporation is for you to target them instead of whom is doing what personally to people to create this coming NW commie nation. This is about they control the gov and who wins the elections just like the Politburo of Russia and China. It is how I see it and I think many are confused by the intentional misdirection. These people are really slick as owls poo at getting us to pick the wrong thing to get focused upon as "the source of the problem". Otherwise we see lots of things the same and are supposed to have different opinions or the world would just suck to live in!

edit on 19000000383120248America/Chicago08pm8 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 10:03 PM
He should be aloud to say he hates muslims and that their heads could and should roll.

Muslim’s say that all the time it’s peanuts.

He should have said all that he said and absolutely nothing should have happened to him.

a reply to: Kurokage

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 10:10 PM
It’s not the far right.

Actually if your a hardcore leftist one would think you would desire an ideology that wants to kill you and has zero tolerance what so ever for you out of the country.

Why can’t left leaning people want dangerous ideology out of their county?

Or are their no dangerous ideologies in the eyes of the left?

What say you? Can you be pro immigration but anti Islam? Can you be socialist and demand safety? Can you be progressive yet realize not every ideal can coexist?


a reply to: Mahogani

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

If you locked up every idiot it would not be cost effective.

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 03:16 AM
double post
edit on 20-8-2024 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: Kurokage

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: 5thHead

This is what happens without a 2nd amendment.

Because America is swamped with firearms has that magically fixed all your problems?? Get back to me when America is safe and secure with no crime?!?!?!

No because our government is afraid of the citizenry rising up against them,unlike the UK who is not.

Not really,

A bunch of unarmed old women beat the US army and military police in the Batlle of Bamber Bridge during WW2 when the US tried and failed to impose racial segregation in UK pubs.

First the pubs refused, then when US MPs ordered them to impose it they made it 'black troops only' (white troops were still allowed obviously, they just had to treat people as human).

When US MPs came armed with machine guns and grenades to arrest and shoot at the troops, landlords and locals for not being racist a two day battle took place. A few were killed but the US MPs stopped trying to force apartheiid on the UK and eventually led to the US Civil Rights Movement.

a reply to: Athetos

It's more that it's not Marxist or Socialist in any way, shape or form.

I'm a lefty and everyone I know wants Wahabbism, Qutbism and other branches of militant Islam banned but don't have any issue with mainstream branches providing the person doesn't try and impose it on others.

Same as 99.9% on the right or left have no problem with immigrants providing they're contributing and integrating to society and numbers are controlled to avoid a collapse of basic infrastructure, schools, hospitals, emergency services, housing etc...

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: yuppa
No because our government is afraid of the citizenry rising up against them,unlike the UK who is not.

They're terrified of us! We may stand outside the houses of parliament and boo and hiss and they are not having any of that.

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
You fellers should ditch government and restore the monarchy to it’s rightful place in the pecking order.

Put Charlie in charge and then you will absolutely have a figurehead to hold accountable. At least your country will have a definite directive to follow.

Might save on taxes, with only one 'house' to support instead of three.

Whats the worst that could happen?

If a king shows as much hubris as govt ministers, he might get his head chopped off. Happened before, an earlier Charles.

edit on 20-8-2024 by covent because: format

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Mahogani

Immigration issues aren't just a far right thing in the UK.

I understand, and there is real discussion there when it comes to immigration. And I'm sure solutions can be found and implemented.

What I am talking about is the violent reaction of the far right extremists, and how no one will take them seriously any more. After this, after burning cars and buildings, attacking people inside hotels and everything else they did, that is nuts!

And then to find out they were all wrong, of course, and freaked out over an immigrant that is not an immigrant but a born and raised Welsh person.

So they did all that damage for nothing? All the hatred, all the cussing, all the fire and brimstone? All because they don't posses the IQ to check the facts before they devolve into violence?

Nobody is gonna take them seriously any more, nobody will help them the next time or give them the benefit of the doubt. They had a chance to do this the right way and have their voices heard, and instead they showed everyone there was no reason to listen to them the second time, ever again. It's always gonna be violence, that's the extent of their intellect.

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

What I am talking about is the violent reaction of the far right extremists,

I think "Far Right extremists" is a label used to cover the problem , the people of this Country have been lied to by successive governments regarding immigration and with the acceleration in claimants since 2018 the change in communities is really starting to show , people are angry that they are feeling like 2nd class citizens in their own Country while being treated like 3rd class citizens by the government.

If you look back you will see that todays "Far Right" is Conservatism of the 80s and 90s , a time of managed immigration.

When the Conservatives are centre Right and Labour are Left wing I guess anything Right of that seems Far Right ... especially to Labour.
edit on 20-8-2024 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: gortex

I understand, we have those same people here too. They also think everything is falling apart, and we are being overrun, and it's all planned, and they're trying to take over our lives and our jobs, and poison our blood, etc.

It's the same people who think that on both sides of the pond.

But is violence the answer? Is burning down personal and private property and trying to kill people the solution?

I think we all know it isn't. And that is why these extremists screwed the pooch, and no one will take them seriously for a very long time. They'll have to wait for this to be pretty much forgotten before they can try anything similar again.

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

I understand, we have those same people here too. They also think everything is falling apart, and we are being overrun, and it's all planned, and they're trying to take over our lives and our jobs, and poison our blood, etc.

Don't forget we are a small island and this has been going on for a long time , add to that fact that over 700,000 people came here last year legally , the pressure on health services , schools and housing availability is already really high with British people unable to find a house or flat to rent , I have no problem with helping people but not at the expense of our way of life.

But is violence the answer?

No , but when you've been ignored over years it breeds frustration which in turn breeds anger and violence , the governments response has done nothing to change that other than deepen the loathing.

edit on 20-8-2024 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

I wouldn't be too sure of that.

If Starmer doesn't start addressing the core issues then as soon as the next outrage happens - because unfortunately I feel it is inevitable - people's emotions will flare up again.
There is an anger that is gaining momentum, something will have to give.

Starmer missed a trick. He could easily have bought himself some time but his arrogance knows no bounds.
All he and senior police officers had to do was quickly publicly state the perpetrator wasn't Muslim - do we actually KNOW he isn't? - and that the judicial procedure is being followed.
Then he should have said that he'd listened to the concerns many have and he will be conducting a thorough review of current policies and their effects on British society.
He should then have stated firmly that anyone - no two tier nonsense - engaging in public disorder will be punished to the maximum extent of the law....absolutely no exceptions at all.

Pretty simple; nip the rumours in the bud early, acknowledge people's concerns and promise action but act firmly and decisively with any rioters/looters/groups walking around armed etc.

Starmer is a #ing arrogant, conceited, opinionated moron and an arsehole of epic proportions.

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: gortex

I'm not forgetting it, I've lived in both England and Scotland. I still have many friends there I stay in touch with.

The situation is not in any way different. It's also been going on for a while here in the States, and we also have high immigration. In fact, ours is said to be the highest in the world, everyone wants to come and live here.

It's the same rhetoric, the same fears.

And violence is still not the answer. No matter how you explain it to me and say it's really, really bad... I'm never going to say violence is the answer.

These extremists screwed up, regardless of how intense their fears and hatreds are, and now no one takes them seriously, even those that were giving them some benefit of the doubt. This is how you lose support, by doing this kind of violence.

Please don't tell me you were out in the streets burning stuff up!

edit on 20-8-2024 by Mahogani because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Mahogani
... quickly publicly state the perpetrator wasn't Muslim - do we actually KNOW he isn't? ...

And why is that important to anyone, other than a hateful extremist?

He is a born and bred British person. Born in Wales and grew up his entire life. What difference does his religion make? Are Christians allowed to stab people, but Muslims aren't?

Why do you think it was important for the police to disclose his religion? Is it even legal to disclose someone's religion? And why would that be of any consequence to any normal person?

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

Because rightly or wrongly there was a very live rumour going around that yet again another outrage in this country was carried out by a Muslim.
And whether you like it or not there is a general perception that the vast majority of recent terrorist attacks and outrages have been carried out by Muslims and other immigrants.

If it had been nipped in the bud then perhaps a lot of the rioting would not have happened, but I guess we'll never know now will we.

And what do we actually know about the murderer?
That his parents are from Rwanda and he was raised in Cardiff.
There are also persistent rumours that he moved here when he was 10 years old and that he had converted to Islam.

I understand about judicial process and the need not to prejudice any future court case.....but sometimes public interest maybe should take priority.

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Exactly, a rumor. Innuendo. Perception. Propaganda. Someone benefited from riling up what is commonly called 'a useful idiot'.

I've read reports those 'rumors' were coming from Russian sources. I'm sure you have too. Your government said it too.

I guarantee you, no non-extremist person fell for it and went out into the streets committing violence. Those that are hateful, and live in fear of Muslims or other minorities, they just need a little spark and their hatred comes out. Just a little rumor. They won't even wait to learn the facts, a rumor is enough, because they are ready and primed for hate and violence. And they have not done themselves any favors, the same as no hateful group in history has ever done themselves favors by engaging in violence. Ever. It never ends well for them.

Normal people don't act like that. You know that, right?

edit on 20-8-2024 by Mahogani because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

Who knows where the rumour started from.....personally I doubt it was from Russia. They're just a convenient scapegoat - and I'm no Putin fan boy. The fact Starmer's government said it may have originated there immediately makes me believe it didn't!

The thing is, it was such a believable rumour because the FACT is a hugely disproportionate number of terrorist attacks or barbaric acts of senseless violence are being carried out in this country by Muslim immigrants etc.
And it's FACT that unfettered immigration is gradually changing the fabric of British society and pandering to the interests and well being of these illegal immigrants before British people is fostering the growing resentment.

It is blatantly obvious you have absolutely no understanding or perception of the level of anger and outrage in this country at present. It has been brewing for a long time and administration after administration have chosen to completely ignore that growing anger and arrogantly assume they know better.

I guarantee you, no non-extremist person fell for it and went out into the streets committing violence.

With all due respect; YOU guarantee ME?

But hey, who cares?
Starmer will be revelling in the glory of locking so many people up and showing exactly who's boss.....until the next kid gets stabbed or the next concert gets bombed or the next grooming gang gets exposed or the next bus gets blown up or the next soldier gets his head chopped off ad infinitum.

edit on 20/8/24 by Freeborn because: grammar

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: Kurokage

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: 5thHead

This is what happens without a 2nd amendment.

Because America is swamped with firearms has that magically fixed all your problems?? Get back to me when America is safe and secure with no crime?!?!?!

No because our government is afraid of the citizenry rising up against them,unlike the UK who is not.

Not really,

A bunch of unarmed old women beat the US army and military police in the Batlle of Bamber Bridge during WW2 when the US tried and failed to impose racial segregation in UK pubs.

First the pubs refused, then when US MPs ordered them to impose it they made it 'black troops only' (white troops were still allowed obviously, they just had to treat people as human).

When US MPs came armed with machine guns and grenades to arrest and shoot at the troops, landlords and locals for not being racist a two day battle took place. A few were killed but the US MPs stopped trying to force apartheiid on the UK and eventually led to the US Civil Rights Movement.

a reply to: Athetos

It's more that it's not Marxist or Socialist in any way, shape or form.

I'm a lefty and everyone I know wants Wahabbism, Qutbism and other branches of militant Islam banned but don't have any issue with mainstream branches providing the person doesn't try and impose it on others.

Same as 99.9% on the right or left have no problem with immigrants providing they're contributing and integrating to society and numbers are controlled to avoid a collapse of basic infrastructure, schools, hospitals, emergency services, housing etc...

Bull. The only reason is to had done so the US needed the brits to defeat the nazis. Also It would not had been a good look for US troops to had killed civilians of a ally nation. Thats the only reason they didnt kill the people disobeying their orders. Also brits had guns back then as well. Still point is th ecurrent brit has no guns and can only do as told because yall cant fight back.

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Still point is th ecurrent brit has no guns and can only do as told because yall cant fight back.

More to the point my friend, you do have guns and still you don't fight back.

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