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Veteran with Longest Confirmed Sniper Kill Has Theory About Trump Assassination Attempt

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posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: Lazy88

I’ve been camping with poor data reception and am just catching up now.

Do we know what caliber rifle was used at this point? All I’ve found is “AR style”.

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

Hell I haven't even seen a good picture of what rig he had, I was assuming he had a scope of some sort, if not he was even luckier

In the side picture someone took I can’t see a scope

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 01:49 PM
The distance between Lee Harvey Oswald and President John F. Kennedy at the time of the assassination was approximately 266 feet a little over half of Crooks's estimated distance to Trump.

Oswald was snug in his sniper's nest looking at a slowly moving target allegedly.

While Crooks's target was stationary 480 feet away and he had to crawl up 20-30 feet on what probably was a hot AF roof he had people yelling "There is a man on the roof" hell there is one video of waht sounds like a woman yelling "Crooks come down" while he had to turn around and point the rifle at an unidentified Pennsylvania Police officer allegedly coming up the ladder investigating the commotion. He had alot of chit going on and performed almost as well as Oswald at almost double the distance, with less drop time and probably more windage.

How far away is this target? it's a lot less than 480 feet

edit on p000000317pm076 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

edit on p000000317pm076 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 02:03 PM
a AR15 is not a good rifle for sniping and without a scope is getting into the golden BB luck to hit a target every time at that range.
likely trump was wearing body armor so a head shot would be aim point.

military snipers almost never go for head shots because it just to small a target.

i can get a 10 inch group with a M1 garand scout rifle at 1000 yards with no cross winds.
i use a mil-dot scope and have built up a good range card out to 1000 yards.
but i takes 500 rounds to build up the range card for every thing from 100 yards to 1000 yards.

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 02:19 PM
Don’t know if anybody said it yet, but the wind was blowing hard enough to make the flag, the one that is pictured above T in some photos, horizontal, towards the direction that the projectile missed…

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: hangedman13

You would have to adjust the sights from just banging around! .

In boot camp. Adjusted the sights when you first get your rifle. Never touched them again. Qualified at the different ranges with no problem over the weeks. With all the movement and chaos of boot camp. Good ammo has a minimum drop at 300 yards. Maybe a drop of 5 inches at 200 yards. The reason you aim center mass, the chest, makes the bullet drop negligible.

Now I know you are full of it! Depending on the range you have to adjust the sights, what works at 50 yards does not work at 150yards. What was it you said? Stop gaslighting! FYI qualification is just hitting your target, better shots go forward for marksman.

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 02:58 PM
I think the deafening silence is very telling at this point. What just happened was a historical event and we know almost nothing more than we did several days ago. Most social media is heavily censoring the subject and the MSM wants to avoid it as much as possible.

Even when I go to websites like Bitchute which should have a lot of content on these sort of subjects, 99% of it is just repeating the same information or they are absolutely ridiculous theories about it being a staged event even though Trump was clearly shot at.

Meanwhile there's not so much information or questions being asked about why Trump was allowed to keep speaking for so long after a potential threat had clearly been identified. A threat located on the most obvious vantage point for a sniper. That's the real conspiracy here.

But this event has really shown me just how far the internet has fallen to propagandists and social engineering agendas. It's damn bad and I don't think many people even realize what is going on. Something seriously needs to change or our society will fall.
edit on 15/7/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: ElitePlebeian2
Ben Shapiro said it has to do with their modus aperandi. They are not allowed to shoot before a potential shooter shoots in the off chance its someone with a telescope or another police unit.. not sure if true. But i can definitely imagine they at least have to check if its not one of their guys or an innocent person. Which takes time.

That is not even kind of True .

This is the Secret Service we are talking about . They can blow your brains out if you're holding a 'Pringles Can' and they deem it a threat .

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
I think the deafening silence is very telling at this point. What just happened was a historical event and we know almost nothing more than we did several days ago. Most social media is heavily censoring the subject and the MSM wants to avoid it as much as possible.

Even when I go to websites like Bitchute which should have a lot of content on these sort of subjects, 99% of it is just repeating the same information or they are absolutely ridiculous theories about it being a staged event even though Trump was clearly shot at.

Meanwhile there's not so much information or questions being asked about why Trump was allowed to keep speaking for so long after a potential threat had clearly been identified. A threat located on the most obvious vantage point for a sniper. That's the real conspiracy here.

But this event has really shown me just how far the internet has fallen to propagandists and social engineering agendas. It's damn bad and I don't think many people even realize what is going on. Something seriously needs to change or our society will fall.

Are you suggesting TPTB is trying to brainwash the GP's questioning nature? if so I know they are, hell we have more taboo subjects in comedy and other entertainment than we did just 20 years ago. It's social engineering

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Interesting assassination attempt conspiracy theory from the veteran with the longest confirmed sniper kill on record ...

I agree with him. Either SOMEONE - Secret Service of the local authorities - were criminally negligent .... OR, someone on the inside saw that sniper there and didn't say anything hoping that he'd kill Trump .... OR, someone on the inside helped him by making sure that place was unsecured and that no one saw him until it was too late ...

Veteran with Longest Confirmed Sniper Kill Has Theory About Trump Assassination Attempt

A veteran whose team holds the world record for longest confirmed sniper kill claims Donald Trump's shooter 'had help' as he weighed in on the assassination attempt of former president.

Dallas Alexander, who spent 14 years in a sniper team for the Canadian military doing close protection for major world leaders including the Canadian prime minister, suggested in a video that the 20-year-old who opened fire at the former president's rally Saturday night may have had help from the inside.

'I'm very familiar with the layout of these types of things and what the job should be, and yesterday what happened, I have no doubts in my mind that the shooter had help from somewhere within an agency, an organization or the government,' he said in a video posted to his Instagram and X account.

'The second I saw that aerial photo of what they said happened - it immediately made no sense to me,' he said.

'You cannot, in broad daylight, get onto a rooftop within, what looked like a couple hundred yards if that [of the president]. You can't get in that position with a gun when there's a president speaking.

'It cannot be done,' Alexander insisted.

'Like, you don't even have to be a sniper - it's the most f****** obvious thing, most obvious place in the whole world.

'You could be like a seventh-grader - like "What do we have to do for security?" Well, let's look at these rooftops that are almost within zeroing range of a rifle,' he joked.

'So something happened, and I'm not pointing fingers at anyone. It's just too obvious that this guy had help getting there.

Fully agree. The level of compromise withing three agencies is incredible, but real.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: putnam6

I think they're doing a lot more than just that. The "alternative" social media websites have been thoroughly infiltrated imo. They actually make ATS look like the most sane place in Earth in comparison, but I don't think ATS poses enough of a threat to them, at least not anymore.

The plan seems to be to saturate those alternative platforms which so much nonsensical content that they repulse most people who visit them, meaning they will never see any of the legitimate content. It also helps them portray the "alt-right" in a very undesirable way.

They muddy the waters with so much fake content it's impossible to tell what's real and what's not, and it greatly damages the ability of people to separate truth from fiction. And some people actually start believing all the crazy lies and play right into their hands.

I also think it's funny that the left constantly says false flags never happen and they are dangerous conspiracy theories, until it happens to work in their favor. I like to keep an open mind to all possibilities, but that tendency to theorize is clearly being exploited.

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

He is also using what looks to be an Aimpoint Pro scope, like what I have. I would say 50 yards.

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 03:30 PM
It was a 20yo local kid who was familiar with the area and clearly on a whim figured he would go take some shots at Trumps head.

The guy didn't plan anything and if he had Trump would 100% be dead.

A little camouflage and some climbing spikes to quickly scale one of the Trees just across the way from the Stage . Use a .300 blackout with subsonic ammunition and a decent suppressor . That would have been a half decent plan .

This kid just showed up with an AR15 and blatantly climbed a building in broad daylight and started cracking off shots 8 to be exact. What we saw was a MONUMENTAL failure from the Secret Service and they absolutely know it . Some 20yo kid from no where with no training and no plan made them look like complete Amateurs .

The only reason this kid didn't succeed is because his actions were so half assed and unskilled. And yet look how close he got.

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: hangedman13

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: hangedman13

You would have to adjust the sights from just banging around! .

In boot camp. Adjusted the sights when you first get your rifle. Never touched them again. Qualified at the different ranges with no problem over the weeks. With all the movement and chaos of boot camp. Good ammo has a minimum drop at 300 yards. Maybe a drop of 5 inches at 200 yards. The reason you aim center mass, the chest, makes the bullet drop negligible.

Now I know you are full of it! Depending on the range you have to adjust the sights, what works at 50 yards does not work at 150yards. What was it you said? Stop gaslighting! FYI qualification is just hitting your target, better shots go forward for marksman.

For a Remington 223 or NATO 5.56 round, what is the drop of the bullet trajectory at 150 yards? Vs 50 yards. Why would you have to adjust the peep sights if you are shooting center mass for a grown man. Or pop up, waste up silhouette targets on a range. Where there is only a few seconds between targets. Do you think you get time to adjust sights in a firefight? A dirty combat secret, it’s better to injure the enemy where it takes manpower away from combat to deal with the injured. Why most anti-personnel mines are more about maiming than killing.

edit on 15-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: putnam6

He is also using what looks to be an Aimpoint Pro scope, like what I have. I would say 50 yards.

Completely standing, unsupported which isn’t usually done on a qualifying range with targets from 50 yards to 300 yards. Unless it’s something like breaching / urban fighting.
edit on 15-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 04:52 PM
That roof should have been manned. An elevated flank position with clear line of sight? Come on. There is negligence and assistance. This has to be the latter. Basic site and threat analysis would have picked those buildings out immediately and due to their proximity they should have had SS or local police on that roof. Absolutely no question. Failure to do so is unbelievable. Therefore I have to say it looks to me like an organised assassination attempt.

Did MSM have live coverage in the USA? Do they normally live cover Trump rallies? I don’t know.

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: ARM19688

That roof should have been manned. An elevated flank position with clear line of sight? Come on. There is negligence and assistance. This has to be the latter. Basic site and threat analysis would have picked those buildings out immediately and due to their proximity they should have had SS or local police on that roof. Absolutely no question. Failure to do so is unbelievable. Therefore I have to say it looks to me like an organised assassination attempt.

I completely agree with your assessment . It was a small venue and every roof top should have been either manned or actively covered . The incompetence of the 'Secret Service' around Trump that day was unbelievable.

Did MSM have live coverage in the USA? Do they normally live cover Trump rallies? I don’t know.

I'm not sure but I think they were expecting him to announce the VP so yes it would have been Live either way.

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: ElitePlebeian2

Former USSS/UD here. Ben is absolutely wrong. At least when I was in CS had open orders to neutralize threat. This bogus claim of he had to get permission and was denied is just Hollywood BS. What I want to know is even if they did not have a shot why were they not on the radio to the PPD and get him off stage.

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: ElitePlebeian2
Ben Shapiro said it has to do with their modus aperandi. They are not allowed to shoot before a potential shooter shoots in the off chance its someone with a telescope or another police unit.. not sure if true. But i can definitely imagine they at least have to check if its not one of their guys or an innocent person. Which takes time.

If a guy is dumb enough to climb a roof with a telescope while the president is speaking then he's dumb enough to get his head blown off.

You don't just wait and see what happens.

posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 06:51 PM

The only reason this kid didn't succeed is because his actions were so half assed and unskilled. And yet look how close he got.

a reply to: asabuvsobelow
Devine intervention! The way Trump turned his head and leaned forward just as the shooter pulled the trigger. The worst secret service display ever. Every security professional and sniper expert are coming out saying the same thing. No way this could happen, inside job.
It was nothing short of a miracle Trump is still alive, thank God!

edit on 15-7-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

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