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Democrat Governors Hold Emergency Meeting With President Biden to Assess His Mental State.

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posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
President Biden is granting an interview to ABC News on Friday morning (July 5th).

For some reason, ABC News is promising to air that interview on Friday time.



Panic Rigging PR 😉 Might be old footage

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
President Biden is granting an interview to ABC News on Friday morning (July 5th).

For some reason, ABC News is promising to air that interview on Friday time.



They are taping it Friday morning to air it on Friday night?

Orange Biden is so afraid of a Stephanopoulos interview that he wants to work with a net?

Orange Biden can't stand toe to teo with one of his greatest supporters, Stephanopoulos, and we are to believe he can stand toe to toe with Xi and Putin?

Orange Biden isn't in a fight to pick up new voters; he's just trying to desperately hold onto his base and he hopes that lieing to them "again" will do the trick.

I guess the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history can't help you when your base has deserted you. Biden needs them to go back to sleep to make the optics work.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I live in a country where the President has strong symptoms of Dementia and has a son who is a drug addict who attends meetings at the White house. Hmmm. Aren't there any other Democrats that can run for president that are better than him?

H.Biden is also a gun law abuser and scofflaw!!! 😀

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

No sweatski!
Have managed to listen to 3 of RFK jr's interviews but only because the current political dumpster fire demanded it.
Was shocked RFK jr's consistently talking policy an seems to have given much thought to where parts of the Govt desperately need fixed targeting what can actually be achieved, instead of the normal feel-good to-do list of impossible pipe dreams.

Bernie Sanders interviews were equally nightmarish him being a cross between Mr.Rogers & Bob Ross. He probably had great idea's, I wouldn't know cause I kept lapsing into a coma. I tried...really!

Googled what the deal with RFK jr's voice?
It's some sort of neurological caused voice box spasming. Seriously I initially thought WOW! Dude partied hard to earn that rasp. Whoopsie!
Making fun of people with medical disabilities is shameful. I'm embarassed I went "full Richard" before bothering to check things out. Doubley so cause as a tiny tot remember the day his dad was killed.

BTW I'm totally apolitical. Not much they do or don't do is going to change the fact real life goes on.
Kennedy's speil on 1989 being the pivotal year chronic disease's shot up from 6% to 60% is actually interesting.

edit on 4-7-2024 by Caver78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: WeMustCare
President Biden is granting an interview to ABC News on Friday morning (July 5th).

For some reason, ABC News is promising to air that interview on Friday time.



Panic Rigging PR 😉 Might be old footage

ABC has been a huge supporter of Biden. But now those women on "The View" are turning against him. Maybe ABC corporate is going to air a damaging interview.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: SomeStupidName
Once again the dims double down.

The TOP of the Dim party is imploding, collapsing, and panicking.

Now York's (Get Trump!) Gov Hochul meets with Biden and is caught concocting a huge lie...

edit on 472024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 11:17 AM

Joe Biden tells the governors he just had a medical exam before they arrived. He is in excellent health!

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

Joe Biden tells the governors he just had a medical exam before they arrived. He is in excellent health!

...aaannndTHAT'S why they call him "The Big Guy"!

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

Joe Biden tells the governors he just had a medical exam before they arrived. He is in excellent health!

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: SomeStupidName
Once again the dims double down.

The TOP of the Dim party is imploding, collapsing, and panicking.

Now York's (Get Trump!) Gov Hochul meets with Biden and is caught concocting a huge lie...

New York's Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul offered unanimous support for the ailing president, 81, after the meeting - but other politicians in attendance say that she had no right to.

And another female Democrat governor - Janet Mills of Maine - pulled no punches in blasting Biden over last week's dreadful debate performance after he tried to soothe them by saying he'd been given a thumbs up from a medical checkup earlier this week.

Some (D) Governors and Locals are worried stiff about "supporting" Biden now 😀 He's radioactive with voters

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong

originally posted by: WeMustCare

Joe Biden tells the governors he just had a medical exam before they arrived. He is in excellent health!

...aaannndTHAT'S why they call him "The Big Guy"!


There are (at least) three Swing States where President Biden can't be replaced if he simply steps down..

The Heritage Foundation has identified Georgia, Wisconsin, and Nevada as states where Democrats could face legal challenges if they pursue replacing Biden.

In Wisconsin, a candidate's name can only be removed if he or she dies, and in Nevada, the deadline for replacing candidates from the ballot, which was June 28, has already passed. However, there is an exception if a candidate is deemed mentally incapacitated, possibly prompting months of legal battles.

But in Georgia, there is still time for Biden to be booted from the ballot — if his name is removed more than 60 days before the election.
More at: .html

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 04:34 PM

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


Terrorist and despots around the world now hear this; attack the USA and/or US interests after the President's 8pm bed time.

Democrats use to make a big deal about asking the American people who they want to answer the important calls at 3AM ... now they're top candidate is saying he can't work after 8pm.

Pro-Clinton super PAC nods to famous "3 a.m." ad in new anti-Trump spot

"The world is a dangerous place," a narrator says as the digital ad, provided first to CBS News, opens on a shot of the White House at 3 a.m. "At any hour, our president could be called on to act calmly, decisively, intelligently." ~ Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton 2016.


Orange Biden was funny; part time president is dangerous. Why are Democrats allowing this to happen?

edit on 4-7-2024 by Dandandat3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 07:45 PM

Democrat governors back Biden after meeting.

They're going to do it again!! hahaha

edit on 4-7-2024 by VariedcodeSole because: eta

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

After Joe Biden told the governors he had snap physical, and passed with flying colors, the (time-honored/respected) "Economist" publication went for the jugular.

Check this out:

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 09:23 PM
No matter how you slice it or dice it, this is complete panic and chaos within the democratic party!

They don't know whether to... sh!t or go blind... right now! It's complete pandemonium like never before in any presidential race.

Like AvE says..."Keep your d!ck in a vice!" LOLOLOL!! (gotta' love that crazy Canook!)


edit - I fully expect KJP to come out in full studded black leathers and a monster purple strap-on (her nightly regalia) and announce to the Press Corps..."Alright MF'ers, I'm gonna' lay it down for y'all, right now, so listen up, K? This is REAL! The old dude hasn't been in charge for a long MF'in' time! We're in charge you better get used to it! You feelin' me now, MF'ers??? We gonna' do what we want, an' you ain't gonna' do jack sh!t about it!! So THIS press conference is over! You dig???"
edit on 7/4/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
No matter how you slice it or dice it, this is complete panic and chaos within the democratic party!

They don't know whether to... sh!t or go blind... right now! It's complete pandemonium like never before in any presidential race.

Like AvE says..."Keep your d!ck in a vice!" LOLOLOL!! (gotta' love that crazy Canook!)


edit - I fully expect KJP to come out in full studded black leathers and a monster purple strap-on (her nightly regalia) and announce to the Press Corps..."Alright MF'ers, I'm gonna' lay it down for y'all, right now, so listen up, K? This is REAL! The old dude hasn't been in charge for a long MF'in' time! We're in charge you better get used to it! You feelin' me now, MF'ers??? We gonna' do what we want, an' you ain't gonna' do jack sh!t about it!! So THIS press conference is over! You dig???"

So much frustration and anger in Democrat circles as this week ends. President Joe Biden looked at Kamala Harris tonight and said, "HO HO HO!".

See it here:

What was Joe Biden thinking, I wonder?

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
No matter how you slice it or dice it, this is complete panic and chaos within the democratic party!

They don't know whether to... sh!t or go blind... right now! It's complete pandemonium like never before in any presidential race.

Like AvE says..."Keep your d!ck in a vice!" LOLOLOL!! (gotta' love that crazy Canook!)


edit - I fully expect KJP to come out in full studded black leathers and a monster purple strap-on (her nightly regalia) and announce to the Press Corps..."Alright MF'ers, I'm gonna' lay it down for y'all, right now, so listen up, K? This is REAL! The old dude hasn't been in charge for a long MF'in' time! We're in charge you better get used to it! You feelin' me now, MF'ers??? We gonna' do what we want, an' you ain't gonna' do jack sh!t about it!! So THIS press conference is over! You dig???"

So much frustration and anger in Democrat circles as this week ends. President Joe Biden looked at Kamala Harris tonight and said, "HO HO HO!".


What was Joe Biden thinking, I wonder?

Thinking? Maybe that she's a...Hoe, hoe, HOE!!

I mean...what else could he have meant????

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Joe Biden's mind works best when he is saying nasty mean things to people, or about people.

For example..

Moments before misidentifying Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as the “president of Mexico”, “I am well-meaning, and I’m an elderly man and I know what the hell I’m doing,” Biden fumed.

“My memory is fine,” Biden snapped at one reporter, telling another, “My memory is so bad, I let you speak!”
Extracted from:

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

ALL those Dem Governors Know their days are Numbered come the Next Election Cycle . Here in N.J. Gov. Murphy Needs to be Thrown Out of Office ASAP . Hopefully a Reawoke New Jersey Voters will Oblidge him .

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: KrustyKrab

ALL those Dem Governors Know their days are Numbered come the Next Election Cycle . Here in N.J. Gov. Murphy Needs to be Thrown Out of Office ASAP . Hopefully a Reawoke New Jersey Voters will Oblidge him .

Is Murphy up for re-election this year? I think he enabled a whole lot of Senior Citizen deaths from Covid-19, didn't he? Second only to Cuomo.

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