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Trump agrees to debate Harris, and gets better terms.

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posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
By law, the ABC agreement included candidate qualification for all participants.

What you posted shows what the qualifications were for those who agree to debate, not that ALL people who met the qualifications could debate, which you falsely claimed.

Trump agreed to debate Biden.

He did not agree to debate an unnamed person to be determined in the future.

Again ... you are dead wrong.
edit on 8/5/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha
Or maybe the IBA forced him to drop his trousers during a physical whereupon they were promptly disqualified. There has been no outright denial, and this boxer also refuses to discuss what test with "I dont want to talk about it" . The Olympic committee has shown itself to be just as zealous with shoving the trans agenda as the rest of the Davos aligned cabal agents and institutions. Just because the Olympics accepts a stamped passport that can be legally changed to any gender you want as qualification does not make it true.

But that is a different topic of contention, which I would think is a relevant thing to ask Harris in a debate she is too afraid to have.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 10:59 AM
Bottom line ....

Biden got beat like a drum and was pushed out of the race by his masters.

The agreement between Trump and Biden to debate is now void.

Harris wants to have a new agreement between her and Trump to have the ABC debate like was agreed to by Biden and Trump.

Trump says 'no', we can have it at FOX.

Harris says 'no', we can have it at ABC.

There will be no debates.

Trump tends to bloviate and go off topic at debates and rallies.
Harris cackles and speaks gibberish word salad.
Both lie when public speaking. (and yes, Biden lied and lied and lied )

No debates. So what? The entire country has already made up it's mind. And unless the usual election year 'October Surprise' is a doozy ... nothing is going to change. Debates now will do nothing except highlight that Trump bloviates and that Harris is a cackling word salad idiot - things that most rational Americans already know.

edit on 8/5/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

What you posted shows what the qualifications were for those who agree to debate, not that ALL people who met the qualifications could debate, which you falsely claimed.

Trump did. Harris did.

Trump accepted ABC's invitation. Trump wasn't given carte blanche By ABC to choose to VETO qualified candidates, like Harris.

He did not agree to debate an unnamed person to be determined in the future.

All candidates do. Trump didn't know if JFK Jr or Jill Stien would qualify and would be sharing a stage with him.

Trump says 'no', we can have it at FOX.

Harris says 'no', we can have it at ABC.

There will be no debates.

I'm betting Trump will show up to the Sept 10th debate. He's going to need to after the Democratic Convention and Harris' numbers soar, again.

edit on 4120242024k59America/Chicago2024-08-05T11:59:41-05:0011am2024-08-05T11:59:41-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

ut that is a different topic of contention, which I would think is a relevant thing to ask Harris in a debate she is too afraid to have.

Fair enough.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
Trump did. Harris did.

What you posted shows what the qualifications were for those who agree to debate, not that ALL people who met the qualifications could debate, which you falsely claimed.

Trump accepted BIDENS CHALLENGE to debate him at ABC.

Trump did NOT accept a challenge from Harris to debate her at ABC.

Trump accepted ABC's invitation.

He accepted Bidens challenge to debate Biden at ABC.

The invitation was an invitation to a debate between Biden and Trump. No one else. There was no open invitation to 'all qualified people' from BIden. It was one on one.

Trump wasn't given carte blanche By ABC to choose to VETO qualified candidates, like Harris.

Trump didn't VETO anyone.

And no, ABC didn't have an open invitation to anyone and everyone who meets qualifications. Learn how to read. It just listed the qualifications that are necessary for the people that ABC moderates the debates for and those people that the agreement was for were Biden and Trump.

All candidates do. Trump don't know if JFK Jr or Jill Stien would qualify and would be sharing a stage with him.

No. He accepted Bidens challenge. That's not an open acceptance of anyone and everyone. It was a one on one debate challenge from BIden that Trump accepted. Nothing else.

You are dead wrong ... as usual.
edit on 8/5/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

I'm betting Trump will show up to the Sept 10th debate. He's going to need to after the Democratic Convention and Harris' numbers soar, again.

But if he does show up, then that would make your pages and pages of crying look quite silly.

But do you have a copy of the contract Trump signed regarding the debate on ABC? That sure would settle this, and without it, your words are as right as a football bat. It's time to back up your assertions.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

not that ALL people who met the qualifications could debate, which you falsely claimed.

Every candidate that met the qualification could participate in the debate. That's a matter of campaign finance law. Prove me wrong.

He accepted Bidens challenge.

I heard that he did. I didn't see a contract in writing. Got one?

Trump accepted the invitations of BOTH CNN and ABC debates before either one of them had accepted their party's nomination. (previously linked)

a reply to: network dude

But if he does show up, then that would make your pages and pages of crying look quite silly.

That wasn't crying, it was mockery. And, much of that mockery was before Trump's silly announced that he made an agreement with himself to debate Harris on FOX on Sept 5th. And, that was before Harris said that she'd be showing up for the Sept 10th.

I'm saying that Trump is going to need to show up to the debate to offset the all the hoopla the Democratic National Convention is going to bring, and how it's going to boost the Democrats' and Harris' numbers and positive profile.

But do you have a copy of the contract Trump signed regarding the debate on ABC?

Do you have a copy of some contractual carve out for Trump's VETO power of legally qualified participants, or else the agreement would be void?

edit on 2520242024k54America/Chicago2024-08-05T13:54:25-05:0001pm2024-08-05T13:54:25-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

Do you have a copy of some contractual carve out for Trump's VETO power of legally qualified participants, or else the agreement would be void?

Sure. I'll show it to you just after you present the contract TRUMP SIGNED saying he would debate "whomever was on the ticket" September 10th. I'm kidding, there is no document showing Trump has VETO power over the debate, but then, if he was contractually obligated, AS YOU HAVE STATED, he would be subject to getting sued, and they would win. So either there is a contract, or you are largely full of crap, as usual. as they say, Sh!t or get off the pot.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: network dude

I'm kidding, there is no document showing Trump has VETO power over the debate, but then, if he was contractually obligated, AS YOU HAVE STATED, he would be subject to getting sued, and they would win

I did not say that.

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
Maybe he did, but it's not in the written agreement with the network.

He agreed to debate Biden.
When Biden backed out, the agreement was broken.
The end.

He agreed to participate in a debate that included all qualified participants. Biden disqualified himself. Kamala Harris qualified.

You're saying he's bound to an agreement to follow through on something unprecedented in the history of this country?

I don't know if he's "bound" or not. I guess ABC can sue for Breach of Contract if he is.

As far as unprecedented, isn't that Trump's favorite moniker?

I never claimed Trump was contractually bound to a debate on ABC on Sept 10th.

So either there is a contract, or you are largely full of crap, as usual. as they say, Sh!t or get off the pot.

It is a FACT that Trump accepted both CNN's and ABC's invitation to debate on their stage. Whether or not he was legally bound to follow through, I do not know.

However, you are full of crap if you're agreeing with Flyers Fan, that the rules say not that "ALL people who met the qualifications could debate" especially if Trump doesn't like one of them.

edit on 4920242024k04America/Chicago2024-08-05T15:04:49-05:0003pm2024-08-05T15:04:49-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 04:16 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
you are full of crap if you're agreeing with Flyers Fan, that the rules say not that "ALL people who met the qualifications could debate"

YOU are the one full of crap.


I said that the challenge was issued by Biden to Trump for the two of them to debate, and that Trump accepted. The agreement was between THEM. When Biden backed out of the agreement, the agreement was null and void.

When two people make an agreement, and one person backs out of the agreement, then the agreement is broken. PERIOD. No third party person can come in and claim to be filling the roll so the agreement stands. It doesn't work that way.

The information YOU posted about the ABC September debate says that people have to meet certain qualifications to be in that particular debate. It does NOT say that ALL people who meet the qualifications would be in the debate. That's different. Even if Harris meets the qualifications ABC put forward for Trump and Biden to debate ... she isn't Trump or Biden so she is not part of the agreement to debate at the ABC September debate that was made. The agreement was broken by Biden therefore it is null and void.

This is basic stuff. Like I said ... learn how to read.

edit on 8/6/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

well, here's what you did say:

Maybe he did, but it's not in the written agreement with the network. The agreement lists the qualifications for "all" participants. It doesn't list the names of the participants;

so where is the written agreement? And why is that not a contractual obligation?
do you even know what you said?

and then there is the claim that Trump paid FOX for his debate. Where is any proof of that, and now much did he pay?

Trump bought and paid for the network, time slot, the room, the moderators, the audience....

are you just talking about your backside here with most of what you say, or can you back any of it up?

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

The schedule clearly states General Election debate. Not Biden/ Trump debate.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
The schedule clearly states General Election debate. Not Biden/ Trump debate.

This is very simple ...
Biden challenged Trump to a debate with ABC in September.
Biden set the time and venue. It's his debate.
It's NOT being run by the usual Commission on Presidential Debates.
It's independent of that.
Trump agreed to debate him at that time and place.
The agreement was between Biden and Trump.
Biden punked out.
Therefore, the agreement between the two parties is broken.
Harris doesn't get to step in and claim the position.
Agreements are between two people ... third parties are interlopers.

If Harris wants to show up and debate herself at an ABC debate in
September she is welcome to do so if ABC, who is running it, says
she can. But it would be a whole different debate. Trump didn't agree to it.

She can debate herself .... she has flip flopped on nearly every issue,
pandering to try to seem moderate to get votes,
so she should have a grand old time debating with her former self.
edit on 8/6/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: frogs453

This must just be a talking point, because the common sense aspect of this is a bit too common. MSM outlets are pro democrat. Almost all of them. And not just a little, like full blown propaganda outlets. Fox news is right leaning. They are essentially the opposite of the others. Newton's third law explains why.

But Trump had to do anything he could to get Joe to debate. We all knew what would happen, so did Joe. But the debate was unavoidable, and Joe did spectacular, in doing what we all knew he would. With Harris, he doesn't have to try to trick her to get her to debate. So knowing Trump is a business guy, and if you payed any attention at all to The Art of the Deal", you would see this for exactly what it is. Trump trying to get a better deal.

Seeing the teeth gnashing over this is fun and all, but if Harris won't show up to his September 4th debate, he will have a prime time hour long add buy for nothing. (unless Sookie can show the proof that Trump paid for this) And He will likely show up for the September 10th debate and say things like "Harris was chicken sh!t and wouldn't debate outside of her safe space bubble". (does that sound familiar?)

So my prediction is, Trump will show up on the 10th, and Harris will not show up on the 4th. Trump will expose her past and all her radical ideals she has been publicly speaking about for years, and she will have to defend those policies and explain why all of the sudden, she is the polar opposite of all the stuff she used to be for. Trump will win the debate, Harris will lose the election, democracy will still exist, the world will not stop turning, and Trump will reverse a good bit of the insane ideas that have brought us to this point.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: FlyersFan

The schedule clearly states General Election debate. Not Biden/ Trump debate.

"General Election debate"

yeahbut I bet that's not in any written agreement. That's just for the ad. 😉

"General Election debate" can mean any Campaign in the Nov General Election right?

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

It could, if it didn't explicitly state Presidential debate.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: frogs453

Then Harris needs to debate Vance....right?

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: frogs453

Then Harris needs to debate Vance....right?

I believe that's (D)ifferent.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: network dude

so where is the written agreement? And why is that not a contractual obligation?
do you even know what you said?

I already posted it.

The qualifications are listed for all debate participants, and the announcement notes that all participants have agreed to the provisions provided. There was a press release that stated that both Biden and Trump had accepted the invitations of CNN and ABC.

Like I said, I don't know if Trump is legally bound to attend the ABC debate. I guess they could sue if he is.

ABC is committed to host the debatae on Sept 10, and Harris has confirmed she'll be there. FOX is not committed to a dabate, and if nobody but Trump shows up, he's going to do a Town Hall with the audience he's hand picked.

Campaign finance law limits inkind contributions, and a prime time slot, the room and audience management, the tech crew, all that's pretty pricey. Trump Campaign is going to be paying for that.

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