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Here is the support for Donald Trump in 2024

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posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 03:45 PM

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: EyeoftheHurricane

Trump and Musk were talking about firing workers going on strike. Unfortunately for Trump and Musk it is illegal to fire workers for striking or threatening them if they plan on striking.

In fact, those auto workers you're talking about have filed a complaint with the Department of Labor against Trump and Musk for their comments.

Is it illegal to talk about firing workers?

Eta: some of you people should really move to the UK or Canada where you can prosecute these speech and thought crimes.

Right was a comment or conversation

Guess people can't have those Now dayz .......don't use your brain to might offend someone

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: Vermilion

It is illegal to threaten workers over striking. A Presidential candidate and a captain of industry talking publicly about firing striking workers could be a perceived threat.

They didn’t threaten anybody.
Sorry they’re gaslighting you again.
Free speech.
You really should check out the UK or Canada.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
It is illegal to threaten workers over striking.

They didn't threaten them.
They aren't in a position to be able to threaten them.
No authority over the workers whatsoever.
They just used free speech and said what they'd like to see.
Big difference.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Are they or are they not both business owners with the ability to fire employees? Trump's business empire is centered in New York so there's no way he doesn't employ union labor.

As for Musk, Tesla plants have been in conversations with UAW many times over the years about joining.

So the comments last night could easily be perceived by these workers that their bosses will fire them if they consider striking.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Threadbarer
It is illegal to threaten workers over striking.

They didn't threaten them.
They aren't in a position to be able to threaten them.
No authority over the workers whatsoever.
They just used free speech and said what they'd like to see.
Big difference.

Flyer, when the well is this dry, the barrel this empty, they'll grasp at anything they can.

Notice how they are all trotting out the same talking points as the MSM?

Not one of them today has an original thought on the entire X event.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: Threadbarer

That data is stale ... from a time period when the White House and their media allies were still covering up Joe Biden’s age related issues and before the Democrat party attacked him untill he relented and was forced to give up his candidacy.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Threadbarer

Holy Bat Balls. They were having a discussion and someone did not like it. I believe it is call free speech. Are you part of a union?

The law is just like FMLA. You are protected but do not have to be given he same job when returning. Also, if you were part of any violent protests you are out. Do you think people have the money to fight that and do not say the unions will be there. Please.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Threadbarer

Why is it always an if?

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: FlyersFan

Are they or are they not both business owners with the ability to fire employees? Trump's business empire is centered in New York so there's no way he doesn't employ union labor.

As for Musk, Tesla plants have been in conversations with UAW many times over the years about joining.

So the comments last night could easily be perceived by these workers that their bosses will fire them if they consider striking.

And as we know, when it comes to Trump ... The perception of committing a crime is just as important as actually committing a crime.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3


The framing of Trump committing a crime is all the evidence required to convict.

Even if it's not something he was charged with...

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:18 PM
Math is hard for democrats, especially Harris. According to Harris most of us are dead, who knew?

So, 1 billion is easily obtainable according to Harris’s logic. 1+1=5

She’s so intelligent, she even doubled down on it again😂

No way can we allow this brain surgeon to be prez. She has to be one of the dumbest people in politics.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:18 PM

edit on 13-8-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: FlyersFan

Are they or are they not both business owners with the ability to fire employees? Trump's business empire is centered in New York so there's no way he doesn't employ union labor.

As for Musk, Tesla plants have been in conversations with UAW many times over the years about joining.

So the comments last night could easily be perceived by these workers that their bosses will fire them if they consider striking.

This is stupid.
Democrats are going to hurt themselves pushing this tripe.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

lol, like how Trump claimed the 1917 pandemic probably ended WWII.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: Threadbarer

Elon is as anti union as they get. So I can’t imagine any talks being remotely productive.

So more superfluous bs charges. Don’t know if this has been poster already.

The United Auto Workers union on Tuesday filed federal labor charges against former President Donald Trump and Tesla CEO Elon Musk for threatening to intimidate workers who go on strike. During Trump’s interview on X Monday night with Musk, who is also the principal owner of the social media platform, the pair discussed a potential role for Musk in Trump’s administration should he get reelected. Trump called Musk “the cutter,” and praised Musk for his anti-union stances. “I look at what you do, you walk in and you just say, ‘You want to quit?’ They go on strike – I won’t mention the name of the company – but they go on strike, and you say, ‘That’s okay, you’re all gone. You’re all gone. Every one of you is gone,” Trump said. Musk could be heard laughing and replying “yeah

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: matafuchs

I mean a billion views? That obviously means the majority of them weren’t even American. Then a large amount of the minority who were from the US probably weren’t even of voting age or have any intention of voting for him anyway.

Just sayin….

This is literal Wishful thinking.

I suppose a real test would be when Tucker Carlson interviewed Putin . What were the numbers on that one ?

People are longing for a Better America , They need to see the American Dream again , People want to hope again. Trump for all his flaws represents this hope .

As is evident by the amount of people watching him speak .

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: JadedGhost

I’ll raise you to one Obama. Like I said math is hard for democrats.

edit on 13-8-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:40 PM

Again, some of you, why derail every thread. This is about his support that he has. It was again proven last night.

People want to hear new ideas. They want to discuss new ideas. That is Progression. Today everything is hate. How bad someone else is. No one looks to what THEY can do.

Manufactured vs Reality is how support for our candidates falls.

Polling? Tell me how JFK and Trump could each lost 5-7 percent to Kamala. There is no way. A person following JFK or Trump is not going to jump in the Kamala camp. Sorry. No way.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

It's not up to Musk whether or not his plants unionize. Him being anti-union is kind of the whole point behind his comments last night being perceived as a threat against workers that want to unionize.

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