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Biden Dropping Out Soon?

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posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 01:06 AM
Thursday, July 18, 2024

After listening to Donald Trump's GOP nominee acceptance speech last evening, the Biden campaign says President Biden is more determined than ever to stay in the race, and beat challenger Donald Trump in November.

President Biden is NOT quitting the race:

Way to go Mr. President! Listen to Hunter, Jill and Barack.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 05:14 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: putnam6

Its nothing but semi sophisticated fear mongering because the Democrats are polling lousy in certain demographics.

Project 2025 has dozens of bullet points, a some of the simple ones may be on Trump's agenda. But to say, suggest, or infer Trump or Vance sponsors Project 2025 in toto is disingenuous at best,on immigration they pretty much agree with P2025 but on both abortion and gay marriages Trump detours away from Project 2025.

So many of these things would come and go and 99.9% of the population wouldn't have a clue to any of it, then they turn some BS into a propaganda tool. I remember liberals complaining about it and I was WTF is that.

Exactly the majority of people have flexible minds and develop coping skills and realize nobody gets their perfect candidate, it's impossible even in smaller less diverse countries and it damn sure isn't happening in a country of 330 million people.

It's no different than Biden sucking up to the Progressive wing before the 2020 election promising them the moon stars rainbows and unicorns, and they basically got painted sidewalks in a few cities. No sweeping federal legislation because no split congress is pushing marginal issues when they have other more import goals as well as state's rights and the silent majority keep a more moderate balancing act.

I remember talking with my Dad with Nixon and the Watergate mess. I suggested the Republicans will never be in power again, he said no this is how America is it bounces from one direction to another, one will be in power and it will reach a tipping point and then we go off in a different direction till middle America gets sick and we got in another direction.

People are tired of the fearmongering, 4 years of Biden and we are still fearful? screw that noise. Tipping point, even if Trump wins and he gets the House and the Senate it will likely be for a 2 year period till the mid-terms at best 24 months so instead of bending to the extreme wing, he had better be more centrist to be able to enact long term legislation.

Check and balances is how DC runs, since Carter any time we get too blue or too red we have a snapback, like 8-year-old putnam 6 in 73/74 who didn't realize this, the Democrats are trying to scare the chit out of those below 30 and act as if Trump could become King, Hitler or any other dictator. It isn't happening.

edit on p000000317am076 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: SideEyeEverything1

Maybe Joe will order the 82nd Airborne Division to defend his decision to keep running. Only somewhat kidding.


posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: quintessentone

CNN fact checked it and here is the evidence. He is duping everyone.

Yes, you are right CNN says it then it is the most trusted name in news...

We will need to see action, not constant bias driven BS. Let's talk about it in a year and you can tell me you were wrong. I remember all the wasted posts, and 100 of hours people put into the evil Trump at the beginning of his first 4 years that all came to nothing in the end.

You missed my point, his taxation policy aligns with Project 2025 and the CNN video I posted proved by footage of Trump admitting he knows of the Heritage Foundation and their mandates.

What is really wrong here is that everyone is being duped by a political system with different parties that are incapable or unwilling to help the lower and middle classes nor the upcoming generations - all parties fail in that respect.

Even though the thought of increasing minimum wage 3X which it has been proven that the lower and middle classes would spend to stimulate the economy, all political parties still resist that approach theorizing that businesses would fail, but that has never been proven.

Nothing will change no matter which candidate or party anyone chooses because their mandates are all formulated for the lower and middle classes and upcoming younger generations to fail, while the rich get richer. If violence ensues, then the empire of the U.S. will implode.

Great civilisations are not murdered. Instead, they take their own lives.

edit on q00000026731America/Chicago1212America/Chicago7 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
Thursday, July 18, 2024

After listening to Donald Trump's GOP nominee acceptance speech last evening,

After realizing Trump wants to take the USA in a better direction policy wise? Makes you wonder how hell bent democrats are on destroying the USA by tearing down what made the USA strong enough to oppose China?
edit on 19-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: WeMustCare
Thursday, July 18, 2024

After listening to Donald Trump's GOP nominee acceptance speech last evening,

After realising Trump wants to take the USA in a better direction policy wise? Makes you wonder how hell bent democrats are on destroying the USA by tearing down what made the USA strong enough to oppose China?

His economic plan will make the corporations and rich richer, the tariffs plan will hurt the common people. Biden's economic plan won't fare much better.
edit on q00000031731America/Chicago3030America/Chicago7 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone

His economic plan will make the corporations and rich richer, the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

You mean the people that create jobs in the USA especially if we are able to grow our manufacturing base.

originally posted by: quintessentone

the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

China is at a Cold War / economic war with the USA already. War is hell. And China is in it to win it.

Added. Seems your into spreading a little fear yourself….
edit on 19-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: quintessentone

His economic plan will make the corporations and rich richer, the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

You mean the people that create jobs in the USA especially if we are able to grow our manufacturing base.

originally posted by: quintessentone

the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

China is at a Cold War / economic war with the USA already. War is hell. And China is in it to win it.

Added. Seems your into spreading a little fear yourself….

Do your own research, listen to economic experts. Look at the economic history and the country's debt then let me know if fear strikes you to the core when you realize what is really happening. Neither candidate has mentioned anything about reducing debt.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: quintessentone

His economic plan will make the corporations and rich richer, the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

You mean the people that create jobs in the USA especially if we are able to grow our manufacturing base.

originally posted by: quintessentone

the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

China is at a Cold War / economic war with the USA already. War is hell. And China is in it to win it.

Added. Seems your into spreading a little fear yourself….

Do your own research, listen to economic experts. Look at the economic history and the country's debt then let me know if fear strikes you to the core when you realize what is really happening. Neither candidate has mentioned anything about reducing debt.

Fear strikes


Im not pretending it's impossible but the doom and gloom economically is highly unlikely

It's important to note that a direct spiral from national debt to a Great Depression-like scenario is not considered likely by most mainstream economists. However, here's a measured look at the risks:

Current situation: While the US national debt is high by historical standards, the economy has so far been able to sustain it without major crises.
Interest rates: A key factor is interest rates. If they rise significantly, debt servicing costs could increase dramatically, potentially squeezing other parts of the budget.
Economic growth: As long as economic growth outpaces debt growth, the situation remains manageable. A severe economic slowdown could change this balance.
Global confidence: The US dollar's status as the world's reserve currency provides significant leeway. A loss of global confidence in the US economy could potentially trigger a crisis, but this is not considered imminent.
Policy responses: The government and Federal Reserve have tools to respond to economic challenges, which weren't available during the Great Depression era.
Historical context: The Great Depression was caused by a complex set of factors, not just debt. Our understanding of economics and policy tools has advanced significantly since then.

While the debt situation requires careful management and long-term planning, a debt-induced economic collapse on the scale of the Great Depression is generally considered a low-probability scenario by most economists. However, it's worth noting that economic predictions, especially long-term ones, always involve uncertainty.

Worst-case scenario for economic volatility:

Rapid inflation spiral: Prices increase dramatically and unpredictably, eroding savings and purchasing power.
Market crash: Stock markets plummet, wiping out significant portions of retirement savings and investments.
Banking crisis: Multiple bank failures lead to a loss of confidence in the financial system.
Mass unemployment: Businesses close or downsize rapidly, leading to widespread job losses across sectors.
Housing market collapse: Property values plummet, leaving many homeowners underwater on mortgages.
Currency devaluation: The dollar loses significant value internationally, impacting imports and global trade.
Government austerity: Reduced tax revenues force severe cuts to public services and social programs.
Debt defaults: Personal, corporate, and potentially government debt defaults cascade through the economy.

This scenario would be reminiscent of the Great Depression or severe economic crises seen in some countries historically. It's crucial to understand that while this is theoretically possible, modern economic policies, regulations, and interventions are designed to prevent such extreme outcomes.

edit on p000000317am076 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: quintessentone

His economic plan will make the corporations and rich richer, the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

You mean the people that create jobs in the USA especially if we are able to grow our manufacturing base.

originally posted by: quintessentone

the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

China is at a Cold War / economic war with the USA already. War is hell. And China is in it to win it.

Added. Seems your into spreading a little fear yourself….

Do your own research, listen to economic experts. Look at the economic history and the country's debt then let me know if fear strikes you to the core when you realize what is really happening. Neither candidate has mentioned anything about reducing debt.

Fear strikes


Is this funny?

The U.S. national debt is rising by $1 trillion about every 100 days

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: quintessentone

His economic plan will make the corporations and rich richer, the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

You mean the people that create jobs in the USA especially if we are able to grow our manufacturing base.

originally posted by: quintessentone

the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

China is at a Cold War / economic war with the USA already. War is hell. And China is in it to win it.

Added. Seems your into spreading a little fear yourself….

Do your own research, listen to economic experts. Look at the economic history and the country's debt then let me know if fear strikes you to the core when you realize what is really happening. Neither candidate has mentioned anything about reducing debt.

Fear strikes


Is this funny?

The U.S. national debt is rising by $1 trillion about every 100 days

Respectfully what's funny is your hyperbolic fear rhetoric, most economists realize we have checks and balances to keep the risk of a depression at a minimum.

The economy ebbs and flows and the political parties latch on to your fear and use it to motivate thier respective voter base.

Just as they do other volatile topics beyond the average Joe's control

Like the 2nd Amendment, abortion, crime, the weather, war, pestilence, famine etc.

You hopefully see where Im going with this, pontificating about fear has always been a controlling tactic for the masses.

Each individual can decide how they react to such revelations,

Considering you can have complete awareness and understanding of the ultimate worst-case scenario and still not be able to stop it from occurring, makes being overly concerned positively futile and useless.

Discussion is fine, voting based on concerns fine, but expecting it to make a diff?

The general public is tired of the doom and gloom and it's why a convicted felon, thrice indicted, publicly shamed, yet resilient AF DJT is our likely next President. Because he still talks about a positive message for the country.

Remember Neo in The Matrix saying I don't like believing Im not in control of my own fate.

Im paraphrasing but the sentiment is among enough Americans that regardless of what we will face, we will not shackled by fear of it.

It's been going on longer than 2015, but the constant fear of DJT, COVID, RUSSIA etc. has made enough say screw that noise, I have a life to live

edit on p000000317am076 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: network dude

The one guy I'd like to see run for office. But probably never would. Is John Stewart. The guy is sharp as a tack. And he's passionate about what he believes in.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: quintessentone

His economic plan will make the corporations and rich richer, the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

You mean the people that create jobs in the USA especially if we are able to grow our manufacturing base.

originally posted by: quintessentone

the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

China is at a Cold War / economic war with the USA already. War is hell. And China is in it to win it.

Added. Seems your into spreading a little fear yourself….

Do your own research, listen to economic experts. Look at the economic history and the country's debt then let me know if fear strikes you to the core when you realize what is really happening. Neither candidate has mentioned anything about reducing debt.

I posted time to time how crippling the US national debt is. Look at my posting history, and you’ll see your preaching to the choir.

Which has nothing to do, except the US debt makes the US weaker, with china already in an economic/ Cold War with the USA. And war is hell.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: putnam6

The reality of the failed economy should at least make you think twice, if not, then as I said before, enjoy paying more for those groceries while the political elite dine on champagne and caviar while flying on their private government planes.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: network dude

The one guy I'd like to see run for office. But probably never would. Is John Stewart. The guy is sharp as a tack. And he's passionate about what he believes in.

Whose John Stewart?

Jon Stewart is funny as hell, and at least he isn't afraid to look at the warts of the left too, still you can be sharp and passionate and still not be able to lead the whole country.

But im one who never wants to quell the dissenting voice in our country, because no matter how sharp and passionate or leaders maybe they are aren't always correct

It's why I prefer no one party control the Executive and Legislative branches and while I know some fear and would add Judicial to that I don't think we are there yet were it's subject to undue bias and influence

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: quintessentone

His economic plan will make the corporations and rich richer, the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

You mean the people that create jobs in the USA especially if we are able to grow our manufacturing base.

originally posted by: quintessentone

the tariffs plan will hurt the common people.

China is at a Cold War / economic war with the USA already. War is hell. And China is in it to win it.

Added. Seems your into spreading a little fear yourself….

Do your own research, listen to economic experts. Look at the economic history and the country's debt then let me know if fear strikes you to the core when you realize what is really happening. Neither candidate has mentioned anything about reducing debt.

I posted time to time how crippling the US national debt is. Look at my posting history, and you’ll see your preaching to the choir.

Which has nothing to do, except the US debt makes the US weaker, with china already in an economic/ Cold War with the USA. And war is hell.

What do they say about doing the same thing and expecting different results?

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 08:13 AM
If Biden does drop out and release his delegates I expect them to do something completely off the wall retarded like nominate someone who is “due” like Tim Kaine.

I think the DNC will splinter into different parties in the near future. There are just too many diametrically opposed factions to coexist as a unified entity. It’s like the collapse of the Whigs.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: putnam6

The reality of the failed economy should at least make you think twice, if not, then as I said before, enjoy paying more for those groceries while the political elite dine on champagne and caviar while flying on their private government planes.

LOL there it is again the reality of the failed economy, such hyperbolic twaddle

Respectfully the political elite are going to dine on champagne and caviar while flying on their private government planes regardless of how much you pay for groceries. Also respectfully sounds as if you are bucking for a tad bit of socialism

Also respectfully most Americans, except the lower classes and poverty classes, eat way too much and waste what they buy as it is. We had 4 teenagers at one point and we could easily spend 800 a month on groceries in 2010 , I don't know how people with children do it now.

I have no problem with expanding or coming up with new programs to help the lower and poverty-stricken classes.

How much food is wasted in America?
Just how much food do Americans waste? Here’s some “food” for thought: While the world wastes about 2.5 billion tons of food every year, the United States discards more food than any other country in the world: nearly 60 million tons — 120 billion pounds — every year. That’s estimated to be almost 40 percent of the entire US food supply, and equates to 325 pounds of waste per person. That’s like every person in America throwing 975 average sized apples right into the garbage — or rather right into landfills, as most discarded food ends up there. In fact, food is the single largest component taking up space inside US landfills, making up 22 percent of municipal solid waste (MSW). All told, the amount of food wasted in America has an approximate value of nearly $218 billion – the equivalent of 130 billion meals.

Americans waste about 60 million tons of food every year.

edit on p000000317am076 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: putnam6

The reality of the failed economy should at least make you think twice, if not, then as I said before, enjoy paying more for those groceries while the political elite dine on champagne and caviar while flying on their private government planes.

Respectfully the political elite are going to dine on champagne and caviar while flying on their private government planes regardless of how much you pay for groceries. Also respectfully sounds as if you are bucking for a tad bit of socialism

Also respectfully most Americans, except the lower classes and poverty classes, eat way too much and waste what they buy as it is. We had 4 teenagers at one point and we could easily spend 800 a month on groceries in 2010 , I don't know how people with children do it now.

I have no problem with expanding or coming up with new programs to help the lower and poverty-stricken classes.

Is giving the younger generations and the lower and middle classes a living wage considered socialism now?

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

I want the zombie to stay in the race, he is the one to beat Trump for sure, if we can understand what he is talking about when he opens his mouth.

Yep the democrats are in big trouble, because their sickness to go after Trump for 8 years and more, they have nothing else, but failures to the nation, never a solution no even viable candidates to take over.

The party will implode if biden decides to withdraw.

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