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Over 1,100 Migrants Arrived in First 10 Days of Labour Government

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posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

There is the fact that food has almost doubled in price over the last few years.

Forcing the likes of employed people with low-wage incomes to use the services.

Once again in what is supposedly a first-world nation.

It sounds like a real problem and real reason to me.

I mean if you cannot afford to put food on the table that's quite the conundrum to contend with, especially so if you have children.

If that's not abject poverty I'm not quite sure what is.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: quintessentone

There is the fact that food has almost doubled in price over the last few years.

Forcing the likes of employed people with low-wage incomes to use the services.

Once again in what is supposedly a first-world nation.

It sounds like a real problem and real reason to me.

I mean if you cannot afford to put food on the table that's quite the conundrum to contend with, especially so if you have children.

If that's not abject poverty I'm not quite sure what is.

I agree, but what is the real issue when a country experiences reduced inflation then food prices keep rising. WTF is that all about?,rose%201.5%20perce nt%20compared%20with%20a%20year%20ago.
edit on q00000058731America/Chicago0808America/Chicago7 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 07:58 AM
man 1100 in 10 days, hell at that rate ya'll got a good 15 20 years before you get to 4,200,000 million a year.
does ya'll's number include got away's?
edit on 17-7-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

It does not feel like reduced inflation when every time you go shopping they are tagging 25p to a £1 on just about every item you care to purchase.

Brexit and the pandemic certainly did not help matters, that's a given.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: quintessentone

It does not feel like reduced inflation when every time you go shopping they are tagging 25p to a £1 on just about every item you care to purchase.

Brexit and the pandemic certainly did not help matters, that's a given.

Indeed, let's not forget the devastation caused to the world economies because of those two factors as well as other factors.

We are all now mired in a global economy and this can be beneficial or not, depending. That's why Trump wants to drill, drill, drill ... damn the health of the planet ... money is King.

Not sure what this is all about with your oil and gas industry and the new government...
edit on q00000008731America/Chicago1919America/Chicago7 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

All these 'disability' claimants prove the opposite.

So now we are on to disparaging the disabled whilst praising immigrants for their superior work ethic?

Im not quite sure what to make of that ufoorbhunter.

People are people, and i suppose, all sorts, in all walks of life.

But again mate, you pay most people a decent day's wage for a decent day's work.

And they will bite the hand off you for more shifts.

I'm just pointing out that 'some' people in the UK swing the lead when it comes to the benefits system. It's a fact! We have three times the claimants for disability compared to fairly recently, during a peiod when jobs have become much safer thanks to age old dangerous industries closing down. They swing the lead Andy. I listened to one climant recently on Jeremy Vine and they stated stress is the new bad back. Three times the claimants = scam artists of the bone idle good for nothing work shy free riding lazy variety that IMHO need sticking on boats and sending to Australia like the good old days

By the way we can't keep upping the wages it's already completely out of hand. Companies can't afford them and are fleeing this country like rats on a sinking ship, in addition to the never ending cycle of upward pressures on inflation which we are experiencing right now. We don't hyper inflation over here right now.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

The rise is mostly in PIPs.

They are not means tested.

I get this.

Mind you, it was not easy and I had to Appeal to get it.

Well I hope the payments help you stay afloat OC. At least you deserve it by the sounds of things, unlike what I guess are the vast majority of claimants. There's no pride these days in doing your bit for the nation and doing an honest days work. Scam artists everywhere swinging the lead.................... Not you of coarse...............I hope

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:35 AM
So I guess you want a free handout to cover for your veggie bills because you never had the forsight to work hard, do a little overtime, save up some pounds for a rainy day. Spend it all down the boozer or at the street corner? Unexpected events just happen, they always have, that send our normal markets into meltdown and interest rates all over the place. You eed to save a little for these unforseen rainy days, then you can survive. Add to this your nation, I guess it's Ireland or Ulster, is part of the general collapse of western civilisation that I will guess started in the 70's and continues to this day. Our nations are falling apart and there is nothing you, me or any other slave to the system can do anything about it bar pack our bags and more to where the action is. You Irish are pretty good at this and have already settled the world including my own nation Great Britain. It won't change, industries will continue to take flight, defacits will increase, migrants will keep coming, the unforseen like war in eastern Europe and the Levant will happen. Migrants will keep coming, nothing one can do about it and we should welcome them if they want to do an honest days work that the natives are too bone idle to contemplate.

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge2
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

The price of food has doubled since the start of the Ukraine invasion.


Anyone's wages double in line with that?

Also, just to put your mind at rest, those 'bone idle' people on the dole now have to work on schemes. A minimum 12 months helping charities, the local community, disabled people etc.
You have not yet caught up to the 21st century.

Your disgust for people on the dole in housing estates is in itself disgusting.

Your solution is to make them all homeless. How forward thinking of you.
So 'a good proportion of Brits and Westerners are completely bone idle'. Speak for your own country, do not include any other Western nation in your hateful vitriol.

" work shy bone idle genetically lazy fukc abouts "

Looking down your nose at people that live in council estates shows you for being totally ignorant on the matter.
Not everybody in those estates are unemployed.
Not everyone in those estates are "work shy bone idle genetically lazy fukc abouts"

The craziest thing is these same good for nothing work shy bone idle genetically lazy fukc abouts are the first to complain about 'the immigrants' and join far right organisations

And you know this as fact. How?

Oh right you don't.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

What makes you think Australia would have these people you imagine to be screwing the system?

Dont you imagine they have their own problems to contend with?

As to stress being the new bad back.

Again sounds like a complete stereotype, but where do you imagine the majority of the stress arises if not down to living in abject poverty and/or wondering if you are going to be able to keep the lights on next week or put food on the table?

I can't stress this enough ufoorbhunter

The disabled, people with disabilities and mental health issues, or for that matter people on benefits, are not pinching pennies out you're pocket.

That's the government, the bankers, and big business.

So if you are wanting to deport people for whatever reason you happen to feel ticks the box you may wish to start with that lot as opposed to putting disabled people on boats.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: gortex
Looks like this year will be a record breaker in terms of illegal migrants entering our country thanks to the clueless Labour government , now the Rwanda scheme has been officially scrapped there is no longer any deterrent and the floodgates are open , 370 were ferried in by the Border Farce taxi service today.

Oh the drama! It appears a new Border and Security Command will be put in it's place.

Labour says it will immediately scrap the Rwanda scheme - which is intended to deter people arriving across the Channel on small boats - and divert £75m from it to a new Border and Security Command. This appears to be achievable because there is already more cash set aside for Rwanda (at least £541m over five years) than Labour says its new command will cost to set up. The money would come on top of existing Home Office funding for immigration enforcement.
Will it make a difference or is it just a rebranding? Sir Keir argues that he wants to give investigators counter terrorism-like powers to monitor and restrict the activities of smuggling suspects. That would be new.
There are major challenges. It could take years to yield results and Labour may also face a tough time from Brussels and Paris over new deals on combating smuggling.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

We live in a global economy with our nations connected in ways that cannot easily be pulled apart.

Else the dominoes start to fall and it all goes breast up rather shapish.

To assume otherwise is sheer folly.

End of the day our respective nations will be forced to come together or else continue to fight over ever-diminishing resources and petty religious indifference.

But for the correct reasons and not just the banker's and 1%ers reasons.

Anyhoo rant over.

Need to go do some work in the real world else i will be in the poor house myself.

Have fun ATS, and a good day to everyone.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

You too. Now I want to go and buy some Guinness.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:52 AM
Getting a little personal there FB and something you need to refrain from, I have no self-loathing, life is pretty good, not perfect but pretty good right now when we look at what others have and do go through. I believe I'll settle for this compared to a three year old girl in a cattle car on her way to Auschwitz or a 17 year old young lad being ordered over the trenches. It's not that bad really, nope no self loathing as you put it.

I just don't jump on the anti immigration bandwagon pushed by the MSM as I believe we need these new arrivals. Sure there are all sorts as you put it, but FB this argument was going on 2,000 years ago with the arrival of the Romans. Britain like all nations is just a wafer built of migrations from all corners of Earth. Some back in the day probably caused a little trouble, they always join gangs Streets of New York style then generations down the line become blended in with the rest of us as the latest arrivals take on the role of the newby looked down on group. Same old same old. People were horrified by the arrival of Protestants hundreds of years ago, this group went on to contribute to the industrial revolution especially in the textile belt. It just happens and always will, people head west and end up here, we are all descended from these migrants and the new ones will add to the whole, as they always have. So I wouldn't worry about it, just accept that people will move around the planet, always have done and will settle here and help build our nation. We wouldn't have a major shop on the high street or much of our industry without migrants arriving here over the past few hundred years.

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Your self-loathing is shining through there orb.

I live on one of those awful, disgusting council estates you mentioned.
Love it, wish I'd never moved away for a few years.
And its more or less the same as its ever been, some scum but by far mostly good honest, hard working and immensely loyal people.

Of course some immigration is good for the country.....what we have now is an unmitigated disaster. We are being flooded with all sorts of who knows what very few of whom want to contribute to society let alone integrate. They seem intent on dragging these islands down and turning them into a replica of the #ing #holes most of them come from.
They feed the low wage economy that means so many British people are working for an absolute pittance and they provide a great diversion for those who are benefiting from all this.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I swear to whatever i would get banned if i replied to this pile of garbage.
Typical stuck up english snobbery at its worst.

So I guess you want a free handout to cover for your veggie bills because you never had the forsight to work hard, do a little overtime, save up some pounds for a rainy day. Spend it all down the boozer or at the street corner?

Your post is bait which im not taking on, i like being a member here and i intend on staying one.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 09:00 AM
I will suggest that Australia is too good for them and as you correctly point out no decent forward looking nation will want them anyway. Perhaps Rwanda might serve as a location. Ticks all the boxes really. Plus we can stick a bunch of thankful africans on the returning plane who actually want to do an honest days work. It makes perfect sense.

Stress? Lol what stress? Just being born and working in the UK on minimum wags you are in the top 3% of wealth on the planet. Even the bone idle benefits scrounging under class are within the top 7% of wealth on this planet. They call that stress, they have no idea whatsoever what stress is all about. A nice dose of trying to survive in Rwanda might kick some life back into them. Survival might just get them off their lazy fat arses and do something productive with their pointless excuses for an existence.

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

What makes you think Australia would have these people you imagine to be screwing the system?

Dont you imagine they have their own problems to contend with?

As to stress being the new bad back.

Again sounds like a complete stereotype, but where do you imagine the majority of the stress arises if not down to living in abject poverty and/or wondering if you are going to be able to keep the lights on next week or put food on the table?

I can't stress this enough ufoorbhunter

The disabled, people with disabilities and mental health issues, or for that matter people on benefits, are not pinching pennies out you're pocket.

That's the government, the bankers, and big business.

So if you are wanting to deport people for whatever reason you happen to feel ticks the box you may wish to start with that lot as opposed to putting disabled people on boats.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 09:06 AM
No bait at all. I just see good ones and bad ones exist in the hunter gatherer society we live in. Some go out and hunt within the legal boundaries every day, others will sit it out, leave their weapons at rest acting in a bone idle manner and expect the hunters to treck back from the kill and throw the lazy good for nothing some of their food. What's snobbish about that? It's just common sense. All we want is our fair share. Our slice of the cake that we made.

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge2
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I swear to whatever i would get banned if i replied to this pile of garbage.
Typical stuck up english snobbery at its worst.

So I guess you want a free handout to cover for your veggie bills because you never had the forsight to work hard, do a little overtime, save up some pounds for a rainy day. Spend it all down the boozer or at the street corner?

Your post is bait which im not taking on, i like being a member here and i intend on staying one.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Stress? Lol what stress? Just being born and working in the UK on minimum wags you are in the top 3% of wealth on the planet.

And does that statistic keep the lights on pay the rent or put food on the table?

The answer is no.

More than 1 in 5 people in the UK live in poverty ufoorbhunter.

Again though, its happening at all angles here so i need to be getting on with the day.

Enjoy the remainder of your own.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Fake information. There is no labour shortage. Greedy executives and shareholders just don’t want to pay appropriate wages and offer acceptable conditions for their workers. They’d rather import slaves and award themselves bigger bonuses and dividends for the amazing job of stagnating the economy.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Fake information. There is no labour shortage. Greedy executives and shareholders just don’t want to pay appropriate wages and offer acceptable conditions for their workers. They’d rather import slaves and award themselves bigger bonuses and dividends for the amazing job of stagnating the economy.

That may be true or not true, where are your sources to prove your points?

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

Have any of you members here researched the numbers of immigrants that start their own companies?

And how many of those 'companies' are actually viable businesses?

Most are either Turkish/Kurdish barbers or are car wash outlets.
There's been a remarkable increase in the number of barber shops most of which see relatively few customers......yet the owners are always blinged up to the nine's and driving BMW's.
The car-wash places tend to employ illegal immigrants who work for next to nothing to pay off their debt to the other immigrants who smuggled them here......and they too all drive relatively expensive cars and wear designer/brand clothes.

Because they are washing dirty money through their companies.

Same as quite a few of the kebab/pizza shops.

Sure, some are 'legitimate' businesses, but most aren't.
Now Im know you're going to tell me I'm wrong, I mean wtf do I know, I only live here and see it every day with my own eyes.

The amount of dirty and illegal money that is getting washed through these places is staggering.
But no-one does anything about it because that wouldn't be a good look in today's world would it.

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