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what made the crazy kid do crazy kid things?

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posted on Jul, 23 2024 @ 04:11 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: network dude

What or who made the 20 year old kid so angry that he felt the need to kill a person he has never met? Was it the news? Social media? Trump himself? Biden himself? the answers are likely in his online world. Reports of the kid from those he was in school with say he was an outsider, bullied, teased, and shunned. So he was well on his way to disassociative behavior long before last Saturday.

What are a Normal persons reaction when they listen to the MSM for a year straight ? Donald Trump is going to destroy Democracy, Donald Trump said it's going to be a Bloodbath ! He is going to be a Dictator !! A normal Person hears all of this and does what ???

They Hopefully don't believe any of it but even if they do .... "They think Oh Wow I have to vote Against Trump "

Now take a CLEARLY Mentally ill person like Mr Crooks . What does he do ?? " He thinks Oh Wow I have to kill Trump "

The Media is to blame for all of this . They know very well there are Schizoid people out there who believe every bit of what they say.

It's pretty easy to see that aspect of this. It's been happening for 8 years. This kid was 20. So almost half of his life he has heard how Trump is the devil, Trump will destroy democracy, Trump will force women into camps, Trump will make abortion illegal, Trump will end elections and become a dictator. All it would take is for a kid to be screwed up in the melon, and believe some of these things to get exactly what we have here. But with the cascading failures, it's becoming increasingly difficult to just chalk it up as incompetence.

That is BS because in high school his classmate said he was slightly right leaning, so your argument is trash-worthy.

Yea, I suppose none of that happened. BTW, why not give some examples of the right saying things like that.

They took the Stormfront and similar far-right websites down. But Breitbart is still around.

And Britebart has been calling for the death of Joe Biden? Got a link?

Did you think that I was saying that Breitbart called for the death of Biden?

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 04:28 PM
Crooks looks just like David Gilmour of Pink Floyd although he also looks like his father.

People can be rather protective of what they view as "their" room in society. It seems possible he may have known he'd face an uphill battle even getting a job.

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