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Mass cyber attack happening right now Australia

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posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 01:58 AM
This I just happening, multiple companies and goiverment agencies are losing systems.

This is impacting 000 Australia’s 911 as well.

List of all impacted organisations:

This looks pretty bad.
edit on 19-7-2024 by Cavemannick because: (no reason given)

edit on Fri Jul 19 2024 by DontTreadOnMe because: spelling in title


It's worldwide
edit on Fri Jul 19 2024 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: Cavemannick

From your link-

A major computer outage impacting Australia has spread to other countries including New Zealand, Japan and India.


A major IT outage is affecting millions of people across Australia and globally, with banks, airlines and media companies facing issues.

I think this is the biggest attack to date on an entire country. WOW!

From a google search:

A recent major computer outage has affected multiple countries, including Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and India. The outage, caused by a Crowdstrike issue, resulted in a “bluescreen error” and “boot loops” on servers and devices, leading to widespread disruptions.

Affected Industries

Banks: National Australia Bank (NAB), Commonwealth Bank, Bendigo Bank, Suncorp Bank, and Me Bank, among others, experienced outages.
Airlines: Qantas delayed boarding on some flights due to the outage.
Media: Major media organizations, including the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), SBS, Channel 7, Channel 9, and News Corp Australia, reported network issues.
Retail: Point-of-sales systems were affected, with reports of Coles’ self-serve Eftpos machines not working and “mayhem” at Woolworths stores.

The outage was global in scope, with multiple countries affected.
It was caused by a Crowdstrike issue, specifically a “bluescreen error” and “boot loops” on servers and devices.
Computer systems crashed, with machines continually restarting.
The outage was reported to have affected millions of people across Australia.

I wonder how long it will take to stop the attack and get things back to normal. Ever since record keeping went digital I figured it would just be a matter of time before something like this happened.

The whole world can be brought to a dangerous standstill so easily now.
edit on 1/1/1908 by nugget1 because: sp

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 02:17 AM

originally posted by: Cavemannick
This I just happening, multiple companies and goiverment agencies are losing systems.

This is impacting 000 Australia’s 911 as well.

List of all impacted organisations:

This looks pretty bad.

G’Day Nick. Just woke up from a grandpa nap :lol The Age link is prescription only. My girlfriend just saw this on the local Tv station. Do we have any US on or are we isolated. Are you on an apple device or Linux. I have a windows desktop in the shack not connected to the the net, and a laptop i only use occasionally. I’m off to check solar conditions HF radio was extremely quiet at around midday I’ll report later on what i find.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to: nugget1

It’s concerning I just got Horne, there’s suggestions it was due to a micosoift update. I call bull Pooh on that.

Agreed digital record keeping is becoming too dangerous.

The news has just said it’s spread to other countries nous besides Japan and India.

Perhaps somneone pulled the kill switch.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 02:39 AM
Its the whole world

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: Digital1010

I was at work and it just happened. We lost systems.

I an on an iPhone posting at the moment.

Please let us know if you hear anything.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 02:52 AM
Whoever pushed that Crowdstrike update is getting fired. Unless this is another Solarwinds style compromise, which isn't out of the realm of possibility.

Edit: yep Crowdstrike confirmed an issue with the latest update to the Falcon platform. So not really a cyber attack, more of lack of proper patch testing.
edit on 7/19/2024 by Hypntick because: additional info

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: KM22MK

Wow this is bad, they claim Crowdstrike caused the issue. Supposedly they were doing a security update.

Cannot understand why the updates could moot be regionalised to diversify the risk of a world wide outage.

I cannot understand on how one company could cause such a widespread outage.

Is this a cover story, I wonder.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: Hypntick

I just learnt of this, pretty poor effort of Crowdstrike.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:03 AM
edit on 7/19/2024 by Hypntick because: double

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: Cavemannick

Wait until there's a widespread Azure or AWS outage, then you'll really see impacts. Outages due to improper configuration or patch update are really common. The Falcon platform is widely adopted as it's one of the better EDR products out there, hence the scope.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:17 AM
This day will go down in history.
WW3 has begun!!!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:29 AM
Wasn't me. True.

I wuz just petting me drop bear wen it happened.

True as aye!

Bally in the Aust.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:37 AM
I’m currently at work in a steel mill in Ohio. Last night of work on midnight shift. Completely stopped us.

All of our production is currently interrupted. Our EAF (electric arc furnace) literally shut itself off. The saw I was operating stopped and I had to run everything on the line manually. We were told to stay in a “safe place.” They even made the crane men get out of the cranes. Concerning that our computer system crashing absolutely paralyzed every aspect of production.

Wild stuff.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: kyleisboss

Yeah similar.

I think your avatar is the bestest.

Kind regards,


posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:47 AM

Air traffic at BER suspended - IT disruptions paralyze systems worldwide

There are massive IT problems worldwide on Friday. Planes cannot take off and land at BER Airport. American airlines are struggling with outages. News channels in Australia and the UK are unable to broadcast.
Link (German)

I think that if you can't handle a technology 100%, then you shouldn't make everything 100% dependent on this technology.

But that's just my opinion, I'm not one of the bright minds who must know why they have to connect every last pisspot to this technology that they can't control to 100% and protect from unauthorized access. These brightest of all candles on every tart on earth need to know better of course.

Or are these perhaps harbingers of the next mess that is planned for us humans, like: It´s not our fault but IT´s fault that you can´t leave your country anymore..

Because other news today:

Bird Flu
Preparations are underway in the USA and the EU - and vaccines are being ordered

The outbreak of bird flu on US cattle farms has triggered a global alarm: several countries are ordering vaccines and Finland has already started vaccinating. Tests are being carried out to determine whether the seasonal flu vaccines help - and whether some people are already protected.
“The virus in its current state doesn't look like it could trigger a pandemic,” says Scott Hensley, immunologist at the University of Pennsylvania, in the journal Nature. But with influenza viruses, this could change fundamentally with a single mutation.
Link to (German)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 04:13 AM
Looks like a corrupted update from a major cloud service. Could be a few hours yet. Mass panic I imagine and the financial impact will be billions.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 04:14 AM
Something is still working here. 000 is back up.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: Cavemannick

The WEF are having a dry run for their cyber attack, they have been training for years.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 04:25 AM
Its world wide IT systems down.

Ryanair claiming its a 3rd party system outage


Sky News
TV Stations
Railway systems
American tv stations

Germany hit
Australia hit
Ireland hit
Britain hit
USA hit

edit on 19 7 2024 by SecretKnowledge2 because: (no reason given)

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