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Joe Biden/CNN lie about cost.

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posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 02:13 PM
Ignore rest of video, just watch first few seconds to see this guy bringing the receipts proving Joe Biden/CNN lie about cost of groceries.

$126.67 two years ago now $414.37.

I mentioned this on debate thread:

originally posted by: pianopraze
First lie from CNN

see the video where 126 dollars in groceries is now….

Over 420 at Walmart!

CNN set up the lie. Biden walked right in as if it was the truth. I’ve seen this endlessly. Saying it’s just 3% inflation. That is utter and complete bull#!

Watch min 2:56

100$ in groceries now 120$ CNN says. Complete and utter lie!

I’ve seen post after post on Twitter people doing this exact thing with their other receipts.

And it’s not just groceries it’s all the basic things in life.

Rent payment 400$ apt 2020 now 1200$ in 2024.
Car (inexpensive). 200$ now 4-600$.
Insurance for both over 100% increase.
Food 120 now 420.
The very basic things to survive in USA.

They can take their 3% and shove it up their ass!

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 02:18 PM
He's a cram-jamboozling jive turkey 😊

Everything people buy the most of has skyrocketed the highest 😧

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Yeah, and they opened with that lol. Everyone saw it. No one believed it. It's why Biden is toast. The mental decline just shows he's incapable of pulling us out of it. Transitory though it might be, the transition will begin once he's out of office. People are stupid, but they know how much money they're spending. Btw, add two trillion to that deficit if it weren't for republicans.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

I paid 6 dollars 38 cents for a bag Doritos that were 3 dollars 78 cents
when Biden took office. As a trucker Bidenomics has added one third
to my expenses on the road.

It used to be well worth it. Now most only do it because they have no choice.

Not a good sign

edit on 6-7-2024 by Astrocometus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: Astrocometus

I was at the store and saw a guy buy a pack of smokes. Almost $10. I asked him if that was normal now? He said, Yep, it's why I'm quitting next week. Now I doubt he will quit next week, but I do know I quit when $5 wasn't enough for a pack of Marlboro reds in a box, and a coke. I used the $ as a motivator and it worked. then I got fat. So I'll die of heart trouble rather than cancer, maybe. But think of the money I saved!!

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 02:42 PM
NEVER FORGET how they lied to you!:

NEVER FORGIVE how they lied to you!:

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
NEVER FORGET how they lied to you!:

NEVER FORGIVE how they lied to you!:

None of this is news to me after Nov. 22 1963. So I'm approaching the
end of what was a life spent in a great country. You know when the
wicked were far less emboldened. I feel privilaged and extremely
lucky. It's the acts of war against our childrens future that I recognize and
can not abide. Normal human beings care about all children. The ones
that don't I have a few ideas for.

So let em lie. All that matters is that we know because every dog has his day.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Some dude on tik tok claimed it, so it must be true.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Ah , I just Paid $4.79 for the Smallest Jar of Hellmann's Mayonnaise they make . Inflation ? Hell Yeah Joe !

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: pianopraze

Some dude on tik tok claimed it, so it must be true.

Go shopping.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: pianopraze

Some dude on tik tok claimed it, so it must be true.

Go shopping.

Yes, it doubled posted. Ironically as everything is at least twice as much!
edit on 6-7-2024 by UnRepentantHarlequin27 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: pianopraze

Some dude on tik tok claimed it, so it must be true.

👆sick whacked up false equivalency failure👆 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Our budget billing for electricity jumped from $142.00 a month to $212.00 in 2020. City sewar/water/garbage went fro under $100.00 a month to $130,00 at the end of 2023.

Property taxes went up $300.00. Homeowner and vehicle insurance nearly doubled. Foods once thought of as a staple are now luxury items, especially meats and fresh produce.

The upper middle class liberals surely feels the pinch, but they're standing by their man.
Every income bracket below them are now living at poverty level incomes.

Do people really think another four years of the same policies are going to bring back prosperity? It's going to take decades for wages to catch up to cost of living, and that looks to have a poor chance of ever happening now-no matter what party takes office. The damage has cut too deeply.

They're talking about raising interest rates AGAIN which has been proven to drive inflation even higher by all past attempts.

Business have admitted to advertizing 'We're Hireing' when they're not as it gives the illusion of prosperity, which encourages people to spend more thinking the economy is about to turn around.

Why change horses
In 2024
When Biden can damage us
So much more

Biden fans are the ones who really need a cognative test at this point. The middle class is being destroyed with the 'trickle up' economic plan to transfer even more wealth to the upper echelons. Once that's complete they can start eleminating the lower levels of wealth holders, keeping the upper momentum until very few hold all the wealth.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: UnRepentantHarlequin27

The guy in the video claims his monthly groceries are 4 times more expensive than 2 years ago, but there is no evidence in the video that this is true. Even if he is telling the truth his probably just saying what it would cost now without his SNAP benefits or something.

Besides, how is inflation exclusively Biden’s fault and what exactly is Trump going to do to fix it?

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 04:01 PM
I am most definitely NOT sticking up for Biden here, but we consumers DO have some say in this.

Don't forget, many merchants and manufacturers used covid and product shortages as an excuse to jack up prices, and during the covid scam years was when we saw prices really spike. Covid is over, long over, but many of these manufacturers and merchants have become awful comfy with these elevated prices, so they're not likely to adjust them downward until they are forced to. No, you cannot do without basic necessities, but you can do without some things.

One thing you can do now is to be extra vigilant on price comparison shopping. Opt for store brands and not name brands, shop around for fuel, cut back on unnecessary items. As much as I hate to say this, retailers, merchants and manufacturers are as responsible for skyrocketing prices as Biden is.

Biden could definitely DO something about all this if he chose to, but he doesn't. He could speak out and shame these manufacturers publicly, but he doesn't. He could DO lots of things...but he doesn't. If anything, he encourages them.

I mention this because, just because Biden goes away doesn't necessarily mean things will change automatically. Manufacturers and sellers need to know consumers have had ENOUGH! This will NOT be tolerated. There are no more excuses. Inflation is one thing, but graft and extortion are a whole other thing. Prices may never return to pre-Biden levels, but they're certainly artificially higher under Biden. This is what must stop.

People are being taken advantage of. Why? Because people allow it. Because people grumble under their breath at the grocery store or gas station, but don't do anything about it.

Start now.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: JadedGhost

You must live in Colorado, because you're getting the really high quality primo stuff to smoke! You know, the really high quality "stinky weed"!!

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 04:06 PM
It makes me laugh when people on here defending Jotato are talking about how Trump is always lying, all while completely ignoring the constant barrage of lies from this administration. I don’t think I’ve seen one single press briefing where KJP didn’t lie. This administration makes the Trump administration look like saints. It makes one wonder about the amount of mental gymnastics it must take to self justify spewing their lies and massive amounts of BS. Critical thinking is dead with these people.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: JadedGhost

Besides, how is inflation exclusively Biden’s fault and what exactly is Trump going to do to fix it?

By closing the open border, deporting illegals and stopping billions going overseas to feed wars. Just fixing a few things that happened under Bidens incompetence will help tremendously.

Do you not grocery shop? Everyone here that does is wondering where have you been shopping the last three years?

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: pianopraze

Some dude on tik tok claimed it, so it must be true.

I'm assuming by your comment that you do not pay for your own groceries, gasoline, electricity, insurance or a house payment or a car payment or anything...

They are simple numbers, after all.

It is a part of a normal person's monthy/yearly budget.

Do you not have a personal budget because we taxpayers pay your bills?

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive
a reply to: JadedGhost

Besides, how is inflation exclusively Biden’s fault and what exactly is Trump going to do to fix it?

By closing the open border, deporting illegals and stopping billions going overseas to feed wars. Just fixing a few things that happened under Bidens incompetence will help tremendously.

Firstly, they’re not sending pallets of cash to Ukraine. They’re giving them old weapons that would have to be decommissioned eventually anyway, then making new more modernized weapons in the US to refill there own stocks.

Also, Trump had 4 years to do what you claim he’ll do with the border but didn’t. Besides, closing the border and deporting millions of undocumented workers would have the absolute opposite effect to fixing inflation costs.

edit on 6-7-2024 by JadedGhost because: (no reason given)

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