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Biden is Out

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posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Annee

Seriously, what excuse would be acceptable not to elect Kamala for Biden’s successor in this situation?

I guess if the PTB at the DNC think she couldn't win and someone else could. But I don't there's anyone better.

Do you understand how pathetic that is ? The Best the Democrats can come up with is ' Kamala Harris ' .....

I am curious though is she really as dumb as she seems or is it an Act ? What do you think ? It's Like AOC I think her character is an Act .

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: Threadbarer

You know her failures as a VP needs to come out, all republicans need to do is post pictures of her been named the border Czar and then show the border right after.

Her record as VP is a big zero

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:36 PM
Biden is ALL THE WAY OUT...or almost.

There is a "Tribute to Joe Biden" being composed at the Federal Government level.

See it here:

He escaped justice again! 😡

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: Vermilion


posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Well, she qualified as a lawyer and was an AG?


posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: Threadbarer

You know her failures as a VP needs to come out, all republicans need to do is post pictures of her been named the border Czar and then show the border right after.

Her record as VP is a big zero

I'm going to start a thread on Kamala's failures later today.

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
Based on the rhetoric I'm seeing coming out of prominent Right Wing personalities today, it looks like the Republicans have opted for the misogyny route.

Good luck with that.

God in heaven Help us please

There are tectonic plates shifting beneath our feet , Thousands of Illegals flooding across the border anyone of which could be a radicalized Terrorist . Multiple Wars killing thousands of people .

and you are worried about some comments that could be taken out of context as Misogyny ????????????

Do you realize how insane that is ?

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Its all over X, too many stories to put in this post.

Press reporters are leaking...

Its ALL over.

That is why no photo shoot, no press conference,
nothing. They used him till the last days of his life,
perhaps better said they arranged the last days of his life.

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Well, she qualified as a lawyer and was an AG?


and that makes her intelligent ?

No I didn't pursue a Law Degree ..... Please stop think College makes someone intelligent mate it does not at all.

I have my BSN in Nursing . Does that make me intelligent ? Nope . Either you got the brains or you don't .

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I've got no problem if the GOP wants to go the misogyny route. In fact I encourage it. It will just push more and more women to vote against Trump.

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I've got no problem if the GOP wants to go the misogyny route. In fact I encourage it. It will just push more and more women to vote against Trump.

Links or you are simply lying again.

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Is going to be a fun thread, because Madam kamala response for her been criticized as a VP and nobody liking her was racism.

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: Threadbarer

Women don't like her.

She can't keep staff.

It is what it is, your team can't force people to like her,
let alone vote for her.

Already falling in the polls.

Blame your own party for the chaos, lack of truthfullness,
enjoy your weekend at Bernies.

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:52 PM
No way we can do 4 years of this idiot. She’s done absolutely nothing. Well… she did a smashing job as the border czar. Worthless as the day is long, plus we’d have to hear her talk more😱. Just say NO!

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:54 PM
Yeesh, it's really really vile on sites like Truth Social and Telegram. Let it keep bleeding into the mainstream. It'll definitely offend. I mean most of us know how Maga truly feel about women and minorities, but for those who haven't truly been exposed to them, only bits and pieces like J6, it'll be eye opening how truly awful they can be towards people they "hate" because they aren't white, Christian male, you know the persecuted group in Merica!

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Don't say that!
She has pronouns,and can do a badass hyena impersonation.

Isn't that enough to be president?

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
I mean most of us know how Maga truly feel about women

Please define "woman".

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

Feel free to browse Twitter. Start with people like Laura Loomer and Milo.

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: onestonemonkey
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Don't say that!
She has pronouns,and can do a badass hyena impersonation.

Isn't that enough to be president?


She’s not Trump.

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