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Evidence President BIDEN Ordered The Assassination of Candidate Donald TRUMP on July 13th 2024.

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+8 more 
posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 05:55 PM
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Forget all about the fact that Joseph R. Biden is the sitting U.S. President and Donald J. Trump is a former President.

-Think of the JOE BIDEN who twice told supporters he was going to win in 2020 by fraud/cheating.

-Think of the Joe Biden who (hot mic) told a mayor in Florida that, "Nobody Fu*ks with a Biden!".

-Think of the Joe Biden who yelled Trump supporters are "The Dregs of Society".

-Think of the Joe Biden who FOR YEARS, knowingly stole and kept Top Secret National Security materials.

-Think of the Joe Biden who traumatized his own daughter in the shower, before she turned 13. (Her words)

With the above arrogant, hate-filled, unethical, immoral person in mind, is it easy to believe that this person, who happens to be the U.S. President, would order the assassination of the man who is ahead of him in the race for President? It's VERY EASY to believe!

What caused Joe Biden to mentally "snap" and decide to order the violent removal of his opponent?

1.) President Biden knows that a Donald Trump DOJ would do what Special Counsel Hur said he wouldn't do, because Joe Biden was too old and sympathetic. ARREST HIM for stealing/retaining National Security materials from 2007 thru 2023.

2.) President Biden knows that a Donald Trump DOJ would exposed the criminal activities (and more) that Joe/Hunter/James Biden participated in with Ukraine, China, and other nations.

3.) On June 26, 2024, Donald Trump and Joe Biden held their first debate. For President Biden, it was a DISASTER.
Democrat leaders began demanding he stop seeking re-election:

4.) The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last month (Monday July 1st) that U.S. Presidents are "IMMUNE" from EVER being prosecuted, for most of the actions they take, while they are/were the sitting U.S. President..

With its immunity ruling on Monday, the Supreme Court granted former President Donald Trump’s wish of all but guaranteeing that his criminal trial for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election will not go to trial before the 2024 election in November.

It also granted presidents in general, a definitive “absolute immunity” from prosecution for core official acts, and said presidents should be presumed immune for a much more expansive list of acts.

The Supreme Court's Presidential Immunity ruling gave President JOE BIDEN the legal "green light" to eradicate anyone who is a THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY.

WHO have Democrats, led by Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, continually labeled as a "threat to our democracy"? DONALD JOHN TRUMP.

In fact, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi now says her life's goal is to make sure Donald Trump never becomes President again.


Because President Biden is suffering from early dementia, it's likely Nancy Pelosi (and maybe others), coached him on how to discretely order the assassination of candidate Donald Trump, in a manner that couldn't (easily) be traced back to him.

A few days after GOD saved former President/Candidate Trump's life on July 13th, by causing him to turn his head so the assassin sniper's bullet would not be fatal or even very damaging, Nancy Pelosi Met with President Biden, and forced him to resign, effective January 20, 2025.

President Biden had failed to wipe out the man who would likely become President. The person who has promised to bring "retribution" and "justice" to not only the Biden family, but several other top-level Traitors to the United States.

Democrats are so short-sighted and small-minded, they don't comprehend how assassinating President Trump would enrage at least 70 million Americans to the point of causing our Republic to come to an end. (What they wrongly label as "our democracy".) But maybe they really don't care if that's how it all ends. Pathetic. 😡


edit on 1882024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

+6 more 
posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 05:57 PM
He said to put Trump in a bullseye.
That could have been a manchurian trigger.
But honestly ... I don't think this guy knows what is going on.
And I doubt he's in charge of anything.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
He said to put Trump in a bullseye.
That could have been a manchurian trigger.
But honestly ... I don't think this guy knows what is going on.
And I doubt he's in charge of anything.

That is why I said people who have as much to lose from a Donald Trump Presidency as Joe Biden (his family) does, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, likely consulted with President Biden to set up the hit.

Remember, THE ORDER has to come from the U.S. President. (Similarly: The order to spy on candidate Donald Trump, LEGALLY had to come from Obama.)

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Lest we forget, it was Trump who first claimed Presidential immunity, in fact, Absolute Presidential immunity for Any act committed while in office.

Biden never claimed, or sought through legislation, or the SCOTUS, that power.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
He said to put Trump in a bullseye.
That could have been a manchurian trigger.

Yes..more evidence. Far more violent words than, "March peacefully to the Capitol".

But if President Biden thinks Trump is a "threat to democracy", SCOTUS says he can legally order the removal of that threat from this world, while he (Biden) is U.S. President.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

I won’t put it past the government. They’ve done some strange things to protect their interests.

But a dweeb with an AR and iron sights just seems out of place if you’re going to put the fix in with PD and SS.

Seems like a whole lot of risk and exposure with a very flawed plan.

I know it wasn’t a long shot, but I still feel like a bolty and scope would make a world of difference for a conspiracy with so much to lose and so much conviction.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 06:32 PM
Biden can’t both be a potato and evil mastermind.

Biden is a potato, so who was pulling the potato’s strings.

a reply to: WeMustCare

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: WeMustCare

I won’t put it past the government. They’ve done some strange things to protect their interests.

But a dweeb with an AR and iron sights just seems out of place if you’re going to put the fix in with PD and SS.

Seems like a whole lot of risk and exposure with a very flawed plan.

I know it wasn’t a long shot, but I still feel like a bolty and scope would make a world of difference for a conspiracy with so much to lose and so much conviction.

OK, you are for only one shooter and believe the OS?

I am sure there was at least two assassins shooting and a pack of lies for the OS, IMHO.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: WeMustCare

Lest we forget, it was Trump who first claimed Presidential immunity, in fact, Absolute Presidential immunity for Any act committed while in office.

Biden never claimed, or sought through legislation, or the SCOTUS, that power.

I am curious, do people actually think that killing a political opponent would be an official act and not something subject to impeachment, removal, and public trial and jail? The system didn't change, the SCOTUS just acknowledged what the interpretation was. Nobody is king or above the law. Nobody.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Let's assume there was some elaborate deep state scheme that motivated or facilitated Thomas Crookes to access that roof 150 meters out with murderous intent. Maybe, maybe not. He's conveniently very dead and can't answer questions.

There's no way in hell that any federal conspirator would think for even a minute that it's a good idea to talk to Sleepy Joe at all. Let him nap and pretend it was a happy coincidence when he wakes up. He won't question anything except what flavor pudding he is having with dinner. He's not involved, he's not in charge, he's barely even cognizant. No way in hell.

edit on 18-8-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

OMGoodness , i have scene it all now !!

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
He said to put Trump in a bullseye.
That could have been a manchurian trigger.
But honestly ... I don't think this guy knows what is going on.
And I doubt he's in charge of anything.

You know, a few peeps in my circles went completely wacko around this time--blamed on schizo this or that.

I'm wondering if some signal did go out and affect people in similar ways. I saw some very similar patterns of behavior.

I wouldn't rule out this MKUltra/ Manchurian trigger shizz.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: Athetos
Biden can’t both be a potato and evil mastermind.

Biden is a potato, so who was pulling the potato’s strings.

a reply to: WeMustCare

It is clear though that Biden absolutely has a hatred for Trump and that hatred has been acted upon more times by him than is practically countable. All the convenient prosecutions and harassments of Trump by the Obama/Biden admin when Trump won, the outrage when he won and the overwhelming hypocrisy of Biden. And the threat to their organization Trump represents to their continuation.

Biden doesn't need to be a mastermind to become a patsy for those who are smart enough to help him get it done behind the scenes. Joe is just a crap front man for it all to work.

The keystone cop antics of the pathetic secret service during the "hit" exposes it all for the world to see, it was planned by those fighting for Biden and the power that the criminality of the Biden/Obama regime provide all those who get to share in the graft that the criminals running the Biden Sh*t show provide.

I just hope they all hang or get shot to pieces by firing squads for the assassination attempt after Trump wins, if that is what destiny brings. One can hope.

They all deserve to die, those who brought about the failed operation to kill Trump.
edit on 18-8-2024 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: WeMustCare

I won’t put it past the government. They’ve done some strange things to protect their interests.

But a dweeb with an AR and iron sights just seems out of place if you’re going to put the fix in with PD and SS.

Seems like a whole lot of risk and exposure with a very flawed plan.

I know it wasn’t a long shot, but I still feel like a bolty and scope would make a world of difference for a conspiracy with so much to lose and so much conviction.

OK, you are for only one shooter and believe the OS?

I am sure there was at least two assassins shooting and a pack of lies for the OS, IMHO.

That could be the case too.

But it would make it seem more plausible if the patsy was believable.

Look at Oswald. Military trained with a rifle, hard evidence of being sympathetic if not a defector to the USSR.

Look, I go to ranges. There are plenty of competent shooters who haven’t served in the military, so I’m not saying you have to be a vet to be a good shot.

But there’s a trade off from bolt to semi. Bolt is great when you want a high probability of one shot. Semi is good when you need to put many shots down range. And the AR is a great platform capable of landing multiple shots with good precision in the hands of a competent shooter.

But if you do choose semi, and you have an incredibly important shot, you still likely get one or two at best whether it’s a person or a deer. The situation shifts once that shot is heard, and that once still target is likely moving very quick now, plus you have to factor a crowd.

The government has been known to be incompetent before even with near infinite resources. So I’m not saying it’s a narrative killer. I just think it would be really hard to speak in absolutes with how sloppy it was.

To your point, if there was two shooters, it would imply the second was the real one and the first is the patsy. Even more confusing considering there was a still target with a sniper good enough no one caught him.
edit on 18-8-2024 by CriticalStinker because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Excellent observations. Did they ever find the bullet and match it to the gun found on Crookes? Ballistics should settle that debate.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 07:20 PM
So where's the evidence?

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

I don't think Joe is in charge of anything. He's clearly a Muppet at this point.

It's obvious, the deep state arranged the assassination attempt.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

So where is it?

I came here for the evidence and got opinions instead. Fix your title.

Feels like when Stormy agreed to a dinner and got a single mushroom instead.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

The ballistics get even trickier IMO.

For one, some rounds would be less conclusive. Rounds hitting a soft target would likely be viable, but we could assume those did come from the known shooter. Even with irons, landing a couple of rounds is kind of a given with that sized crowd. But unless we could test every known round, I wouldn’t say it’s good enough unless it didn’t match.

The other problem is the most popular theory on a second shooter is they were at the water tower. That creates two problems IMO. Problem one, if they were really the one taking the kill shot, why would they run 556 too so they don’t throw off alarm bells, which really means why is shooter one shooting 556 and not a bolty? Problem two, if they were just there for cleanup, why not again make sure shooter one lands his one shot, and again, why 556?

Even if 223/556 was legal for deer hunting, I can’t think of any one who would run it. I’ve rarely even heard of people running the .308 variant AR-10 for hunting. Semi automatic just doesn’t have enough benefit on the trade off. It’s kind of assumed when one shot matters so much, you only get one. So take the benefit on a bolt.

I think the military has DMR rifles because you’re talking about the possibility of multiple targets, and someone who is battle tested.

All that said, I’m not and haven’t been in the military. I’m an amateur shooter who is stuck in their ways. Someone could probably point out an error in my logic, I’m just thinking out loud.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: WeMustCare

Lest we forget, it was Trump who first claimed Presidential immunity, in fact, Absolute Presidential immunity for Any act committed while in office.

Biden never claimed, or sought through legislation, or the SCOTUS, that power.

I am curious, do people actually think that killing a political opponent would be an official act and not something subject to impeachment, removal, and public trial and jail? The system didn't change, the SCOTUS just acknowledged what the interpretation was. Nobody is king or above the law. Nobody.

The SCOTUS interpretation makes it possible for a sitting President to claim that the assassination of a political rival as an official act in defense of the nation.

It would then be up to the House and Senate, in their respective roles, to impeach and remove the President from office, thus making the now ex-president subject to criminal (public) trial and imprisonment.

If one or the other legislative body decides not to prosecute an impeachment (perhaps because they are of the same party as the President, and place party over "morality"), it could happen.

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